Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 77: How to not get slapped by a giant skeleton?

Chapter 77: How to not get slapped by a giant skeleton?


If by any chance, the mechanic is actually working on building the Mechanic bosses of Terraria, then that means game over for me.

Not only are they not made of flesh or something that I can damage with my swords, but they also have super powerful weapons attached to their bodies that could probably kill me in one hit if they hit any important place.

You know, for example The destroyer. That darn robot-worm has an incredibly long body with laser canons spread all through it, and can deploy several hundreds of probes to defend himself from any enemy. Not to mention that this guy must be incredibly destructive due to his abilities to move through the ground, and his incredibly heavy attacks that can probably crush any living being...

Then we have the Mechanical eyes, also called the Twins because of a strange umbilical cord that unites them as if they were newborn babies. Both of their bodies are made completely out of metal, which makes them incredibly resistant to any attack I may use, but they also shoot Cursed flames and lasers respectively, which in summary would pretty much kill me easily if they hit me. 

And finally we have the monstrosity himself, Skeletron Prime. With four arms completely made out of metal, each of them equipped with a specific type of weapon made to kill whoever tries to attack it, or even destroy several cities in the process using the bomb launching device in one of its hands, and its incredibly strong head that works as the nucleus for its body.

If by any chance I got to fight them right now... The only thing I could be able to do would be to go kamikaze at them, or run away... which could be probably what I could do...

But they could probably chase me down, or maybe destroy the world.

Thus, I only have one option. Save the mechanic before she finishes those monstrosities, or at least save her so that she can create some more bosses to fight the ones she created. Everything is fair in this reality right? Then she should be pretty much be able to create something similar or even stronger than those mechanical bosses to fight them in my stead.

However, the only problem I have right now is... I have to deal with Skeletron in order to enter the Dungeon and save the mechanic... And honestly, I don't really think I have what is needed to fight it right now. It could probably slap me like I was a fly, break my bones, and then finish me off.

I lack mobility, speed, and attack power.

And I only know one place where I can obtain those, besides also getting some more Life crystals while I'm at it...

The jungle.

However, this wasn't like your average jungle back in my previous world. If all I had to worry about was some random weak tiger, then I could be sighing in relief... But no, I have to deal with Giant hornets that have the ability to shoot stingers covered in poison, terrifying jungle-spiders that could shoot spider-web bullets that could immobilize me, and even strange plant like enemies called Snappers that move stealthily through the mud in order to take by surprise at their prey and snap them in half using their powerful blade like mandibles.

Thus, If I was gonna go to the jungle to get stronger, I needed to prepare myself a bit before that. Developing my magic and other abilities, or even creating new ways of fighting that I may have not thought before...

And I think I know where should I start first...


In front of me, Evvie was looking at me attentively while waiting for my response about how to deal with this unexpected situation.

If I wanted to become stronger, then why not strengthen my already strongest and most op magic by making a pro of Nature-controlling magic to teach me personally its secrets?

Who knows what kind of other perks could Nature magic have, that I didn't know about yet?


"I think I know what they might be doing inside there... You said you felt a strange presence residing within that old man, right?" I turned to look at Evvie, who immediately tried her best to remember everything she saw there.

"Yeah, though that old man seemed to be barely conscious of his surroundings, I could say that he probably is just a vessel that was forced to bear whatever is residing within his body..." Evvie nodded slightly her head as she smiled wryly while thinking about that poor old man.

"I thought the same too, and judging by the fact that the cultists entered inside that castle without problems, then it means that Cthulhu is somehow related to all this matter, and probably the presence residing within the body of that old man is another part of the destroyed body of Cthulhu after the great war... Do you remember precisely what did parts of its body did Cthulhu lose after fighting with the Dryads?" I asked her while thinking about the countless possibilities there could be in a real world that is not bound by rules.

Of course, it didn't disappoint this time either...

Not that I minded if it disappointed me... at least just once...

"It lost his left eye, his whole lower body, his skull and the bones of his arms and hands, and finally his brain... Though he ended up replacing most of them with chaotic magical energy, except for his lower body as it was too much energy for him to control at once... And it was just because of that, that he escaped to the moon and ended up being sealed by an ancient magician into the dark side of it. And if what you say it's true... then we have already taken care of the eye, and judging by the incredible amount of power that presence made me feel, Then I assume that it's either Cthulhu's legs or the bones of his body... Both of them being probably equally destructive..."

So I might have to fight the legs? Oh, for fuck's sake... What's next? Cthulhu's dick that shoots lasers from the *****?!

As expected, nothing good will happen if I fight Skeletron as I am right now. And if what the Evvie said it's true, and Skeletron is going to be even stronger than that eye, then that means that I really need to prepare a lot more. Because fighting a giant eye-ball with no arms and only a mouth it's certainly a lot easier than fighting a giant skull with two gigantic hands that will probably slap me away easily.


Let's just hope the Skeletron of this world doesn't have a glowing left eye that makes me feel like I will have a bad time...

But since I'm in ultra-hard difficulty mode, then the possibility it's still there...


Whatever, let's just try to convince her to teach me...

"Since we are probably gonna fight against that thing... could you teach me how to use my magic at controlling nature correctly? If I'm gonna have to deal with that monster at that castle, I might as well create a new way of fighting in order to prepare myself before the fight" I leaned on the table and looked at Evvie with an expectant expression on my face.

Evvie, who heard my question, just nodded her head lightly with a small smile on her face as she stood up slowly and gestured me to follow her. 

"Sure, you have a potential worthy of the strongest members of my race. And since this world's destiny seems to be worsening more and more as time passes, I might as well make sure you get stronger before the time of facing a real calamity comes..."

"I don't like the way you mention it like it's my responsibility, but sure. I don't want to die anyway"

Not yet at least.

"Good, where should we begin...?"

"No, wait a second"

"Huh? What's wrong...?"

"I have to fix this mess first..."

As I turned around, I saw my beautiful house completely in ruins after receiving the attack of that evil Pinky.


Yeah, let's fix this before anything else...


The jungle finally prepares to enter on stage! Will Aspen fight against the giant queen bee? Or will he find another kind of monster that was not included in the game? Something like a queen jungle-spider could be good maybe...

Or maybe he will steal some other valuable treasure from the pygmies living in the jungle?

I don't know, I gotta think that out before the moment of writing that arc arrives

Goodbye for now guys!

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