Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 60 – First Challenge!

After the opening declaration by the head of the school, representatives from each team gathered in front to draw lots and determine their course. The order of drawing lots started with the team named "Deep Indigo," followed by "Navy Blue," then "Pale Blue," and so on.

Teams without representatives were allowed to change their course once after drawing lots, but the new destination was also determined by drawing lots, so whether the change was fortunate depended on luck.

As the drawing of lots progressed, the favored Gold Team would be left with the last course, which meant no choice in their path.

Once all the teams' courses were decided, they assembled on designated magic circles.

After confirming everyone was present, upon the signal of the head of the school's word "transfer," the magic circles the students stood on began to shine.

"Huh? What's this...?" Kaera exclaimed.

"It's a teleportation magic. Everyone standing on the magic circles will be transferred to the location written on this paper," Siegfried explained while showing the paper with the destination written on it. Meanwhile, the light continued to intensify, enveloping them in a dazzling brightness.

When the light subsided, they cautiously opened their eyes to find themselves standing in a place resembling a forest surrounded by lush greenery.

"Everyone's here," Siegfried remarked as he surveyed the surroundings. As everyone nodded, Erica hesitantly asked, "Um... Your Highness? Was this forest chosen as our destination?"

"No, it wasn't... Probably, the teachers are creating this illusion with magic. Oh, right, before I forget... Let me give everyone these," he said, distributing the handkerchiefs he had received yesterday to everyone.

"These have protective and detection magic on them. Even if we split up later, we can detect whether everyone is safe... well, it's better not to use them. Let's follow the map as planned."

The paper that had been indicating the "location" now displayed a map.

While checking the map, the group moved forward with Siegfried at the front, followed by the first-years, then the second-years, and finally, with Richt bringing up the rear.

After a short while, they came across a cave entrance. Venturing inside, they reached a dead-end with four white doors.

"What's this...? Do we have to choose one of these doors?" Erica asked.

"No, it seems we have to enter all of them," said Siegfried, examining the rightmost door. "Look, there's a 'condition' written here."

He pointed to where indeed there were written instructions.

"This door says... 'Team Leader,' so I should go in," he continued. Then, Richt, who was examining the door next to it, said, "And this one says 'Remaining Members.'"

As the group discussed, Claro Raev, looking at the second door from the left, said, "This one says 'One first-year girl and one second-year boy.'"

And next to him, Kaera, examining the door next to Claro's, said, "This one says 'Female with a height of 155 centimeters or less.'"

"Is this the 'condition' His Highness mentioned? 'One first-year girl and one second-year boy' might work out, but... 'Female with a height of 155 centimeters or less'..." Richt remarked.

Meanwhile, while Richt and Kaera were still arguing, Althea asked Siegfried a question.

"What about this 'condition' His Highness mentioned? If there's no one who fits the condition, what happens then? It's not necessarily that someone fitting this condition is in our team, right?"

"Ah, in that case, it would be considered a forfeit... No, my explanation is lacking. Along the way to the goal, such conditions or challenges may arise. Of course, some teams may reach the goal without any issues. By clearing these conditions or challenges, points are added. However, failing to clear them results in negative points. Even if a team finds the most points at the end, they might still lose due to the positive and negative points accumulated along the way."

Siegfried patiently explained to Althea and the surrounding first-years.

"Well, it's better to clear the conditions, right?" Althea replied, prompting Laila to hastily interject, "Surely... Lady Althea, do you intend to go alone?"

"Yes, because it's 'such a condition.'... It's alright, Laila. Actually, I think it's better for one person. There's no need to worry about being seen."

With a smile, Althea answered, leaving everyone speechless.

This time, even before enrolling, Regulus had emphasized keeping Althea's fighting skills a secret. Only Laila and Siegfried knew about this. So, even during introductions, Althea didn't mention her favorite activity as "training" but as "horseback riding."

"Are you sure about this, Althea?"

"Yes. If Brother Sieg thinks it's okay, you understand, right?"

"Even so... I'm worried, but... There's no choice. Okay, I understand. Don't push yourself too hard, alright?"


After exchanging whispers, Siegfried stopped Richt and Kaera's argument.

"Fortunately, this team can fulfill all the conditions. I'll take the rightmost door, and next to me, I'll ask Miss Althea to go."

"Huh, Your Highness Siegfried, are you planning to send a newcomer... and a girl alone?"

Richt complained.

"Yeah, she said 'I'll go' herself," Siegfried replied, and Althea cheerfully confirmed, "Yes."

She responded so energetically that no one could say anything more.

"Now, for the next door... I'd like volunteers."

"I'll go," said Kaera and Laila without hesitation, then looked at each other.

"If Althea is going, then it's better for me to... well, be with her," Kaera explained.

"Lady Kaera, as Uranian noble you have the same reasons, don't you?"

"Well, that's true, but... um, Your Highness."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Is everyone going to different places through these doors?"

"No, probably, but the destination should be the same. Otherwise, there's no point in having a team."

"I see. Then, Laila, it might be better for you to go through the last door with everyone."

"Why's that?"

"When Miss Althea reaches the destination, I think it'll be most reassuring for her if you're there."

"... Even so, the last door might not necessarily lead to an early arrival, right?"

"That's true, but... well, it's just that there are no conditions, so there's a high possibility of nothing being there."

"I understand. But please make sure Lady Kaera arrives safely too."

"Of course, I don't want to get hurt either."

With a grin, Kaera hugged Laila.

"The female student is decided. Now for the second-year boy... Finis or Richt?" Siegfried said, and everyone looked at the two. Then, Richt raised his hand and asked a question.

"Your Highness Siegfried, can you assert that there's nothing in the other routes?"

"It's not absolute. I think the possibility is low."

"Claro, can you protect the other five?" This time, Richt asked Claro Raev.

"It depends, but... It might be tough alone with five."

"What about the other girls? Are there any who can fight?" Laila raised her hand.

"Oh, there is. Then it should be fine. In that case, I'll go there," Richt said, nodding at Siegfried's words.

"It seems decided. The leftmost door... Laila, you'll lead."


"Wait, Your Highness? Why is a first-year leading? And a Dark attribute..." Richt questioned.

"Because you said so."


"Normally, I'd entrust it to you. But right now, you might be biased with remarks like 'because it's a first year' or 'because it's a Dark attribute,' right? In that case, you might not be able to make a calm judgment when needed. Laila handles tasks at the Monclair family calmly... So, I think she's more suitable in that sense."

"...," Even Erica, who had been spirited until now, fell silent.

"Lady Erica..." Catelea Ezreal, worried about the quiet Erica, approached and led her to the door on the left.

"Now, everyone in front of their designated doors," Siegfried commanded, and everyone stood in front of their designated doors.

"Althea, don't push yourself too hard."

"Miss Althea, if you feel it's too much, it's okay to withdraw."

Kaera and Richt, standing next to Althea's door, said. They seemed more concerned about Althea than themselves.

"Thank you very much. I won't push myself. Let's meet ahead, both of you."

Being worried about others more than myself... I'm truly happy...

With such thoughts, Althea smiled, radiating genuine warmth.

Caught off guard by her smile, Kaera and Richt blushed and stammered.

"Lady Althea, we'll be waiting ahead."

"Yeah, Laila, please take care of everyone."

After the greetings were over, at the right moment,

"Then let's go in. I'll see everyone off before I enter. Let's meet safely on the other side," Siegfried said, and everyone nodded, putting their hands on the doors and entering their respective destinations.

When Althea was about to enter, Siegfried called out to her.


With his hand on the doorknob, Althea looked at Siegfried, who had a look she had never seen before.

"Your Highness?"

"... No one's around now, so call me by my name."

Looking towards the door on the left, everyone had already entered.

"... Your Highness Siegfried, why do you look like that?"

"I know your abilities, but... still, I'm worried. Althea."


"Just in case, take this with you."

He took off his pendant and handed it to her.

"What's this?"

"It's an amulet. It's a pair with this one."

Saying so, he showed her another pendant.

"If, if by chance, you're in danger... grip this charm tightly. Then you can directly communicate with me."


"Yeah, if it goes well, you can even cast spells through the charm."

After gazing at the charm pendant for a while, Althea looked up and smiled.

"I understand. Thank you very much. But please take care too, Your Highness Siegfried."

"Yeah, let's both safely reach our destinations."

"Yes... Then, I'll go ahead..."


As Siegfried watched her off, Althea entered the other side of the door alone.

After murmuring "Be safe..." softly as he watched Althea's back, Siegfried also entered the other side of the door.

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