All-rounder Artist

Chapter 172 - 163 Fish Leaps into the Sea_1

Chapter 163 Fish Leaps into the Sea_1

Translator: 549690339 |

In the evening, Lin Yuan returned to his residence.

In his hand, he was holding a document, which was the request for a new single.

The requirements were elaborated on in a few thousand words, but after Lin Yuan had read through them, he found that the key points were all captured in one sentence:

“Create a song tailored to the musical style of the singer Shui Yun.”

Sounds simple enough.

But it’s a bit challenging when it comes to actually doing it.

However, this is not a problem that Lin Yuan needs to fret about.

He just habitually called upon the system, like the previous two times when he needed to tailor the musical style.

Surprisingly, the system did not immediately respond to Lin Yuan’s request this time:

“Ding Dong!”

“Due to the host’s recent frequent song customization, there is suspicion of over-reliance on the system for song creation. Therefore, the system will temporarily open its song library to the host, allowing the host to select a song from the library. The host will be responsible for the consequences.”

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment.

I have to pick the song myself?

He wasn’t angry with the system’s decision, as more involvement in anything is generally better. Moreover, he had recently learned more about composing through Yang Zhongming’s character card. Guided indirectly through the teachings of the Maestro-level character, Lin Yuan felt his understanding of music was improving.

“So you’re saying that it’s not the system making the decisions, but me?” Lin Yuan asked.

The system replied, “Yes.”

Lin Yuan started to think.

The system’s song selection always seemed to meet the target’s requirements precisely, and this was a skill as well.

Could he, without the system’s suggestions, choose a song that would suit the target’s customization requirements?

“The song library is open.”

The system suddenly gave a prompt.

Lin Yuan felt as if his brain was suddenly connected to the system’s song library, allowing him to listen to all the songs on earth. The information of these songs could appear vividly in Lin Yuan’s mind just by thinking about them.

Lin Yuan suddenly asked, “Aren’t you afraid that I’d remember some songs from the library?”

“It will be blocked afterward.” The system’s reply was impeccable.

Lin Yuan wasn’t surprised.

He didn’t immediately pick a song, nor did he reminisce about the classic earth songs. Instead, he turned on his computer on his bedroom desk, started listening to Shui Yun’s songs, and also looked up some information about her.

Shui Yun was primarily a singer.

She was also an actress.

She had publicly explained in an interview why she, as a singer, also occasionally acted:

Because she felt that the skills actors used to control their emotions were worth learning, and these skills were also very helpful for singing.

This was Shui Yun’s unique point.

She was very good at expressing sentiment in music.

Just like writing an article requires finding the right angle and a good writing style, Shui Yun was a master of this technique.

She was adept at finding the entry point of a song and, through her way of singing (comparable to a writer’s style), expressing and interpreting it accurately.

This is a skill of control.

Both in terms of voice and emotion.

Why can some powerful singers with high-pitched voices not move their audience?

When a singer loses control and the ability to grasp their voice, the expression becomes a mere venting.

Even though Shui Yun’s singing might not be top-notch among female singers, her emotional expression and unique acting skills were one of a kind.

This wasn’t just a conclusion drawn from Lin Yuan’s research but was also verified by the feedback he received while listening to Shui Yun’s songs.

The experience was fairly unusual.

Previously, the system would pick a song for Lin Yuan within a minute.

This time, the system was slacking off, and Lin Yuan had to pick the song himself, hence spending a lot of time doing preliminary research. Luckily, lately, Xue Liang had not been studying composition with Lin Yuan every day— Xue Liang had now started practical training.

So, Lin Yuan only needed to guide Xue Liang on his days off.

From Monday to Friday, the usage of the character card, Lin Yuan had applied it to himself.

After all, using the character card to teach himself only took two minutes a day, not hindering his schedule for the Kung Fu Hustle.

“Is there a time limit for song selection?”

“The host has ample time to make the selection.”

Lin Yuan understood. Since there was no time limit, he knew he didn’t have to rush the decision. It would be more prudent to listen to a few more songs before deciding.

Moreover, the order had some specific remarks, like how Shui Yun’s song this time should have some differences from her previous ones but should not completely abandon her unique singing characteristics, etc.

And another feature.

A very Qi Continent feature was that the performance of the song must be completed in Qi language!

So, Lin Yuan basically ruled out Mandarin songs.

Otherwise, Lin Yuan would have to fret about the lyrics. He was unwilling to make such a significant alteration unless the original lyrics were really bad.

“Let’s listen to some songs then.”

The song library of Earth was fully open now, and Lin Yuan wanted to seize this opportunity to immerse himself.

After taking a bath.

Lin Yuan lay in bed and ordered in his heart, “Xiao Ai, play Jay Chou.”

“My name is not Xiao Ai.”

The system corrected Lin Yuan before playing the music.

Jay Chou’s songs, of course, had nothing to do with Lin Yuan’s song selection this time.

Shui Yun was not that kind of singer.

Lin Yuan just simply wanted to listen to Jay Chou’s songs.

The system was now his personal music player, and its sound quality was far superior to that of headphones worth thousands of dollars.

The company had learned that Mr. Lin had taken a competitive task, but the employees didn’t discuss it much.

Everyone was thinking along the lines of Gu Qiangyun.

They treated this task as playing a lottery, after all, there wouldn’t be any repercussions if they failed to complete this task.

In contrast.

The fact that Xue Liang had accepted an order worth 700,000 stirred up a lot of internal discussion in the company.

This was because Xue Liang had never accepted such an expensive order before, he usually focused on smaller orders that were worth around 100,000 to 200,000.

However, after studying under Mr. Lin for some time, Xue Liang seemed somewhat inflated compared to before.

He actually dared to take on an order of 700,000?


No one thought that Xue Liang would be able to fulfil this order.

Even though Xue Liang has been learning composition from Mr. Lin and even started to be recognized as his apprentice, what does that prove?

Would Mr. Lin, like in those martial arts novels, be able to transfer his skills to Xue Liang?

That’s not how it works.

Composition is not like painting or calligraphy.

Painting and calligraphy can be improved through study, with clear improvement!

But composition highly depends on talent, simply studying won’t significantly improve skills.

So in everyone’s minds, Xue Liang was still Xue Liang, he wouldn’t become any different just because he studied with Mr. Lin.


Although Mr. Lin didn’t make Xue Liang any different, he did indeed make Starlight Music somewhat different—

Because, that night, “Hero’s Mate” officially launched.

The ancient martial arts-inspired song “Jianghu Smile”, written under the pseudonym Xian Yu, was formally released, riding on the coattails of the release of the martial-arts themed game, Dream Dragon!

A lot of players highly praised the song featured in the game!

“Full of boldness!”

“Fits the plot!”

“Very catchy!”

These were direct comments many players made after reaching the relevant levels in the game and hearing this song.

However, it’s unfortunate that the song did not explode in popularity, like “Like You” did, due to the broadcast of the television series, thereby winning some fans who were not television drama viewers.

After all, the game can’t match the popularity of a television drama.

But this didn’t prevent “Jianghu Smile” from being an extremely well-executed order, nor did it prevent clients in Qi Continent from acknowledging it to some extent after hearing this song!

Dream Dragon rated this order five stars!

Yes, clients can rate an order; this is a feature typical of Qi Continent’s culture.

Qin Continent definitely doesn’t have this feature.

In the formidable Land of Music, they don’t rely on clients to maintain the markets.

A five-star rating often represents the maximum affirmation a client has for an order.

And in the music industry of Qi Continent, what they value most is indeed the profitability of the orders!

Taking into account order prices, completeness, order acceptance rate, and public reaction, Qi Continent’s music association even specifically set up a ranking list for music production companies, which includes the top 100 music production companies in Qi Continent—

The Qi Continent industry jokingly calls this ranking “B-side ranking”.

Starlight Music, supported by the two orders with extremely high completion rates from Xian Yu, has made a historical entry into the top 100 list of B-side rankings!


The top 100.

This sounds a little awkward.

What’s even more awkward is that Starlight Music is just now at the bottom, the 100th place on the B-side rankings.

In name and in reality, they are the tail end.

But Gu Qiangyun was so excited that he couldn’t contain himself.

Because, in the past, Starlight Music didn’t even dare to glance at this list.

This ranking, it’s practically an advertisement for the B-side!

Just being on the list could bring in countless potential orders for Starlight Music.

Some clients even specifically look for collaboration companies from this list!

It was only after Mr. Lin recently joined Starlight Music and completed two super-high-quality orders, one of which included the large 3-million-order “Like You”, that Starlight Music was forced into these heights that it originally did not belong to.

The company originally ranked at the 100th place was called Flame Music.

With the rise of Starlight Music, Flame Music was squeezed off the list.

As a result, all the composers in Flame Music were upset. The company’s big group chat was filled with sour complaints.

“What the hell is Starlight Music, they even squeezed our company off the list!”

“I looked at their company’s works, it’s just a garbage company that doesn’t know what it’s doing, they were only able to squeeze us out thanks to a composer named Xian Yu!”

“Xian Yu?”

“It’s rumored that he’s a trump card from Qin Continent, Starlight Music is a branch of Starlight Entertainment in the Qin Continent, probably seeing the branch struggling, they forcefully brought in a trump card to save the situation.”

“I know of Xian Yu, he wrote ‘Big Fish’, a very powerful trump card, he does have the qualifications to save the day.”

“It’s really more than just powerful, it’s incredible, this Xian Yu has only been in the Qi Continent for a short time and has already completed two high- quality orders. The game order is nothing to talk about, after all, the money wasn’t high, just that the completion was high, so the client gave five stars. The amazing one was the second order, a big company named Thunderbolt’s order, with a whopping commission of 3 million, Xian Yu also completed it, it’s the song ‘Like You’ that was played in the coffee shop under the company building this morning, also rated five stars!”

“So, their entering the list was all thanks to Xian Yu, isn’t this just a fluke?”

“If it weren’t for Xian Yu, the level of our composers here far exceeds that of their company, but Xian Yu alone can beat all the composers in our company, where’s the fairness in this?”

However, grievances aside, who can ignore the fact that Starlight Music is backed by a parent company from Qin Continent.

After the wailing of the group.

The head of the company’s composition department suddenly spoke up in the chat, with a touch of schadenfreude, “Now the pressure should shift to those few companies that are close in ranking to Starlight Music.”

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