Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 50 – Althea Got A Confession

On the morning of the second day after starting school, Althea stood in front of her locker in the school building.

In her hand, she tightly held a piece of paper.

"Althea, is something wrong?" Kaera, poking her head out of the classroom, called out. Althea responded with a slightly flustered tone, "N-No, it's nothing."

"Really? It didn't seem like nothing... You were taking a while checking your textbooks and I got worried when you didn't come back from the corridor. Did you forget your textbooks?"

"Yeah... I must have left them in the dorm. I'll go get them after lunch."

"In that case, I'll come with you," naturally volunteered Laila.

"But... I don't remember exactly where I left them... I think I'll go by myself after all. Laila, could you save seats for everyone? I'm not good at geography, and it's my first class, so I'd feel a bit better listening with everyone," Althea replied with a smile, seeming genuinely troubled about forgetting something. However, to Laila, who had served by her side for many years, it seemed like she was hiding something.

Lady Althea is hiding something... probably, definitely. But forcing her to reveal what she's hiding isn't my intention. But... how can I accompany her...

As Laila pondered how to accompany her, Julia unexpectedly came to the rescue.

"Laila is Lady Althea's attendant, so it's natural to worry. It's okay for me to come with you. As for seats, we'll save two for you. Right, Lady Kaera?"

After the orientation yesterday, it seemed that Julia and Kaera had also become somewhat friendly. Thinking about it that way, perhaps that incident wasn't entirely bad.

"Really? Thank you, Lady Julia... In that case, I'll accompany her. Sorry to bother you, Lady Julia, Lady Kaera, but please take care of the seats."

As Althea expressed her gratitude, the bell for the start of the third period rang.

After the morning classes ended, the four of them headed to the cafeteria as usual, ordered their meals, and chatted while eating. Even during this meal, Laila observed her mistress, of course, so as not to arouse suspicion from the surroundings.

There must have been something... I've been by her side for seven years, and I've never seen such an atmosphere and expression before... There's something troubling Lady Althea... Once I understand, I must eliminate it...

As she hurriedly finished her meal while thinking about such things, by that time Althea also stood up. "Well, I should go... I'll be late for the afternoon class if I don't. Lady Julia, Lady Kaera, please take care of the seats."

With a bow, she began to walk away. Laila quickly stood up as well and bowed, "Please excuse us," then followed after Althea.

As they walked through the corridor after leaving the cafeteria, Althea suddenly stopped and handed Laila a crumpled piece of paper.

"What's this?"

"It was in my locker this morning."

"Huh, then what about the textbooks?"

"I have them... You've been reminding me not to forget, haven't you? So I said I forgot my textbooks to handle this. But... how did they know about 'I can fight'?" 1Our mc is too innocent

Hmm... with a pensive expression, her eyes darting sideways to Althea, Laila quickly read the contents of the crumpled paper.

"Lady Althea Monclair,

During lunch on the ×th of ○ month, I'll be at the small fountain near the back of Building B. I have something to discuss."

Is this perhaps...

With fear in her heart, Laila looked at Althea and said, "I don't know how they found out, but I can't let the Monclair name be tarnished... If I come with you, they surely won't lay a hand on you, right? So, I'll come with you, but don't intervene, okay?"

It seems like they've misunderstood it as a "duel" or something.

Well, there aren't any sweet invitations written in the text... but, considering the designated location...

Gathering her courage, Laila informed Althea, "Lady Althea, I believe this is not something like a 'duel', most likely."

"Huh? Why not?"

"The designated location is a well-known place within the academy grounds."

"A well-known...?"

"Yes. It's known for 'confessing one's feelings to someone they like'..."


Wide-eyed, Althea fell silent, then blushed deeply.

"Huh?... Huh??"

"Thus, this letter is an invitation from a gentleman who wishes to confess his feelings to Lady Althea... Really, it's a relief I didn't let you go alone..."

If I had let her go alone, she might have mistakenly hit the other person. Well, that would have been fine. But, being both oblivious and kind-hearted as Lady Althea is, she might have agreed to it without understanding... If that happened...

With a hint of that worry tucked away in her heart, Laila continued as they walked towards the designated location.

"Please rest assured. I won't make such a tactless move as to accompany you to such a place... Ah! I'm sorry, it seems your company has arrived. I'll be watching from that tree over there."

With that said, Laila disappeared from in front of Althea.

"Huh? Wait... Laila?!"

Just as Althea called out the name of her maid, who disappeared mid-conversation, she felt a presence behind her and turned around to see a male student running towards them.

Taking a slight step back, the approaching male student stopped in front of them.

"S-Sorry. I called you out and then I'm late... But, I'm glad you came. I was worried you might ignore me..."

Despite catching his breath, the unfamiliar male student continued with a refreshing smile.

"Uh, well, first things first, let me introduce myself. I'm Setsu Kremann, a third-year student. I'm from the Fakele Kingdom, not a magic user, but I'm the second son of the only duke family in FullTale Kingdom. It's sudden, but I fell in love with you at first sight during the entrance ceremony. Will you go out with me?"

Confession was a first-time experience for Althea, and with the added anxiety of being left at the "confession spot" at school, her mind went blank. Setsu, with a flushed face, extended his hand and bowed.

Observing the scene from a nearby tree, Laila thought to herself,

...Mr. Kremann probably hasn't experienced anything like this before either, he doesn't even have the spare capacity to worry about Lady Althea. But...

With those thoughts in mind, Laila tried to emit a slight sense of threat towards Setsu.

At that moment, Althea, who noticed the suppressed hostility nearby, changed her position slightly to protect Setsu.

Haha, truly my young lady... But, this should bring him back to his senses, right?

With a smirk, Laila from the tree no longer emitted any hostility.

Relieved at the vanished hostility, Setsu, who hadn't even sensed the hostility from Laila, placed his hand on Althea's right shoulder from behind and asked, feeling a little suspicious of Althea's movements.

"Miss Monclair?... Are you listening to me? I'm pretty serious about this... "

Naturally, Althea couldn't help but compare the male with her brother Sieg, who always surrounded her, with the present situation... sensing something different, she bowed her head and said,

"Sorry. I still don't really understand things like dating... I'm sorry."

However, perhaps due to his confidence to some extent, or dissatisfaction with Althea's response, Setsu Kremann couldn't give up.

"Nobody understands it well at first. That's why we get to know each other through interaction, right? I want you to know me first. That's what dating is for."

Saying so, he tried to draw Althea closer by putting his arm around her shoulders.

Seeing this, Laila thought,

Wha...!? Even though he seems inexperienced, he's quite assertive. And on top of that, trying to put his arm around her shoulder...! If he keeps up this persistence...

She discreetly reached for her concealed weapon, intending to approach Althea, when a voice came from a different direction.

"You'll be disliked if you're too persistent. You wouldn't want to be disliked by someone you like, right?... Think about when to back off."

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