Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 116: Maiden of Dusk

After the dorm manager left, Ciel appeared in human form.

"Was what you said earlier true? The Maiden... the Maiden of Dawn appeared? Who is she?" Ciel asked, and Siegfried responded, "It's Miss Lily Gresha."

"I see... Well, that's as expected, being of the Light attribute. But her magic power is too weak... At this rate, Althea might—mmph!"

Before Ciel could finish, Althea covered his mouth and whispered to him, "Don't talk about that! I'll explain later." Ciel nodded slightly in response.

"What happened to Althea?" Siegfried, pretending not to know, asked, prompting Regalus to interject hurriedly, "It's nothing to worry about regarding Monclair. But more importantly, what was that silver light that shone earlier?"

Seeing Regalus's attempt to change the subject, Siegfried thought he was indeed opposed to what Althea had said, as she had indicated. Deciding not to press further, he instead focused on Regalus's question.

"Ah, yes, I was curious about that silver light too. Because it was silver, I automatically linked it to Miss Althea, but was that light really caused by her?" Siegfried pondered aloud.

"Um... well..."

As she struggled to respond, Althea's voice suddenly exclaimed nearby, "Ah!" They looked over to see Ciel, who had been transformed into a fairy again, seemingly inadvertently.

"Let me see the book? It's okay, the magic book probably just returned to its owner's place, so there's nothing to worry about," whispered Ciel to Althea. Althea could only see Ciel's fairy form, and only Siegfried seemed to sense a presence of light.

Nodding hesitantly to Ciel's words, Althea spoke up, "The true identity of that light... I think it would be faster to show you the actual book rather than explain it. Please wait a moment; I'll bring it now."

She returned to her study and retrieved the book with the silver cover. It emitted a faint light, its spine and back covers dyed with seven colors.

"This is it. I believe this is the cause of that light," she said, handing the silver-covered book over.

As Regalus accepted the book, it momentarily glowed dazzlingly in his hand. When he opened his eyes again, it had returned to a plain, old black book.

"...What kind of book is this?"

Regalus asked, visibly surprised, while Althea also stared wide-eyed.

"It's unbelievable... for it to turn back into a completely black, old book again... I don't understand how this book ended up on my desk. I noticed it was there all of a sudden... But to turn back into an old, black, worn-out book again..." Althea mused.

"Althea, could you try holding the book again?" Siegfried, who had been observing, asked. After nodding in agreement with Regalus, Althea took the book into her hands once more. Instantly, a blinding light overwhelmed her vision. When she opened her eyes, the front cover was silver, and the spine and back covers displayed the seven colors of the rainbow.

"...So that's how it is. If touching it changes the book's cover, then it must mean that Althea is the book's owner," Siegfried speculated. "But... I'm curious about how and when it got onto Althea's desk."

As Siegfried muttered to himself, silence fell for a while.

Amidst the silence, Ciel, who had suddenly appeared in human form again to change the topic, asked Siegfried, "Hey, Prince. Speaking of which, earlier you said you would take us to Royal Grand Central Kingdom by today. How are you planning to return today? You can't sail on a dark night sea teeming with monsters, can you?"

Siegfried, lost in thought, replied to Ciel's question, "Hmm? Ah, about the return... Actually... in the principality, there's a teleportation magic circle exclusively for use by royal family members. Since its location is reserved for royalty, I can't tell you... But I intend to use that magic circle to return to the kingdom with Curio and Miss Lily tonight."

"Teleportation circle... that's news to me. Does 'royal family only' mean that non-royals can't use it?" Regalus inquired next.

"That's right. Well, technically, if accompanied by a royal family member, you can use it, but only up to three people at a time. It's a rare item that even royalty can only use once a day. Tonight, I plan to use it to return with Curio and Lily before tomorrow," Siegfried explained.

While Siegfried spoke, he did not look at Althea. Presumably, he was concerned about having said, "taking Althea along," in a different space.

Not knowing these circumstances, Regalus remarked, "I see... I thought we'd all return together on a ship. We were supposed to head out by tomorrow afternoon. It seems like it'll take one or two days to reach Sivia Port, but if we leave tomorrow, we should be able to make it in time?"

Upon hearing this, Althea was surprised and interjected, "Really? Doesn't it only take half a day to sail to Sivia Port?"

"Normally, yes. But it seems like there are sea monsters out there, so we have to move slowly to avoid being noticed. If we use magic to move, the monsters will sense our magic power and attack, and if we use engines, the water vibrations will alert them. Of course, the ship itself is shielded, and only those capable of fighting can board, but to avoid unnecessary combat..." Regalus trailed off.

To Althea's unexpected concern about the long journey, Regalus gently stroked her head while reassuring her, "It's okay. Jean and Oliver will be on the ship, and Sieg will be in RGC once we arrive. As soon as we get there, we'll probably start searching for the Sun Sword and monster extermination, so... don't worry, Althea, just wait patiently here."

As Regalus comforted Althea, Siegfried quietly shook his head behind them.

"Don't say anything," he seemed to convey. Surely, he had some plan... after all, he had said, "I'll cooperate."

Taking Althea's silent acceptance as understanding, Regalus smiled satisfactorily and exchanged a glance with Althea.

Observing all this while pretending not to notice, Siegfried finally said to Regalus, "Well then, Reg, I think it's time to leave. We don't want to be scolded by the dorm manager or by the dorm supervisor again for being too late."

"Yeah, you're right. I also need to prepare for tomorrow... Alright, Althea. I'll come by again before departure tomorrow. Althea, I'm counting on you," Regalus said, then he and Siegfried left the room together.

---That night---

With Curio guiding her blindfolded, Lily was led to the teleportation circle location. Siegfried had already returned to the Royal Grand Central Kingdom using teleportation magic, a little ahead of them. Nearby the teleportation circle, small glowing spheres floated softly, but there was no one around to see them.


---Just before Siegfried used the teleportation circle---


In the Royal Study of Royal Grand Central Kingdom, Thomas reported to the king after completing his mission.

"…It's deeply regrettable. Out of the thirty dispatched for monster subjugation—ten knights and twenty squires—we could only bring back two knights and nine squires alive. The others… didn't make it in time…"

"...I see... And what about the nineteen bodies?"

"We brought back the bodies of all nineteen. However..."

"What's wrong? Were they severely injured?"

"No, there were no external wounds, but... their magical energy was completely drained, and they had the appearance of mummies. It seems likely their cause of death was magical energy depletion... The recovery potions in their supplies were unused, and the situation suggests they lost their magic during combat. Furthermore, all those who survived either had weak magic or none at all."

"So... they were drained of magic under conditions where they couldn't resist?"

"That's just a possibility... But during our infiltration, it seemed the monsters were drawn to magical energy. Before we set up magical barriers, they were almost exclusively targeting me."

"I see... Are the Monclair infiltrators safe?"

"Yes, there were some casualties, but no one lost their lives."

"Understood. Sir Thomas Monclair, in this challenging mission, you've done well to bring back everyone, including the fallen. I offer my gratitude on behalf of the knights and their families."

"Thank you for your kind words."

"...You must be tired. Rest in the castle today—"

A knock interrupted the office.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Your Majesty."

"Graham, is it? Come in."

With the king's permission, Graham Fulank entered and met eyes with Thomas.

"Lord Monclair, glad to see you're safe. Ah, were you in the middle of a report?"

"No, I've just finished my report."

"...Graham, what is it?"

As Thomas began to respond, the king interjected.

"Ah, yes. I've just received a report that the Crown Prince returned with the Maiden earlier."

"...Understood. I'll go during the audience. Thomas, I'd like to give you some rest, but could you stay a little longer?"

Surprised by the words of the Crown Prince, Thomas hurriedly composed himself and nodded in agreement to stay.

And so, the king, the Crown Prince, and Thomas proceeded to the audience chamber to welcome the legendary Maiden.

In the audience chamber, Lily Gresha awaited nervously with Siegfried.

Lily had awoken just a few hours ago.

Her last memory was from two nights before, when the world was engulfed in a dazzling light.

She had witnessed the blinding light from her dormitory room within the academy, closed her eyes against its brilliance, and then felt herself enveloped by the light. When she woke up, she was inexplicably in a church.

'How did I end up in a church, and when did someone bring me here?'

She wondered briefly but had no time to dwell on it. As soon as she woke up, she was revered as the Maiden of Dawn within the church. Soon after, Siegfried and Regalus arrived, informing her they would depart for the Royal Grand Central tonight. After quickly packing her belongings, she was blindfolded and led away by Siegfried's attendant.

Upon arriving at their destination, she found Siegfried waiting, extending his hand to invite her.

'...He never once extended his hand like this before... Is this how it's different for the Maiden?'

Thinking this, she touched Siegfried's hand. Suddenly, her surroundings lit up, and her body seemed to float. Just as abruptly, darkness enveloped everything around them. Gripping Siegfried's hand tightly, she closed her eyes tightly in fear of the darkness that even her open eyes couldn't penetrate. After a while, she felt a soft light around her, and when she opened her eyes, she was already in a room within the royal castle of RGC.

Since then, she had been escorted straight to the audience chamber, where she now stood before the king and his Crown Prince, a figure celebrated as a hero of the Grand Nation.

She hastily greeted them, unsure if her greeting was appropriate in her nervousness. Since she wasn't scolded, she assumed it must have been correct.

After Siegfried finished his greeting beside her, the monarchs began asking various questions... but with nerves so overwhelming that she couldn't hear their words, Lily could only gaze at Siegfried, who continued conversing with the monarchs.

"Shall we go, Miss Lily?"

Having finished his conversation with His Majesty and the others, Siegfried called out to Lily.

"Uh, where to?"

"To a place for prayer. It's called the 'Tower of Prayer.' I'll explain as we go. Let's move."

Siegfried took Lily's luggage and started walking ahead. Lily hurried to follow him, feeling her initial tension slowly dissipate. As they walked, she asked a question that had been on her mind.

"Is the Tower of Prayer far? Have you been there before, Siegfried?"

Without turning his gaze from the path ahead, Siegfried replied while walking.

"No, I've never been inside. It's within the royal castle. You'll be offering prayers there, Miss Lily. Besides the time for prayers, you’re free to do as you wish inside the tower. Your room is prepared, and there's food and a bath. However, I ask that you do not leave the tower. There's always a chance of a monster attack."

"Wait, we're inside the royal castle, right? Do monsters really come this far?"

"There are barriers around the royal capital and other cities, but in events like the martial arts tournament, for example, the barriers might not be completely foolproof. By confining it to just the tower, we can create a much stronger barrier. The Minister of Magic will personally ensure it's the safest place. And one more thing, Miss Lily..."

Siegfried turned to face her with a serious expression.

"What is it?"

"This isn’t the academy, and more importantly, this is my homeland. I apologize for the sudden request, but please refrain from calling me by my name here. It might lead to unnecessary misunderstandings."

With that, he resumed walking.

"Misunderstandings? Can't we be friends?"

"Outside the academy, it's quite difficult. Even Regalus and the others don't call me by my name here."

"But then... Siegfried, I mean—"

"Miss Lily. I've asked you not to call me by my name, haven't I? If someone sees you doing that, it could be considered disrespectful. I don't want to have to punish a friend for that."

As they talked, they arrived at the tower where several maids were waiting to attend to Lily.

"Understood. I'll call you 'Your Highness' for now. But you said it could lead to misunderstandings. If I can prove that it's not a misunderstanding, then I can call you by your name, right? I'll do my best to earn that privilege."

Lily responded in a way that hinted at some deeper intention, her words sounding somewhat provocative.

'What does she mean by 'earn that privilege'? We're supposed to be nothing more or less than friends... Lily often speaks in ways that can be misinterpreted. I need to be more careful. People might assume the 'Prince' and the 'Maiden of Dawn' are meant to be together if they follow the legend.'

Siegfried chose not to reply and instead addressed the waiting maids.

"Thank you for waiting. This is the maiden who will be staying in the tower. Ensure she lacks nothing."

The maids bowed deeply in response. As Siegfried turned to leave, Lily reached out.

"Ah, Sie... Your Highness."

Siegfried stopped and turned back.

"What is it? Oh, right. The Minister of Magic will explain the prayer rituals and schedule to you tomorrow morning. The Minister is Oliver's mother, as you might know. If you need anything, tell Helen, the head maid here."

Helen bowed and said, "Pleased to serve you." But Lily ignored her, focusing on Siegfried.

"That's not what I wanted to ask. When will you come next? And have you found the Maiden of Dusk yet?"

"Such trivialities."

Siegfried flinched at her words, though Lily didn't seem to notice.

'Helen was my nursemaid, yet she dismisses her greeting as trivial... Though I suppose Lily doesn't know that.'

He collected himself and answered Lily's questions.

"I'll come with Oliver and Regalus when they arrive. I’m busy with preparations for the expedition. But I'll ask the Minister of Magic to take special care of you. As for the Maiden of Dusk... we still don't know. I'll let you know as soon as we find out, but be prepared for the possibility that she might not be found."

With that, he turned and left without looking back.

Lily watched his retreating figure in a daze before Helen gently guided her into the tower.

After Siegfried and Regalus left, Althea ate dinner in the dormitory dining hall, took a bath in her private quarters, and now lay on her bed, lost in thought.

“What should I do? No, how should I do it?”

The current rumor is that the world is desperately searching for the Maiden of Dawn and the Maiden of Dusk. Moreover, it's widely believed that the Maiden of Dusk will never reveal herself. Nobles across the land have been abducting commoners with dark attributes from their territories in a frantic search. There are even rumors of some children being branded.

Althea heard this from Lady Alicia during dinner, so it's not necessarily true. But there's no guarantee it's false either.

'If other girls are being mistreated because I haven’t revealed myself…'

The thought sent shivers down her spine.

'I must come forward soon… Things will only escalate. But how can I leave the principality without being noticed? And Siegfried has already gone back…'

Honestly, she could sneak out of her room.

Familiars placed by Regalus and Laila were guarding the door and balcony, but they weren’t strong enough to stop her. If caught, Laila would pursue her. Althea had no confidence in evading Laila. She might be able to defeat her, but hurting her dear maid was too painful to consider. Even if she escaped, there was no way to leave the principality. Leaving at night required permission from the Pope or the Headmaster of the Academy.

'Should I talk to the Pope? Yes, maybe the Pope could help…'

She sat up on the bed.

“Yeah, I think I can do this…”

As she sat up straight on her bed, brimming with resolve,

“Althea? What are you doing?”

Ciel, who had disappeared earlier, suddenly reappeared and spoke, startling her. She turned to face the voice.

“Ciel? Where have you been?”

“Hmm? At the prince’s place.”

“What? Prince Siegfried? But he’s gone back, hasn’t he?”

“Yeah, I went with him. I found out where he is~”

“Found out? But he said he couldn’t reveal his location… And he can see you, right? Didn’t he get mad when you followed him?”

“Nope, he told me to come along. It’s fine.”

“Come along?”

“Yeah. Remember our promise in the other world? ‘To cooperate.’ That’s what it was about.”

“So… he can help?”

“The opposite. He said he can’t help today, but he’ll come here the day after tomorrow.”


She couldn’t help but exclaim with joy, quickly covering her mouth and diving under the covers.

“Althea? Is something wrong… Are you sleeping? Was it sleep-talking? That’s unusual…”

Laila, who had opened the door and approached the bed to check on the seemingly sleeping Althea, smiled and quietly left the room.

After confirming the door was closed, Althea peeked out and continued speaking with Ciel.

“Ciel, did the prince really say the day after tomorrow?”


“What time?”

“He said when the date changes, so it must be midnight. I’ll guide you. So, stay put until then.”

“Okay, got it. Thank you, Ciel.”

“Feeling relieved? Well, goodnight, Althea…”

With that, Ciel gently touched her forehead to Althea’s. In an instant, Althea was swept into a dream.

“…See you in the dream…”

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