Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 118: Impending Goblin Doom

Any badass song works for this chapter if you like hearing music while reading, my recommendation of today is "appetite for destruction" or "Hellfire" from Barns Courtney, both go pretty well with this chapter I think, so feel free to check them up.

Chapter 118: Impending Goblin Doom


"So that's the Goblin Kingdom? It's... smaller than I thought..." Aspen, who was standing at the front of the ship with his arms crossed, scratched the back of his head as he looked at the small city in front of him with a dubious gaze.

"The Goblin Kingdom only has one city, the capital Gorgandr. The rest of the Kingdom is constituted of small camps and tribes of Goblins scattered all around the territory" Gnudar, who was sitting a few meters away from him, explained to Aspen when he heard his remark.

"Hmm..." Aspen just nodded and continued sweeping his gaze all around the place.

Soon, however, he approached James and whispered to him in a low voice. "Do we have cannonballs?"

A bit startled by the sudden question, James shook briefly in surprise. But soon, he nodded and pointed at the warehouse behind one of the doors of the ship from inside the bottle. "There should be some there..."

"Hehehe, perfect then..." Aspen smiled sinisterly and then walked away, leaving Gnudar and James dumbfounded. 

'What does this guy plan to do...?' Both thought at the same time.

 "Hey Gnudar, where was the throne room again?!" Aspen went downstairs and started recharging one of the cannons before then asking at Gnudar from below.

"The part where there are more windows should be the throne room!" Gnudar yelled at him from above, albeit, feeling more and more worried each second as he wondered why had Aspen asked him that...

"Hmm... Now that you mention it, there's a pretty wide Goblin looking at us from there... furthermore, he has a crown on his head... Perfect then"


Without a slight hesitation, Aspen shot a cannonball straight towards the Goblin king and destroyed an enormous part of the castle in one go.

As the debris scattered around, Yuuki, Gnudar, and James looked with mouth-open expressions at the brazenness of Aspen by attacking a King without the slightest bit of hesitation.

"Are you crazy?! Do you know what you have done?! I thought we would infiltrate in silence, not destroy the throne room and enter from the front!" Gnudar paled when he saw everything happen and yelled to Aspen once more.

However, much to his bewilderment, Aspen didn't answer his complaint. Having a bad feeling, Gnudar went down to look for him to speak to him directly, but when he arrived there, he noticed that there was no one there.

"Aspen?" Gnudar looked around but continued seeing no one. Even when Aspen had been here just a few seconds ago when he shot the cannonball.


Suddenly, something came rolling to his feet and bumped onto them with a clank.

"A bottle?"




Inside the Throne room

*Cough cough!*

"Who is the bastard that dares to attack the castle with such brazenness?!" The Goblin King moved his hand back and forth to disperse the dust surrounding him as he gritted his teeth in anger.

Some of his subjects had gotten injured on the attack, and even he had gotten some damage because of being too close to the center of the attack.

"I swear I'm going to crush the neck of whoever did this..."


Suddenly, something sounded next to the King, like someone stepping over the debris on the floor. However, as he turned to look there, he couldn't see anything abnormal.




However, before he could notice, a sharp object slashed his left eye and made him recoil in pain. The Goblin King tried hitting anything near him in a violent motion of kicks and punches to the air while grabbing his left eye to prevent more blood loss, but all he did was hit the air and nothing more.

Finally, when he was able to recognize his surroundings once again, he saw the figure of a human covered in a beautiful and sturdy armor of what he supposed was platinum, carrying an enormous sword while running against him.

"Damn you!!!"

With one rapid punch, the Goblin King tried hitting the mysterious human in order to subjugate him rapidly. However, much to his surprise, the human dodged his attack like it was completely normal, and clung to his leg, before stabbing it with his sword.

"Urgh! What are you useless pawns doing?! Come and apprehend this human!!" Seeing that this new foe was too troublesome for him to handle, the Goblin King rapidly called out to any of the surviving subjects and continued trying to hit the human in front of him.

However, each time he tried to hit him, the human would dodge once again make a wound on his body, no matter how small it was. This left the Goblin King baffled, as he thought the human was actually making no progress at all.

"It seems like you humans had gotten too full of yourselves because you won just one battle... I have decided, the next time we attack your territory, we will do it with my entire army!! I will exterminate each and every one of your lowly species who think they can exist in the same world as us!!"

"It's a sad thing you won't be able to see that happen" With those words, the human readied his stance and pointed the giant sword against the Goblin King.

When the Goblin King heard the mysterious human's words, he snorted seeing his arrogance, and lunged at him gathering two black spheres of magic on his hands. 

"It seems you think I only know how to use my arms... But you are wrong... I'm the alpha Goblin, No matter what type of talent it is, I'm the best at it... Including... Magic!!!"

[Hex grip!!!]

Out of nowhere, the two black spheres on the Goblin King's hands turned and became enormous tentacles of pure magic that shot towards the human at an enormous speed.



Suddenly as one of the tentacles failed to hit the human and crashed against a wall, enormous and ferocious flames of a dark-purple color erupted and started melting the wall away.

The eyes of the human behind the helmet narrowed, as he watched the wall slowly melt into a puddle of liquid.

"Shadow Flames... Have you witnessed them ever in your life... Human? The strongest fire that can exist... And it's all in my hands. My species is the only one who can control this power, what does your species have, besides being resilient like cockroaches and surviving all our attacks?"

The human snorted, and took a step forward, as his eyes shined with a murderous glint in them.

"They have me"

Out of nowhere, the human appeared from above the Goblin King with his sword aiming directly at his neck, Ready to kill him in just one go. However, before he could have the chance, the Goblin King moved at an enormous speed unproper of someone of his weight and slapped him away with enormous strength.


Soon, the body of the human was shot at an enormous speed towards the wall and destroyed instantly.

"You? But you are already dead, though?"




The Goblin King approached the human with heavy steps, completely unconcerned about his opponent who had been buried under all the rubble and debris of the wall. After all, humans only could resist one or two punches from Goblins, not to mention one of His punches.

"Just like you, I will burn all those humans with my shadow flames and make them suffer even in their last moments... Rejoice, the last thing you will see will be the beautiful and ferocious flame of my magic, human"

"W-why...?" A weak and subtle voice came from under the debris, making the Goblin King smile in delight.

"The Goblin Kingdom borders are reducing each year due to the expansion of the cursed lands of Crimson and Corruption, at this rate, we will be completely devoured by these lands, and my people will become mindless monsters. So, why leave the only territory where we can live properly to you, stupid humans?"

"W-what about a peaceful talk? We have enough space to share the territory..." The voice came once again, but this time even weaker than last time, seemingly on the verge of collapsing.



The Goblin King stopped smiling and stayed silent for a few seconds, before he then kneeled in front of the protruding feet of the human under all the debris, and frowned while his mouth twisted into a vicious grin.

"Why should I?"

Exactly at the same time, he said that, suddenly, from within the debris, the human rose up once again, this time without a helmet to cover his face.

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear"

Brown long hair that reached his neck, a subtle bear on his chin, and a vicious and almost psychopathic smile on his face.

"Now the possibility of this war being a misunderstanding between the two races is zero. That means I can kill you without remorse, right?"


Damn, people making reviews about how good this fanfic is, and me feeling guilty for taking too long writing a chapter. You guys are evil.

Anyway, here's the chapter, and happy merry Christmas!

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