After having dinner with Kuroka, Vali and Azazel, we sing "Happy Birthday" to Kuroka.

Hahaha, she was so embarrassed, luckily i took pictures of her while she was cutting the cake, they will be nice memories

Vali wanted us to fight again, luckily Azazel took him away so he would stop bothering.

Hehe, how can I forget when they saw that I went from having the appearance of an 8-year-old boy to a young man in his twenties.

Azazel was not very surprised, because of his age he had seen many even stranger things, but even so, the investigative side of him did not stop asking me questions. On the other hand, Valí was very surprised, but despite that, he didn't stop challenging me to fights.

Fights in which he kept losing very quickly.

Although I have to admit that the blue wings of his sacred gear look cool, but they don't compare to my golden wings. Since mine look more realistic since they are "real", while Valí's look artificial.

After the guests leave, Rhaegal put on music and danced with Kuroka for a while to have fun. Although neither knew how to dance, they only moved with the rhythm.

A week passed since Kuroka's birthday, she and Rhaegal went on a trip all over Japan, visiting different places, from beaches to temples. They also went on many dates.

But the only thing that was repeated almost every day was sex.

After a week of fun, they returned to Grigori.


When they arrived at Grigori, they were called to the Governor General's office.

Although in the anime, Azazel appears as a "good" person, he is actually very cruel and sinister, having no ethics when it comes to his experiments.

I don't trust him very much, but he is very charismatic and seems to really care about his followers.

The only thing that he annoys me is how he uses different species for his experiments, besides you can never know his true intentions, he is really sinister like Shiva said.

"Knock Knock."

I knock on his office door.

"You can pass." Azazel answered from his office.

Rhaegal entered the office with Kuroka, she was in her cat form and perched on Rhaegal's shoulder.

After exchanging greetings, Azazel told them the details of the mission.

Apparently there were riots in Romania, more precisely in the Tepes faction of the vampires, and at the same time a strong aura of sacred gear was detected, Azazel suspected that he was a longinus.

According to the information, the daughter that the fourth king of Tepes had with a human concubine, helped a Dhampir to flee from the world of vampires, normally she should be severely punished, the strange thing was that there was no punishment and influences were moved not to let the information slip away.

Then she mysteriously disappeared and only reappeared when the Fourth King of Tepes disappeared. To everyone's surprise, she proclaimed herself the fifth King of Tepes, to a faction in which men rule, but the most surprising thing is that everyone accepted it, as if it were natural for those to happen.

So we'll go see what really happened, Azazel just wants information since he doesn't want to interfere in vampire territory.

"Okay, we'll leave tomorrow morning." I told Azazel.

"Don't cause too much trouble kid, though lately it's been quiet, I don't know when you'll be hunting creatures like crazy again." Azazel said with a mocking tone.

Rhaegal ignored his tone and left the office with Kuroka.

Kuroka had fallen asleep in the middle of the conversation, so i had time to think about what i should do.

Should I save Valerie Tepes?, system...If I kill a being revived by Valerie, will I get "Shop Points"?

[Affirmative, host.]

Hehehe, well, maybe there are some more reasons to save her.

First, she is a SP farm.

Second, she is a very beautiful girl.

Third and most important, if I don't Kuroka will kill me.


The next day we reached the Vampire territory via a Grigori teleportation circle.

Arriving at the place we started to gather information, kidnapping high-ranking vampires and torturing them to get Valerie's location, after the ninth torture we got what i wanted.

Of the vampires killed, seven of them at level 40 and two of them at level 42.

[+1988 SP]


"We have to save her, Rhae-kun. We can't leave her there, I know how much she must be suffering." Kuroka said, her emotions were turbulent, ranging from sadness to anger.

"Mn, of course we will." Rhaegal said as he patted Kuroka's head.

According to the information, Marius created a coup together with many members of the Tepes Faction and drove away his father and his older brother. He then locked his younger sister in a cell.

Most likely, he is experimenting on her, to bring back the evil dragons together with Rizevim Livan Lucifer, or maybe he hasn't met Rizevim yet.

If Rizevim is around, it would be impossible for us to take Valerie. From what I know, Sirzechs should be at level 70 and Rizevim would go into Super Demon level, although it was said that he was a few levels weaker than Sirzechs and Ajuka. So he should be around level 67.

"If that guy is as strong as you say, what should we do nya, how about we kidnap more vampires to find out if he's in the Tepes mansion or not?" Kuroka said with murderous eyes.

"No, we already murdered 9 vampires, from what we know, murders are normal in the world of vampires, but we murdered two high-ranking officials, possibly they believe that the murderers were from the Carmilla faction and are already investigating their disappearances, but if we keep doing it they may get suspicious." Rhaegal replied.

"I know you want to kill more Kuroka vampires, but if we do we can alert Rizevim and if that happens, it will be impossible to save Valerie."

"We just have to wait until the day Marius has his party, that day we will infiltrate the mansion and take her out of her cell, we can use space tearing to evade the barriers."

~~~~~~~10 Days Later~~~~~~~~~

Today is the day of the party, right now we are in front of the mansion where the royalty of the Tepes faction is located.

According to the vampire we tortured, Valerie was taken to an underground cell in the mansion.

Today there will be a "party" among the members of the Tepes faction that supported Marius in his coup, fortunately the celebration will be in another place, so today will be the day that the mansion will be less protected.

Minutes later we see how several vampires leave the mansion and get into several very luxurious limousines.

Once they left, I hear Kuroka's voice.

"Should we go in?"

"Let's wait an hour." I replied.

Half an hour after all the top officials of the Tepes faction left, I got tired of waiting.

"Let's go." I told Kuroka and created a space rift.

I unfurled my dragon wings and took Kuroka in my arms, since her demon lineage disappeared and now she can't fly. So Kuroka won't be able to use [Spatial Rend.] until she enters the Profound Sky Realm.

Once inside the void, I calculated the distance in which I had to create the exit rift and moments later we were out of the void.

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