All the people turned into beasts: I started as a Tyrannosaurus Rex

Chapter 9 Killing the grown-up body

The strong legs suddenly exerted force, and then were transmitted to the huge head.

Open your mouth and bite.

The brown bear rolled directly to the rear.


With one bite, a piece of the ground was chewed up.

"Boss, come on!"

"Boss, if you take this dinosaur, this city will be ours!"

The animals on the brown bear side have already started cheering.

The monkey in the T-shirt didn't dare to make any big moves at this time.

One is an ancient species and the other is a growth form.

Several people on our side were killed by the flying dog just now.

The strongest fighting force, the big buffalo, had also been slapped to death by a bear's paw.

The brown bear stood up, "Have you all seen King Kong?"


"Do you know how the dinosaur that fought King Kong died?"

"Open his mouth and break his jaw!"

"Hahaha! Then I will show you the real version!"


Chen Chu was really annoyed, so he quickly pounced on him and opened his mouth to bite.

As an apex predator, this brown bear cannot compare in terms of speed.

The brown bear actually came to recreate the scene.

A pair of bear paws supported Chen Chu's mouth.

"Ho ho ho!"

Scream with your mouth and use your palms hard.

Chen Chu's eyes were full of teasing at this time.

Want to learn how King Kong fights dinosaurs? Unfortunately, you are just a brown bear.



Blood splattered and the brown bear cried out in pain.

A pair of bear paws had actually been bitten off.

Chen Chu chewed it with a bang. When I was a human being, I never had the opportunity to eat this precious bear's paw.

Today, I finally got it, with Q bombs and Q bombs.

"How is that possible! I am a grown-up body! The power of my bear paw is six tons! You are just a juvenile body! Ah..."

"I am a juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex! My bite force is eight tons!"

At this moment, the brown bear finally understood what the gap between species is.

They are dinosaurs, an ancient species!

Even if it is a juvenile form, it is not something that ordinary species like me can deal with!

Two bear paws were missing, so he stood up and ran with his legs.

It's very funny.

"You guys hold on first."

Chen Chu squatted down and then jumped suddenly.


The body weighing more than six tons jumped up and then fell.

A paw directly trampled the brown bear to the ground.

The brown bear's feces and urine spurted out instantly.

"Spare your life! Spare your life!"

"I said before, if you mess with me, the consequences will be serious!"

A claw slowly penetrated into the brown bear's body.

With one pull, the brown bear's skin and flesh were already torn apart.

"Today, I also eat bear bile."


In the brown bear's scream, his courage was eaten away.

After that, the energy was like a gossamer, and death was not far away.

The animal following the brown bear fled directly and quickly.

The monkey in the T-shirt cheered.

"Friend! From now on, please protect us. We will search for food for you every day!"


Chen Chu stepped on it hard, causing the brown bear's body to explode.

"No time!"

After killing the brown bear, the evolution value turned out to be 114/1000.

This is really surprising!

Killing a plopped animal only gives 1 evolution point, but killing a grown animal actually gives 100 evolution points!

This is just like fighting monsters and upgrading in the game. Different monsters will have different experience points.

My stomach is full and it’s time to set off.

The monkey in the T-shirt ran over, with two monkeys behind him carrying two bags.

"Friends, this is food."

"I'm full."

Step up your legs and start running at a speed of twenty kilometers per hour.

The monkey actually gave him the food in the end.

It’s clear that he doesn’t give up and has ideas.

Soon, the first round of suppression of the remaining humans will begin, and animals like these that occupy urban areas are the main targets.

Before evolution, facing thermal weapons of mass destruction was a dead end.

After another night of running around, Chen Chu was very tired.

Running at full speed cannot be maintained forever.

At this moment, we are less than 40 kilometers away from our hometown, Changfeng County.

It was getting light.

Chen Chu was nesting in a forest, and then he saw a motorcade appearing on the road!

There are several tanks behind the convoy!

My heart sank, the first round of human suppression was already on the way!

Damn it, why did it happen at this time?

Hidden still, hoping that this group of people would leave immediately.

However, the other party stopped unexpectedly after driving for a few minutes!

"Sir, why did you stop?"

"Rest in place for five minutes and fill your stomach." A man with a star on his shoulder ordered, and then lit a cigarette.

A man brought a can of vegetables.

"What the hell, why do you want people to turn into animals? If you want to be human, you have to be a vegetarian!"

"Hey, that's right. It doesn't feel good without the taste of meat. By the way, sir, why did you stop?"

"I just received news that a very threatening dinosaur appeared here."

"Dinosaurs! Who the hell can eat dinosaur meat?"

The commander smiled and said, "It must be a fossil! Ancient animals have appeared in several places. Yesterday, a pterosaur in the southeast area destroyed a fighter plane."

"This is truly a disaster for our species."

"Eat quickly! Search later! People can evolve after turning into animals! This extremely threatening ancient animal must be strangled in the cradle before it evolves."

Chen Chu hid in the woods for five minutes.

Five minutes later, a team of heavily armed men began searching.

"We can't stay here anymore! It seems we can only take a detour."

Get up and run in the opposite direction.


The body is so huge that it is impossible to be silent.

The surrounding trees rustled.

The other party discovered it immediately.

"I'll go! There are really dinosaurs!"

"kill him!"


The machine gun began to scan wildly, and wood chips flew into the ground.

Chen Chu started running quickly.

A tank, the barrel had turned, and then there was a flash of fire.


A cannonball exploded directly next to him.


Chen Chu cursed in his heart and continued running in an S shape.

"Sir, the dinosaur has escaped! The terrain ahead is difficult for tanks to pass."

"I understand. Wait for me to report, and then go to Changfeng County to meet with another pair of horses."

After escaping the threat, Chen Chu found a safe place to rest.

Running for a long time consumes a lot of physical energy.

In the evening, we started on our way.

At three o'clock in the morning, we finally arrived in Changfeng County.

After all, it is a small county town, not a big city like that, and there are not many damaged places.

However, what surprised him was that the team that was chasing him in the morning was also there! Moreover, more people gathered!

Damn it!

It was a pity that I didn't find my sister in my last life.

Unexpectedly, one of the strongholds of the first round of suppression turned out to be this small county town!

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