Am I (Not) a Hero?

Chapter 17

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[Peter Parker's POV]

"Yeah, I'd go out anyway, just to try. Maybe even on my own."

She shrugged to make it look like she wasn't interested.

"I don't want to leave all the glory to you."

"Right, the glory. After all, vigilantes are so beloved by the media in New York."

I said sarcastically.

"We'll see."

She smiled.

"So, when do we change and run around the city like a bunch of colorful freaks?"

"Let's first test your abilities. What can you do?"

"I can crawl on walls, shoot and weave webs, and I can lift really heavy weights."

She raised her hand, green sparks running across it.

"Oh, and I can do this."

She grinned.

 "It's really cool; thanks for the tip."

She said, gazing at her hand while continuing to play with the electric shock.

"Unfortunately or luckily, nothing comes out of my hands."

She extended her wrist and demonstrated her fingers.

Did it depend on how much venom was left in the spider, or was it a peculiarity of our organisms?

"Yeah, looks like it all went to me."

I said, showing both the stinger and claws which made her shudder a little.

"Maybe something went wrong with Gwen. We should probably talk to her on Monday."

"Isn't that a bad idea? If we get exposed as superheroes, she'll find out our identities. Definitely mine."

Cindy said.

"No one knows that you've been bitten too. Everyone thought you got scared and left it to us. Although, if it only sat on you, it would be easy to figure out Spider-Man."

"Well, yeah."

I replied, not that I hadn't thought about it too.

"However, she probably wouldn't want to make enemies of two mutants who go to school with her. And who knows that her father, Captain Stacy, works at the precinct."

"Oh, you're a dangerous man, Peter. You immediately thought of threats and countermeasures."

She said, shaking her head but impressed.

"Moreover, she'll end up ratting herself out with us anyway so Gwen will keep quiet. Moreover, I got really excited. Miss Kindness and Justice probably wouldn't expose heroes."

I got up and beckoned her with my hand.

"Since we've sorted that out, let's first practice our basic skills. First, as you saw yesterday, you can swing on the web. Have you tried it yet?"

"And what do you think? I climbed up to the roof and then came down here?"

Cindy asked.

"Who knows, maybe you crawled up."

I shrugged with an obvious joke.

"Well, great. Now, let's work on your silk sense. By the way, let me guess, your nickname will be Silk?"

"Hey, how did you guess?"

She said, playfully offended.

"But it's still better than Spider-Man."

"Yeah, calling yourself 'Fabric' is really original. Your sworn enemies will be Cotton and Wool, right?"

I laughed.

"Oh, shut up. So, what have you come up with for the sense?"

"Not much. It's hard to come up with something genius in such a short time. How about I try throwing things at you while you stand there with your eyes closed, and you'll dodge?"

"What, for example?"

She asked warily.

I looked around the hangar.

There wasn't anything here that could be thrown at a person without consequences—even at a person strengthened by mutation.

So I took off my sneakers.

"Let's say, this. Don't worry, I won't throw it at your face."

"Are you serious?"

She gave me a skeptical look.

"Well, okay, I'll trust the boy genius."

I just rolled my eyes at yet another ridiculous nickname for him.

"Don't try to resist those feelings. Just give in and react accordingly. At least listen for the loudest danger signals; you can ignore the rest for now."

We spent some time training her reaction and sense.

It took quite a while—about an hour or two.

It was a tiring activity, but she seemed to enjoy it.

However, I have to admit that throwing a sneaker for the first thirty minutes was quite funny.

She had at least learned how to respond to immediate threats.

"So, I've taught you everything I knew and could do. Now… you'll have to fight for the title of True Master of the Spider Way."

I said, imitating any Asian master from ancient martial arts films, stretching out my hand and gesturing for her to come closer.

"I'll take it as an honor to prove my strength to you, Master."

She said, clasping her hands together and bowing deeply. She also struck a pose from a movie, and we stood there expectantly.

Breaking this ridiculous charade, I lowered my hands and picked up my backpack from the floor.

"Alright, let's change clothes. We'll run around the city and help people… Chip and Dale rush to the rescue and all that."

I chuckled.

"Huh? Seriously? I thought we were going to fight."

She said with surprise.

"I have a mutation advantage over you, so fighting like that wouldn't be fair. Maybe later, as training. But for now, I'm too tired of sitting in the hangar… Let's at least have some fun?"

"Let's go, I don't mind."

She said, taking her backpack and going behind the cars we had stacked on top of each other last time.

"Don't peek, please."

"Okay, okay."

I wanted to ask what I hadn't seen yet, but our last time had indeed been in clothes.

"But don't you think we have nothing to be embarrassed about now?"

"In fact, yes."

Cindy clicked her tongue.

"Moreover, I'll still be in my underwear."

She peeked out from behind the cars, almost wearing a suit made of webbing.

"Does it look a bit… torn?"

I asked with confusion, pulling on my gloves and mask.

"Some areas stuck together; I had to dissolve and cut them. It doesn't look great."

She said discontentedly, pulling the suit on completely. The torn parts were mostly on her legs and forearms.

"And if you try to cover them with webbing on top, it looks even worse. I'll fix it later, probably."

'Wow. She looks so sexy in it,'

I evaluated the appearance of my future partner.

'Though, that's pretty typical for almost any female superhero suit.'

I put on a blue hoodie and pulled myself up to the ceiling with webbing.

"Are you ready to go out into the big world, Silk?"

I asked the hesitant girl.

She gathered her courage and, putting her mask back on, pulled herself straight to the exit.

"It's time to blow up the internet, Spider-Man. We'll be all over the news."

Silk said smugly.

After jumping across the rooftops, we crossed the city for something interesting.

Unfortunately, robberies in New York didn't happen every fifteen minutes in the real world.

However, we still managed to find an alley where some thugs with bats and brass knuckles were shaking down a balding office worker.

"Wow, I didn't expect this to happen in the city, but it looks like this is some gang of former schoolmates or something. Any normal criminal would have picked a bigger fish."

Exchanging nods with Silk, we launched a surprise attack on the four losers who decided to try their luck on the streets.

Who would have thought that terrified people suddenly lifted into the air by webbing could be so funny?

After sticking the criminals to the walls, we asked the stunned guy to call the police.

With trembling hands, he dialed the police and tried to explain the situation.

They didn't believe him, but they were obligated to come.

"W-who are you guys?!"

The still-shaken man asked.

'He's scared... Well, it's not surprising. We are mutants.'

I thought, shrugging mentally.


I introduced myself and gestured towards Cindy.


She briefly introduced herself as well.

"We're sort of the new superheroes of this city. Your friendly neighborhood mutants. See the costumes? They're not just for show."

I bowed to the man we had rescued.

"No need to thank us, but thanks for trying."

Then I pulled myself up onto the roof, followed by Cindy.

After distancing ourselves from the scene of justice, we stopped to share our impressions.

"So, how do you like the wonderful world of superhero comics?"

I asked her, still feeling the thrill.

Seeing it on screen is one thing, but doing it yourself is completely different.

"It was… incredible!"

Silk exclaimed, waving her arms as she tried to describe the overwhelming feelings she was experiencing.

"I actually took down two big guys just using webbing!"

She calmed down a bit.

"It's a shame that people are still afraid of us, but I think we can build a reputation."

"Of course. Daredevil only patrols Hell's Kitchen. The Sons of Tiger have been missing for a while. The Fantastic Four are just as new as we are and are busy with their own issues. Obviously, someone needs to take care of this part of New York. So, we'll have more than enough work to do."

I concluded.

"Right, I really don't want my dad or mom to get cornered by thugs in an alley too."

She agreed.

"We need to reduce the number of these scum in our city."

"Exactly, and if they don't get it the first time…"

I cracked my knuckles for demonstration.

"We'll explain it again."

She smiled beneath her mask.

"Shall we fly off and find someone else?"

She jumped to the next building.

"This is going to become routine, Silk. You don't need to look for trouble; they'll find us themselves.

"Don't be such a super-dull, Spider-Man!"

She shouted as I caught up to her.

 "How about a race?!"

"You asked for it!"

I shot out webs with both hands and pulled myself up with maximum effort, quickly overtaking her.

"Hey, how do you do that?!"

She yelled, trying to catch up.

While goofing around like this, we crossed at least half of New York and stumbled upon a robbery at some store.

An appliance store?

The group of criminals consisted of six people.

The alarm was blaring very loudly, but the security service or police didn't seem to be arriving at the crime scene.

"I'll take the ones with firearms!"

I shouted to Cindy who nodded in response.

Landing with all my might on the hood of the villain's car, I turned it into a pile of scrap metal.

Shooting both my hands at the guns of the startled robbers, I twisted them from their grips and spun them back into their faces.

Two down.

I was still wary of firearms, but the practice with Marco Flint had really helped me.

"I hope that hurt! That's the price of crime."

I spread my arms wide.

Suddenly, my spider sense tingled from behind, and I quickly turned, shielding myself with my left arm.

A crowbar slammed into me, but it didn't break, and it would definitely leave a bruise.

The injury would heal, but the bastard wouldn't grow new teeth.

Three down.

Turning to the last member of the gang, I shot a webstream at his back while Cindy punched him in the stomach.

We exchanged nods again and wrapped the others in webbing.

"Heroes saved the day again,"

I chuckled as the frightened shopkeeper peeked out from behind the counter.

The sirens could be heard approaching.

"They'll handle it from here; let's go."


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