Am I (Not) a Hero?

Chapter 15

[Peter Parker's POV]

I climbed down from the building and took off my mask in a quiet corner.

I wasn't tired of playing spies yet, and I prayed to God that I wouldn't grow tired of it anytime soon because these endless costume changes would haunt my nightmares.

Didn't the Symbiote have the ability, like Alex Mercer, to turn itself into clothing? 

That would be a blessing. 

However, that wasn't coming anytime soon…

"Ugh… how did he even appear?! Why can't I remember such an important thing?"

Catching up with the guys, I stumbled into Kong's place, where some people were already hanging out. 

I didn't even remember if any of them were from our school.

"Damn, Kong, what the hell is Parker doing here? Who let this nerd in here?" 

A man from the school basketball team mocked me; I kind of remembered him. 

"Or is this some kind of show program for us…" 

Kong slapped the guy on the stomach with the back of his hand and pulled him in for a hug, covering his mouth with his palm.

"I didn't know you were actually coming. Have fun, just don't destroy my place, Rambo." 

Kong forced a smile as he led his friend away.

'Yeah, it looks like Kong really decided not to bully me anymore. He's scared, that little bastard. People like him can sense danger very well.'

The apartment was freaking huge.

I didn't even know how many people were there, but the crowd was dense, and some club music was playing. 

The typical noise of such gatherings filled the air.

Since I was mostly an introverted person, I followed the usual approach.

You find someone you know and stick by them the whole evening because what else is there to do?

That person was supposed to be MJ, but I didn't see her around at all.

Instead, I spotted a sad Liz Allan downing beers on one of the large sofas arranged in a U-shape in front of the TV. 

It was a pleasant sight but not nearly as amusing as the group of stoners.

I mean real stoners, with their noses glued to the small plasma screen, giggling at some cartoons. 

Ugh, someone should open a window; it was starting to smell like weed in here.

I grabbed a bottle of some American beer from the table and tried to open it with my fingers. 

With enough force, the cap finally popped off—convenient—and I sipped the unknown brew.

'I don't know my tolerance, but spider modifications should give me at least some resistance… So, drinking this stuff is almost pointless, right? Oh well.'

I thought as I continued drinking.

I sat down at the other end of the couch from Liz. After all, MJ was supposed to come to us both.

Where the hell is she? 

Don't tell me something happened to her. I don't need this kind of crap; I just got things sorted out with Uncle Ben, at least I should have. 

Maybe I should just ditch this party and check on the old man? But my plans were interrupted.

"Hey, Parker." 

Liz leaned in closer to me.

"Spill it, where's little Jane? She promised to come." 

Liz's voice was already slurred, but she could still speak clearly.

"— No idea." 

I replied shortly. 

I wasn't going to be friendly with this bitch. 

"I don't even have her number."

"Oh, so you and her are…"

She was trying to remember the words.

"...not the inseparable friends you used to be as kids? So why does she keep defending you?"

"Maybe because you bully me for literally nothing?"

I asked rhetorically, taking a sip of beer.

"Oh, the straight-A student finally tried alcohol for the first time and has become so brave."

Liz smirked mockingly. 

"And what kind of bullying was it, anyway? You don't even know what real girls' bullying is, like…" 

She paused to take another drink. 

"… that's true horror. We're just teasing you, smartass."

"Well, then, you're not gonna be able to tease me anymore. Did you see what I did to your ex?" 

I grinned at her.


She scoffed, accidentally spitting some saliva, then quickly wiped her mouth.

"Don't mention that asshole in front of me!" 

She said loudly, gripping my clothes. 

I tried to gently push her away, but it didn't work. 

"And it wasn't him who dumped me; I dumped him!"

'MJ, where are you? Save me!'

"I don't give a fuck about your relationship; let go of me, damn it." 

I hissed, trying not to hurt her while prying her off my clothes.

"But he does give a shit about you. Parker this, Parker that. Parker is so annoying. Parker the fucking smartass. He's just obsessed with you." 

She complained. 

"If he wasn't trying to get into half the cheerleading squad's pants, I'd think he was gay."

She smirked and placed her hand on my knee.

"Hey, Parker, are you even interested in girls? Or are you one of those?" 

Liz pulled down one strap of her top… or whatever it was; I didn't know much about women's clothing. 

"What do you think of me?"

What does she think of herself? 

I have enough pride not to settle for just anyone especially after that jerk, Flash. 

I shrugged her hand off my knee and replied.

"I think you're wasted." 

I said honestly. 

"And if you're hoping to make him jealous by coming onto me, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. If he approaches me again, I'll beat him to a pulp."

"Maybe that's what I want? For you to beat him up again." 

She leaned closer to me. 

"He's been such a pain in the ass for the past six months. I didn't know how to get rid of that brainless idiot, and then he suddenly freaked out and did it himself. And now everyone thinks I was dumped by the most popular guy in school. And here I am, whining to some loser—fantastic." 

Liz was getting upset.

"I'll say it again; I'm not interested in the details of your personal life at all, and I didn't sign up to listen to your whining." 

I barely managed to hold back from cursing her out. Otherwise, she'll start crying, and that'll be the end of my reputation. 

Additionally, the redhead would be upset.

"Fuck, you're such an unpleasant person…" 

She grimaced. 

"I just wanted to make peace so MJ wouldn't snap at me whenever Flash or the girls bully her…" 

She laughed.

"Her Tiger. Where did you even get that nickname? You're more like a puppy—cute and harmless."

"A harmless guy wouldn't beat up Flash."

I replied, scanning the apartment for the redhead.

"Oh, so you want to prove you're a Tiger? Go ahead, dude. Show me." 

She said, climbing onto the couch and pretending to be a cat, trying to settle on my lap. 

I managed to hold her off, and at that moment, MJ appeared.

"Wow, I knew that if I left you two alone, you'd get along, but I didn't expect this result." 

She said cheerfully.

"Mary Jane, get her away from me, for God's sake." 

I said discontentedly.

MJ laughed and sat Liz back down on the couch.

"So, are you two good now?" 

MJ asked.

"If she doesn't bother me again, then yes." 

I replied with a bit of irritation, downing the bottle in one go. 

I felt fine, and nothing was even foggy in my head.

"Oh, 'Tiger,' come on, be honest… you liked it." 

Liz had managed to drink more, and her words started to slur.

"Hey, only I can call him Tiger." 

MJ playfully poked her in the side. 

"Speaking of tigers, you can congratulate me—I hit the jackpot." 

She reached into her bag.

"Maybe you won?"

"Maybe I did win, but I specifically found this." 

She pulled out...

A small jade tiger head is on a string, and two matching claws are also on the strings. 

They were beautiful. 

The tiger reminded me of a witcher's medallion; I'd love to have one like that.

"And where can you find such cool jade amulets?" 

I asked with interest.

"Where I found them—there's none left." 

MJ playfully said, gently stroking the tiger's head with her thumb. 

"But honestly, I got lost while looking for that wrestling club. I'm still new in New York, and it's a huge city. You didn't even come to get me, even though I live literally right next to you!" 

She pointed an accusing finger at me. 

"And it was I who convinced Aunt May to let you go." 

She gave me a half-offended look.

"Sorry, sorry, I'll owe you one." 

I replied. 

It was uncomfortable, but at least now I had money. 

That's quite a bit of money.

I sometimes have to sacrifice some things, especially since she gave up Peter for Harry and Liz, right?

"I'll remember that." 

She lifted the amulet with the tiger's head and held it just below her neck. 

"Does it suit me?" 

I nodded, trying not to stare at her cleavage. 

It was difficult. 

"Ugh, I need to change the laces; they're so old and dirty. Ugh. Hey, what if we combine them all together? Like, the head and the two claws on the sides?"

"Good idea, MJ, it really suits you. You have beautiful red hair and look like a tigress, much more than I look like a Tiger." 

I rolled my eyes at that nickname. 

"But you got distracted—where did you find them?"

"In some alley, right on top of a trash can lid. They must've been valued if they weren't just thrown in the trash." 

She pondered, gazing at the jade tiger.

"Maybe we should check at a pawn shop? It could be some super valuable antique." 

Liz sounded in who was also captivated by the stoner cartoons on the TV.

"Yeah, probably not. Otherwise, they would've sold them instead of tossing them away." 

She continued to admire them.

"Oh, MJ, stop playing with those trinkets. Did you bring it?" 

Liz whispered conspiratorially.

"I did." 

She smiled and pulled out an already-opened bottle of wine. 

So that's why she was so cheerful.

"That won't be enough for three of us." 

I concluded.

Liz ignored us and started chugging from the bottle, flipping me off.

"And now it won't be enough for two either. Is she even going to make it home?" 

I expressed my doubts.

"Her dad will pick her up. Moreover, Courtney and Taylor wouldn't let anyone hurt their queen." 

She whispered in my ear. 

"Jackals, not girls."

I took that into account, but I didn't care. 

Mostly, I just didn't want anything to happen to her because I could only torture and humiliate my victims. 

However, she was a victim; she had her own score to settle with me.

When Liz finally pulled away from the bottle, MJ and I leisurely finished the remaining. 

There was probably some other alcohol here besides the beer, but we clearly weren't invited to it. 

Flash would have definitely invited her, but alas, I was guarding MJ tonight.

The party was boring since I hardly knew anyone there. While talking about something trivial, MJ and I sipped our beer.

We had long since handed off the openly drunk Liz to her friends, and it seemed she was heading home. 

There were about fifty minutes until midnight—or, to put it simply, eleven evening—it didn't really matter. 

Since we were going to the same place anyway, we hailed a taxi, which I paid for as the "debtor," but my debt was settled at this point.

She was tired but held on and chatted about childhood memories. 

It was amusing, but I felt like a terrible pretender, recalling someone else's life as my own. 

The only thing that pleased me was that we got home without any incidents or awkward situations.

"Ugh, so boring." 

MJ complained as she climbed out of the car. 

"That's why I don't hang out with them, but this time Liz convinced me. We should get together for drinks just the three of us now that you're 'okay.'"

"That 'okay' is like 'armed neutrality.' I don't like her, although drunk Liz is funny." 

I couldn't help but admit it.

"Hey, come on, Tiger. I don't want to be torn between childhood friends. It's bad enough that Harry has become a smug jerk." 

She looked at me with cat-like eyes.

"We'll see, I'll think about it." 

"See you Monday?"

"Uh-huh, bye." 

She nodded and went into the house.

Looking at the time on my Nokia, I arrived on time. 

Thanks to Stan Lee, Uncle Ben, and Auny May were alive and drinking tea in the kitchen, waiting for me. 

They asked how everything was going. 

I replied that it was boring and that I spent the whole evening with MJ and her friend. 

They were happy about my socializing with girls while I just rolled my eyes. 

Overall, the party was good. I considered it dull only because I wasn't welcomed there. 

It really reminded me of our gatherings, but no one had such a healthy house. 

Anyway, I headed to the lab to keep myself occupied. I wasn't sleepy yet, and tomorrow, I could sleep until nine if I wanted.

I dripped my blood onto a glass slide and examined it under the microscope. 

Now, I need to isolate the pheromones from some bodily fluid and find something that neutralizes them, at least temporarily.

It's very tempting for a guy when girls are flowing towards you, but Gwen might kill me when the "charms" wear off. 

After all, we haven't known each other since middle school like I have with Cindy. 

It's time to get to work using my genius brain, just like Peter.


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