Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 80: Departure to the sea

Chapter 80: Departure to the sea


The beautiful city of Fedolas shone with a majestic green glow in the middle of the night, hundreds of elves walked calmly through the streets of this city and bought many things with smiles on their faces.

At the city gate, two guards stood there while watching attentively at the incoming figure of a human walking towards them with a steady pace.

"Is that the human we met a few months ago...?" One of the guards looked at the approaching figure, and whispered to his companion with a raised eyebrow.

"Y-yeah, I think we should call Alyem to come and pick him up. I don't want to deal with him again really... It makes me depressed to think I'm weaker than a human"

"Yeah, wait here, I will bring him here" The guard left his post and immediately went inside one of the buildings near the gate with a hurried pace.

The human soon arrived at the gate and looked at the guard with a rather relaxed expression on his face, he approached the guard and asked him while yawning a bit.

"Hey, I came to visit again... I believe we have already met, right?"

"Ye-yeah, my friend went to call Alyem to pick you up. So you will have to wait for the time being before entering..." The guard stiffened up a bit after seeing Aspen's carefree attitude, but relaxed a bit when he saw that Aspen wasn't gonna do anything violent. The last time he ended up being beaten up after underestimating him thinking he was just another weak human, and that left some deep scars on his pride as a member of the elven race...

"It's fine, leaving that aside, I saw that the vigilance has increased a lot. Did something happen while I was not in this place?" Aspen, who saw the incredible amount of guards patrolling the walls of the city, asked confused seeing that even the powerful-elves had something that worried them so much.

"After the Hermes boots were stolen by someone unknown, Madam Elysia felt a slight disturbance in the force field that protected this world from external threats, and notified us that some evil monster from the outside world had entered ours. Some of the most paranoid elves think that Cthulhu has come back to destroy the world, while others just think that it's some kind of monster from outside this world that has entered to make this place his hunting-ground". Either way, we now have to be attentive just in case that monster attacks this city, or the nearby ones..."

"A disturbance in the force field of this world is it?"

'Do I have to deal with some kind of cosmic shit now? No, wait, Evvie could have noticed it if that was the case... Do they mean the Eye of Cthulhu then?' Aspen, who heard the elf guard's ominous words, sweat dropped a bit before he tried calming down his already anxious heart.

It wasn't long before Alyem appeared besides the another guard and took Aspen with him inside the city.

"So you were alive Aspen? I thought that something may have happened to you or the human kingdom since Madam Elysia detected the breach on the force-field happening on the human territory... I guess she was wrong?" Alyem, who saw Aspen's completely perfect state, thought that maybe nothing had actually happened on the human territory, and the force field had actually not been breached.

However, unlike what he expected, Aspen just shook his head and looked at the sky as if reminiscing something.

"No, if I'm not mistaken, then you are talking about the giant eye that suddenly appeared from the sky, and tried destroying the capital"

"Giant eye... So something did indeed attack you guys?! Then how the hell are you alive?!" Alyem exclaimed in shock hearing Aspen's words. And soon grabbed Aspen by his shoulders and asked for answers with an anxious expression on his face.

"What do you mean how? I just killed it before it managed to do something to the capital" Aspen just shrugged his shoulders while looking at Alyem with a nonchalant expression on his face.



"... Err... are you perhaps joking? Just so you know, Madam Elysia does indeed have the ability to feel disturbances on the force field protecting this world... And if something actually had the power to breach it, then no alive being could be able to face such a monster. Only an army could maybe have a possibility... Even though you might be incredibly strong, I don't think you alone could do it..."

"Well, I wasn't exactly alone, but I still did most of the work"

"... Anyway, why did you come here this time? Did you perhaps feel bored once again?" Alyem turned to look at him, and raised an eyebrow while asking him. After all, Aspen was quite a strange human. It couldn't be strange for Aspen to actually come back again just because he was bored.

"No, I wanted to accompany you guys in one of your trips towards the Jungle where you guys trade with the pygmies, I'm gonna have a pretty harsh fight in the future, and I need to prepare before it happens. Thus, I think that in the Jungle I will find the materials that I need..." Aspen replied while looking at Alyem calmly.

"Err... so you want to accompany us? I will have to check up on my superiors if that can be allowed... Don't get your hopes up though..."

"Don't worry... But... I prepared some gifts just in case there were problems on the negotiations..." Aspen grinned mischievously, and took out a bag from his backpack and showed it to Alyem.

Inside there were hundreds of Iron potions made by Aspen, each of them being twice as strong as the ones made by the best alchemist of their country. Without a doubt, they were extremely valuable for elves, and probably could guarantee Aspen's inclusion on the trip towards the jungle.

"Well, I think this might change the minds of those people... The next travel should be in two days, so enjoy yourself in the meantime" With those word Alyem turned around and started walking away.

However, right before he could leave the place, Aspen grabbed his shoulder and called out to him with a small smile forming on his lips.

"Before you leave... do you guys have shark fins by any chance?"





-Aspen POV:

Two days have passed since I was allowed to participate on the expedition to the jungle, and since then I have been collecting diferent kinds of ingredients for specific potions, and started trying to create superior potions using the technique of the dryads to improve the plants used in the process.

I managed to create quite an enormous stock of Superior Ironskin potions, and honestly, it wasn't cheap by any means. It required 4 iron ore, and 1 improved Daybloom for each potion. However, honestly in a world like this, they were completely worth it.

[Superior] Ironskin Potion: x30 (max)

-Increase defense by 20

-Decreases the degree of pain the user feels on the superficial part of his skin.

(Lasts 6 Hours...)

This amount of defense was enough to double my current defense stat, and I could probably reduce a lot the amount of damage normal monsters could be able to deal to me... If my defense stat rose enough, then the amount of damage made by monsters could nullify completely, and I could have to be so on guard at all times. Which seemed to be a dream on my current conditions, but it was possible if I managed to get the Molten armor, Which was currently the strongest armor I could be able to craft with the materials present in this world.

Unfortunately for me, that material needed to craft that armor was in a VERY dangerous place. And I doubt that I will ever go there... I treasure my life after all...

Leaving this matter aside, me and Alyem finally managed to arrive at the coastal city of the Elf Kingdom, Maralfya.

I was marveled at the sight of such a big ocean in front of me, even though I had been at the beach many times in my previous life. I couldn't help it, this was such a majestic place that almost everyone could marvel when seeing it.

Unless you live at the sea, you get accustomed to it otherwise...

At the dock, there was an enormous Ship similar in size to a yacht from my previous life, but completely made of wood, and reinforced with numerous iron plates at the bottom to protect it from sharks or any other annoying monster from the seas.

Alyem, who saw me analyzing the giant ship in front of me, puffed his chest in pride and started explaining everything related to the ship with a smile on his face.

"This is the great Elfanic. It has been traveling between islands since 60 years ago, and until now it has never been sunken or destroyed! Even sharks fear it when they see it, and due to its enormous history, it has also been recognized as the great pride of our Kingdom"

I don't like the name, it feels ominous...

"Very well, shall we go? I can see that they are already preparing to leave"

"Oh, that's right... Let's hurry up or they won't wait for us!"

Very well, let's hope this is not my last time I'm boarding a ship, or visiting the jungle...... Buuut... I should probably have a healing potion on my hand at all times just in case though...

Here I come jungle!


Hey I have a ko-fi now! 


What? I am a money-hungry motherfucker, and I won't deny it.

So now if you want more chapters you have to donate >:))))

Just joking...

But I could appreciate if you offered your precious money to this poor author, that way I can save some money before entering college (And buy a better computer that doesn't freeze when I open a page).

Also, for most donations I will probably upload bonus chapters as thanks!

Though if there are any millionaires reading this... please have some mercy and don't make me work to death by donating too much. I'm a lazy fucker, and I don't know if I could survive... UwU

Anyway, that's all for today.

Bye bye~

PD: I don't want to die out of hunger... so please donate :)

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