Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 6: The reality of an apocalyptic world

I didn't knew it could be like this...

I was foolish.

Thinking that i could change something.

Even if i was someone special among humans, i was not special enough.

Not in this world.

Not in front of something like this.

I was nothing.

We humans were nothing.

That's the reality of this world that i have just realized.

And i had to pay the price.



1 Hour before.

I woke up and lazily opened my eyes.

It has been 3 months since i talked with my parents about leaving, dad ignored me for a few weeks but mom didn't.

She talked with me a lot more than before, probably she wants to talk to me as much as she can before i leave.

After sometime the relationship with my dad finally started improving, now we were talking like we did before all that problem happened.

So my days here were pretty much the same as before.

I managed to get some arrows from the guard's barracks.

They also gave me a bow and a sword. Though they weren't as good as the ones i crafted.

(Imperfect) Wooden bow

3 Ranged damage

4% critical chance

Average speed

No knockback

-25% damage

-20% speed


(Imperfect) Iron shortsword

5 Melee damage

2% critical chance

Fast speed

Weak knockback

-25% damage

-20% speed

It was free weapons, so i accepted them.



-Wood: 3.26

- Stone: 56.64 

-Sand: 15.46

-Dirt: 29.2

-Kitchen knife.

-Tomatoes x107

-Bread: x39

-Work Bench.

-Deadly wooden sword.

-Wood helmet.

-Wood breastplate.

-Wooden hammer.

-Frenzying wooden bow.

-Imperfect wooden bow.

-Imperfect iron shortsword.


-Mushrooms x8

-Daybloom x5


I also got some money from my parents, once i told them that i could go to the city of Balroc, they immediately gave me some of their saved money.

At first i wanted to refuse, but then i remembered that i needed money to buy a pickaxe, so i ended up accepting.

And that leads us to this day.

After waking up i got up pretty quickly, i wanted to have some spars with the old man, collect some wood and stones, train my archery and then have free time for my self.

This was pretty much the routine that i have followed since a few years ago.

And today was not the exception.

That's what i thought, however it seemed that destiny decided otherwise.

I walked out of my room, and went to drink some water.

I drank from a nearby cup and then placed it on the table.

That's when i noticed.

The water was trembling.


But soon, that possibility was erased

*Bom, bom, bom, bom, bom, bom, bom, bom*


What's going on outside?

However, when i was about to leave the house to see what was happening, something appeared in front of me.


A goblin army is approaching from the west!


A goblin army is approaching from the east!


My back was drenched in cold sweat, and my hands were trembling...


Why now...?


This was not supposed to happen.

That's when i remembered.

This world is not Terraria.

This is real life.

The people here are not bound by the rules of that game.

Goblins don't need to wait until you reach 200 hp and break a shadow orb.

We are currently in a war.

They can attack anytime.

I ran outside the house, i needed to find my parents and that old man.

However, before i could even try find them, i heard a loud explosion coming from the wall

When i looked back...

An enormous boulder was there, covered in a thick cloud of dust, and the wall... destroyed.


A goblin army has arrived!

They appeared from the hole.

Their numbers were at least on the hundreds, some had armors, other had robes, there were even some who had bows, and even knives.

They were not like the typical goblins from different novels.

They weren't short, weak and of dumb.

I could see it in their eyes, they had intelligence similar to us, the vicious smiles on their faces showed it.

They knew what they were doing, and they knew they were going to enjoy it.

They were as tall as us...

And they were a lot stronger than us, the muscles behind their armors and robes showed incredible hardness and power behind them.

I immediately equipped my armor, and took out my Deadly wooden sword.

I had to find a way to save everyone, but was it really possible?

I ran in the other direction, i was trying to find my family and the old man.

I heard the screams of some villagers.

I heard the screams of fury from the guards.

I heard the screams of pain from all of them

"Sh*t, Where are you?" i murmured in frustration as i couldn't find them.

Dad, mom, old man, stay safe please...

Advise: The next part of these chapter can be a little gross or have some explicit violence, so you better prepare your mind and your stomach.

I continued to run through the village, avoiding the goblins that i found.

Trying my best to ignore the corpses of everyone in the village.

I needed to find them no matter what.

However, while i was looking for them  something appeared in my vision

A Goblin peon was going to kill a little girl, she was the daughter of my neighbors, her name was april. 

her mother was killed by the goblin, He threw it to the ground like it was just garbage.

This f*cker!

I immediately dashed towards him, and swung my sword towards his neck, ready to cut it clean.


When my Deadly wooden sword touched his skin it barely left a mark in it.

When i made eye contact with him a health bar appeared above him.


You have dealt 6 damage


Goblin peon:  HP: 354/360


It did nothing.

It just alerted him of my presence.

"Huh? it seems like we left one human warrior alive... Well, it doesn't matter, i'll take care of you first..."

He immediately wacked me like i was just an annoying fly.


I flew towards a nearby house, the impact was so strong that i broke through the walls.


Some of my bones were showing, and my mouth let some blood out.

That hit must have destroyed some of my internal organs.

I rapidly checked my HP

-Aspen (Aeron) [Infant]

[Human: 99,999%] [Divine being: 0,001%]

Age: 12+(19)



[Bleeding (Can't auto-regenerate): 1 hour left]

[Hp: 35/125] [Mana: 40/40]

That hit just took 90 of my HP...

This is not master mode...

It's even worse, There's no way a Goblin peon can deal that much damage... 

This doesn't make any sense.

I ate one mushroom to cure myself.

[Hp: 50/125] [Mana: 40/40]

Even if i had more Hp than before there was no way i could take another hit.

"Oh? You actually survived one hit, what a sturdy human"

I heard the voice of the gobling entering the house.

"Look what i did to your little friend" he said while smiling from ear to ear.

His hand was covered in blood, and the body of that little girl was on his other hand...


"Hehehe... Crushing her head was exhilarating, hehehe" he said while laughing between his theet

I felt the blood boil inside me because of anger.

His vicious smile was showing all his emotions, he was enjoying making me feel powerless...

"Let's see how much your body can take, human"

He approached my body and then started embracing it.

What the...

Before i could even think of what he was doing to do, he started to squeeze my body with all his strength.

You have received 15 of damage
You have received 15 of damage
You have received 15 of damage
[Hp: 5/125] [Mana: 40/40]

My body started making strange noises.

So this is it, huh?

This is the end of my life in this world.

Was i just a toy to that goddess?

Did she grant me another opportunity just to see me suffer?

It seemed i was wrong about this world...

I didn't knew it could be like this...

I was foolish.

Thinking that i could change something.

Even if i was someone special among humans, i was not special enough.

Not in this world.

Not in front of something like this.

I was nothing.

We humans were nothing.

That's the reality of this world, and i have just realized that.

And now i had to pay the price.

"Hey kid" 

I heard a familiar voice.

"You look awful right now"

"Another human survived? Tsk, what are they doing?, leaving this many survivors?" The goblin stopped squeezing my body, he probably thought i was already death.

"Kid... why are you surrendering?"

What is he...

"Do you really want to die?" The old man said while glaring into my eyes

*Ba dump* 


I'm about to die...

*Ba dump*

I'm really going to die...

*Ba dump*

I could feel it.

The enormous rage that increased within me every second.

I'm going to die?

Not like this.

Not to this son of a b*tch...

I slowly raised my hand 

"Hoh? he is actually still alive?" The goblin said while looking at me, then he glanced at the old man again "So you both humans knew each other? If that's the case then it will be a lot more entertaining to break both of you"

"Like hell you will live enough for that" i said under my breath

I took out the Kitchen knife and furiously stabbed him in the eye.


Then i proceeded to move and spin the knife inside his eye, trying to cut whatever was inside his head, making him feel even more pain.

You have dealt 25 damage

The goblin quickly freed me from his arms and threw me to the ground.

Then he started screaming while grabbing his eye.

"It seems like you still have some courage kid, take this" He approached me while the goblin was distracted and gave me a potion.

"H...How-?" I tried to talk more but i ended throwing blood instead.

"I got ones during the war, i saved them through the years for an important occasion. Now stop talking and drink."



"Haaaah..." I exhaled after drinking it all.

Rapidly my bones and organs regenerated and reacomodated, now i could walk once again.

"Kid i want you to listen to me, we don't have much time, the other goblins must have heard the scream of his companion, so you need to escape from here fast"

"B-but what about you, old man?"

"I will stay here, i need to make him scream more, so that i draw all the attention towards me, That way you can escape without being noticed"


Without noticing, i received a fist on my face

"Get the hell out of here now!" He hissed at me, he looked angry, more angry than i have ever seen him be.


I started walking towards the exit, but i gave him one last look

"Don't worry kid, i have lived already more than enough, i'm old and weak, however, you have a promising future ahead of you, your talent is something i have never seen before, it's something i can't allow to disappear today.


 I left, however, i still heard his last words before getting far away.

"Don't disappoint me Aspen."


Maybe this chapter was not something you expected in this story, maybe you don't like it, but i feel it is something essential for Aeron to evolve as a character, that' s why i made this happen. I hope you still continue reading this, and don't drop this just because of this tragic chapter.

I wanna know what do you think about this chapter in the comments!

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