Am I A Superman?

Chapter 88: Whisper

With a bang, the tongue of fire spit out, and a bullet shot suddenly towards Louise Lane's heart.

Everyone present was shocked by the sudden gunshot.

The smile on Clark's face suddenly stiffened, because he found that the bullet had actually been fired at Louise.

"Do not!!!"

He roared suddenly, exerting super speed suddenly, reaching out and trying to block the bullet for Louise.

It's a pity that Clark found it too late. Although his speed was fast, the fatal bullet almost shot through Louise's heart.

"Fast Speed!"

I waited until Li Ya's voice dropped, and the whole world suddenly stopped, and only Clark slowly reached out his hand in an attempt to block the bullet.

However, just a few tenths of a millimeter away, the bullet rubbed Clark's palm and flew towards Louise's heart.

Li Ya walked forward quickly, reached out and pinched the bullet in his hand, at this time Li Ya's hand almost touched Louise's breast.

He coughed, and stepped back quickly. Clark's gaze then caught up with Li Ya's figure. He saw that the child popped into Li Ya's hand, and his expression relaxed suddenly.

The speed field suddenly lifted, and everyone around was still immersed in the sound of the gun just now.

Fiorah found that Li Ya appeared to be in another position as if it were teleporting, and Diana was not surprised. She looked at the person who shot the gun, rushed out of the figure, and held it open. His neck will fall to the ground.

"Who are you? Who directed you to come?"

General Swanwick and others hurried forward, and the officer immediately recognized the man who shot the gun, "Colonel Evan, are you a spy penetrated by the enemy?"

"Asshole, dare to murder my daughter, I'll hit you!" Colonel Lane pulled out his gun and shouted at the corporal named Evan.

"I'm wrong! I'm wrong! I really don't know why I shot, you have to believe me!"

下 Corporal Evan saw Colonel Ryan pointing his gun at his head, especially the superman who was soaring and looked at him with a murderous look. If not for his determination, he would have **** out.

"Injustice? I saw you shoot at Louise. Why did you kill Louise?" Clark asked sharply. He didn't dare to imagine that if there was no Li Ya just now, Louise should be right now. He was dying in his arms.

Although Clark and Louise haven't known each other for a long time, and they have seen each other twice in general, they have an inexplicable feeling.

When I see the other person, I feel very happy. Looking at the other person's eyes, I have the urge to kiss each other.

Clark didn't know, this was how it fell in love at first sight.

In the face of Superman's questioning, this poor Corporal Evan shivered unwillingly: "I swear to God, I didn't want to hurt anyone, I really don't know why I shot!"

Louise was kind-hearted, and she looked at Corporal Evan's expression, suddenly softened: "Will he have anything to hide?"

让 "Let me interrogate him with mantras!"

Everyone who is bound by the true word lasso will tell the truth without reservation. After explaining it to everyone, Diana takes out the true word lasso and tie it to Corporal Evan.

"Who are you taking orders from?" Diana asked sharply.

"I take orders with General Swanwick!"

Under the power of mantras, Corporal Evan spoke out his truest thoughts.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were on General Swanwick.

"It's not me. I didn't instruct him to kill Louise. What's the good for me?" General Swanwick felt Superman's eyes were terrible, so he explained quickly.

Diana shook her head and continued to ask, "Did General Swanwick direct you to shoot Louise?"

不 "No, I heard a whisper in my ear saying something like‘ kill Louise and shoot at her ’, and then I shot the ghost, but I swear it wasn't my intention!”

下 Corporal Evan cried curiously, and under the truth lasso, everything he said was true.

解释 This explanation is so good for the American soldiers present. How could a whisper be heard in the ear and it will be done accordingly. Is it possible that there is a superpower nearby who can control the will of others?

But after hearing this explanation, Diana slowly turned to Li Ya, and said solemnly, "It is Ares. He has deceptive power. It must be that he instructed the soldier to kill Louise! But ... Why is Louise? "

Clark still can't figure it out, "Impossible, if there is any whisper, I will definitely hear it!"

"A man bound by a mantra of a mantra is telling the truth. Maybe the whisper he said may be something spiritual."

In fact, Li Ya originally wanted to talk about magic. Maybe the other party was Ares, maybe not, but the other party chose to kill Louise. Why?

In the memory of Li Ya's previous life, Louise's death blackened Superman, but now Clark and Louise have just met, and the relationship between the two has not reached the level that blackened Clark.

Perhaps the other party didn't know what Louise meant to Superman. He killed Louise, but simply wanted to stir up a dispute.

General Swanwick's soldiers killed Colonel Lane's daughter. At the same time, the woman had a great relationship with Superman ~ ~ when she died, it would inevitably lead to a dispute among the three parties.

"Is it really Ares? Diana, can you feel the magic around you?" Li Ya asked.

Diana shook her head: "No, Ares can be transformed into a person's image, and his existence cannot be detected by any means, unless he shows up by himself."

Clark flew into the air in disbelief, scanned it with thermal vision, and found nothing.

In the end, Corporal Evan was taken down and held as a key suspect.

It took a while for the metropolis to rebuild, so Louise was brought back to the Seventh Military District by Colonel Lane, and focused on protection. Li Ya and others also bid farewell to General Swanwick and returned to the town.

At the same time, the incident of the invasion of alien spacecraft by the metropolis has been covered extensively by various media.

He first spread the alien spaceship and Li Ya's battle from the Internet, and then the reporters from the surrounding cities flocked to it, rushing to the metropolis.

In this regard, the United States government did its best to suppress and conceal, but it was not effective at all.

Today's events are different from previous small-scale events. Those who have the courage only need to look around the metropolis.

The sight of a messy and ruined city came into sight, and it was impossible to hide it!

Subsequently, the CEOs of Wayne Group, Lex Group, and Quinn United Group successively held press conferences, expressing their willingness to fund the reconstruction of the metropolis without compensation.

When all public opinion reached its peak, President Okuanhai issued a statement that in the face of the heroic and valiant American army, all alien invading forces were paper tigers.

However, this kind of rhetoric has been cast aside by the people, because the heroes who truly save the metropolis are already known to the whole world.

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