Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 105: Day Of Unified Disguise

Four months had passed since the martial arts tournament.

During that time, there were no attacks on Althea or Lily, the worries were unfounded, and life continued peacefully.

The only noticeable change was the sudden surge in activity within the female students' fan clubs.

Originally, there was Kaera's fan club, and also fan clubs for Siegfried and Yugg. Naturally, there was also a fan club for Regalus. However, after Althea's impressive performance at the martial arts tournament, Regalus' fan club quietly transformed into the "Monclair Fan Club," dedicated to honoring the siblings Regalus and Althea.

Amidst all this, the halls of the general studies section today resounded with the high-pitched voices of female students.

"Kyaa, Lady Kaera, you look fabulous~."

"I never expected Lady Althea to dress as a man..."

"She looks truly amazing~."

Today was a special day exclusively for the general studies section, known as the "Day of Unified Disguise."

Each student was required to attend classes in their chosen disguise instead of their uniform, making it a semi-mandatory cosplay day.

As for why such an event existed...

It was said that long ago, evil spirits had spread throughout the academy. These spirits strangely favored wizards and disliked knights. However, since only magic could defeat these evil spirits, a wizard dressed as a knight had fought and successfully vanquished them. Over time, this event evolved into a simple enjoyment for students and teachers alike, serving as a break from their usual routines. Furthermore, this occasion allowed both male and female students to adopt unfamiliar appearances, fostering romantic connections among them.

Therefore, despite being a break from the norm, many students skilled in sewing meticulously prepared their own costumes, while those less adept ordered custom-made outfits. All costumes had to be submitted to the academy temporarily for magical and physical checks before being returned to their owners. Of course, wearing a costume that hadn't passed inspection meant being turned away at the entrance, unable to attend classes.

Moreover, skipping classes on this day resulted in a deduction of academic credits, leaving no option but to participate.

This year, Althea's attire resembled the knight's garb of RGC.

In previous years, she had only been able to wear costumes prepared by her brother Regalus. While they were enjoyable ethnic attires from other countries, she had pleaded with her brother to let her wear her favorite costume in her final year, and she had won.

By the way, Laila was dressed in a uniform resembling that of the Ministry of Magic.

As Althea left her dorm and arrived at the academy's entrance, she coincidentally met Kaera, who was also dressed as a RGC knight.

"Good day, Lady Kaera. Are you also a RGC knight? It suits you very well," Althea greeted with a smile, causing Kaera to momentarily freeze before returning the greeting.

"Good day, Lady Althea. And thank you. You look wonderful too. Although... personally, I had hoped to serve as Lady Althea's escort knight as usual. I had reserved the RGC knight attire for your final year, never expecting to become your 'colleague' instead..." Kaera chuckled awkwardly.

"Is that so? ... I'm sorry about that. But... if not me, then how about the princess over there? Let's go ask Alicia and Julia if they would like us to escort them together? Alicia! Julia!"

Althea called out to Alicia Cuffs and Julia, who were on their way to class and engaged in conversation. The two simultaneously turned around, their eyes widening in surprise.

As Althea and Kaera approached them and knelt down, saying, "Would you allow us to accompany you as your knights for today?" the surrounding area erupted into a chorus of ecstatic cheers.

Ignoring the cheers, Althea and Kaera extended their hands to Alicia and Julia.


The yellow cheers erupted from all around them.

Unperturbed by the cheers, Althea and Kaera received nods of approval from Alicia and Julia, who blushed intensely.

"Well then... please take our hands."

With that, Althea and Kaera stood up as their knights and extended their hands. Their actions were met with a torrent of yellow screams from the surrounding crowd, and throughout the day, many female students followed the escort of the two knights, casting envious glances at Alicia and Julia, the two princesses who had attracted the admiration of the surroundings.

As an epilogue, it was reported that videos of Althea and Kaera, taken by the presidents of their respective fan clubs in their third year, had sold like hotcakes not only to club members but also to non-members. Naturally, Regalus and Siegfried had also obtained copies on the sly.


As Althea returned to her room and, with Laila's help, removed her costume and drank the tea she had brewed, she entered her own room and stretched alone.

Remembering the day's chorus of "Kyaa, Kyaa" from the female students,

"That was fun. It made me realize again how cute girls can be... But I heard there were some girls who ended up fighting. I wonder if they managed to make up?," she murmured.

Naturally, there was no response to her murmur.

"...Where did Ciel go?"

Since the martial arts tournament, the fairy Ciel had suddenly disappeared. After gaining the ability to take on a human form, Ciel had freely roamed about, not always staying by Althea's side, but usually coming when called.

After the post-tournament banquet ended, Althea had tried to talk with Ciel in her room, but he hadn't shown up. No matter how many times she called him after that, he never appeared.

During the first two months since Ciel had stopped appearing, Althea had searched everywhere as much as she could. It was difficult not to arouse suspicion from Laila or Regalus while searching, so she had looked within a range where she wouldn't be suspected of acting alone and had quietly asked Siegfried to help with the search. Every night before going to bed, she had called out to him, but Ciel still hadn't appeared. She continued to call out to him, even now.

"...Soon, it will be time to learn the manifestation magic. I wanted to hear Ciel's opinion on that... And I wish he could have seen my dignified appearance today..."

Resting her hand on the balcony railing, Althea sighed alone, looking towards the evening sky, thinking of her secret friend Ciel.

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