Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 22: Sadistic tendencies in an apocalyptic world

I recommend you to listen to "Sinners" from Barns Courtney while reading this.

I mean, It really immersed me while writing this.

Though I don't know about you while reading this.

Try it anyways, That's all.

Chapter 22: Sadistic tendencies in an apocalyptic world

I stood in silence while watching the goblin behind me.

"Oh, did you actually froze in fear? It actually happened to some humans I faced before, but I liked it more when they begged for their life and tried to escape from me..."


"Well, I guess I can enjoy it anyways. Make sure to scream a lot when I rip your limbs off and take out every of your organs while you're still alive, alright?

Damn, this guy is nuts...

Why does this always happen to me?

I rapidly jumped back several meters away from this guy and started summoning several small birds using the finch staff.

"Oh, you are fighting back? Yeah I like that a lot more" He said while running towards me with his open arms and a salivating creppy smile.

The birds flew at him at full speed and started attacking him with all their might while he just waved his hand with the intention of knocking them off.

Sadly for him, his attacks just passed through the body of the birds like they were made of thin air and didn't inflict any damage to them. While they instead were damaging him a lot

Or well, that's what I thought...

 You have dealt 1 damage
 You have dealt 2 damage
 You have dealt 2 damage
 You have dealt 1 damage
 You have dealt 2 damage
 You have dealt 1 damage


It seemed that armors actually worked for monsters in this world...

In the game although some monsters were wearing armor, you still inflicted full damage to them without any reduction to it.

However, in this world the armor they wore actually worked perfectly...


I hate real life.

"AAAAAAAAARGH!!!" The sounds of fury and irritation came from the goblin behind me after being attacked incessantly by these birds.

His patience soon reached its limit and decided to throw an enormous rock at me.


I dodged to the side desperately and barely managed to avoid being turn into meat paste.

However, while trying to dodge the boulder I almost tripped and lost some of the speed I had accumulated. This finally allowed him to catch up with me.

But like hell I was gonna let this f*cker get close to me.

I began channeling my nature control magic and prepared to use it at its full potential.




Like hell I can!

My breath was rough and this situation made concentrating almost impossible.

Although I wanted to fully concentrate on my magic, the fact that I had a humongous goblin just a few meters away from me, ready to rip my body to pieces, didn't help that much.

The goblin that saw me lose speed due to his attack grinned like a madman and his eyes became bloodshot instantly, ready to make me pay for all the pain he felt.

"Come here little human..."

However, The goblin that was too distracted by the sight of a pitiful human at his hands, ready to be butchered alive, failed to notice a small bird flying around him, Neo that was waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack immediately after seeing the goblin so distracted decided to aim directly at his eye.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH MY EYE!!! YOU DISGUSTING FLYING RATS, I'M GONNA RIP YOU OFF!!!!" The horrible scream from the goblin soon echoed all around the forest.


"Not if I rip you off first motherf*cker"

I soon concentrated my mind to its maximum and began using my nature control magic at its full power.

This is a technique I developed especially to fight bosses if I ever had to. However, it seemed like this guy was going to be the first one in receiving it.

The surrounding trees shook their leaves off and began sharpening their ends, taking the shape of gigantic spears and aiming directly at the goblin. Soon they started spinning at a horrendous speed while making terrifying noises, like drills ready to pierce and destroy anything on their way.

"What?!" The goblin warrior exclaimed in terror when he saw my magic at its full potential. However, his body didn't hesitate in the slightest in front of such a magic and decided to escape.

Sadly for him the trees already expanded and flew in his direction at full speed.

The goblin soon saw himself being pierced and restrained from moving from different sides by the trees that kept spinning and destroying his armor without stopping



You have dealt 3 damage


You have dealt 7 damage


You have dealt 15 damage


You have dealt 24 damage


You have dealt 37 damage


You have dealt 53 damage


You have dealt 94 damage


You have dealt 83 damage


You have dealt 85 damage

The horrible screams of pain from the goblin and the terrifying sound of the drills resounded through the whole forest.

The armor that protected him at first from the drills soon torn apart and left the body of the goblin exposed to those dangerous weapons, increasing the damage he received.

The blood scattered everywhere and the whole body of the goblin became full of horrifying holes. However, incredible as it seemed, the goblin was still alive.

Before he died I deactivated my magic and soon the trees stopped spinning and went back into their original position. Though this time looking like giant spears and covered in blood.

I slowly approached his destroyed body and looked deep into his eyes.

Warrior goblin HP: 11/662

[Bleeding: Will die from bloodloss in 3 minutes and 47 seconds]

A malicious grin appeared on my face and I leaned towards him.

The feeling of powerlessness and despair that I felt through all these years disappeared and transformed into a deep hatred.

My smile became wider and wider with each step I took.

The feeling of being in control in front of the one that always depreciated humans and treated them just like toys for their enjoyment was exhilarating

I knew now, I was not weak anymore.

I was free from the feeling of despair and powerlessness.

However, I was still not satisfied... I wanted him to suffer more... I wanted him to feel...


The same fear those of his race has caused to us through all these years. I wanted him to have the same look of despair and fear that I have seen in the eyes of countless people due to this war.

Including mine.

I leaned closer to his body while smiling like I have never done before.

"Did you enjoy making people scream, bastard?" I asked silently.

"Did you enjoy destroying the lives of countless people just for your stupid amusement?" I asked once again while smiling at the destroyed body of the goblin.

"Because I feel that I'm going to enjoy this as much as you do"

"D-da...m hu-an"

"Damn human...?" I chuckled silently.


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I couldn't suppress my laughter and started laughing like never.

The feeling of rage soon took over my mind and mixed with the pleasure of being in control of the situation. My face changing constantly between being furious and amused.

"It's time for payback goblins..."

I took out a gel ball and spread it all over his body

"And I'll make sure that every one of you gets what you deserve" I murmured, an evil grin beaming across my face.

I tossed a torch towards his body, and it soon ignited thanks to the gel.

The goblin's body twitched from time to time, probably due to pain of being burned alive.

However, after some seconds, it stopped moving ant the life inside it's eyes dissipated

The last expression on his face?



I think I went a bit sadistic on this chapter, however it could have been better if it weren't for my sh*tty connection that ruined my immersion while writing and erased some of my progress in the chapter.

In the end I had to write part of it once again, however the feeling I had while writing already dissipated, and it wasn't the same.

I tried to write it as I remembered, but I think I forgot about a lot of things.

Also, I think  I should stop using * When writing words like Shit.

Anyways, that's all for today. Bye guys




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