Alpha Strike: [An interstellar Weapon Platform’s Guide to being a Dungeon Core] (Book 2 title)

Patreon Q&A!

Its Q&A Time!

As I mentioned on Monday, this week was our first ever Q&A!


As part of the Reader engagement, I've decided to post those Questions and Answers on the free sites as well!

Not many took advantage, but we got some interesting ones even still!

Take a look below and feel free to ask your own questions!

If its a fun enough question, I might even add it to the post on all the Sites!

Just be aware of some rules

1). You can ask anything you want, but I'll answer what I want too. Questions I feel might be to much of a spoiler, or I don't have a answer for yet, I'll say so. Or at maybe give a hint for you to chew on.

2). Wait at least until 2 other people have asked a question, Or 12 Hours have passed, before asking a second question of your OWN. This is just to try and give everyone a chance to ask something. Depending on how many people actually interact, I'll adapt this. I.E. if only 2-3 people are asking question, we'll get rid of it. But if 30 people start asking questions all at once, I'll bump it up to 6 other people or 24 hours, etc etc. 

3). Be respectful of other readers. Just because a plot aspect or detail was clear to you, it might not have been for someone else. Even "I" forget things I've written before.

4). This free portion of the Q&A will only be open till the end of the Weekend, so once the new chapter is out on Monday, consider it officially "closed".

1) - Dragon98765 on Patreon asked;
Q: Will we see more Anatidae in the Future? I think Alpha would also like to know that.
A: Alpha is quite the quack. Who knows what kind of horrors will waddle its way into our hearts (and brains).
2) - Thomas Dey on Patreon asked;
Q: Will Alpha ever start personally cultivating or will it be more like his crystal rails where he just takes advantage of the environment to keep pace?
A: When your instruction guide is faulty, always have a plan B!
3) - MrAcerulez on Patreon asked;
Q: What ever happened the the lunar gods trying to break into Alpha’s safe?
A: They're still trying! We'll take peeks back there every so often, but its not a major plot point again until after Alpha gets back off world.
4) - Signal on Patreon asked;
Q: Will you have a chapter dedicated to explaining some of the extraterrestrial energies and physics?
A: Yup! Though I'm trying to stay away from MAJOR Info-dumps like that last novel. Tomorrow's Chapter (for you free readers, this is referring to chapter 46!) , which is mostly a discussion between characters about a small part of the Cultivation system, is more how I want to do things this time.

I.E. more natural discussions or discoveries over longer periods of time where the Readers are pieces things together along with the characters.

The Description Translight at the start of the novel is about as "Infodumpy" as it'll get, and honestly, I might even change that up for the Published version. Maybe turn it into a Bonus Chapter "Introduction Video" Snippet.


5) - Snak on Patreon asked;
Q: This been burning in me since the start of their mis-adventures, but I can't help but ask, even if I might not get an answer/can't be answered, Our friendly neighborhood cargo drone is on the wayward path towards becoming a sapient AI, aren't they? I can only imagine Alpha' reaction should that be the case, doubly so if they aren't cooperative and instead side with the locals somehow, some way

besides that cheers on the novel so far! been enjoying the read and ride, can't wait to see where things go, and the face of space chicken should alpha and them ever cross paths again.

A: GRIM is an odd case that doesn't quite fit into the standard model. She's definitely not NOT Sapient, but she's not quite there yet either, as of the last GRIM Adventures.
As for how and why, I'll leave that to your speculations for now XD.


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