Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 49: Auction time~ (II)

Chapter 49: Auction time~ (II)


As we waited for the auction to begin, I asked Alyem a few things that I had in mind. 

"Say Alyem, have you ever been in one of these auctions?"

"Hm? Yeah, I've come a few times before to see if they auctioned any interesting weapon for me to use"

"Then, do you know what do they usually auction? Like something that repeats every time?"

"Hmm... I guess bags full of Moonglow herbs could be one of the things they usually auction. Since it's a fascinating kind of herb that has many uses that our alchemists are yet to discover..."

"What uses does that herb have?"

Hmm... could it be that they actually don't know all the potions that you can make from the Moonglow herbs? If that's the case then I could also sell new potions never seen before...

Huehuehue, I can smell the money!

"Hmm... there has also been a few times that some merchants find fallen stars in the middle of the night, and auction them here"



Fallen stars?!!!

"You mean those yellow glowing stars that fall from the sky from time to time, but dissipate at the light of the day?"

"Yeah, exactly. They take the fallen stars and put them inside a bottle before covering them from sunlight using very dark clothes"

Fiuuuu~ Now this auction has really become something interesting!

If I can buy 4 more fallen stars then I will be able to increase my mana by 40! 

Hmm? But currently I'm kinda broke...

"Hey Alyem... how much money do you have?"

"I have twenty thousand Syelves, why do you ask?"

"How much do those fallen stars usually cost?"

"Hmm... the last time the were auctioned... the final price ended up being One thousand Syelves"

Geh! If I want to buy four of them then it could practically cost me all my elven money!?

What a scam...

"Hmm, Could you let me see your bow for a bit?"


As his hand took the bow away from his back and it passed it to me, my eyes were fixated in the status window from the bow.

Elvish bow

11 Ranged damage

10% critical chance

Average speed

Average knockback

What is this? How can this bow be almost as good as a platinum one?!

Maybe I should go and learn a bit from the blacksmiths of this kingdom... such a bow is not on my crafting list... And I really want it. However, now it's not time to be greedy, it's time for business!

"Hmm... It's a good bow, however, I can make a better one for you"

"Really? Then I could be really grateful!"

"But I want to ask you a favor in exchange"

"What is it?"

"In case there are fallen stars being auctioned... could you buy them for me? I'm kinda broke right now since I still need to get my payment for the potions..."

"Sure, I could have done that anyways even if you hadn't offered me the bow"

What a nice guy...

*Clap clap clap!*

"Oh, it's beginning!"


"Ladies and gentlemen, today we are here to perform the 1312th Auction of the Elf Kingdom!" An elf with a strange hat appeared in the middle of the stage and bowed to the audience before continuing with the presentation.

"We have a lot of interesting objects and ingredients from distant lands that I'm sure many of you are going to desire from the bottom of your heart! Be prepared, because today's auction is going to be incredible!"

From the side of the stage another elf appeared while carrying what seemed to be a sword covered in white cloths.

"Now, let's begin with the auction! Today's first bidding object is a sword made by one of the best blacksmiths of our country, Herios Oaken! Named after one of the heroes of our country, the greeeeat Sword of Grox!"

The clothes covering the sword were soon removed, and its stats were displayed to me.

"Such a masterpiece!"

"Master Herios really did a good job this year!"

"I can even feel its sharpness from here"


Sword of Grox

13 Melee damage

7% critical chance

Average speed

Weak knockback


Hmm... It's almost the same as my Gold Broadsword... the only difference is that mine is lighter and allows me to swing much faster...

So this is the work of a master blacksmith huh? I wonder what kind of materials did they use for creating it...?

"Uwooooh! Incredible, How can such a sword exist...? it's truly exceptional!" Alyem that was next to me exclaimed in surprise after seeing the sword.

"Calm down Alyem, I can make a better sword than that"

"Eh...? Really? I mean, I know you're talented, but you can't be THAT talented..."

"Let me show you"

I selected my Gold broadsword from my inventory and took it out from my "Backpack"

"I made this little one with my own hands" I said proudly while pointing at myself using my thumb.

"Incredible!! It's even similar to the Sword of Grox!! What is it made of?!"

"Err... Just gold I think?"

I mean... I just used Gold bars, so I don't think I'm wrong here...



A few minutes later...

As the auction continued, Many other interesting objects were bid, however, none of them were interesting enough to make me spend my money on them... except from a bag full of Moon glow herbs. As the jungle was still to far away to get this herbs manually, I needed to get this bag for sure!

Though in reality Alyem was the one to buy it, as I was completely broke.

Hehehe, with this herb I was finally able to craft the spelunker potions!

You don't know what spelunker potions are? Well let me explain them to you.

Spelunker potions are one of the most important potions in the game, at least when it came to gathering treasures or collecting valuable materials. They are fundamentally the same as the Hunter potion, but instead of allowing me to see enemies through walls, It allows me to see ores, treasure chests, herbs, And another great amount of objects that can be considered valuable through the walls.

Basically when you drink it you will become like a treasure detector!

And currently we were both waiting for something more interesting to appear. However, the situation looked dull.

"Hmm... we should be reaching the end of the Auction in one or two objects more..."

"And my potions are yet to be auctioned, so there's only one more object for this Auction to finish..."

*Clap Clap Clap* The presenter started clapping his hands to attract our attention back to the stage.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, these objects were found by a famous merchant in one of his travels across the jungle. After having his carriage almost being destroyed by one of them he managed to secure most of them just before the day arrived. One of the objects that many of you have been waiting for eagerly!...FALLEN STARS!!"

UOOOOOH!! It's finally here!


Another cliffhanger~

I'm thinking on taking a small rest to think thoroughly everything that is going to happen. Cause currently I have just a brief plan of what's going to happen in the story, nothing to detailed, and I have to improvise or think what's going to happen in each chapter.

All this makes my inspiration go down at seeing that I need to think and write what will happen in every chapter.

So after Aspen steals the boots I think I will take a small hiatus to plan everything a little bit more...

Also, check my new fan fiction of One piece.

The title is [One Piece: To be a Power in the Depths]

The MC may be a bit Chunnibyou, but that's the whole point of the story. So check it out if you're bored or something like that.

Bye bye~


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