All-rounder Artist

Chapter 217 - 202: Tragically Turned into

Chapter 217: Chapter 202: Tragically Turned into


Translator: 549690339

In a certain sense, Han Jimei’s assumptions were not wrong.

After all, Chu Kuang, Shadow and Xian Yu were inseparable in daily life, they even shared toothbrushes!

But that’s not the main point.

The key thing is, after this phone call that night, the “King of the Net” manga received a push from the Tribe-


Basically, all Tribe users received this push notification:

“Chu Kuang’s novel “King of the Net” is being adapted into a hot manga, the style is explosively handsome!”

Everyone who has a smartphone experienced something similar.

Not looking at your phone for a long time, then suddenly opening it, you would notice all the push notifications from various apps.

Most people just glance at these notifications, if they’re not interested, they

will dismiss it.

If they are interested, they will open it.

The majority dismissed it, but there will always be some who open it.

The type sent by the Tribe is one of them.

And compared to the Tribe’s user base, even if only one percent of users follow the push link and decide to open it, it creates a shocking heat!

“They pushed it.”

“The manga is really good.”

“Only saw the opening, but was already attracted.’

“Update more!”

“Loving the art style.”

“Isn’t this “King of the Net”? I’ve read the novel, I didn’t expect the manga to be out too, and it’s a very faithful adaptation!”

“Unexpectedly, there’s such an excellent manga serialization on the Tribe.

“Jumping into this story!”

If you said that the original reader base of the “King of the Net” was mainly the fans of the novel, by this time however, the manga had managed to draw in a crowd that was entirely non-original-fan-based.

Furthermore, among the manga readers, the number of people who haven’t read the original has gradually surpassed the number of original fans.

“It’s on fire, it’s on fire, it’s on fire!”

Witnessing “King of the Net” gain more and more popularity, Luo Wei got a bit excited!

When Lin Yuan first approached her to be his manga assistant, she didn’t wish to agree and even thought it was a joke.

Even though Lin Yuan eventually beat her, causing her to fulfil her promise of becoming his manga assistant, Luo Wei was still not fully engaged—

What she wanted more was to take this opportunity to learn traditional

Chinese painting from Lin Yuan.

Because there are too many people drawing manga in Blue Star and very few

can make it big.

Competition in any industry is fierce.

In the manga industry, not only the skill of the mangaka is important, but also the story and storyboard, these are all tests for the mangaka.

The original “King of the Net” was indeed wonderful, but the main reasons for the manga’s success were the art style and storyboard…

All of these were Lin Yuan’s accomplishments!

Otherwise, with so many splendid novels, why do so many novels adapted to manga fail to create a splash?

Just like a best-seller novel being adapted into a drama, but the drama won’t necessarily be successful.

Because the TV drama depends on the director and the scriptwriter’s skills. Such secondary creative work, presenting the work in different forms, indeed tests the creative ability of the secondary creators.

Therefore, it was Chu Kuang who achieved “King of the Net” in novel format without question.

However, the one who achieved the manga adaptation of “King of the Net could only be Lin Yuan, who created it under the pseudonym of “Shadow”. And Luo Wei…

She was fortunate to participate in the “King of the Net” manga due to a bet, so of course she had reason to be excited!

After all, she initially thought that she would be following Lin Yuan to create failed mangas for a few years, and she didn’t hold any hope for Lin Yuan s manga to be popular…

But then, it really did become popular.

This was a whole other story.

With the manga being a huge success, Luo Wei, as the main assistant to this manga, also had some merit.

This would greatly benefit her future development in the art world.

Not to mention the chance to learn traditional Chinese painting from Lin


Just the mere fact that she could collaborate with Lin Yuan to create a hot manga like “King of The Net”, was already enough. Even if she was just an assistant!

If she knew earlier that the manga Lin Yuan created was going to be popular, Luo Wei would seriously consider being Lin Yuan’s assistant even without any other conditions.

This brings us to Luo Wei’s career planning.

As an art student, Luo Wei will inevitably engage in the painting industry in the future.

Although she loves traditional Chinese painting most, Luo Wei doesn’t want to limit herself to it.

Like many other students who study painting.

She’s also interested in manga.

Otherwise, she would not have previously accepted online orders to draw some manga characters, and she is also a big fan of fan art in her private time.

Her ideal future is to shine in the field of manga and also achieve certain success in the field of traditional Chinese painting.

Such a career path is bound to be challenging.

Trying to draw every type may result in not being the best in any of them.

But now,

Having the experience of being an assistant to the “King of the Net”, her future development in the manga field at least has a clear guideline to follow.

As for traditional Chinese painting, Lin Yuan also promised to teach her in the future.

Thinking about Lin Yuan’s master-level “Six Shrimps”, Luo Wei was very much looking forward to Lin Yuan teaching her traditional Chinese painting.

Speaking of which, Luo Wei suddenly realized that Lin Yuan’s current state was her goal to strive for!

He can flex his muscles in the manga circle and is also a hidden master of traditional Chinese painting…

Suddenly, Luo Wei respected Lin Yuan even more!

What Luo Wei admired most was that after the manga “King of the Net” became popular, she was the only one who got excited, while Lin Yuan remained calm.

Luo Wei was not even sure if Lin Yuan did not care about if the manga was popular, or if he knew ahead that it would be popular.

In any case, Lin Yuan was very calm, not behaving like someone whose manga just became popular.

He just went into the studio as usual, calling Luo Wei to continue drawing the manga.


In front of Lin Yuan, Luo Wei acted obediently.

As for Lin Yuan, when he began to draw, he started pondering a matter. Today, when he logged onto the “Shadow” account, as expected, he received many private messages.

Among them, there was one private message from an animation company. They wanted to buy the animation rights of “King of the Net”!

Moreover, they not only contacted Shadow but also contacted Chu Kuang s account.

Obviously, the copyrights were with Chu Kuang, but they also wanted the manga characters of “King of the Net”…

Both pseudonyms belonged to Lin Yuan, so he held the complete copyright. What he was considering was whether to sell the animation rights of “King of the Net”.

Making money is one thing.

Lin Yuan’s worry was mainly whether the other party had the ability to make a good animation of “Prince of Tennis”.

So, he didn’t make a decision at once.

He planned to investigate the production capabilities of this company back and forth, and if the capabilities weren’t up to par, it would have to be a refusal.

He didn’t want to see the disaster of “King of the Net” being animated.

There were cases of original works being ruined too many times in these years. What if the other party pulls an Aura Equus Domitor kind of hand?

Lin Yuan has to take responsibility for these works.

Just like a singer performing, he can’t help but participate in the recording, similarly “King of the Net” must find a reliable company to make the animation.

ps: The last chapter was censored by the system due to a few words (I thought I didn’t cross any lines though) but it’s not a big problem. I got a bit sleepy while writing this chapter, I’ll go take a nap and then continue writing..

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