Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 13: The meeting

I was reading some magic tomes while waiting for the meeting at the alchemist guild to begin.

As i had nothing more to do in my free time, reading magic tomes became my hobby in this world.

It was my only way to increase my knowledge in magic, as the mages in this city were far too arrogant to accept me as their disciple.

Now i was reading the [Nature control] magic tome, it was for some reason the only magic art that i couldn't master to a great extent.

Although i was able to use it a bit, it was a pretty lame control i had over nature.

I was barely able to make some small flowers move.

Every time i tried using it i felt that my body was lacking something.

It is commonly known between the mages that you need to have a connection with nature in order to be able to control it.

Maybe i lacked a more profound connection with nature?


Only time will tell...


I glanced at the clock on my wall.

2:44 PM

Well, seems like it was time for me to leave.

I got up and changed my clothes to ones that were appropriate for events like this.

After i finished changing, i glanced at my own reflection on the mirror.

I was wearing clothes that were similar in appearance to a blue tracksuit, and my blue slippers.

They said that i needed to wear elegant clothes during meetings like this...

Well then... behold, the peak of elegance, f*ckers...


When i finally arrived at the meeting, i could hear a lot of unpleasant conversations about me, so i just ignored them, like i always do.

The only reason i come to meetings like this is because i like the food they serve, and of course, to do some business with the military.

"Oh, Aspen, you finally arrived!" I heard a voice from behind me.

When i looked over, the person talking to me was Easton Jayce, an old friend from the old man Magnus, and the one that made possible for me to sell potions to the military, since he had a rank of colonel.

We shook our hands and began to talk about different things, since he was the only person that talked to me, and that didn't believe the rumors, i had a pretty great time.

That was until a certain person appeared.

"Well, well... it seems you are enjoying the party, scum..."

And here comes the classical arrogant evil character.

A fat man was standing next to me, his neck and his arms were being adorned by countless bracelets and collars made of pure gold, The clothes he was wearing were expensive red robes, a small hat on top of his head, and enormous high heel shoes that made him look taller.

He was the ex-best alchemist, Derick Alowace.

"Yeah, that was until you arrived" I replied while glancing at him with disinterest.

He ignored my commentary, and just continued glancing at me from head to toe.

"It seems like your sense of fashion is still horrible" He said with a condescending tone on his voice while glancing at my tracksuit and my slippers.

"Everyone has different tastes, for example, you don't see me saying anything about how ridiculous you look while wearing all those jewels on your body" I said to him while grinning sightly.

I heard some small laughter, however, i just ignored it.

We continued insulting each other for a while, until i noticed something.

Someone poured something on my drink while i was still quarrelling with Derick.

I took the cup and smelled it.


Not the first time they try to kill me with poison, but he probably thought this was the first time i was poisoned, and that this could kill me.

I glanced at Derick once again.

His expression changed the moment he saw me smell my drink.

He deducted that i already knew about his plan.

However, before he could say something, i grinned at him and then drank everything in the cup.

You have been poisoned

-Aspen (Aeron) 

[Human: 99,999%] [Divine being: 0,001%]

Age: 19+(19)



[Poisoned: (Lose 1 HP every second): 1 minute left]

[Hp:198/200] [Mana: 40/40]

He looked at me stunned, but soon he started smiling again, grinning like a complete madman.

However, before he continued celebrating i tossed the cup towards him.



"Thanks for the drink, it was a bit spicy"

After recovering from the hit, he looked towards me angrily, however, he didn't say anything, he just stood there quietly like waiting for something.

However, when he looked at my peaceful expression he started getting worried, probably because i was just chilling there like nothing happened, even when i was supposed to be on the floor groaning in pain due to the poison.

Shall i just punch him?

"You should be dying... why are you still standing...? There's no way you can resist such a thing like poison" he mutters under his breath.

Yeah, is like his face is asking to be punched.

Let's get this over with already.

I got up and started walking towards him.

"W-what are you doing, stay away from me...!"

I grabbed him by the collar, and slowly raised my fist.

"You see everyone?! He is nothing but a barbarian that recurs to violence when things don't get his way!" He yelled out loud, to make everyone in the party hear him.

I flinch and stop aiming my fist at him after hearing all that.

When i looked around me, i could see the people in the meeting muttering and glancing at me, some had looks of disappointment, others looked at me angrily, and some other were smiling while talking with their friends ridiculizing me.

I turned to look at Derick once again

He was smiling arrogantly after seeing that almost everyone in the meeting agreed with him, and after seeing me stop.

However, his expression froze once again when he looked at my face.

My lips curled up, and a sadistic smile appeared in my expression.

"Hey, i don't think that at this point it could matter if my reputation got any worse, so..." I raised my fist and aimed it at his face. "Bye bye."

Before he could say anything i punched him in the face.

He was sent flying and ended up crashing in a near table full of different drinks and foods.

I glanced towards the people on the party, and grinned after seeing their shocked faces.

"Well, you seem as impulsive as always Aspen" Old man Easton said.

I glanced at my fist, it had a bit of blood in it and some broken teeth were nailed to my knuckles.

"Maybe i used a bit too much strength" I said while looking towards the unconscious body of Derick, however, i was currently feeling everything but sorry.

"Nah, he will be okay." The old man Easton assured me.

"Well, i guess it's time for me to leave" I said before stretching my limbs.

Too much emotion for my body.

However, before i could say goodbye, he grabbed my shoulder.

"Wait, Before you leave i wanted to tell you that the military is in need of an alchemist for an expedition to the mountains at the border of our territory, The objective is to look and collect shiverthorn herbs in the mountains, as the merchants haven't been able to find more shiverthorn herbs during this year.

I proposed you as you are the disciple of that old man Magnus, and you will know how to protect yourself. However, i still need to know if you agree to participate"

I thought about it for a little.

I was a bit reluctant to leaving this city.

Although i have left this city before, it hasn't been for so long.

"How much time will it take us to arrive at the mountains?"

Old man Easton thought about it for a bit before replying "It should take us at least 3 days, we will travel between villages and cities until we reach the border of the territory"

I see...

Maybe i could use this opportunity to collect some materials from the outside world that i wasn't able to buy here...

"What do i get from all this?" I asked since such a dangerous journey couldn't come without rewards.

"You will get 2 million Oris as a payment, and as a courtesy of mine we will give you a [Necromantic sorcery] Magic tome"

Not bad...

"Alright, i'll participate"

"Perfect, i'll notify my superior when this meeting ends. Well then, as you are leaving, goodbye Aspen" he extended his hand at me with the intention to do a handshake.

"Yeah, goodbye old man" I said before we shook our hands and i left the place.

While i was walking through the streets i tried remembering what could i get from the snow biome in the game.





Was that really all?

I mean, there was also the frozen chests, but i doubt they exist in this world.


Let's hope this world makes the snow biome more interesting.

I had some problems yesterday while creating the chapter.

So i decided to finish and upload it today instead.

Also, there won't be more chapters today since i have to celebrate the new year with my family.

Tell me your opinion of the chapter below in the comments!

That's all for today, happy new year guys.







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