Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 84 – Overprotective Maid

One morning, about a week after starting to spend time with Lily at the secondary residence, Regalus announced something to Althea and the others after breakfast.

"It's sudden, but... Sieg and the others will be arriving today. I'd like Lady Lily to be present as well. And, of course, you too, Althea."

"And by 'the others,' who exactly do you mean?" Althea asked.

"Oliver and Cartlis. I'd like Lady Lily to help break Cartlis' enchantment."

Regalus answered calmly.

"Leave it to me!" Lily responded energetically, while Althea muttered worriedly across from her.

"Is he... charmed?"

"It's just a precaution."

Althea breathed a sigh of relief at Regalus' words.

"They're scheduled to arrive at 10, so please be in the reception room by then."

With that, Regalus stood up and returned to his room.

"10 o'clock... Althea, what should we do until then?" Lily asked, propping her chin on her hand as she watched Regalus leave.

"I'm going to train. I need to make sure I can get a solid two hours in. Would you like to join me for some endurance training, even if just a little?"

"Uh... I'll pass."

"Alright. But it's good to build stamina, you know? Anyway, I'll be off."

Smiling, Althea also stood and headed to her room, followed by Laila.

"What about you, Lady Gresha?" Sol asked the remaining Lily.

"Hmm... Since it's a good opportunity, I think I'll practice my magic. I haven't done anything for a while. Is there a place where I can practice?"

"Yes, there is. I'll show you."

Guided by Sol, Lily headed to the room designated for magic practice.

"Well, now that I'm fully warmed up... Laila, will you spar with me?" Althea, having finished her post-breakfast stretches and run, readied herself.

"Of course. Hand-to-hand combat, correct?"

"Yes, it's the best for basic training with the limited time we have. Alright, let's start!"

At Althea's signal, Laila lunged at her, and a fierce exchange of blows began. They attacked and defended repeatedly, pausing briefly before resuming their intense battle. Their relentless attacks continued for several minutes without either side yielding an inch.

During the evenly matched fight, Althea leapt high into the air to avoid Laila's attack. As Laila realigned herself, Althea delivered a kick from above. Laila barely managed to block the kick with her hands but was swept off her feet by Althea, who used one hand to steady herself on the ground and launched a low attack. Laila prepared to defend against the frontal attack, only for Althea to vanish from her sight.


Laila's delayed reaction gave Althea the opening to slip behind her and lock her in a chokehold, ending the match.

Panting, Laila asked, "When did you cast the body enhancement spell?"

"When I jumped. The kick was just a backup."

Althea replied with a pleased expression.

"Combining magic and physical combat... I can't win against you, Lady Althea."

"I can't win against you otherwise, Laila. Sorry about that."

"Don't be. Combining martial arts and magic is standard practice in real combat. I'm glad to see you training with that in mind. As expected of you, Lady Althea."

Laila noted the time and said, "Ah, we should start getting ready. We've worked up a sweat. I've asked Lanie to prepare the bath, so let's head to your room. I'll bring your change of clothes."

"Thank you. You should freshen up too, Laila."

Back in her room, Lanie had indeed prepared the bath. As Althea started undressing in the powder room, Lanie, who was arranging towels, let out a small scream.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Althea turned and asked.

"Ah... it's nothing. I'm sorry for startling you."

Lanie answered, blushing deeply and looking down.

"Are you sure? Was it something unpleasant or scary?"

"No, not at all... actually..."

Lanie glanced at Althea and blushed even more when Laila entered with a call.

"Lady Althea, I've brought your clothes. May I come in?"

As soon as Laila entered, Lanie hurriedly excused herself.

"Excuse me!"

She said and ran out of the room.

"Is she alright?" Althea wondered aloud, still topless.

"Why are you undressed like that?!"

Laila exclaimed.

"Well, I was changing when Lanie screamed, so I turned to check on her. She said it was nothing, but she was blushing, so I got worried. Then you came in..."

It became clear what had happened. Lanie, seeing Althea's naked form for the first time, was overwhelmed by her divine beauty.

Laila lightly shook her head and spoke to Althea.

"I understand the situation now. For now, you'll catch a cold if you stay like that. Please get into the bath quickly."

"Okay, but... Laila, Lanie's face was really red. If she has a fever, she should rest..."

Following Laila's advice, Althea headed to the bathroom, but even while soaking in the tub, she remained concerned for her maid. As she prepared fresh clothes and towels, Laila reassured her.

She's way too innocent! Is this our fault?! Should I teach her those things? Ah, no no - she's way too young!

Laila shook her head once again.

"She's fine. I believe she was just embarrassed."


"Embarrassed might not be the best word... Let's just say she was surprised by your... nearly naked appearance."

"My body is that surprising?"

Althea gazed at her reflection in the bathwater. Laila entered the room to help her wash her back.

"Let me wash your back. Yes, it was a good surprise. Your skin is so smooth and fair, and your figure is well-toned from all your training. You have an enviable physique. It's likely Lanie was just overwhelmed by your beauty."

"Really? But my chest isn't that big..."

"I think it's perfect. Perfectly curve and pinkish peaks. You fight, and a larger chest would only get in the way and cause backpains. Your proportions are ideal for both combat and aesthetics. Now, let's get out before you wrinkle."

Laila's words brought a smile to Althea's face as she stood from the bath, and Laila quickly wrapped a towel around her. They moved to the powder room where Laila helped dry Althea's body and hair, then assisted her in dressing.

"You've grown so much since you first entered the academy. Over the past three years, you've become taller and your body has matured beautifully. Your dedication to training has sculpted you wonderfully. Just look at yourself."

Laila stood Althea in front of the mirror.

Althea's damp silver hair sparkled like platinum in the light. Her body, clad in underwear, showcased a well-proportioned figure with a gently curving waist and a firm, rounded hip.

"See how beautiful you are?"

Laila's words didn't entirely convince Althea, who responded with slight doubt.

"Hmm... but wouldn't a fuller chest be better?"

"Not at all. While some may prefer a more voluptuous figure, your beauty transcends such standards. I firmly believe you're the most beautiful. No one can dispute that."

Laila's passionate declaration made Althea laugh.

"Haha, I see how much you adore me, Laila. Thank you, it feels nice to be appreciated by someone you care about."

Althea's radiant smile elicited a slightly bashful response from Laila.

"I'm glad you understand. Now, let's get you dressed quickly."

"By the way... did you manage to freshen up too, Laila?"

Althea asked while getting dressed.

"Yes, I did, very quickly."

"You didn't need to rush so much..."

Althea chuckled, but Laila responded earnestly.

"No one but me can attend to your bath, milady."

"I can handle it by myself, you know?"

"I know, but I want to take care of you."

"Laila, you're so overprotective."

"When it comes to you, Lady Althea, I won't let anyone else take my place."

Their laughter filled the room.

Shortly before the scheduled meeting time of 10 o'clock, Althea headed to the reception room. She was the first to arrive. Moments later, Lily entered.

They exchanged greetings and sipped tea prepared by Laila. Soon, Regalus and his entourage arrived.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. We had a bit of trouble," Regalus said.

"Trouble?" Althea asked.

"Slight issues with Cartlis, and we caught an interesting fellow," replied Siegfried, peeking out from behind Regalus.

"Your Highness... It's been a while," Althea greeted Siegfried with a ladylike bow, which Lily hastily mimicked.

"Wow, Lily, you look like a proper lady," Oliver teased from behind.

"Shut up. I've grown up too."

"You ignored all the other noblewomen's advice, though."


Lily glanced at Althea before continuing.

"It's good to be proper. It's not a bad thing to strive for etiquette, right?"

"It seems we have Althea to thank for that. Well done," Sieg said with a smile that made Lily blush and murmur to herself.

"He can smile like that..."

After the greetings, Regalus suggested they sit.

As everyone took their seats, Jean and Sol, who had been waiting behind Regalus, escorted in two individuals.

Althea recognized them immediately as Cartlis Sivia, restrained by Jean, and Richt Tormandi, held by Sol—the sources of the earlier trouble.

If this were a typical troupe shoujo-otome, Lily would be the main protagonist with commoner background wielding light magic who-turn-to-be-saintess, have romance routes with the Prince Siegfried of the great kingdom, Regalus, a siscon from a powerful military family, Prince Yugg from another country and Richt the womanizer and so much more and then finally, our Althea the OP villainess. 😂😂😂

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