Almighty singer assistant system

Chapter 101 Chapter 101

Chapter 101 Chapter [-] Experience Difficulty ([-])
"Commander Wei, the battle will start tomorrow, how do you say we should deal with the enemy?"

Wei Cheng opened his eyes and found that he was wearing a military uniform.

But at this moment, he was in a military tent, surrounded by soldiers and cavalry, obviously not the computer he faced before he traveled to "Ode to the Millennium Recipe".

He raised his head in doubt, but when he saw the person on the throne who was questioning him, his pupils shrank slightly.

", it's Sun Quan!"

Different from Luo Tianyi Daxiang, who is cute and cute, Sun Quan in front of him is wearing a yellow robe and a crown, with a cold red light in his emerald green eyes. With a cold light, it seems that he is already a king who leads the people.

Seeing this familiar decoration and the huge military flag with the word "Wu" inlaid in gold, Wei Cheng immediately reacted.

Military horses, iron cavalry, a monarch who looks suspiciously like Luo Tianyi... This is the world of "Quan Yu Tian Yi"!
"Commander Wei!"

When Wei Cheng was observing the surrounding environment, he heard a soft shout, but turned his head away but almost didn't laugh.

Ah Ling? No, it should be called Zhou Yu in this world. Although he is also wearing a handsome military uniform, Wei Cheng still recognized the navy commander when he saw the familiar dull hair and brown hair. identity.

As for seems to be an unnamed commander who is being questioned by Sun Quan!
After thinking about it for a while, Wei Cheng made a salute and reported a few words to the gray-haired and green-eyed Sun Quan. Of course, he came in accordance with the etiquette of a monarch and a minister.

While reporting, Wei Cheng was also thinking about what his purpose was when he traveled to the world of "Quan Yu Tian Xia"? Could it be that he followed Sun Quan to fight for hegemony in the south of the Yangtze River?
After the tide ebbed, Wei Cheng understood the position of the present era after seeing the word "Chang Shi Luan" in the records.

The song "Quan Yu Tian Xia" is positioned at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period. The whole song is generally about the story of Sun Quan in the Eastern Wu Dynasty, and it is a song that burns blood.In this song, Luo Tianyi plays Sun Quan, Le Zhengling plays Zhou Yu, Yan He plays Zhang Zhao, Le Zheng Longya plays Lu Su and so on.

And my name "Wei Commander" should have been forcibly fabricated, and I must complete certain tasks before I can get out of this song world.

"Is this a double time-travel? I time-travel into this world and then into another song world?"

Wei Cheng shook his head, feeling like he was about to be confused!
However, since we have come to this world, we must have to do some things, right? For example... to protect Sun Quan?
"Alright, in the last song, I helped Tianyi complete the tour of the recipe song, so in "Quan Yu Tian Xia", what needs to be done should be to let the world develop according to the intention in the song."

After Wei Cheng finished thinking, he put on his military uniform, and looked at the desolate soul lock in his hand silently.

Ever since he began to experience hardships, the blood-red chains appeared on his right hand as if they had taken root. Although Wei Cheng could also choose to hide the desolate soul lock, he couldn't make it disappear.

"Forget it, with the blessing of the Desolate Soul Lock, my combat power will also increase greatly, so I won't take it off."

Wei Cheng didn't care about the abnormality of the Desolate Soul Lock anymore, but turned it into a long spear and walked into the battlefield where the battle was about to start.

During the Three Kingdoms period, wars continued.

Since the decline of the Han Dynasty, there has been endless smoke and fire. The hero Cao Cao has risen from the north, Wu Guo came from the south of the Yangtze River, and the west is run by Liu Huangshu.

Originally, Cao Cao was powerful, but after the First World War in Chibi, Wei State retreated to the north, forming a three-thirds world trend with Eastern Wu and Western Shu.

"Commander Wei, Cao Cao's country title means to be named Great Wei, but your surname is Wei? Hahaha... I don't even know what to say!"

Zhou Yu, who looked like Le Zhengling, patted Wei Cheng on the shoulder vigorously, and drank wine with him.

And Wei Cheng just smiled lightly, drank the contents of the cup, and said to Zhou Yu jokingly:
"I'm talking about the governor! I don't care if Cao thief plans to name it "Wei" or Han. No matter what, isn't he a traitor to us Dawu? Since he is a traitor, what should I be afraid of? ?”

"Hehe, that's right. If it wasn't for your rescue, I might have been pissed off by Zhuge Liang. It was also because of your rescue that Zhongmou was able to gain a foothold in the south of the Yangtze River and fight Cao thief together!"

Wei Cheng didn't continue to answer the conversation, but just drank quietly and thought about his own affairs.

Just like what Zhou Yu played by Ah Ling said, it has been several years since he came into this world.

During this period of time, Wei Cheng participated in large and small battles, and experienced no less than a hundred fights. From a small commander at the beginning, he was promoted to the high position of deputy governor. If it was not for his own request, he might have become a A great governor on the same level as Zhou Yu.

He has experienced countless battles and has accumulated a whole body of blood. The originally unstable blood has also stabilized in actual battles again and again. It can be said that the current Wei Cheng has completely adapted to the strength of going through hardships.

Of course, Wei Cheng was not idle during this time.

In those battles, he saved Zhou Yu's life several times, and even saved the governor who looked like Le Zhengling from sudden death. He even helped Sun Quan at the cost of guarding the gate during an enemy siege. Escape from pursuit.

But there was one thing that made him quite speechless, that is, he discovered that... the Zhou Yu of this world is a woman!
When Zhou Yu was rescued with modern medicine, he found that Zhou Yu seemed to be different from a man in some ways (?), but he was almost chased to the ends of the earth by the governor that day...

In view of this, Wei Cheng seriously doubts that Sun Quan, who usually wears a crown and looks similar to Tianyi, is also a woman, right?
"You don't have to worry. Zhongmou and I are not so narrow-minded. No matter what you believe, you are from our country of Wu! You have saved the lives of Zhongmou and me, and you will definitely not be spies!"

When Wei Cheng was in a daze, Zhou Yu patted him on the shoulder, showing his trust in him.

"But I don't think your breasts are that big..."

"What did you just say (nuclear smile)?"

"...No, I didn't say anything, thank you Gongjin for your trust."

When Wei Cheng was about to take another sip of wine, he felt the ground shaking suddenly, and the whole barracks seemed to be a little unstable.

"Enemy attack!"

Countless people rushed out of the barracks, only to find that their barracks were unknowingly surrounded by large armies, with enemies on all sides, forming a trapped dragon situation.

"This..." Even Zhou Yu, who followed Wei Cheng, frowned a little. Although his face was a little pale, he showed the aura of a great governor in an instant.

"What are you panicking! Form an formation and prepare to defend against the enemy! If you don't want to die, pick up your weapon!"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Sun Zhongmou who came out of Wang's tent with concerned eyes, and gritted her teeth:
"Damn it! Is it aimed at Zhongmou?"

War is imminent.


"What did you say?" Sun Quan, who looked like Luo Tianyi, looked at Wei Cheng with unbelievable eyes at the moment, and said sharply:
"You said you were going to impersonate me and make me flee the camp? Do you know what that means?"

"Of course I know."

Wei Cheng's voice was calm.At this moment, his appearance has become similar to that of Luo Tianyi, with gray hair, blue pupils and the same military uniform, if you don't look at the height, they are the same person.

"Do you think I'm the kind of monarch who abandons his subordinates and escapes alone?"

"Of course not. But you still have the people of Jiangdong and the governor, you are not alone!"

Wei Cheng raised his head, looked at the domineering green eyes, and said calmly:
"With my strength, I can help you and the governor escape."

"Commander Wei..."

"Needless to say, I've made up my mind."

Wei Cheng pushed Luo Tianyi into the carriage with a semi-forced attitude, helped her put on the helmet, and then revealed his face that looked like Luo Tianyi, turning into a scythe, and walked to the battlefield.

So, on that day, a general who looked like Sun Quan smashed through the defense of thousands of troops with his own power, pierced through the enemy's army, and finally disappeared.

Not long after this, news spread that Sun Quan had returned to Soochow.

Wei Cheng himself, after confirming that Sun Quan had left the siege, suddenly saw Luo Tianyi's projection, and then disappeared from the army, leaving the world codenamed "Quan Yu Tian Xia".

The moment he left this world, he seemed to hear such a sigh in his ear:
"Time flies, thousands of years have passed, and those who succeed are all paid for laughing."

(End of this chapter)

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