Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 88: Is It Infatuation Or Betrayal?

That night, after Laila had retired to her room, Althea called for Ciel.

Recently, Ciel had gained the ability to take on a human form, and thus, wasn't always by Althea's side. However, whenever Althea called, Ciel would appear from seemingly nowhere almost instantly.

"Althea, did you call for me?"

With those words, Ciel appeared abruptly in front of Althea, now in human form.

"What? When did you get here?"

Startled by the sudden appearance of a handsome man, Althea took a step back to verify what she was seeing.

"When did I get here? I can teleport instantly if it's just me."

"Really? That's amazing... Ciel, you just keep getting stronger, don't you?"

"Of course, the stronger you become, the stronger I get."

"So, that means I'm getting stronger too?"

"Yes. I’ve been watching your classes, and it seems the academy doesn't allow the use of advanced magic. But in your case, you're casting spells that aren't typical for your age. If I recall correctly, you've even been practicing advanced spells, right?"


"Being able to use advanced magic before even entering the magic department is extraordinary."

For some reason, Ciel puffed out his chest proudly. It seemed he wanted to convey just how remarkable Althea was, which made her chuckle.

"Althea, you're so laid-back. You’re capable of incredible things, yet you neither boast nor try to stand out. You could afford to be more proud of yourself, you know."

Ciel grumbled while Althea laughed.

"I don't need to stand out. Besides, Ciel, you've been learning a lot of things since you gained a human form. Like, figuring out when I started being able to use advanced magic."

"Yeah, I thought I'd read what humans read, just in case it could help you."

Ciel replied with a happy smile.

He’s like a big dog. I can almost see his wagging tail.

With that thought, Althea began to stroke Ciel's head. Ciel, enjoying the attention, leaned in for more. As Althea continued to pet him, she suddenly remembered why she had called him in the first place and stopped.


Confused by the sudden halt in his head pats, Ciel peered into Althea’s face.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Ciel, do you know any way for the 'Legendary Saintess' to avoid losing her life?"

"Legendary Saintess? Oh you mean, the 'Legendary Maiden'? Uhh,,, losing her life?"

"Yes, in the past, women chosen as the Maiden of Dusk lost their lives. I think it might be due to mana depletion. Is there any way to prevent that?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't know. Is this something you need to know right now?"

"No, not immediately..."

"I see. In that case, I'll look into it. There might be clues in the royal castle's library."

"Wait, how would you even get into the royal castle's library—oh."

With a mischievous laugh, Ciel responded.

"I'm a fairy. If there’s a barrier against fairies, I can't enter, but if it’s just a general magic barrier, I can get in. Once I'm inside, it’s easy. Don't worry, I won't do anything that'll get me caught or get you into trouble."

Ciel winked.

"Alright, I’ll rely on you. But please, don't do anything dangerous. This information is important, but not at the cost of your safety. Promise me, okay?"

Althea looked up at Ciel with concern in her eyes.

Feeling his heart race at Althea’s teary-eyed gaze, Ciel nodded vigorously, blushing slightly as he left the room.

Watching Ciel leave, Althea clasped her hands together.

"I might have asked something difficult... Ciel, please come back safely."

She prayed under the starlit sky.


The following day, Ann's voice resonated through the mansion, reprimanding Lily for her manners and language. Aside from that, the day passed without incident.

The day after that, Althea, accompanied by Clara, Regalus, and Laila, departed from the Monclair estate and headed towards the royal castle. As they were leaving, Lily made a fuss, insisting that she wanted to go too. However, Clara, with an imposing aura, convinced her to stay and continue her etiquette studies at home.

Inside the carriage en route to the castle, Clara abruptly began to speak.

"By the way, Althea, about the incident where you were attacked... We haven't figured out the reason yet, but the possibilities are limited. One is that someone purely obsessed with you acted on their feelings, or they were manipulated by someone else infatuated with you. Another possibility is..."

Clara paused, scrutinizing the faces of the two children attentively before continuing.

"...that someone knows Althea's secret."

"That's impossible!"

Regalus's voice grew agitated, then trembled as he continued.

"If that's the case... it would mean someone we trust has betrayed us."

"Incidentally, are there others besides Jean and Laila, who were present during the magic measurement, who know the secret?"

Clara asked, her gaze inscrutable as she looked at Regalus.

"...Prince Siegfried."

"And no one else?"

"No. I haven’t told Kartlis, Oliver, or anyone else."

"I see... Althea, how about you?"

"I haven't told anyone either. Not my friends Julia or Kaera, nor Lady Gresha."

"So, besides the Monclair family, only the prince knows. What exactly did you tell him?"

Regalus hesitated before answering.

"...About the transparent mana, the advanced magic book, and the ability to enchant."

Even Clara, usually composed, couldn't hide her shock. She paused before unleashing her rare fury.

"That's everything!! Regalus, I'm not doubting your judgment of character, but the prince is both your friend and the future king of this country! Did you not consider he might use Althea for the state's benefit?!"

Regalus and Althea remained silent.


Impatient with Regalus's silence, Clara called out his name loudly and sharply.

Regalus lifted his head, meeting Clara's gaze without flinching.

"I don't believe he would use Althea."

"Why are you so sure?"

"I've known Sieg for seven years since we first met at the age of ten. I've observed him as a friend and assessed him to see if he is someone worthy of my trust and loyalty. And besides, he..."

Regalus paused, glancing at Althea.

—He hasn't explicitly said it, but... I'm pretty sure Sieg...


Clara's voice snapped him back to the present.

"Anyway, I trust Sieg. He understands the importance of our family's trust and the consequences of undermining it."

"I see... From his behavior during his visit to our house, he seemed promising as a future leader... I'll trust your judgment."

"Thank you."

"In that case, it seems more likely that this was driven by infatuation... But we won't know for sure until that boy from Fulltale, Richt, regains his senses. Also, we received a letter from the Pope addressed to Thomas. It says, 'We would like to conduct another secret measurement of Althea's mana.'"

"...What? My mana?"

"Yes. Since it's supposed to be secret, I'm not sure how they'll manage it... If we go to the church, someone will notice. In any case, they plan to conduct another mana measurement during this summer break. Be prepared."

Althea exchanged a glance with Regalus and nodded.


Before long, the carriage arrived safely at the royal castle. Althea went with Clara, while Regalus was escorted by Curio to their respective destinations.

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