All Stat Slayer

Chapter 27: (1): Season 1 – Preparation

Just as the game was being updated, the normal mode was gaining momentum, and something else emerged. It was the “Item Shop.” It wasn’t like going to a shop in an actual game. Slayers could designate three spots where the item shop would appear, and within those spots, they could activate the item shop.

The peculiar thing was that money was not required to buy items. What was needed was experience points. You had to exchange experience points for items. Of course, there were limitations. You could only use the experience points equivalent to level 1.

For example, let’s assume that it takes 100 experience points to level up from level 1 to level 2. The Slayer could use only those 100 experience points. Suppose a Slayer is at level 10, and it takes 1000 experience points to level up from 10 to 11. In that case, the Slayer could use only 1000 experience points.

In other words, the higher the level of the user, the better items they could purchase. Interestingly, the acquired items could be sold back to the item shop, but they were converted back into experience points. Of course, the selling price was much lower.

But here’s something worth noting. If someone had a lot of money, they could buy many items and accumulate experience points. If there were an unimaginably wealthy individual who bought a massive amount of items and sold them back to the item shop, they could level up at an astonishing speed. However, no Slayer who put that into practice had emerged yet.

Hyun-seok raised an eyebrow.

‘Am I also restricted from the item shop? The notification didn’t mention anything like that…’

However, Hyun-seok’s item shop did not activate. Even though he was forcefully converted, he was still a normal mode Slayer, but the item shop did not open for him. It was a bit disappointing.

‘Well, I guess it’s something exclusive to the Normal Mode…’

Ever since normal mode became nothing more than a mere façade, it was unclear when normal mode actually meant “normal” anymore. Nevertheless, Hyun-seok possessed stats that didn’t fit within the current standards of normal mode. Every stat exceeded a staggering 200, and his class was ridiculously named the “All-Stat Slayer.” Even his rank remained undisclosed, marked by a question mark. Hyun-seok was the embodiment of such remarkable specifications.

Thus, he believed that items obtained in normal mode were of little use to him. Just as a person with a supercomputer’s intelligence would find no need for a calculator.

‘However, it’s somewhat disappointing.’

Apart from that, he felt a slight pang of regret. After all, it was better to be able to use the item shop than not being able to use it.

It was a Saturday.

Hyun-seok lay on the sofa, leisurely passing time as if he were an unemployed vagabond. Min-seo had some work to attend to today, so she wouldn’t be coming over. Thanks to that, Hyunseok had plenty of free time.

‘I need a dungeon to appear so that I can receive the Achievement System rewards…’

The Twin-headed Troll was the boss monster of Mount Bukhansan. Being the first to slay the boss monster granted him an easy achievement, resulting in a +3 bonus to his stats. Of course, he only received 10,000 points due to the penalty. Judging by the overall level of slayers, the Twin-headed Troll didn’t seem to be a particularly strong individual

‘I can’t believe I’m worrying about such things.’

With a stable secondary income from his steady paycheck job, there was no pressing need for him to immerse himself in the world of slayers. Yet, he found himself being drawn into it time and time again, which made Hyun-seok smirk. Perhaps he was bored and contemplating going for some slaying.

Just then, he heard a notification sound.

[The item shop has been activated.]

[In ‘Easy Mode,’ the achievement ‘Completing 10 Impossible Achievements’ has been confirmed.]

[Spot restrictions have been removed.]

[The title of ‘Pioneer of the Impossible ‘ has been confirmed.]

[A title of +1 rank beyond the regular titles has been confirmed.]

[A title of +2 rank beyond the regular titles has been confirmed.]

[Special-grade Slayer approval request in progress.]

The sound of notifications echoed loudly. And then…

[Special Grade Slayer Approval Denied]

[Rank Upgrading in Progress]

[Top-tier Slayer Approval Requested]

Time passed once again.

[Top-tier Slayer Approval Complete]

[Exclusive Item Shop for Top-tier Slayers Opening]

Hyun-seok’s item shop was also activated. Hyun-seok was dumbfounded.

‘There’s an exclusive rank even in the item shop?’

It was called the top-tier Slayer. The system seemed to recognize it as such. With a trembling heart, Hyun-seok activated the item shop. However, there were restrictions.

[To activate the item shop, you need achievement points of a difficult achievement higher than your current rank.]

Hyun-seok frowned.

‘Why do I need achievement points to open an item shop?’

In Easy Mode, he had achieved ten impossible achievements, not to mention other achievements. And when he opened the shop, those points were deducted. So, to open the shop, he had to accumulate many achievements, and luckily, it wasn’t something very difficult or extremely challenging. It was just the difficult achievement points.


He immersed himself in his thoughts.

‘If opening it is this much of a challenge… the items inside must be even more expensive.’

In most cases, the entrance fee is not higher than the value of the items sold. Typically, the items sold are more expensive than the entrance fee.

‘Difficult achievements, huh?’

He had killed the boss monster in Bukhansan, the Twin-Headed Troll, and it was recognized as an easy achievement. Considering that the Twin-Headed Orc, which was weaker before, was recognized as a “difficult achievement,” it seemed that the level of the current Slayers had significantly increased.

‘Where can I find achievement opportunities?’

First of all, achieving an achievement itself was never an easy task. Calling it an “easy achievement” means it’s relatively easier among the difficult ones. So, when it comes to “impossible,” it goes without saying, and when it comes to “difficult achievements,” it means it’s almost impossible for ordinary Slayers.

Unable to resist his curiosity, Hyun-seok opened the item shop. And he almost cursed.

“What’s this?”

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