Am I A Superman?

Chapter 47: Superman Returns

Although the abdomen was stabbed by the other side, Li Ya shone in the sun.

He was like a solar cell, recharged quickly, and the wound healed.

But no matter how fast his wounds healed, he still couldn't keep up with the speed of Joel the Destroyer.

The cells on the other side split like crazy. The whole person was thirty centimeters taller than before. He stood in front of Li Ya and already looked down at him with his eyes down.

"You guys are just hanging out!"

Li Ya worked hard to adjust the state, the other party has rushed towards himself.


On the wild in the suburbs, there was a thunderous sound. The huge spare energy spread out in all directions. The round trees and grass responded, and there were pits on the ground.

The two played against each other again, as if two heavy trucks were colliding with each other at full power, shaking the ground and making a sound of hundreds of miles!

Diana soon rushed over to join the battle.

Until now, the endless physical advantage of Joel the Destroyer is obvious, and Li Ya and Diana have suffered some injuries to varying degrees.

Although not fatal, neither of them is in the best condition.

But the other party is not only tireless, even stronger than before!

It was another fist-to-meat battle. Li Ya's body had reached the limit. He and Diana retreated.

In the final analysis, I was not strong enough.

I only have 55% of Superman's power. Fortunately, I have unlocked Diana's mission card before. With Diana's power bonus, I can compete with Joel the Destroyer.

But his physical strength is almost unlimited, and it is very bad to continue to fight.

Card! card!

If Li Ya can unlock all the superhero cards and a semi-finished destruction day, will he be able to choke with one finger?

现在 Now, Li Ya now regrets not having a large piece of flint on her body.

Let Diana pin it down and go back to the town to find ocher?

想法 This idea was quickly rejected by Li Ya.

Hard words, Diana is not Joel the Destroyer at all.

Rumble ...

There was another roar in the sky. At first, Li Ya thought it was another armed fighter that had come to chaos. He looked up and found that it was a black spot.

Fly from far and near towards you.

what is that?

Is a bird of prey? Or an airplane?

Do not! That's ... Superman!

I saw in the air that a person with both hands above his head appeared in Li Ya's sight. He was wearing a blue tights, and a red cloak flew up and down in the air.


Yi Yi's voice burst, and the man continued to appear in the sky over Li Ya and others, almost descending from the sky with an arc of 90 degrees.


He landed on the ground, the earth took him as the center, and cracks like spider webs appeared. He stood up slowly, and the strong pectoral muscles stretched the 'S' in front of his chest in an exaggerated arc.

He looked at Li Ya with a smile on his face, "Hi brother, it's been a long time!"

"Hey Clark, I can see you at this time, it's ... be careful!"

Li Ya reminded that Joel the Destroyer appeared behind Clark, raised his spurs' claws, and thrust at Clark's back sharply.

当事人 But the party only smiled slightly, just as the bone spur was about to fall.

Clark was slightly on one side of his body, and at the same time raised his hand to support the bone spur arm of Destroyer Joel, and yanked his waist sharply, and flung it towards Li Ya.

In this regard, Li Ya's feet staggered, and her right fist was like a full bow string, punching at the destroyer Joel who was flying towards her.

when! !!

There was a loud noise like a loud bell from Hong Zhong.

It was as if an iron rod was struck on a pound of bronze bell. This punch of Li Ya rolled the body of Destroyer Joel uncontrollably in the air and smashed a deep under the effect of inertia on the ground. pit.

Diana seized the opportunity, leaped forward with the sword of Vulcan, and then held up the sharp sword and stabbed at the heart of Joel the Destroyer.


Destroyer Joel rolled with a lazy donkey, avoiding Diana's attack. He raised his hand and waved Diana out, and at the same time, his foot slammed hard, his body suddenly chased up, raised the spur and waved down .


When Li Ya saw this scene, his heart almost jumped to his throat, and his body dived forward, trying to stop the destroyer Joel at the fastest speed.

对方 However, the opponent's speed is not slow.

Squinting as Joel the Destroyer got closer and closer to Diana, Diana held her hands tightly, drank softly, and bumped the guardian silver bracelet together.

"Drink ah ..."

Buzz! !! !!

A divine shockwave centered on Diana, spreading violently all around.

The original destroyer Joel who had been hurried towards her suddenly took a sudden meal in this shock wave, and then flew out uncontrollably.

"Go to death!" Li Ya roared, raised her head with one hand and punched Joel the Destroyer.

Clark floated in the air, his eyes radiated hot rays, and the three played Joel the Destroyer as if playing football.

"Diana, are you okay?"

Li Ya took this opportunity to hold Diana who fell in the air ~ ~ The latter held Li Ya's neck, "a little injury, it's okay ... Speaking of which?"

"He's the friend I said to you, Clark Kent, you can call him Superman." Li Ya revealed the real identity of Superman without a word.

Clark slowly flew to Li Ya, and gave him a glaring glance: "You guy who values ​​you lightly and lightly, should you also introduce me to this lady?"

"Her name is Diana, Princess Amazon. You can call her Wonder Woman. She is the third member of our Justice League." Li Ya said with a smile.

Clark nodded thoughtfully, "Amazonians? I remember the age of the universe, my ancestors came to Earth once. Are Amazonians a race created by gods?"

Diana raised her chest proudly: "Yes, my mother said that my people were all made by Zeus from clay."

Zeus pinched a woman out of clay, and also studied the origin of life with this woman, and gave birth to a daughter ...

Do ancient gods play like this? !!

"Roar! Roar!"

Joel the Destroyer snarled on the ground. After this round of attacks, Joel the Destroyer grew crazy again.

Clark stared at him strangely, and said in wonder: "What kind of monster is this? Why can I feel that he seems a lot stronger than he was just now."

"He claims to be General Zod's men. I killed him with flint before, but I don't know why he was resurrected and became this ghost." Li Ya explained.

Clark frowned tightly after hearing the words 'General Zod'. "General Zod? Zod is also here on earth?"

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