Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 124: Althea’s Blessing

As the night passed, the nobility of the great kingdom gathered at the royal castle.

Due to the urgency of the summons, those who couldn't make it in time attended via communication magic stones.

After His Majesty’s welcoming address, they immediately delved into the main agenda: the appearance of the Maiden of the Dusk and the use of the national treasure, the "Rainbow Magic Stone."

While the news of the Maiden's appearance brought joy to all, the fact that her identity remained undisclosed caused some to doubt the truth of her existence.

Amidst the growing skepticism, the Pope of the Illumi Church entered the room, fashionably late to ensure all eyes were on him.

The unprecedented presence of the Pope at the noble assembly silenced those who were questioning the Maiden’s appearance, focusing their attention on the new arrival.

"I apologize for my tardiness, Your Majesty. I received a divine revelation just as I was on my way here."

The mention of a divine revelation from the Pope stirred the assembly, though this too was a calculated move to command attention.

"Indeed, a revelation at this time... I had just informed everyone that we have found the Maiden of the Dusk," King Adrian declared.

The Pope, feigning surprise, responded, "Is that so? Then the revelation's content makes sense."

Understanding that the revelation was related to the Maiden’s undisclosed identity, everyone awaited the Pope's next words in silence.

"Could you share the details of the revelation with us, Your Holiness?" Adrian inquired.

The Pope nodded and began, "The first part of the revelation instructs that the Maiden found today must undergo a trial."

"A trial? What of her prayers?" one noble questioned.

"Without her prayers alongside the Maiden of the Dawn, won't the darkness remain?" another added.

"And how can we trust a Maiden whose identity remains hidden?" a third chimed in.

As the room buzzed with concerns, the Pope continued, "It’s natural to be puzzled by this unprecedented revelation. The trial the Maiden of the Dusk must face cannot be achieved while she resides in the Tower of Prayers. This trial involves her leaving the tower, which places her life at risk. Naturally, the demonic forces will target her. Keeping her identity secret is to protect her life. Unlike the Maiden of the Dawn, the Maiden of the Dusk is harder to identify by appearance alone, as her mark is hidden by clothing. This is why she must undergo this trial."

"But... surely, you could reveal her identity here, at least..." a noble murmured, echoed by others.

Adrian, who had remained silent, spoke up, "Consider this: if we reveal her identity here, she will require formidable protection for her trial. Such protection would necessitate recalling knights from across the kingdom, weakening our defenses. Only the Sivia and Monclair lands have self-sufficient defenses. Are you willing to risk your lands for this knowledge?"

The room fell silent as the nobles exchanged uneasy glances. Withdrawing royal knights would be fatal in a world where monsters roamed.

"If we keep her identity secret, the Maiden can undergo her trial while living normally, without needing excessive protection. She will be safer if no one knows who she is," the Pope explained.

"Even if she were harmed, with few knowing her identity, the perpetrator would be obvious. We could assign a shadow to watch over her," His Majesty added.

The nobles, relieved, murmured their agreement, convincing themselves of the plan's viability.

Seeing their acquiescence, the Pope continued, "Thank you for understanding. Returning to the revelation, the second part involves connecting the prayers of the Maidens from separate locations using the 'Rainbow Magic Stone.'"

"The Rainbow Magic Stone?" someone echoed.

"Yes, although it’s difficult to request this of a great kingdom, the revelation requires the use of this national treasure," the Pope explained.

"Unthinkable!" the nobles exclaimed, turning to His Majesty.

"The Rainbow Magic Stone is our kingdom's treasure. We cannot consent without a compelling reason," Adrian responded coolly, per their prearranged script.

The Pope, unwavering, replied, "Indeed. But why is the Rainbow Magic Stone a national treasure?"

"It is said that the God Saul imbued it with his power when he vanquished the darkness at our kingdom's founding. However, it currently holds no magic. Perhaps the God used all its power in his prayers," Adrian explained.

The Pope nodded thoughtfully, "Even without current power, using the stone, imbued with the God's essence, could recreate the mythical power of prayers, linking the Maidens’ prayers more potently. I believe this will strengthen their prayers."

A profound silence filled the emergency meeting. The idea of stronger prayers was appealing, but the nobles hesitated to let an unnamed Maiden use their treasure.

His Majesty, sharing their doubts for different reasons, wore a conflicted expression.

Indeed, the method to use the Rainbow Magic Stone was entrusted to the Pope. But to declare it so boldly—what if it fails? Wouldn't the blame fall squarely on the Pope's shoulders?

King Adrian cast a concerned glance at the Pope, who met his gaze with a confident smile and a deep bow.

"I convey this divine revelation with utmost faith. Please, lend the Maiden the Rainbow Magic Stone for her prayers."

The Pope’s commanding presence gradually won over the nobles, who began to applaud, their voices rising in a chant of "The Magic Stone! The Magic Stone!"

Feeling a surge of resolve, King Adrian turned to the Pope and, with genuine respect, declared, "There are no objections. Pope, proceed according to the divine revelation."

While the emergency meeting continued, Althea waited patiently in the guest chamber, with little else to do. Ciel had gone to the goddess’s realm to inquire about the usage of the magic stone, leaving her alone.

Trying to pass the time, she picked a book from the shelf, only to be interrupted by the door bursting open.

"Lady Althea!"

Laila rushed in, half-hysterical, throwing herself into Althea's arms.

"Y-you're safe… oh, thank the gods… I was so worried…"

Tears streaming down her face, Laila clung to Althea, her hands patting her back as if to confirm she was real.

"Laila? How did you—" Althea began, still in shock, when Jean appeared in the doorway.

"Prince Jeffrey came to fetch us," Jean explained.

"Prince Jeffrey?"

Althea looked at Laila, who refused to let go, then back at Jean. From behind Jean, Prince Jeffrey, stepped forward.

"Yes, my brother asked me to. I couldn’t use the magic circle again today, so he gave me a letter instead. Had I been any later, Laila might have done something drastic."

Althea remembered meeting Prince Jeffrey a few times, mainly during tea parties with Princess Liliauge. She had always found him polite and composed.

"I’m terribly sorry to have troubled you, Prince Jeffrey… but Laila?" she began, but Laila's grip prevented her from standing.

Amused by the scene, Prince Jeffrey laughed. "Don’t worry about it, Althea. My brother’s request is not a burden. As for a thank you… perhaps we could share tea again sometime, secretly from my brother?"

With a wink, he left the guest chamber.

Even after Jeffrey’s departure, Laila clung to Althea. She was soothing her when a knock came at the door. Jean answered, revealing Thomas, who looked stunned to see Jean and Laila there.

"When did you…" Thomas began, but Laila finally let go of Althea and dropped to her knees in a deep bow.

"Lord Thomas! I deeply apologize for leaving the young lady alone, even temporarily. This sin, I will atone for with my life!"

As she drew a dagger to her neck, Thomas quickly intervened. "Wait, Laila, there's no need for that. I’ve heard what happened from Althea. You’re not at fault, and there’s no need for atonement. How did you get here, though? I thought you were left behind in the principality."

Althea explained and Thomas nodded at the end.

"I see… that's a relief. I was worried. Laila’s loyalty to Althea is unwavering, and I knew it would be serious if she wasn't with you. I’m glad it worked out. We must thank the princes later," Thomas said with a relieved smile.

After Laila had calmed down and served tea, Thomas recounted the details of the emergency meeting.

"Althea, you must realize that we're placing a significant burden on the Pope."

Althea murmured apologetically, casting her eyes down.

"It shows the Pope's immense faith in your words. We must repay this trust with our actions," Thomas replied.

As he spoke, another knock echoed through the room. Jean opened the door to reveal the King and the Pope entering together.

Althea stood and bowed. "Your Majesty—"

"No, I told you, this isn't an official occasion. Stop that," King Adrian interrupted, waving her off. After their usual exchange, Adrian took his seat and gestured for everyone to sit.

Once they were all seated, Adrian chanted a spell over an old wooden box he had brought. As the spell concluded, the box clicked open, revealing a transparent magic stone about ten centimeters in diameter and a smaller, five-centimeter stone that had darkened with age.

"This is the Rainbow Magic Stone," Adrian announced.

Everyone’s eyes were drawn to the stones. Thomas voiced the collective confusion, "Both of these? Neither looks 'rainbow-colored' to me."

Adrian nodded. "You're right, they don’t look it. I’ve always found it odd. They’ve been this way since I first saw them during my coronation. The stones are stored in the royal vault, accessible only to the royal bloodline, ensuring their security from thieves and even high-ranking officials."

Thomas raised an eyebrow. "Even me?"

"Not even you, Thomas. The vault's enchantments are strict," Adrian replied with a grin. "No slight intended, just respect for your family's stealth skills."

As Adrian and Thomas bantered, the Pope remained silent, deep in thought.

"Returning to the matter at hand," Adrian addressed the Pope. "You’ve been quiet. What are your thoughts?"

The Pope looked up. "I expected the transparent stone, but the darkened one is unexpected. I was considering its significance."

"You anticipated the transparent one?" Adrian asked.

"Yes. Althea’s magic was once transparent before it adapted to her body and became rainbow-colored. I suspect that channeling magic through these stones will restore their rainbow hue," the Pope explained.

"That makes sense," Adrian acknowledged. "But what about the darkened stone?"

"I believe both stones should exhibit the same properties. The darkened one raises questions about its condition and how to use them to transfer magic over distances."

"Indeed," Adrian agreed. "Althea, did the goddess say anything about using these stones? Any specific instructions?"

Althea hesitated before replying, "She did, but first—do we inform Gresha about my role, or keep it secret? If we keep it secret, I can write down the steps for someone else to follow."

"I hadn’t considered that," Adrian admitted. "Should we conceal it from her?"

"I’m not sure. I don’t know Gresha well enough to predict her reaction," Althea replied.

"Different academic years, I suppose. If Siegfried were here, he might know, but he’s occupied," Adrian mused. "Pope, what’s your opinion?"

The Pope thought for a moment before addressing Althea. "Miss Althea, if we proceed with secrecy, will it affect the magic stone's restoration if someone else follows your instructions?"

"No, it won’t," Althea confirmed.

"Then, Your Majesty, I propose that I handle the restoration with Lily. I’ll discuss with her and decide whether to reveal Althea’s role based on the situation."

"Is that acceptable, Althea?" Adrian asked.

Althea pondered, appearing lost in thought, but she was actually conversing with her fairy.

'Ciel, what do you think?'

'It should be fine, but be aware that any misstep could lead to the withdrawal of Saul's blessing.'

'The Pope losing Saul's blessing... I see,' Althea concluded the silent exchange and looked up.

"I trust your judgment," she said finally.

Althea then wrote down the detailed steps for the magic stone’s restoration and handed the instructions to the Pope, adding a cryptic blessing.

"May Saul's blessing be upon you," she said, her words carrying a deeper meaning.

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