Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 120: In Front of Two Fathers

As they advanced into the depths of the audience chamber, two silhouettes came into view: one seated on the throne, the other standing nearby.

To show her respect for the figure she presumed to be the king, Althea bowed her head and waited for Siegfried to speak.

"Your Majesty, I apologize for disturbing you at this late hour. There is something urgent and confidential I must share..."

As Siegfried spoke, the king descended from the throne, addressing them.

"Siegfried. While this may be the audience chamber, only the two of us are present. If this is a confidential matter, let us speak as father and son rather than king and crown prince."

With a warm smile directed at Althea, he continued, "Althea, it has been a while. How have you been?"

"I am well, thank you. It is an honor to be in the presence of the great king, the symbol of our nation's—"

"I told you, no need for such formal greetings..."

Althea, still bowing, attempted a formal address, but the king interrupted her with a slightly exasperated tone before continuing.

"Whom do you take after...? Your looks are from Clara and your great-grandmother, but your personality seems to mirror someone else..."

Who does he mean...?

As Althea pondered this, the person the king referred to spoke.

"I am honored by your praise."

Recognizing the voice, Althea couldn't help but look up.


"It's been a while, Althea. About three months, right?"

Before her stood her smiling father.

"It’s good to see you again. But why are you here...?"

"The king had a task for me. I arrived yesterday—or perhaps the day before by now. The king mentioned that the prince would bring you, so I waited. I might be called away to fight monsters soon, so I thought we might not get another chance to meet."

Given Thomas's unmatched combat prowess, it was inevitable he would be assigned to monster hunting. And despite his skills, there was no guarantee he would return unscathed.

While Thomas and Althea conversed, Adrian and Siegfried were quietly arguing. Noticing this, Thomas bowed to Adrian and stepped back.

"Still as inflexible as ever. Well, never mind. Althea, what is this confidential matter? Will it be difficult to speak with your father present? I can ask him to leave if you prefer."

Siegfried, standing beside the king, looked slightly apologetic, likely because the king had summoned her father without consulting anyone, thinking it would be a good surprise.

'It’s fine. From the moment I decided to confide in the king, I knew I’d have to tell my father as well.'

Reassured, Althea smiled at Siegfried and then turned to the king.

"No, it’s fine. In fact, it might be better if my father is here to hear this as well."

"Is that so? Very well then. What is it you wish to discuss?"

The king, somewhat relieved, responded.

"Your Majesty, before Althea speaks, I would like to cast a soundproofing spell."

Siegfried interjected.

With permission granted, Althea cast a soundproofing spell, creating an invisible barrier around the four of them: Adrian, Siegfried, Thomas, and herself.

As Adrian marveled at her skillful casting, Althea, now prepared, spoke.

"Your Majesty, Father, there is something I wish to show you."

She then untied the ribbon at her chest, revealing the mark of dusk engraved on her skin.

Both Adrian and Thomas were rendered speechless by the sight of the mark. Adrian glanced at Thomas, trying to gauge his reaction. It was Thomas who broke the silence first.

"Does Regalus know about the mark, Althea?"

"Yes, both Laila and likely Jean know as well."

"And what did Regalus say?"


Her silence spoke volumes, indicating that Regalus likely disapproved of her actions. Thomas sighed deeply before continuing in a low voice.

"Then why did you come here? And, Your Highness, why did you—"

"Father! His Highness has nothing to do with this. He only granted my selfish request."

As Thomas looked at Siegfried with an expression that could be taken as either approval or disapproval, Althea stepped protectively in front of Siegfried.

Adrian, who had remained silent until now, finally spoke up.

"Thomas, listening to you, it sounds like you wish to turn a blind eye to this..."

"That is..."

"It's understandable to feel that way about your beloved daughter. But remember, we're speaking as two families, not as royalty. So, let’s not dwell on it. Now, Althea."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Can you explain what it means to show this mark in confidence?"

"Yes. When this mark appeared on my body, I encountered the goddess in my consciousness. I need to convey what she told me and seek your cooperation."

Althea stood firm and began her story, eyes locked with Adrian's.

Althea’s account revealed discrepancies with the royal legends. Traditionally, it was believed that both the Maiden of Dawn and the Maiden of Dusk had to pray together to prevent the encroachment of darkness. However, Althea’s tale suggested that using a prismatic magic stone could alter this fate, drastically reducing the risk to the Maiden of Dusk.

After hearing her out, Adrian was deep in thought. He had always admired Thomas's daughter, Althea, and didn't doubt her words. The idea of seeking a Maiden of Dusk, who was likely to perish, never sat well with him. If there was a way to prevent that, he wanted to believe it. Yet, without proof, he couldn’t convince others, nor could he hand over the prismatic magic stone, the kingdom's greatest treasure. The only consolation was that very few knew of its existence.


Adrian, deep in thought, suddenly addressed his son.

"Yes, Father?"

"Why did you bring Althea here? Was it your duty as the crown prince?"

"No. In fact, I wanted to hide this if possible. But Althea said that even if she were saved, she couldn't truly smile if others were hurt in her place. So, I respected her wish. I still want to hide it if I can, but more than that, I want to protect her smile. I will do everything in my power to achieve that."

Siegfried’s unwavering gaze met Adrian's, who stared back in silence before finally speaking.

"Honestly... This would be a serious issue if it weren’t confidential. Such words make you unfit as a crown prince, but I understand your feelings. Now, the challenge is how to persuade others."

At that moment, Thomas suddenly turned around.

"What is it?"

Adrian asked, noticing Thomas’s movement.

"Adrian, did you summon anyone else here?"

"No, the room was cleared. No one should be here but us... What!?"

Adrian’s words trailed off as he saw where Thomas was looking. Siegfried and Althea turned to see as well.

Clearly, someone was there, and everyone could feel them approaching.


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