All-rounder Artist

Chapter 123 - 120: Radiance in All Directions_i

Chapter 123: Chapter 120: Radiance in All Directions_i

Translator: 549690339 |

At a barbeque restaurant in Su City.

The editors from the Fantasy Department of Silver Blue Books were having a private room dinner.

Company gatherings were common, varying in size and scale.

This time, the meal was quite grand, even 01′ Xiong, the chief editor, was present.

Mainly because of the blockbuster sales of “Zhu Xian”, the company was very satisfied with the Fantasy Department’s recent work and provided ample rewards.

The atmosphere at the meal was lively.

01′ Xiong wasn’t acting like the boss at all today. He was mixing in well with everyone, toasting and chit-chatting.

“What I can’t get is always in commotion…”

A cell phone placed on the table by YangFeng suddenly rang.

01′ Xiong, with a mouthful of lamb skewers, couldn’t help but grumble as a sign of leadership, “I told you all not to pick up calls today, right? The whole point of a gathering is to let loose. We men work our tails off every day so we should unwind every now and then!”

“Alright, alright.”

YangFeng hurriedly nodded.

Even though 01′ Xiong appeared to be very approachable that day, he, as a junior editor, definitely wouldn’t dare to defy the chief editor’s rules.

Just as he was about to hang up—

A colleague glanced at the cell phone screen: “Oh, it’s a call from Chu Kuang.”


On hearing this, 01′ Xiong, who had a mouthful of meat, nearly choked. He quickly swallowed it, cleared his throat awkwardly, “Well, not taking calls at all might also not be the best idea, right? YangFeng, you go take the call.”

Everyone: “…”

YangFeng nodded, got up, and walked to a quiet comer to answer the call.

For a moment, the atmosphere at the meal turned strange.

01′ Xiong took a sip of his drink, laughed it off, “YangFeng1 s ringtone is quite pleasant, isn’t it?”

“Yes, yes, yes!”

“It’s really nice!”

“It’s called ‘Red Roses’!”

“The singer is Sun Yaohuo!”

“This song is pretty popular lately!”

Everyone quickly engaged in the banter. Even if there was nothing to talk about, they found something. So, it seemed lively again.

After a while—

YangFeng came back.

01′ Xiong had been waiting for this, smiled: “What did Chu Kuang want at such a late hour?”

“I was just about to report.”

YangFeng asked, “Is our company planning to acquire a company called Ice River Publishing House recently?”

01′ Xiong said, “Yes, there is such a plan.”

As the chief editor, he had a clue about this matter.

YangFeng nodded, “Yes, Chu Kuang’s sister works at Ice River Publishing House. He is worried that his sister might lose her job after Ice River gets acquired by us. So he asked me if I could help. But I am just a junior editor, I don’t have the authority, so…”

01 Xiong gasped, “You refused him?”

YangFeng quickly shook his hands, “No, I said I could try to help….”

“Oh, what’s his sister’s name?”


01′ Xiong sighed in relief: “Alright, you guys continue eating. I have a call to make.”

01′ Xiong walked to the corner as well.

He placed a call to the editor-in-chief.

As a chief editor himself, he had no power in the company’s HR arrangements.

Once the call was connected, 01′ Xiong laughed, “I need to report a minor issue to you.”

The other party asked, “What minor issue?”

O’ Xiong explained the matter about Chu Kuang’s sister.

The editor-in-chief was silent for three seconds, suddenly sounded displeased, “Didn’t you just say there’s a minor issue to report?”

01’Xiong said, “Yeah.”

The editor-in-chief questioned, “Really?”

When Lu Bei asked this question, it wasn’t because Lu Bei had a problem, but because he thought 01′ Xiong did.

Three days later.

Ice River Publishing House.

Had been officially acquired by Silver Blue Books. The publishing house would be taken over by their representatives. Only ten people were not fired but instead, had to start working at Silver Blue Books’ headquarters—

Lin Xuan was among them.

However, aside from the excitement felt by the other nine regarding Silver Blue Books, she was bewildered. Why wasn’t I, who just passed the probationary period, fired by Silver Blue Books?

After knowing—

The ten people who stayed, aside from Lin Xuan, the rest were all notable figures, including a senior editor, two chief editors and six senior editors who had been working for nearly ten years and had managed a number of outstanding writers!

The other nine were also perplexed.

Lin Xuan seemed out of place standing among them. There were many editors more experienced than her that had been fired, so why was Lin Xuan on the list of ten people who could work at Silver Blue Books?

“Don’t think too much about it since you’ve been selected.”

The senior editor, Han Xiao, addressed Lin Xuan, “You being kept might be Silver Blue Books’ way of showing their regard for young editors. Despite that you’ve just passed your probation period, you haven’t had any issues in terms of performance.”

Everyone nodded.

That made sense to them.

The chief editor on the left laughed and said, “It’s mainly because our senior editor, Han, has a lot of influence in the industry. We originally thought we would have to go to Silver Blue Books ourselves, but instead, they sent a car to fetch us.”

Han Xiao nodded modestly.

He was surprised too. Ice River Publishing House was nowhere near Silver Blue Books’ league. Yet after the acquisition, Silver Blue Books was unexpectedly offering him such grand treatment.

“The car seems to be here!”

The other chief editor’s eyes lit up, “Senior Editor Han’s reputation is really big! I never thought Silver Blue Books would send such a fancy car to pick us up. I’ve researched this luxury vehicle before, it’s an extended version. Without a full ten million yuan, you couldn’t even get it!”

They sent a ten-million-yuan luxury car to pick them up?

Han Xiao was shocked, so my reputation is that influential?

Well, Silver Blue Books!

If you treat me as a gentleman, I will surely return the favour!

At this moment, several people got out of the car. The one in front was a representative of Silver Blue Books, his attitude was not arrogant at all for being a representative of a large company: “Are you all from Ice River Publishing House?”


Han Xiao took a step forward.

The representative of Silver Blue Books glanced over everyone, his gaze seemed to linger on Lin Xuan for two seconds, then he said:

“Please get in the car.”

Everyone got in the car together. Lin Xuan, still confused, followed everyone into the car, surrounded by the excited chatter of her colleagues:

“Senior Editor Han’s reputation is huge!”

“Wonder what position Senior Editor Han will be assigned to at Silver Blue Books, considering the treatment he keeps receiving, it surely won’t be a minor one!”

“Editor-in-Chief Han, please do take care of us old folks in the future.”

“What are you talking about? No matter which department we end up in, we all came from Ice River. Editor-in-Chief Han surely won’t forget us.”

“Though it’s harsh to say, getting acquired by Silver Blue Books is a blessing for us.”

“This is one of the largest publishing companies in the Qin Continent. I’ve always dreamed of working at Silver Blue Books!”

H ii

Two hours later.

The vehicle carrying the Ice River group arrived at the headquarters of Silver Blue Books.

The Ice River group was escorted to the eighth floor.

A few people met them head-on, the leader being a stern-faced man: “I am Silver Blue Books’s Editor-in-Chief, Lu Bei.”

The crowd from Ice River shrank back a bit.

Is this what an Editor-in-Chief in a big company is like? His aura so strong, ordinary people can’t handle it. Even Han Xiao couldn’t help but feel somewhat weak.

However, he also felt a sense of pride. Silver Blue really does take me seriously

– the Editor-in-Chief is personally welcoming me!

This is a big deal!

Who in the publishing industry doesn’t know about Lu Bei?

He coughed and said, “Hello, I am Han Xiao…”

Lu Bei nodded slightly at Han Xiao, then turned to the crowd, especially at a few female editors: “Can I ask which one of you is Lin Xuan?”

Han Xiao,

Shouldn’t there be a handshake segment?

Why has Lu Bei suddenly turned to Lin Xuan instead?

Lin Xuan whispered, “Hello, chief editor, it’s me.”

On Lu Bei’s stem face, a hint of a gentle smile appeared. He stretched out his hand, “Welcome to Silver Blue Books!”

“Thank you.”

Lin Xuan’s mind became increasingly muddled. Almost instinctively, she shook hands with Lu Bei.

“Which department do you want to be in?”

Lu Bei’s smile became ever warmer.

The people from Ice River, “…”

Why is Lu Bei so courteous to Lin Xuan?

Has our Editor-in-Chief Han Xiao been sidelined?

Has Lu Bei possibly mistaken Lin Xuan for our Chief Editor of Ice River?

The age doesn’t fit, though.

Just then, a mountainous figure darted out from afar, shouting from a distance: “Chief editor, let Ms. Lin Xuan join our Fantasy Department!”

Lu Bei frowned.

’01’ Xiong1 had already rushed in front of Lin Xuan, grinning: “I am the Editor- in-Chief of the Youth Fantasy Department, you can call me 01′ Xiong. Come and be our deputy editor! I’ve not liked our old deputy editor for a long time!”

“We need people in our magazine department!”

Another figure appeared, who happened to be Yu Rong of the Silver Blue magazine department.

He also rushed to Lin Xuan’s side, even pushing ’01’ Xiong aside: “Hello, I am the editor-in-chief of ‘Fun Reads’, our department would be very happy to have you join us. I think the position of deputy editor in the magazine department suits you well!”

The Ice River crowd widened their eyes. Their heads couldn’t quite keep up.

Han Xiao on the other hand, was having doubts about his life!

A luxury car pickup….

A Chief Editor’s reception….

Editors fighting for her….

Is all this not for me?

But for Lin Xuan?

What kind of legendary treatment is this?!

Could it be that Lin Xuan is the favored daughter of Silver Blue Books’ owner?

Lin Xuan didn’t know how to react. It was probably all just a dream. But even in her dreams, she dared not be too arrogant. All she could do was say, “I will abide by the company’s arrangements….”

“Well, come with me to the chief editor’s office first.”

Lu Bei glanced at ’01’ Xiong and Yu Rong, smiling: “The chief editor’s office oversees everything. I am your immediate superior. You can slowly understand the situation in each department, decide after a while, and choose a department you like. Of course, if you like the chief editor’s office, you are welcome to stay.”


The chief editor’s office, not a high position, but with enormous power. All department editors must respect it!


Lin Xuan said.

Some things you’d better not take seriously, this dream is pretty nice, a bit scary even, waking up will be okay later.


Lu Bei glanced at the others, and then laughed: “Han Xiao can be the Editor- in-Chief in our Science Fiction Department, what do you think, Mr Han Xiao?” “Thankyou, Chief Editor Lu!”

Han Xiao quickly replied, somewhat excited. He was the Editor-in-Chief at Ice River, but at Silver Blue Books he could only be the Chief Editor.

But for Han Xiao, he’d rather work as Chief Editor at Silver Blue Books!

Because working at Silver Blue versus working at Ice River is simply day and night!


Thinking of Lin Xuan’s direct entry to the Chief Editor’s office, his excitement was suddenly diluted. There was only one thought in his heart: “Lin Xuan absolutely has connections, she must be taken care of properly in the future!” This connection could be terrifying!

Nonsense, who without any connections can be pampered like a granddaughter by Silver Blue Books?

The Chief Editor personally taking on reception duties, this action is almost a declaration to the entire Silver Blue, that whoever messes with Lin Xuan is against him, Lu Bei!

Not to mention the two chief editors of Silver Blue, competing publicly for Lin Xuan. It feels like they were ready to start a fight on the spot if not for Lu Bei’s intervention!

Han Xiao even somewhat regretted not having cultivated a good relationship with Lin Xuan.

Who would have thought though? Cousins with such terrifying connections, but why did Lin Xuan join Ice River, a small company, and humble herself as a junior intern editor?

Life experience?

At this time, Lu Bei glanced at the others from Ice River, and smiled at Lin Xuan: “If you can’t bear to leave your old colleagues, you can choose one from this group to be your assistant.”

Upon hearing this everyone gasped, all eyes on Lin Xuan.

Even the two editors of Ice River were excited!

That’s Chief Editor’s office!

Being in the Chief Editor’s office means ascending the sky in one step!

What does it matter if we are assistants to Lin Xuan? Anyone with a bit of a brain would know, mingling with Lin Xuan guarantees food and drink!

LinXuan: “…”

Everyone’s reaction is too real, it seems I am not dreaming after all. But if this isn’t a dream, then what on earth is happening?

Has the world line been changed by someone?

There’s another possibility, I need to ask my mom when I get home – maybe I got switched at birth, and I might actually be the illegitimate daughter of some big shot? If that’s the case, then it’s also okay.

In the future, whether it’s my younger siblings or my mother, I won’t forget you. If I, Lin Xuan, achieve great glory, I will ensure you share in its splendour!

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