Am I (Not) a Hero?

Chapter 3

[Peter's POV]

I returned to my book, and suddenly, a fry, covered in ketchup, hit my lens and splattered my face.

"Damn it." 

I whispered, quickly pulling the book away.

That was saved.

"Five points for the throw. Check it out, Kong!" 

A hyperactive teenager with no future or kids shouted. 

This could become messy if I lose my cool right now.

"No way, that's only worth a three, Ed." 

Kong replied.

'How I hate you all…'

I hid the book away and grabbed a napkin from the table to wipe my face.

Like MJ, Jessica looked at the grown-up idiots with anger, but neither she nor the other one dared to speak up.

However, I wouldn't blame them for that.

"Dude, watch how the best basketball player in this school does it." 

I heard them, and I reflexively put my hands up in defense.

I got hit with something hot and greasy with sauce, and pieces of meat dripped down my fingers. 

'Did Flash really throw a burrito at me?'

'Seriously, you gluttonous beast? On the day of the field trip, you decided to ruin my clothes?'

I gathered the falling-apart burrito into a ball and sent it back to the fattest one. 

This isn't fat-shaming; it's just easier to hit him.

"Damn! You're dead, Parker!" 

Kong shouted, and sauce smeared all over his face.

I stood up from the table, ready to fight. 

Today, someone is definitely going to get punched in the face. Maybe even me.

"What's going on here?" 

Uncle Ben suddenly appeared behind us.

Now, that was someone I didn't expect to see here. 

The bullies quieted down and only glared at us with hostility since the last word was mine. 

They may have been chickened out in front of him, or it could have been because Ben was a very big man.

"Uncle Ben?" 

He had never come looking for me before. 

"Did the security let you through?"

He extended his hand, holding my gym bag.

"I'm your official guardian, of course, the security will let me through. You forgot your uniform in your room. May asked me to remind you that she knows your schedule by heart and you can't skip." 

He smiled.

"Oh… right, we have gym today. Thanks, I really forgot." 

Peter had even packed his bag ahead of time. 

The main thing is I remembered the camera but forgot the uniform.

I used almost all the napkins from the holder on the table, trying to wipe my hands.

"And who is this young lady sitting with you?" 

Uncle Ben smiled friendly. 

"Your new friend?"

"This is Jessie. She's my classmate." 

I turned to her. 

"Did these idiots get anything on you? Sorry for that; you shouldn't have sat with me."

She spoke for the first time during lunch, and her voice was deep, quiet, and almost monotone.

"It's nothing serious, just a little." 

She showed a couple of stains on her gloves. 

"I'll go clean up. See you later." 

She mumbled a goodbye to Uncle Ben and quickly left.

"Have you finally started talking to girls?" 

Ben asked with a smile.

"More like I'm not scaring off people who ask to copy. Sometimes, those people are girls. Everyone loves free stuff, regardless of gender." 

I said, trying to clean the lens, but it just got worse.

"Great. Now I'll have to go to the nearest bathroom like a one-eyed pirate."

"Isn't that Mary Jane over there?" 

He nodded toward the red-haired girl two tables away. 

By the way, why is she here without Harry today? 

Did he find a new victim?

"There aren't that many red-haired, green-eyed supermodels in this school, Uncle." 

I muttered irritably.

"Why don't you invite her over? Mary Jane, come here!" 

Uncle Peter waved at her.

"Hello, Mr. Parker, Peter." 

She smiled sweetly.

"I'm always surprised at how quickly you've grown up. I remember you and Peter when you were just little." 

Uncle Ben insisted, patting me on the back.

"Hi, MJ." 

I greeted her, trying not to look her in the eye.

Parents are allowed to come here, but I don't think anyone wants to have the reputation of being a mama's boy.

"I'm glad to see you too. It's been a long time." 

MJ smiled at me and Uncle Ben. 

He was also like an uncle to her because he took care of us when we were kids.

They were chatting about something, but I wasn't really paying attention, trying to clean my glasses. 

Uncle Ben asked if she still wanted to be an actress, and all that drew me into the conversation. 

MJ answered affirmatively and added that if that didn't work out, she'd like to pursue music or do some project online… or something like that.

I stopped fussing with my poor lens and stood up from the table.

"I'm going to clean up. Thanks for the uniform, Uncle Ben." 

I said as I grabbed both my bags and headed to the bathroom.

While I was cleaning my clothes and washing my glasses, mentally cursing in every way possible, life promised to get even more interesting. 

Did I want to live like this? 

I didn't know yet, but anyone doesn't wanna live like this.

[3rd POV]


"Sorry to butt in, but you and Peter don't talk anymore?" 

Uncle Ben asked, watching his nephew walk away.

He was surprised that Peter had decided to stop his avoidance strategy and stand up to his bullies. 

Today, Peter was a bit braver but also more distracted and irritated than usual.

Mary Jane noticed the small changes too. 

He stopped longingly, looking at Gwen, and stood up to Flash. 

Then, there was that quiet Campbell girl who suddenly decided to follow him around all day.

However, MJ would still be able to sit with him on the bus. 

They may talk and become friends again, like before, or Peter may ignore her, and the trip will turn into a hell of awkward silence.

"He has really shut himself off from everyone, Mr. Parker. Even from old friends." 

She shook her head. 

"Harry has changed too… not for the better. They talk and joke around and haven't fought once yet, but something's not right between them."

"Sigh… I always knew he'd grow up to be a quiet boy." 

The old man sighed.

"It was nice to talk with you again, Uncle Ben. I'll be going now; the break is ending." 

She smiled at the man who cared for her much more than her real father did.

As she left the cafeteria, she thought about how to approach the childhood acquaintance. 

It was clear he had been ignoring her ever since she had rekindled her friendship with Liz and Harry.

She huffed in dissatisfaction. 

How was she supposed to know that Liz was now dating Flash and mocking Pete for the fun of it? 

Harry was far from the bullied boy with whom nobody wanted to be friends except Peter. 

The lack of proper attention from his father and access to large sums of money had clearly not done him any good.

The new Harry was confident and attracted all the girls he deemed worthy of his father's wealth.

Peter didn't think much of him when he quickly turned his attention to the second new girl, Gwen Stacy since his old friend wasn't paying him attention.

"Gwen is a nice girl, but what does he see in her? Does he really have a thing for blondes?" 

She ran her hand through her fiery red hair, which she was very proud of.

MJ admitted that she missed her childhood friend. 

It felt sad and… somehow wrong to continue the mutual ignoring. 

He didn't even come with the Parkers to greet her after she moved in with her aunt. 

He prefers to shut himself away in the lab and sift through his father's old things.

"But it seems like the Tiger is starting to show its teeth, and that's a good sign. Maybe he will outgrow his grudges and finally talk to me."

[Peter's POV]

As I scrubbed the stains off my clothes and headed to gym class, a powerful kick landed in my back, sending me to the ground.

"That was a solid ten!"

"Not a chance, maximum six."

They laughed loudly.

"Now, I'll show you the record on a hundred-point scale." 

Flash said as he approached me, raising his leg. 

"And no uncle to save you, Petey."

I curled up to protect my ribs and stomach. 

The first hit landed on my arms.

"Dammit! How can I swap his arms and legs so I don't get expelled? I wish I could accidentally crack his skull during the fight, but that's not going to happen; his dad's a cop."

"Stop it, Flash!" 

Harry shouted. 

"What's wrong with you? Leave him alone for at least a couple of seconds."

Flash lowered his leg and venomously asked him.

"What's your problem, Harry, a hero-lover complex? You going to defend your nerd?"

"Too many smart words from a shaved orangutan with a ball." 

He sneered with copper-red hair in a black branded shirt and leather shoes. 

The shoes really are impressive; I can see that from here.

"Seems like you care a little too much about my sexual preferences? Jealous? Want to go on a date right here, with the principal watching?" 

He confidently smiled.

"Shut up, you slicked-back idiot. Sorry for messing up your charity project." 

Flash shot back. 

"Hope the famous nobility of the Osborns isn't hurt."

"Go flex your muscles for a more appreciative audience, Flash. A dumb piece of meat like you isn't capable of anything more." 

Harry casually waved him off and crossed his arms expectantly.

Flash grimaced and was about to respond when the gym teacher came out of the office and shooed everyone away.

"What the hell is going on here? Kong, Thompson! And Osborn too! You slackers forget that we have practice right now? March to the gym!" 

A big guy growled with graying temples.

"Yeah, yeah..."

"We're coming..."

The gym teacher extended a hand to help me up. I straightened my glasses and rubbed my sore arm. 

Flash really nailed me hard.

"Parker, never, you hear me? Never let them bully you! If this happens again, tell me right away." 

He encouraged me, patting me on the shoulder before heading off to prepare for class.

"Well, having competent teachers with a conscience really is comforting."

I went to the locker room while running my hand through my hair. 

Harry was waiting for me around the corner.

"Well, you really went for it today, Peter. When are you going to learn not to provoke Flash? He has no brains or sense of restraint. That gibbon could kill you." 

Harry said with a friendly grin, leaning against the wall.

"First, he tripped me, then he started throwing food. Are you suggesting I just take it?" 

I asked, looking at him from under my brow.

"And what else can you do? Thompson's been harassing you like a lunatic since the first grade. You just have to endure it until graduation, and then everything will be fine."

"Sure... all fine and dandy..." 

I shook my head, suppressing the urge to curse.

"Listen, buddy. Can you help me with that biology homework?" 

Ah, there it was—his jerk personality. 

"I'm fine with doing your biology homework..."

"Help me, not do it!" 

Harry clarified loudly.

"... help with it, but could you maybe scare Flash and his buddies away from me forever? Can't you intimidate them?" 

I needed to look for options, or I might actually kill him.

"God, Peter, just ignore them." 

He shrugged carelessly.

"School bullies, big deal. The world doesn't end with school."

"Ignoring them?! How am I supposed to do that when it happens almost every day?!" 

I wanted to scream a curse but held back. 

He may be right about something.

"Don't shout, Peter, and don't worry so much because everything will pass. After school, you'll make it big, and someone like them will become dust under your feet." 

He waved his hand. 

"You'll get a job with some international company, creating your genius tech gadgets for forty million a piece and all that. And what about them? They only have crap in their heads, and what athletes are they? Flash won't even make it past high school competitions. They'll just live in poverty."

"I'm really feeling better about it now." 

I said sarcastically.

"You have to understand, Pete. I would help, but I have my principles. I can't just plug every hole with my dad's money and influence. Sometimes, you have to overcome your problems on your own, you know?" 

He handed me his notebook with the assignment. 

"Alright, I'd love to chat more, but you have a class now, and I have a free pass from the gym."

"Thanks, Harry, for not letting them kick me while I'm down." 

I nodded at him and headed to the locker room.

"Anytime, Peter. That's what friends are for."

Friends like that can go to hell. 

I can't even refuse. 

Who wants to be the enemy of a billionaire's son? 

Ugh, and now I have to do his homework too.

The gym class was tough. 

It felt different. 

I used to tire out because I was fat, but now it was because I was skinny.

At least we weren't doing any fitness tests; we were just playing basketball.


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