Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 46: The plan

Chapter 46: The plan 


"Say Alyem... must the one to wear the boots be really an elf? Can't other races wear it?" I asked while looking attentively at the Hermes Boots.

"Hmm... Well, it's not really certain. However, The legendary elf Hermes last words were to give these boots to the chosen elf in the future. So, as his descendants, it's our obligation to keep this boots safe until the chosen elf appears"

"And how the heck do you even know who is the chosen one? I mean, I don't think anyone could be crazy enough to try to wear something that could kill you in mere seconds... right?"

"Oh of course not, the royal family measures once a year the power of the souls of every baby born during the said year with an ancient artifact"

An artifact that can measure the strength of the soul? I wonder how strong could my soul be then...?

"The artifact uses a numerical system denominated as [Soul Power] to measure the level of resistance the soul has. Normally, an ordinary soul gets around 1-2 of [Soul Power]. However, the soul of the chosen one is said to be measured around 10-15 of [Soul Power] at least. Anything below that will only be destroyed thanks to the power of the boots"


Then how high is my actual Soul Power? It gives me chills just imagining it...

"How high is your [Soul Power] Alyem?"

"Mine is 4, I was born with a strong soul, however, I'm still unable to wear the boots... So I don't think my talent really matters that much"

"Hm..." I just nodded.

So in summary, this is the treasure of the Elf Kingdom. And It's very unlikely for them to just give the boots to me if I just ask them nicely, as they seem to be specially reserved for the "Chosen one".

So angering the whole elf nation for these petty boots could be really stupid.

But you know...

I could not anger the Elves, if no one knows it was me in the first place.


A few days later...



"Don't forget about your stance"




Alyem fell to the ground helplessly after being hit with a stick by me.

Currently, I was having a spar against Alyem, as we agreed to work on his swordsmanship. However, unlike old man Harry, this guy was pretty lacking when it came to swordsmanship.

Even though he was an elf, which meant his speed, strength, and senses were a lot sharper than a human, I could still easily beat him when just using swords in a spar.

According to the levels of my system, this guy should have around mid-level mastery on swordsmanship, while I had the master-level mastery already.

I don't know if there was anything ahead of Master-level... But even if there was, I think it could still take me a long time before I could reach such a high level.

"Jeez, How are you so good with the sword, Aspen? We have almost the same age right?"

"I just had an awesome teacher" And a skill that increases my comprehensive and learning abilities by three times.

But that some minor details...

Anyways, currently, I have been following the same routine every day since my encounter with the Hermes Boots. Reading magic tomes, sparing against Alyem, practicing magic, and of course, sleeping.

My plan to steal the Hermes Boots was completely ready, but first I could need to learn every magic available in the library. Because if I become a fugitive while stealing the boots I doubt they will allow me to continue reading at their library. 

Not that I'm planning to become one. After all my plan is to make sure no one knows that I was the one that stole it.

Sorry "Chosen one" But I'm taking those boots. Not that you will need them that much anyways...

Now, about my plan.

On my extensive research in the library, I have gathered a lot of useful information aside from magic. This being that elves actually go on expeditions from time to time to a giant island at the east to gather precious herbs.

An island that holds a giant jungle at the center of it.

Yeah, you heard right, a jungle.

The Elf kingdom actually has friendly relations with the inhabitants of the jungle, the pygmies. And both exchange goods once a year in a festival to preserve their good relationship.

Pygmies are similar to what you could expect to be actually dwarves. Petite, with beard, and good for forging things. Though all of them seem to be attracted mostly to spear.

However, unlike dwarves, these guys have a darker tone of skin than most humans, and wear tribal themed clothes all the time. 

The things that matters here is that one of the goods the elves and pygmies trade between themselves is the Moonglow herbs! One of the ingredients for the invisibility potion.

Hehehe... I see you know where I'm going with all this.

What better way to steal something than using an invisibility potion? Silent, stealthy, and most importantly, not VISIBLE!

However, just in case I will be wearing my helmet so that they don't recognize me in case the potion wears off...

Also, there was another piece of information that I considered VERY important during my days of research at the library.

At the north of the continent where goblins live, two strange and dangerous lands can be seen at the border of the continent, opposite to each other, surrounding the goblin's Kingdom from the east and the west.

The description of both of these lands goes like this:

One is covered in a thick purple mist that withers any plant alive and makes it get a purple color as well. It is also said that any living being that spends too much time inside this land will have their body slowly rot until they die helplessly.

The other land is covered in a thick layer of crimson mist that seems to slowly absorb the life force of any living being that enters it domain. Draining their vitality until they become nothing but weak and empty husk. After the vitality is extracted, the body of the victim turns into a deep crimson, plants included.

Both of these lands have been investigated and it has been discovered that they are slowly expanding towards the Kingdom of goblins.


Yeah, as you might have already guessed, these are both the Evil biomes of terraria, The corruption and the Crimson. Slowly expanding through the world and consuming every kind of living being until only horrible monsters from their respective biomes populates the whole land.

Hehehe... And now I actually have to deal with BOTH of them at the same time. Unlike the game where you only have to deal one of the biomes and stop it from spreading through your world, now I have to deal with BOTH of them.

Why does everything goes so wrong in this world?


"Well... more reasons for taking that accessory for me then" I muttered under my breath.

"What do you mean with accessory Aspen?" Alyem confused asked at my words

"Nothing, nothing, now concentrate on your foot work!"


"Ouch! Sorry sorry..."

Hmm... For now, I think I will need a week or so to learn all the other kinds of magic from the library. If it takes me more than that then I will have to steal the magic tomes as well.

Hmm, I'm becoming more and more of a criminal every day I spend here. With these treasures at my sight I really can't contain myself...

"Sigh... The human greed has really no limits" I sighed after seeing how shameless I was towards the guys that welcomed me in their Kingdom.

"What do you mean Aspe-"

"Shut it!"



I'll try to compensate them in the future when I become stronger.


The crimson and Corruption finally appear!

I hope you liked the chapter, if you see any errors then you can tell me in the comment section!

Bye bye


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