Alpha Strike: [An interstellar Weapon Platform’s Guide to being a Dungeon Core] (Book 2 title)

Military Service Records: [ALPHA-555-12-4412] (Page 2)


Welcome back to the Second episode of "Stupid things Alpha d*cough*" I mean, Alpha's Military Service Records!

These won't be as frequent as they are this first week, maybe once a month or so. Think of these first few as more of catching up to the old Novel.

That being said, plenty of new Entries remain here, so Enjoy!

Minor Note: Apparently I posted an OLD version of Chapter 5, this morning. There’s been no major changes, it was mostly just grammar and formatting issues, but it should be updated to the fully edited version now. 

That being said, If you noticed any issues with it or any other chapter, feel free to say something! Grammarly doesn’t catch EVERYTHING, and I know its an issue I struggle with, so the more eyes watching out of things, the better. 

Thanks to all my Loyal Readers out there who have decided to support the Novel and allow me to continue to bring you all new Chapters on a regular basis! 

Thank You! You’re the real Heroes of this story! (Don’t tell Alpha I said that, He’ll fire me). 

[Note - Pathfinders are currently capped at +4 chaps while I work out some technical issues. I’ve made progress towards figuring out what the heck is causing it, and they should have their extra chapters soon] 


Adventurers [+2 Chapters]: [No one! QAQ]

Veterans [+4 Chapters]: Midnight Harbinger, justin wade 

Pathfinders [+4 +6 Chapters]: Varo, Andrew




Name: ALPHA-555-12-4412 

Special Designation: Special Extraterrestrial Annexation Unit (SEAU)-01; "Star Conquer" 

Species of Birth: Self-Actualizing Digital Lifeform (Sub-Designation: Sapient Artificial Intelligence) 

Date of Birth: Feb 29, 6232 SFY-Third Era 

Place of Birth: Orion Sector, Mintaka System, Third Orbital Military Observation Station, RR-4345-21

Department: Federation Expeditionary Forces - Vanguard

Rank: Lieutenant Colonel

  • 3003rd Federation Vanguard Battalion [First Contact]. - Commander
  • 201st Federation Special Operations [Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigade] - Second-in-Command under General [REDACTED].

Place of Service:


Deployment Location - 109 Piscium B

Length of Service - 9 months, 6 days.

Notes - ..... Surprisingly calm. I'm impressed with the result of this expedition. 4 major Rocky planets with high levels of precious resources. 2 Sapient Species have been recorded and indoctrinated into the Federation with few to no Civilian Casualties.

Initial scans of the 2 uninhabited planets show a remarkable concentration of Exotics. The Brains suspect this might have been an old First-Era battlefield, but until the excavation is done, it can't be said for sure.

Keep up the good work, Soldier.


Deployment Location - Canopus

Length of Service - 4 Days

Notes - [Attached Mission Report] - Your Mission, should you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate the sinister Canopuian homeworld. Blend in, through whatever means you deem fit, record any suspicious activities and take samples when needed. But keep in mind that this mission is top secret, do not let yourself be exposed, or the consequences could be devastating for all parties involved. Time is not a factor, only results. Get out there, Soldier, and do us proud!

Admin Addendum - NO Alpha, you CANNOT write off a trip to the Canopuian resort world as a Deployment expense! One more of these, and I swear, I'll have Si'dia watch you like a toddler while you write your mission reports!


Deployment Location - Epsilon Reticuli

Length of Service - 3 Days


Spatial distortions caused by its detonation have obliterated Epsilon Reticuli B and sent Epsilon Reticuli A into a Critical state that threatens to wipe out the entire system. Evacuation of the established forward observation posts has already been ordered as of the posting of this note.

All Translight travel within 100 Parsecs will be immediately suspended, and operations at the edge, closely monitored for deviations. We still don't know the full long-term ramifications of this disaster, but estimates are nearly two decades of delays in the general area.

Admin Note: Command is NOT happy, Alpha. You better have a good excuse.

Addendum: The Brains say IF (and that's a big if) Epsilon Reticuli A manages to stabilize, but the system still won't be safe for harvesting for at least 200 standard years.


Deployment Location - HD 117618

Length of Service - 6 months, 3 days.

Notes - Discovered to be a Centennial breeding ground of Celesti cetacea mysticeti. Celesti excretions are a vital part of Translight technology, and their dwindling numbers, both through intrusion into their territory, including breeding grounds, and over-hunting by external Powers, has become a matter of grave concern as of late. Conservation efforts are underway to redirect traffic away from this system.

This particular breeding ground is considered one of exceptional importance and an essential Federal Resource, as several pods, each numbering in the tens of thousands of members, use this system as their breeding grounds. It is the Third Galactic Federation's stance that it remains natural and undisturbed. Exotic extraction is to remain as unobtrusive as possible.

Admin Note: THAT MEANS YOU, ALPHA! I Don't care how "disgusting" you find biological processes. If I catch you near another Whale corpse with explosives again, I swear to all that's holy, you'll be on excretion extraction duty for the next DECADE!


Deployment Location - Iota Draconis

Length of Service - 2 weeks.


Admin Note: ….. I'm not sure why I'm even surprised anymore…


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