Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 97: The Morning And The Tournament

"Ah, what a beautiful morning," Althea mused, stretching her body as she stood by the window, basking in the sunlight that streamed through the curtains. The events of the previous night played in her mind.


"Would you consider forfeiting the match?" Lloyd Insula had asked.

Kaera was the first to respond to Lloyd's unexpected request. "What are you saying? Encouraging a competitor to forfeit is disgraceful. If you're so lacking in confidence, perhaps you should be the one to forfeit."

"I have confidence," Lloyd replied calmly. "But I cannot risk injuring Lady Monclair. She is, after all, the beloved of Prince Yugg."

"Who is the beloved of whom?" Kaera asked, her tone incredulous.

"Lady Monclair is Prince Yugg's beloved. It would be unthinkable to harm her in the tournament," Lloyd explained.

"Wait a minute," Kaera interjected, turning to Althea, who had remained silent. "Althea, is this true?"

"I don't think so," Althea responded uncertainly. "I mean, he does ask me to marry him every time we meet, but he's never actually said he loves me. And besides, that has nothing to do with the tournament."

Resolving her thoughts, Althea turned to Lloyd. "I will not forfeit. If you intend to 'beat' me, then go ahead and try. I accept your challenge."


Standing by the window, Althea murmured to herself, "Did that sound like a declaration of war? Well, it doesn't matter. All I can do is my best in each match."

She lightly slapped her cheeks to energize herself and glanced at the clock. "Oh no, Kaera will be here soon. I need to hurry."

With renewed determination, she began changing into her combat uniform. As she finished tying her hair into a ponytail, there was a knock on the door.

"Lady Althea, are you ready? May I come in?" Kaera's voice called from outside.

Althea opened the door, and Kaera, upon seeing her, was momentarily stunned before enveloping her in a hug. "You look incredible—so cute and fierce. Honestly, I feel a bit sorry for your opponents."

Althea, dressed in the same standard combat attire as Kaera, was taken aback. The only difference was her ponytail.

"You really suit that hairstyle," Kaera said, releasing her. "It's different from your usual elegant look, but it suits you well. And to think I was the first to see it—it gives me a bit of pride. But we can't linger here; the opening ceremony will start soon. Let's head to the waiting room."

Hand in hand, they left the room together.

When they entered the waiting room designated for participants, all eyes turned to them. The tension in the air was palpable, and the boys, seeing Althea's new look, were momentarily captivated. However, the realization that this beautiful girl might get hurt sobered them quickly, leaving their expressions conflicted.

Kaera, noticing their reactions, spoke provocatively, "Come on, this isn't the face of someone about to fight. None of you stand a chance against me with that attitude."

A boy stepped forward and addressed Althea directly. "Lady Monclair, please, reconsider withdrawing. We cannot bear to see you injured."

The other boys nodded in agreement, their concern evident.

"This tournament is filled with aspiring knights. We cannot afford to hold back for your safety. The physical and strength differences make this a daunting challenge for you. Please, reconsider for your own sake."

Their concern was genuine, reflecting the harsh reality of the competition. Yet...

Althea closed her eyes for a moment, calming herself. She then performed a knight's salute and met the gaze of the boy who had spoken to her, addressing him directly.

"Thank you for your concern. However, I am not participating in this tournament for fun. I am also a Monclair. Please, face me today as you would any knight."

The boy, still looking confused, remained silent. It seemed he wasn't entirely convinced. Just then, applause sounded from behind her. Althea and Kaera turned to see the headmaster standing there with a smile.

"Excellent, truly excellent. The name Monclair must mean a great deal to you. You understand its weight and have chosen to compete under that name. If your abilities were not suited for this tournament, your brother would have certainly prevented you from participating. Yet he supports you, which in itself is a testament to your capabilities. Gentlemen, do any of you doubt the judgment of Regalus Monclair?"

The boys exchanged looks, and from that moment, no one else suggested she should forfeit.


"Thank you, Headmaster," Althea said, bowing deeply as she stepped out of the waiting room.

"No need for thanks," the headmaster replied, smiling. "Just show us how far you can go in the tournament. It promises to be interesting."

"We'll do our best!" Kaera declared, pounding her chest. "Not just Althea, but I also intend to win."

The headmaster chuckled. "I look forward to it. Every few years, we have female students who aspire to be knights, but none have placed higher than eighth. I'd like to see you break that record. I'm cheering for both of you."

With those words, he headed towards the arena to deliver the opening address, leaving Althea and Kaera to prepare for the challenge ahead.

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