Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 34: Humans vs Goblins (IV)

Chapter 34: Humans vs Goblins (IV)

After successfully repelling the goblin commander for the time being, I drank a healing potion and then hid under a wall to protect myself from the hundred of arrows raining upon the walls.

The soldiers were already taking cover behind some stone blocks I placed before as a method of protection from projectiles.



Name: Aspen (Aeron) 


Age: 19 (38)


[Hp: 72/240]  [Mana: 0/40]

[Bleeding: can't  auto-regenerate HP] (1 hours left)

The potion seemed to have sealed some wounds on my severed arm, and reduced the time left for the bleeding to finally stop. So I just needed a proper rest and I then could regenerate my HP.


I looked once again at the battlefield.

"We already lost the advantage we had over the goblins at preventing them from counter attacking. From now on it will be a real war..."

I drank a mana potion from my inventory and prepared myself to start using my 'Tree-drills' and my 'Tree-chainsaws'. once again.


"No... this won't work. Even If I start butchering some goblins with my magic, It will be too hard to fight by myself alone..."

I glanced once again at the archer division and the ones controlling the catapults, which they were currently all taking cover under the walls I created to protect ourselves from projectiles. 

I need them to start counter-attacking so that we can create chaos once again inside their army.

Maybe I can create a new 'Tree' Invention?



"DON'T WORRY, I WILL TAKE CARE OF THAT!" My lips curled upwards at the thought of a new technique.

I started gathering my full mana once again and prepared to control all the trees around these walls.

Using all my mana at the same time caused me a sharp headache that soon ended up in me kneeling on the floor with my hands pointing upwards.

The surrounding trees fused their ends all together and soon created a giant ball made of wood that soon took the shape of a giant shield that extended all across the walls.

I drank another mana potion because this amount of control was too exhausting, and ended up getting mana sickness once again.

'Fuck... I feel like shit...'

The pain on my severed arm, the headache, the dizziness, the loss of so much blood, and now the urges to vomit, pressured on my mind on a great extent.

Thankfully, the stat [Mental stability] helped me a lot to maintain my concentration on the battlefield.

I glanced at Neo that was at my side, next to his other birdie companions.

"I need you to go and attack all the goblin archers you find on your way directly on the eyes"



All of them departed towards the battlefield, and I started moving the shield once again, in order for it to protect our troops from the hundred of arrows.

Although the arrows were sometimes piercing the thick giant shield, they end up losing all their momentum when hitting it, just to start falling to the ground uselessly after losing their imposing speed.

"START PREPARING!!!" The commander of our army yelled at the soldiers. Who soon started charging the catapults, and pointing their bows at the goblin army beyond the giant shield.

I glanced once again at my mana.

HP: 72/240  Mana: 21/40

"Haaaah..." I exhaled in a tired tone.


"I wanna go home..." I looked at the sky while still maintaining my concentration on the spell "I will go and take some holidays after this shitty war. My body and my mind can't take it anymore...


Maybe I could craft a portable bed so that I can sleep anywhere I want in the future...


How nice could a bed be in this situation...


A bed...


I wanna sleep for a bit...


Oh shit, I dozed off for a moment.


The shield soon stabilized and continued protecting the soldiers while they prepared everything.

I guess even my improved stats can't save me from tiredness...

A few minutes later.

Come on, I don't want to drink more mana potions...

I looked once again at the potion beside me and almost puked from disgust...


I think I will become allergic to these things.


Oh, thank god...

Alright, time to finish this.

I used all my mana left and launched the giant Tree-shield towards the army of goblins.

"What is that?!"

"Oh mama goblin, I don't want to die this young!"

"Save me commander!!!"

The screams of horror from the goblins covered the whole battlefield after seeing such a gigantic object falling on them.

Sadly, I couldn't manage to launch it far enough to kill the whole army. Instead, it probably was gonna hit at least a 20% or so of the goblin army.


The whole battlefield was covered in a giant cloud of dust after the impact of the shield, and the screams and sorrows of the goblins ceased completely.

"Let's hope they all died after that attack..."

While the dust cloud cleared out I decided to drink a healing potion to recover a bit of my HP before any new danger appeared. I have been close enough to death today, there's no need to stay at such low HP while in the middle of a war.




"Puh..." I took out the empty bottle and placed it on my inventory once again.

This time the bleeding from my arm completely stopped, and I even recovered a part of it!

Though it just recovered until my elbow. But at least I was now sure that I could recover my arm as long as my HP recovered fully.

Even now I could see my flesh recovering bit by bit now that I had my auto-healing ability back after stopping the bleeding, however, it was still recovering at a very slow pace. 

 It could at least take a few hours for it to recover completely...

I looked at my status once again.

Name: Aspen (Aeron) 


Age: 19 (38)


[Hp: 123/240]  [Mana: 3/40]

Alright, now I have half of my HP... Hmm... Maybe I could focus on finding a mushroom biome on the underground, so I can produce healing and mana potions of a higher quality using the glowing mushrooms that grow there.

But obviously only after having my holidays.


Oh shoot, the dust cloud cleared already...

"Hmm..." I observed the numbers left of the surviving goblins

There should be only 1200 goblins more to kill. But if they could retreat then my job could be a lot easier...

"Charge!!!" The goblins screamed in rage.

I guess we will do it on the bad way.

The archers and catapults soon began attacking the goblin army with all they had. However, unlike the last time, the goblins this time were shooting arrows as well.

Of course, I started once again using my 'Tree-drills' and my 'Tree-chainsaw to cut every goblin on the way, most preferably the warriors, since they were the most troublesome bunch thanks to their tankiness.


That's when I noticed a certain movement under a rock on the battlefield.

Oh fuck, don't tell me-...

The boulder was moved away and soon a giant and strong figure rose from the ground while holding an enormous sword with just one hand.

His bloodshot eyes started looking in my direction, and soon we ended up making eye contact.

°[Goblin commander: Seuk]°

Title: The Butcherer

HP: 4324 / 4800


Why does life hate me so much...?

"HUMAAAAAAAAAAN!!!" The goblin commander started running at full speed in my direction while screaming in rage and fury.

The last fight between us huh?

So be it.


That's everything for today guys

Is it me on maybe this war is taking too long?

Maybe I should shorten it a bit more so that it doesn't take that much time to finish.

Tell me your opinions below in the comments!

Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter.

Good bye B)

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