Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 44: I was bored

Chapter 44: I was bored


After telling Claire that I could be gone for a few days at the Elf Kingdom, I immediately began my trip towards there.

Of course, I didn't forget to take my bed with me using my inventory, so that sleeping outside could not be a problem.

Except for fighting a few slimes and zombies, I didn't find that many problems on my way there... 

No goblins, no horde of monsters, no moon lord trying to destroy the planet. Everything was perfect... WAY too perfect for my taste...

Let's just hope this was not the calm before the storm... Cause' I don't want to face another storm. I've had enough dealing with a giant goblin that could crush me with just his bare hands.

Anyways, it took me a few weeks, but in the end I managed to arrive at the city of Fedolas, The capital of the Elf kingdom.

"Fuuuh~ It took a while" I muttered and sighed lightly in exhaustion when I saw the giant walls that covered the city.

"Let's just hope they still remember me..."

I started walking towards the giant gate that was protected by a few guard elves, and as soon as they saw me, they lifted their spears in unison and pointed them towards me.

"Who are you, human?!"

Yeah, they don't remember me at all...

"I came to visit this city, one of you elves told me he could show me around whenever I wanted"

"One of us? To you? A human?"

Oh no, I don't like where this is going...

"Yeah, I came here some months ago, and after defeating him in a spar he offered to show me the city"

"You defeated an elf? You must be joking right?"

"Ugh... No, I indeed defeated him"

"No offense human, but you're kinda... a human"

"Well, I can also do this..." I said while moving one of the trees in the surroundings to move however I pleased. Something that shocked them a lot.

"Could it be you're a dryad?"

"No, I'm-"

"No man, look, his hair is brown, it is said that dryads have green hair so he can't be a dryad" One of the elves interrupted me before I could even explain myself.

"Then what is the name of the elf you fought, Mr. Human?"



"Yeah, Alien"


"I think you mean Alyem"

Oops, I forgot his name... What's happening to me and names lately...?

"That's what I said"

"Yeah, now that I remember there were such rumors, that a human managed to beat Alyem in a spar, though I thought they were pure bullshit..."



"Then... Can you let me pass?"

"Let us contact Sir Alyem first, we don't really know if he actually offered you a tour around this city or you are just making things up"



Sigh... at least they are not racist towards me just because I'm human...

Or at least no overly racist.

Anyways, the thing that matters is that this situation ended up pretty well, without any conflict.


"So... while we wait... Why don't we have a spar to see if you are really strong enough to defeat Sir Alyem?" One of the guards said while grinning sightly.

Oh shi-


Alyem POV:



"Too slow..."


As my opponent fell to the ground, I put the sword away and decide to go take a towel to clean the sweat on my face.

"You are so good with the sword Sir Alyem" One of the elves in the public says to me while I'm cleaning my face.

"Hm" I just nodd, however, deep inside I know I still have a long way to go.

There has been something bothering me since two months ago.

Elves are supposed to be known for their incredible speed, vision, and reflexes. However, it doesn't matter how many elves I fight, they all feel slow and predictable.

I've been known as a prodigy ever since I was a kid, both in swordsmanship and archery. Even my reflexes, strength, vision, and speed is superior to the other elves.

However, two months ago, a human appeared in this kingdom, claiming to be lost after losing his companions to the horrible night. 

A fascinating human, that even when being captive of us, stayed calm and continued making jokes like nothing happened. After interrogating him for his intentions in this place, we decided to have a small spar.

This human possessed a certain peculiarity.

He had a connection to nature comparable to that of a dryad from the legends. Nature itself listened to his every command as long as he had enough mana.

So I wanted to face him. See how strong the human that controlled nature to that extent could be. And oh my~

Not only did he have that incredible connection to nature, no, he also possessed a body very superior to any human I had ever seen.

In the end I lost because of my overconfidence. I took his punch because I thought it could not harm me, however, I was proven wrong.

Even thought he was slow and predictable. He somehow still seemed to be able to see my movements, dodging every one of my attacks with ease. Something that made me incredulous.

How can he be so slow and his movements so predictable, yet he could see so easily through my movements?

I just can't understand it.

As for his ability with the sword... It was very superior to mine. I have nothing more to say.

I think I will need to train a few more years so I can reach his level at swordsmanship, but at that point he will have probably already became stronger than now.

Ever since I have been bothered by the lack of a worthy opponent like him, as the only available opponents are the guards of the city, which are weak as fuck.

As for getting a master... Well, the experts of this country are too busy with politics and those things, so they don't have time to train someone.

"Sigh... at this rate it will take ages before I can become stronger..."

"Sir Alyem!"

Hmm? What is it now? Another group of slimes entered the city?

"What happened?" I raised an eyebrow at his hurried tone.

"The human you fought a few months ago has cameback, he says he wants to visit the city!"

Oh, speaking of the devil...

I guess I found a new way to become stronger!

"Alright, let's go meet him"

"Yes sir!"

A few minutes later

As I approached the gate, the sight of a few guards in the ground groaning in pain could be seen.

"What happened here?"

As I looked at the opposite side of where the guard were laying, I saw the human sitting on a thick log while munching dried meat.

"HEY, WHAT HAPPENED HERE?" I shout to him before the guards behind me notice this scene and start attacking him as well while jumping to conclusions.

"Hmm...? OH IT'S YOU ALYEM. IT'S NOTHING TOO SERIOUS, THEY JUST WANTED TO SPAR" He shouts back while still munching the dried meat.

You might have gone a little bit over board there... But whatever.

As I finally arrived in front of him, I can see that his face looks a lot cleaner than the last time we saw each other. And somehow he looks a bit more intimidating as well...


"To what do I owe this visit, Sir Aspen?"


"I was bored"

Finally managed to get my friends to play terraria with me.

Took a while though...

Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter!

Bye bye.





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