Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 114: A Promise

"Althea, please listen to me as a man, not as the crown prince. I... I love you."

Althea stood stunned, unable to find her voice in response to Siegfried's heartfelt confession.

"I always thought it was enough just to see you smile, even if my feelings never reached you. As the crown prince, I have a duty to protect this kingdom, and if the legends are true, to safeguard the world. I understand the weight of that responsibility. But... if the price of saving the world means losing you... such an ending is too cruel. I can't accept that. I refuse to!"

Prince Siegfried's face was a portrait of torment as he spoke.

Althea, who had been silently listening to Siegfried's impassioned words, finally spoke, her expression a mix of gratitude and gentle sorrow.

"Your Highness, thank you for caring so deeply for me. It means more than I can express."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her hair stirring gently in the otherworldly breeze, caressing her cheeks. The sight was so ethereal and beautiful that Siegfried found himself holding his breath.

When she opened her eyes again, there was a determined glint in them.

"Just like you, my brother and Laila told me that I shouldn't have to sacrifice myself. I'm truly fortunate to have so many people, including you, who care for me. But, Your Highness, what if there was a way for me to fulfill my duty without giving up my life? What would you do then?"

Siegfried blinked in surprise.

"A way? Is there truly such a method?"

Althea nodded.

"My brother wouldn't listen, but please, Your Highness, hear me out."

Her pleading gaze was so earnest that Siegfried could only nod in agreement.

Althea began to recount what she had learned from the goddess in that otherworldly vision during the night of the great flash.

"To find this way, I needed to seek out Ciel. The goddess told me that if I could connect with him, it would be a path to saving myself without sacrificing my life."

She glanced at Ciel, who smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I'll be the bridge. I won't let Althea die. We're... um, how do you say it... 'tied by fate'?"

"Wait, what?"

Althea and Siegfried spoke in unison, both equally shocked by Ciel's declaration.

"Huh? Is something wrong?"

Ciel asked innocently.

"Do you understand what 'tied by fate' means?" Althea queried.

"Yes, it means something like, 'we die together,' right? Oh, I see what you mean. Yes, when Althea and I became connected, I turned into a fairy who can only live as long as she does."

"Only as long as I live... but fairies are supposed to live a long time. If you're tied to me, does that mean you'll die when I do?"

"Yes, that's right. Is there a problem with that?"

"Problem? You never told me! When we connected during the magic measurement, why didn't you say anything?"

"Well... if I had, you wouldn't have given me a name, right?"


"Exactly. From the moment I saw you, I wanted to live with you rather than just live a long life. I don't regret it. I'm living for you now, Althea. So please, live for me too. Prince, I promise on the life I share with Althea that we'll find a way for her to survive. Please, listen to her."

Ciel's face, usually playful, was serious as he looked at Siegfried.

Siegfried, seeing the determination in Ciel's eyes and feeling the weight of his promise, turned his gaze back to Althea. He hadn't realized that her life was so intricately bound with Ciel's, and the gravity of the situation dawned on him, causing a moment of silent contemplation.


Siegfried's voice, now calm and steady, called out to her. The stark contrast from his earlier confession caught Althea's attention, and she lifted her gaze to meet his.

"I don't want to put you in danger," he continued. "But that's my thought. What about you? What do you want to do?"

Althea was taken aback by Siegfried's quiet question, but after a moment of contemplation, she replied.

"If I have the power of the Maiden of Dusk, I want to save the world. I understand that I might lose my life in the process. The chance of death is higher than the chance of survival. But the goddess told me, 'The power of the Maiden of Dawn alone cannot dispel the darkness.' If we can't dispel the darkness, this world will be overrun by monsters. Many more lives will be lost if that happens. Even if I survive, knowing that others died because I didn't act would make it impossible for me to ever truly smile again. So..."

Her last words came out as a pained whisper, and a single tear traced a path down her cheek. Gently, Siegfried wiped away the tear with his finger.

—This is her true heart... In that case, what I must do is clear...—

He clenched the finger that had touched her tear.

—The first woman I genuinely wished to protect is not one who desires protection, but one who strives to fight against fate. Therefore...—

"I understand."


Althea's eyes widened in surprise at Siegfried's words.

He looked into her eyes with unwavering resolve and spoke clearly.

"I understand. I will respect your wishes, Althea."

Realizing the implication of his words, Althea took his hand and expressed her gratitude.

"Your Highness! Thank you."

"But!!" Siegfried interrupted, gripping her hand tightly in his. "Promise me one thing. Defy the legends. Do not simply follow them."

Althea nodded, her eyes determined.

"Of course. I can't let my loved ones suffer. The goddess said I meet the necessary conditions. I will fight until the very end."

She met his gaze with a strong, unwavering look, sealing their pact with a firm nod.

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