Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 126: Arrival and Revelation

Two hours after the Pope had departed from the Tower of Prayers, Siegfried arrived with the newly arrived Regalus and Oliver, heading towards the Maiden of Dawn.

Upon entering the tower, Regalus and Oliver appeared exhausted, still carrying their luggage.

"It's been a while! But... are you okay?" Lily asked with concern.

"We're not okay," Oliver replied, her face sulky.

It seemed that the day-long sea voyage had been quite grueling. As they recounted, one of the passengers had been spotted by a monster during the journey, forcing everyone on board to fend it off. Both Regalus and Oliver had fought, sustaining minor injuries. Additionally, Regalus had expended a significant amount of his magic healing the wounded, leaving him nearly depleted. However, thanks to his efforts, there were no fatalities.

"That must have been tough. Healing magic can mend wounds, but it doesn't alleviate fatigue... Let me cast a recovery spell now."

"No, it's fine. You need your magic for the prayers, don't you? We don't want you wasting it on our recovery. Besides, the search for the  Sword of the Sun has been postponed by a day, so we'll get healed at the Magic Ministry later," Regalus replied calmly.

Lily pouted slightly at his response. "If only the Maiden of Dusk had dedicated herself to the prayers, this wouldn't have happened..."

Regalus perked up at this. "Maiden of Dusk? Has she been found?"

"Apparently, but I don't know who she is. They won't let us meet her, and I'm not even sure if she truly exists."

"If you're unsure of her existence, why wish for her dedication?" Regalus questioned.

"They say she'll channel her magic through the ritual tonight," Lily explained.

"Who told you this?" Regalus asked.

"The Pope," Lily answered.

"The Pope is here? In this country? How? He wasn't on our ship, and I remember he saw us off at the port," Regalus puzzled.

"He probably used the royal teleportation circle, right, Siegfried?" Lily turned to Siegfried.

"Lily, this isn't the academy," Siegfried reminded her.

"Oh, come on, it's just us here," Lily retorted.

Siegfried sighed. "Fine. But be proper outside. As for the Pope, it's likely as you said. Though I didn't summon him..."

Siegfried's ambiguous response left Regalus in contemplation.

"Someone like Duke Fulank might have stood in as a proxy," Oliver murmured, seemingly satisfied with this theory. Regalus remained silent.

Lily, unfazed, returned to the topic at hand. "Anyway, the Pope said the Maiden of Dusk has been found but is undergoing trials, so she can't join us in the prayers."

"What kind of trials?" Regalus inquired.

"I have no idea. I'd love to know myself," Lily admitted.

"Do you know, Sieg?" Regalus asked.

"Oliver, using nicknames in such formal settings doesn't help Lily adjust. Unfortunately, I don't know either," Siegfried replied, his tone final.

Regalus watched Siegfried closely as he spoke.

After leaving the Tower of Prayers, Siegfried instructed Regalus and Oliver to visit his chambers the following evening before heading deeper into the royal castle.

Regalus and Oliver went to the Magic Ministry for healing and then parted ways to rest.

As Regalus exited the Ministry, he found his father waiting by the door.

"Father? Why are you at the royal castle?"

"I was here on the King's orders for some work and received a report about the Maiden's appearance. I couldn't leave. When I heard you arrived, I came to greet you. It sounds like the journey was challenging, but I heard you saved everyone on board. Well done. Let's continue this conversation in my room," his father said, leading him away.

Room? Not the villa?

With this simple question in mind, Regalus followed his father through the castle corridors, heading towards the royal guest chambers.

"Father, are you staying in the guest chambers instead of the villa?" Regalus inquired as they stopped before a grand door.

"Yes, for certain reasons. Until you set out on your expedition, we’ll be staying here... all of us, including Althea," Thomas replied, opening the door.

Inside, Althea stood with a graceful curtsy, flanked by Laila and Jean, who both bowed respectfully.

"What... Father, what is going on here?" Regalus stammered, stunned by the sight.

Ignoring his son's surprise, Thomas closed the door quietly and cast a light soundproofing spell before speaking.

"As you can see, Regalus, I am aware of what you and Laila have been planning. However, there are things beyond your control. For now, put your luggage down and come to the sitting room. I'll explain everything," Thomas said, walking towards the sofas with Althea and Laila following. Laila began preparing tea while Jean took Regalus' luggage and guided him to his room.

"Jean, what is going on?" Regalus asked once they were alone.

"I don't fully understand either," Jean admitted.

After changing, Regalus returned to the living room and sat on the sofa. Thomas began to speak.

He explained about Althea’s markings, her direct communication with the goddess, the fairies' ability to contact the goddess, and how she had absorbed a high-level magicbook into her body.

"You know she was chosen as the Maiden of Dusk, that she commands fairies, speaks with the goddess, and possesses a high-level magicbook. But to absorb a magicbook... Is that even possible?" Regalus pondered, staring incredulously at Althea.

Thomas, noticing Regalus' disbelief, added, "I understand your reluctance, but Althea is beloved by the world itself. Unless she loses her resolve, no external interference will stop her. We need to support her, not conceal her. It’s better to move forward together and protect her."

Regalus bowed his head, silent for a moment. When he looked up, he spoke in a weary voice, "I understand."

He gave Althea a wistful smile.

After dinner, during the time of evening prayers promised to the Pope, Althea performed a purification ritual alone in her room. She couldn’t go to the Tower of Prayers, so Helen, who tended to the Maiden of Dawn at the tower, had brought holy water from the sacred springs. Althea used a towel soaked in the holy water to cleanse herself.

Thomas, Regalus, and Jean guarded the room’s perimeter.

"Althea, it’s three minutes until the appointed time," Laila announced from the door.

"Understood," Althea replied.

She donned a bathrobe, held the purified rainbow magic stone given by the Pope, and awaited his signal.

As the time for the afternoon prayer approached, the Pope, with the Maiden of Dawn in the Tower of Prayers, sent a signal through a communication spell.

"Miss Monclair, please recite the ritual incantation at my signal."

"Yes," Althea replied, holding the magic stone to the symbol on her chest, waiting.

"Begin," the Pope's voice prompted.

"O Creator, bind the powers of darkness and light, and grant us eternal prayer," Althea and Lily chanted simultaneously.

In the center of the Tower of Prayers, Lily pressed the rainbow stone to the symbol on her forehead, while in the guest room, Althea pressed it to the symbol on her chest. As they chanted, both symbols grew warm and emitted a faint light, which was absorbed into the stones.

When the warmth and light faded, they removed the stones, now glowing with a rainbow hue.

"This is... the rainbow magic stone," they both whispered simultaneously.

The Pope smiled at Lily. "As foretold by the oracle, the stones have changed color. Tomorrow morning, we will see if the magic can be transferred through the stones. Let's try it during the morning prayers."

"Can't we test it now? I want to ensure the connection is real," Lily insisted.

"I understand, but we’re not entirely sure how to activate it yet. I plan to revisit the sacred place tonight for further guidance. We should wait until tomorrow," the Pope replied, masking his uncertainty with an air of divine wisdom.

"I see. I’ll trust your words. If the black stone has turned rainbow, I’ll believe and wait. I’ll focus on the evening prayers now," Lily said, smiling.

She knelt and began her evening prayers, offering them up to the heavens.

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