Amazonian and her captive

chapter 10 – leaving

antraki carefully carried Liam slowly down a long winding path until they reached a small, secluded beach. The beach was nice, it was secluded and far out the way of any prying eyes. Ever since Liam had asked her about the impending war with her sister, Yantraki hadn't muttered a single word until they reached the beach. She walked over with him to a large palm tree. She then took a seat at the bottom of the tree before she sat him down next to her. They sat there in silence for another few minutes before Yantraki was ready to speak about her past.

“There seven princesses on this island, eight if you include me,” Yantraki said as she pulled her legs into her chest.

“Each of my sisters has a tribe of their own that they had even conquered and taken over or started by themselves. They did this as they wished to declare their own claim over the island, I was the only one loyal enough to our mother to stay.” Yantraki said, Liam could see a look of sadness in her eyes.

“Now my sisters wish to start their conquest of the island it seems, meaning in about 8 months war will most likely breakout,” Yantraki explained, Liam smiled slightly, these amazons what's so different too so Knights of the mediaeval 10s of thousands of years ago when humans still have it if the planet of earth. It seemed that no matter what intelligent civilizations there's been throughout history they've always gone through the same pattern. They build a society, some people with better weapons come along and kick them off their land, they are forced to go and find new land or take it from a weaker group. Liam couldn't help but laugh slightly that this endless cycle in human history was the same for the amazons, it seemed they weren't as different as he originally thought.

“Sorry to hear…” Liam said. He stared in silence at the solemn-looking Amazon, he couldn't help us want to get her out of the state of decay. He was about to do something that he was she will never have to repeat in the future. Liam took in a deep breath and moved out to the side of Yantraki. The Amazon looked down at the small human who would know leaning against her side and lifted her arm to get their look at him as he nuzzled into her side.

“Tell me more,” Liam asked as he allowed her to pat him on the head.

“My village is the oldest on the island as it is the one our ancestors who came here originally made, thus whoever wishes to call themselves the Chiefess of the island needed to hold our village.” Yantraki continued.

“Either way, tomorrow we will have a war meeting to decide what we need to prepare for war,” Yantraki said as she stared out to sea. Liam smiled and sat upright as he already had ideas in his mind to help.

“Can I attend the war meeting? I have loads of ideas that may help” Liam said enthusiastically. Yantraki shook her head and planted a kiss onto Liam’s head.

“Sorry my love, but no, it is strictly off-limits to adorable creatures like you.” Yantraki teases as she kissed him on the head again. Liam gulped and realised what he had to do if he was to be in the war meeting. He quickly jumped up and planted a kiss onto Yantraki’s lips. Yantraki was slightly taken back as she looked down in amazement at Liam.

“This is a one-time offer so don't waste it, after this, I need to get home so I can do some more reading,” Liam said as he pulled Yantraki’s arm around himself. Yantraki Blushed and gave a little cough as she wasn't expecting Liam to make such a bold move, let alone make a move at all, she assumed he was just going to sit there smugly saying how this was all the fault of the amazons and their culture based around war and this is what they deserve for trying to eat humans. But instead of a mocking voice, she found her soft human to now be comfortably snuggling into her side. Yantraki picked some up and placed him onto her lap. She then preceded to make it so that he was facing outwards towards the ocean before she wrapped her arms around him holding him in a tight but loving hug.

“In the next 3 days, I plan to talk to some of the tribe’s hunters so we can try to find some good animals to keep as livestock and farming,” Liam explained, not complaining about how tightly Yantraki was now holding him. She seemed still a little sad, so he didn’t want to take a moment that she seemed to enjoy like this away from her.

“Admit it, you are in love with me. The savage amazon you have only known for a week.” Yantraki mocked, ignoring Liam’s attempt to put them on a subject that wouldn’t lead to him getting teased.

“No, I don’t love you, I still hate you, I just don’t want to see you sad” Liam explained as Yantraki’s hands wandered over him. Yantraki chucked at the squirming Liam as she started to prod and poke his sides.

“Fuck stop!” Liam yelled through his laughter. Yantraki threw Liam off her lap and pinned him to the ground as she continued to poke and tease the weak human. A shiver ran down Liam’s spine as he noticed Yantraki starting to blush heavily as she picked him up into her arms.

“We go home now! I want you!” Yantraki declared as she threw Liam over her shoulder and darted off into the forest and toward her home. Liam wasn’t sure what was happening as the amazon charged with him through the forest, he only realised where he was once, he was already laying down in Yantraki’s bed.

“Fuck your quick,” Liam said as he went to sit upon the bed, only to be met by the hands of Yantraki as she pinned him down.

“Hey, can I help you?” Liam said, not liking how this situation was going. Yantraki licked her lips as she moved her body down onto his chest. She bit the bottom of his shirt and started to use her mouth to strip off his shirt as her hands undid his trousers.

“Hold the fuck up!” Liam said as he tried to crawl from under the amazon.

“You can’t leave now. When you were cuddling me, that placed me in heat, now you must take responsibility,” Yantraki said as she threw both Liam’s trousers and shirt off the bed.

“Hey look, it has been a long day, I really don’t have the energy or willpower.” Liam was cut off as Yantraki placed a kiss on his lips.

“Don’t worry, I will do the work” Yantraki explained as she started to pull down Liam's pants. Liam glanced past the amazon to the doorway where he noticed the brown-haired girl and her friends all watching, the look of aw and interest preeminent on all their faces.

“Hey look, maybe we shouldn’t do this, people are here.” Liam tried to plead. Yantraki snapped her head to look at the girls, she proceeded to scream at them in Amazonian until they scampered off.

“Now we can be alone my little rabbit, how does that sound for a pet name? my little rabbit” Yantraki said as she finally removed his trousers and pants, leaving him naked.

“Okay, we'll let you do what you want to me on one condition,” Liam said as he sat up and looked Yantraki dead in the eyes.

“What is it my little rabbit?” She said as she started to undress.

“I will let you do whatever you want with me for as long as you like with no resistance if you agree to let me come to the war meeting,” Liam said. Yantraki bit her bottom lip angrily, she wanted to have sex with him while he was willing badly, but on the other hand, she didn’t think her mother would allow it.

“What stops me from just using the slave seal on you to force you to have sex with me?” Yantraki said as she moved forward and licked his chest where the slave seal was.

“Your love for me and my feelings?” Liam tried to joke as well as argue. Yantraki laughed a looked him I the eyes as she planted a kiss on his lips.

“I will talk to mother about it, but for now it is our time,” Yantraki said as she descended upon Liam like a wild feral animal. Liam could only moan and shake out of enjoyment as the Amazon took him inside of herself and she started to use him as her toy for the night.

Liam slowly creaked his eyes open. The room was dark and only a large bonfire outside provided any light into the room. He looked down to the sweaty Yantraki who was happily laying between his legs. Her gentle lips were kissing a licking away at Liam’s exhausted cock. He guessed that it must have been hours since they first started their section. When he said he would let Yantraki have sex with him for as long as he liked, he never expected it to be for half a day. He put a handout and gently stroked Yantraki’s soft dark green hair as she slowly pulled herself up against his body until she was lying on his chest. Her face gently nestled into his neck now she started to kiss him again.

“I wasn’t too hard, was I? I was trying my best to hold back so I wouldn't snap you in half” Yantraki said as she sat up on the drunk with fatigued Liam’s lap. She used her legs to straddle his midsection as she stared the young boy in the eyes, while she was riding him or doing any position for a matter she knew he was trying his best, even when she had placed him in the Amazon position she could see the determination in his eyes to fulfil her lust. She knew this was all because he wanted to get into the war meeting, and now she couldn't help but wonder what idea he had was so important that he was willing to almost kill himself for it.

Yantraki licked her lips as she jumped off Liam, making sure to pinch his ass as she climbed out of the bed.

“Wait here my love, I will return soon with dinner” she explained that she happily skipped out the door still fully buck naked, her war paint on her body was smeared slightly but considering it was water-resistant the sweat hadn't done much to it nor did their rough cooperation effect war paint on her face all that much.

Yantraki stopped at the exit of the room and turned to look at Liam as he lay gasping for breath, not the bed. She noticed a small amount of cum on side of his leg that she hadn’t eaten. Not wasting a second, she quickly dove back on the bed and devoured it before walking back to the doorway. She stopped again and turned to look at Liam.

“I love you,” she said. Not hearing a response, she narrowed her eyes and made the seal on his chest tighten.

“I said I love you,” Yantraki said, a little bit more forcefully this time.

“Sorry, I didn’t hear you,” Liam said looking up at her.

“You know I don’t love you, not yet at least. So don’t make me lie to you please.” Liam said as he slumped his head back on his pillow. Yantraki smiled, the word ‘yet’ sent shivers of excitement down her spine. She felt so childish getting her hopes so high, but then again, she was a princess, she could probably afford to be a little childish for a while.

Yantraki walked down the stairs and out of the house. Being an amazon, she had good at seeing in the dark, so she wasn’t too careful as she walked around to the back garden. Yantraki entered the back garden and was quickly greeted by the Boruma who rushed her over to the large roaring fire. Yantraki thanked them for preparing the fire as she walked over to the brown-haired girl who was plucking the feathers out of the Chillcali Yantraki had hunted earlier that day.

The brown-haired girl looked over her shoulder at Yantraki. The brown-haired chose to ignore Yantraki as she walked over to her, instead she decided to continue to pluck the feathers of the Chillcali. Yantraki didn’t speak to the inferior brown-haired girl as she also began to pluck the feathers of the large bird. Yantraki would have preferred to have Liam doing this with her as a bit of loving bonding as they prepared dinner together, but she knew he needed rest. Her mother wasn’t going home that night as she was having a meeting with the hunters for them to meet Liam the next day so he could start placing his plan into action, at long last.

Yantraki had taken a peek into some of his books when he wasn’t looking. There were images of large circles that carried water (not know to Yantraki these were windmills), there were also long fields of a special crop that the natives grew since it made nice senary. They had many fields of the native crops, she wondered what her husband planned to do with them.

Yantraki noticed the brown-haired girl glancing at her every few minutes. Her eyes showed a look of distrust and subtle hatred. Yantraki understood her feelings, they had known each other since they were little and Yantraki had always kept her under her thumb, now Yantraki’s husband felt sympathy and kindness towards her kind, meaning the brown-haired girl now had some more confidence to openly show her hatred towards Yantraki.

They continued to pluck the feathers in silence until the brown-haired girl had finally plucked all the feathers off the wing of the bird. She then took a large knife that was sitting on the table and cut off the wing of the bird. The brown-haired gird alongside her friends then spitted the gigantic piece of meat and placed it over to roaring flames.

Yantraki continued to pluck away at the main body of the bird as the Boruma were all happily dancing in their usual slave clothes around the roaring fire and cooking meat. Some Borumas were even playing the drums to give their friends a rhythm. Yantraki tried her best to ignore the girls. She depside the very fact they were even happy. They were Boruma, slaves, but ever since Liam had arrived every Boruma on the island as well as a handful of amazons seemed incredibly happy as soon as they heard Liam had a plan to find an alternative to the eating of Boruma as the main food source.

After another 3 hours or so of dancing, singing and partying the Boruma took the cooked wing off the fire and placed it onto a large wooden concave-shaped plate that was decorated with berries. The brown-haired girl slipped into the house with the concave plate of food, making sure Yantraki didn’t notice her. Safely out of the sight of Yantraki the Boruma ran up the stairs and into Liam’s room.

The born haired girl slowly peeked her head around the door and immediately saw Liam sitting up in the bed, glancing out the window from his seat in bed. She burst into the room, a gigantic smile on her face. She darted over to the surprised Liam and placed the concave plate of food on his lap. Liam looked at the girl that now sat on his legs than to the plate on his lap. He placed two and two together and pointed to the food then to himself. The brown-haired smiled and nodded, push the plate forward slightly into Liam’s stomach.

“Thank you,” Liam said as he started to scoff down the delicious food. He had been starving most of the day, so this food was much appreciated. As Liam gobbled down the large bird wing, he felt something gently knock against his arm.

Liam lifted his arm and looked down to see the brown-haired girl had now made herself at home under his arm. Without saying a word, the girl reached past him and took a handful of berries into her hands. She then started to nibble away at them as she stared up at Liam as he ate the roasted Chillcali wing.

As Liam ate the wing, he couldn’t help but think the meat was delicious, it was human as he could tell it was the wing of a large bird and considering the size of the wing the bird was probably the size of an ostrich. He couldn’t help but wonder if this kind of animal, could be used at the farm he intended to build as livestock. He turned and patted the Boruma on the head, she may have just helped him save her people.

Yantraki’s heart started to race as she felt the seal on Liam’s chest activate, informing her that someone was touching him. She turned around in the direction of the house and sprinted inside, and in only a few seconds she got up the stairs and into the bedroom. Her eyes immediately locked onto Liam and the now sleeping Boruma that clung to his side.

Liam dropped the meat back onto the plate as his chest started to cramp, causing him to gasp for breath. His eyes looked up to the doorway to see Yantraki staring him dead in the eyes, it was as if she was looking into his soul. Still activating the slave seal Yantraki slowly walked moved over to the bed, the entire time she kept her eyes on Liam. She crawled slowly onto the bed until she was face to face with Liam.

“What are you doing with that little whore my love?” Yantraki asked as she planted a soft kiss on his lips.

“Please, she brought me food and is probably just very tired, so please if you need to punish someone, punish me and not her,” Liam begged in a strained voice due to the slave seal she was still activating on him. Yantraki looked down to the sleeping girl by his side, then to the plate of food on his lap.

“So, she was looking after you. But only so she was trying to seduce you,” Yantraki said to Liam as she placed another kiss onto his lips. She couldn’t be angry at him; she knew he was naïve and too kind for his good. Yantraki released the slave seal, she would let this incident slide this time considering they were all very tired and weren’t in any mood to argue.

“Was the food nice?” Yantraki questioned, still wondering what to do with the brown-haired girl.

“Yes, so good I am full,” Liam said honestly, but still terrified that Yantraki would reactivate the seal any second if she felt even slightly annoyed. Yantraki took the plate and moved it over to a nearby wooden table that was in front of the window, they would have it in the morning. She then covered the meat and remaining berries in some cloth before she returned to the bed. She pulled back the covers of the bed and laid Liam down from his sitting position.

“I’ll let this side once, but not again, I will talk to the slut in the morning,” Yantraki said as she climbed onto her husband’s body, placing her face onto his neck as she pulled the blankets back over them.

“I love you.” She said as she started to drift to sleep. Liam took a deep breath of relief she didn’t kill anybody and joined her in her slumber.

Day broke over the horizon and Yantraki started to slowly wake. She always used to wake up like this, early in the morning, always before anyone else in the village. She always found this funny, after all, there were around 20 thousand people that lived in the three villages in her tribe’s territory, yet she was the only one that woke this early. Yantraki looked to the sleeping Liam that lay under her. She usually would just cuddle back into Liam and sleep until he would wake, but today being the day, he met the hunters to get his plan into action she wanted to give him something nice.

Yantraki went to jump out of bed just to find something weighing down her legs. She turned and looked under the bed covers to see what was hindering her. She scowled slightly when she saw the 8 Boruma including the brown-haired girl had made themselves at home on the end of the bed. Yantraki gave out an annoyed groan. She wanted to kick them out, but the noisy bitches would probably wake Liam. She also despised the fact they were getting their filthy scent on Liam’s bedsheets. She would probably have to wrap Liam in the blankets and keep him alone in the room for a day just to get his scent back onto the blankets.

Yantraki buried her facing into Liam’s neck, taking in long sniffs of his scent. Amazons were like dogs in a way in how they memorised scents easily, even if a person was wearing perfume, they could probably still sniff out their scent.

Yantraki carefully clambered out of the bed, making sure not to wake her Liam. She then sprinted downstairs to where she had hidden some of Liam’s clothes she had taken from his house. She buried her face in the pile of his clothes, his scent was intoxicating to her. She found a pair of his pants, she then got some matching socks, trousers and a shirt. Happy she now had his clothes she folded them the best she could and placed them in a pile onto the living room table.

She then ran out to the back garden to prepare some perfectly cooked meat for her Liam to enjoy. She would have fed him what was left from dinner the night before but, she couldn’t understand why she found it so annoying that he ate another person’s cooking, so she wanted to cook something for him by herself. Yantraki soon found the meat that he Boruma had safely wrapped in a clean cloth and placed it into a large wooden box near the fire pit.

She took out the meat and placed it on a nearby table. She took 2 large pre-cut slabs of meat onto the table before restoring the remaining meat into its original container. Once the meat was on the table Yantraki went back into her house. She went into the pantry and retrieved some salts, jars of butter and herbs that they had raided from human villages on the mainland.

She took the ingredients back outside and laid them down on the table. Just as she was about to start seasoning and preparing the meat for the spit, Kenyanire alongside Sruna and Takire returned home from their morning breakfast with the people of the village. Kenyanire alongside Sruna and Takire walked over to the busy at work Yantraki, large smiles of excitement on their faces. Yantraki noticed them and turned, giving a little wave as she then quickly returned to work.

Kenyanire moved to her daughter’s side and placed a gentle hand onto her shoulder to get her attention. Yantraki turned to her mother, a large smile on her face.

“May I ask where Liam is?” Kenyanire asked. Yantraki nodded.

“But first may I ask something on his behalf?” Yantraki said, catching Kenyanire off guard as her daughter never asked for anything, let alone on someone else’s behalf.

“What does our pet require?” Kenyanire commented.

“He wishes to attend the war meeting. Which is in something like a week right? I understand this is a lot to ask, but it is very hard saying no to such an adorable hope-filled face.” Yantraki said, blushing as she remembered the face Liam made when he asked her.

“Sure, why not, I will have to dress him in some special attire though so that the others attending will see he respects our ways,” Kenyanire said, placing her hands onto her hips, she always did this when she was hatching a plan. Yantraki smiled, she also knew she would probably have to follow Liam and be careful to make sure Liam wasn’t going to be in danger. Yantraki could feel it in her bones, something wasn’t right.

“Well help you with the food.” Sruna offered as she walked over to Yantraki.

“Thanks, can you get the fire ready. Oh, and also mother, Liam is upstairs” Yantraki said as she went back to preparing the food. Kenyanire kissed her daughter on the cheek before walking into the house and up the stairs. She made her way into the room where Liam was sleeping. She laughed slightly at the pile of Boruma that lay at the end of the bed. They were adorable, like giant puppies. But there was one thing she did find even cuter. Kenyanire licked her lips as she moved to Liam’s side. She gently sat down next to Liam on the bed. She pushed a few strands of her long hair behind her ear, she then proceeded to place a kiss onto Liam’s lips. He steered slightly, turning his head. Kenyanire smiled and kissed him again, but this time on the neck, she was trying to get him to peacefully wake. Liam gave out a groan as he slowly opened his eyes.

“Morning little one,” Kenyanire said quietly, not wanting to wake the Boruma. Liam looked into the welcoming eyes of Kenyanire.

“Hey, how you doing,” Liam said, smiling politely.

“Yantraki is preparing a feast for you, I wanted to wake you, so you are nice and ready to fully enjoy her meal,” Kenyanire said, placing a loving hand onto his hair, gently stroking the soft slightly bushy texture.

“Once you have eaten, I plan to take you to meet the hunters, they can help you with your little plan,” Kenyanire said, prodding his nose to keep the still tiered and drowsy boy awake.

“Ok…” Liam said as Kenyanire carefully lifted him out of the bed, making sure not to wake the sleeping girls. She carried Liam downstairs and into the living room. Kenyanire sat on a pile of furs. She placed Liam onto the ground in front of her. Kenyanire placed her foot onto his side and started to roll him around slightly until he sat up by himself.

“err” Liam groaned as he sat up. Kenyanire smiled, happy to see he was now starting to fully wake. Kenyanire lifted her hand, and a small figure thick vine came out of the ground and started to tickle his side. Liam slapped the vine away and looked at Kenyanire with a slight look of annoyance.

“How do you do that?” Liam asked, sitting up, crossing his legs and turning to look at Kenyanire.

“Do what? Magic? You sure you want to know?” Kenyanire said a suddenly serious tone in her voice. Liam looked into her sharp eyes, he felt as if things went from zero to one hundred in a second. Liam only nodded in response.

“Amazons are born with the ability to use magic but to have magic skills such as some of the ones I possess they need the sacrifices of 100 souls. If I sacrificed that many people and using a sealing stone to contain whatever power was gained, I could probably even grant a nonmagical user magic” Kenyanire said, she didn’t know why she was telling him this, this kind of thing was strictly confidential to only the highest-ranking in their tribe. She was just simply telling this human, these secrets without a second thought, and she had no clue why, there was no way she was even considering…

“Hey, you alright?” Liam asked, interrupting her thought.

“Sorry, you just looked a little… weird for a few seconds there, I just wanted to know if you were alright. Now don’t get me wrong, the only reason I care for your health is that it may interrupt my plan” Liam said as he continued to look the slightly shaken Kenyanire in the eyes.

“No, it’s nothing, just sit here and let him stroke your hair to relax,” Kenyanire said, patting her lap for Liam to go and lie down. Liam narrowed his eyes at the amazon, she had lied enough to him by now that he was finally getting to understand her. He also found it a little weird she wanted to stroke his hair as if he was a dog, but then again amazons did usually treat humans like dogs, so this was understandable.

“Don’t lie to me, please. I am not a total idiot, come on, tell me what is on your mind.” Liam said, he was slowly starting to fear the amazons less and less as he saw this far more vulnerable and gentle side to them. It made him feel as if they were more like him. The feeling of equal standing with the amazon felt oddly nice.

“You are oddly adult all of a sudden” Kenyanire said as she looked at the oddly prideful looking Liam.

“Well, I want to start acting my age rather than an overly grown toddler like you and your daughter have tried to make me,” Liam said, straight-faced. Kenyanire smiled, he was still very young, very naïve and foolish, he had a long way to go before he started to act like an adult.

“How adorable, the puppy thinks he has fangs” Kenyanire teased, laying back into a comfortable position on the furs. Liam narrowed his eyes at her, annoyed she wasn’t taking him seriously.

“Come on, don’t make such a cold look, it just makes me want to tame you,” Kenyanire said licking her lips. A shiver ran down Liam’s spine, dreading what she was thinking.

Yantraki took the meat off the spit and placed the golden-brown meat onto a large wooden plate. She decorated it with a few berries before walking back into the house. Due to the slave seal, she knew Liam was talking to someone in the living room, it was most likely her mother as she was the only one who went inside, and she also did say she wanted to see him. Yantraki suddenly felt a shock in her chest. Making sure not to spill the food Yantraki darted into the room.

“Mother” Was all Yantraki said as she saw Kenyanire pinning Liam onto the ground, Liam’s arms hitting at her face and his legs trying to kick her in the stomach. Kenyanire only had a large smile on her face as she played fight with the panicked and incredibly annoyed Liam, who wasn’t awake enough to want to bother with the playfulness of the amazons. Kenyanire gulped as she noticed her daughter enter the room, she had completely forgotten about the slave seal. Kenyanire jumped off her playful attack on Liam, Liam quickly scampering back and away from his attacker.

“I’ll wait outside,” Kenyanire said as she quickly escaped the room before her daughter could try to scold her. Yantraki sighed angrily as she walked over to Liam who was now sitting with and equally as pissed off looking Liam who was now rubbing the arm that Kenyanire had grabbed.

“Sorry about her,” Yantraki said as she took a seat next to him, placing the plate of meat in front of Liam.

“Eat, you need to be strong, my mother said you can go to the war meeting, but today she wants you to meet the hunters. They… think you are a threat; my stupid mother had informed the tribe of your plan to make the thing you call a farm, and they now believe their jobs are in danger and they may be sacrificed as they will no longer have a role in our tribe.” Yantraki explained. Liam nodded; he understood their fear. He thought they were probably like the cowboys of old. Liam wasn’t shaken though by the fact the hunters didn’t like him, he was expecting the amazons to have a kind of hunters who would probably not like him, so he had a plan for them.

“Thanks for the food, it looks amazing,” Liam said, slightly happy, but still hard at work thinking of many ideas, as he started to eat the delicious meat. Yantraki smiled and quickly ran off to get some food for herself.

For one of the few times, Liam was once again on his own on the Amazonian island. Liam started to think how long he had been around them now, it was probably 7 or 8 days by now. Liam laughed, he couldn’t believe how quickly life had moved, he wished he could just slow it down, just for a little while. Liam quickly scoffed down the meat, he could barely comprehend how amazing the already fantastic meat was with Yantraki’s cooking, he had to ask her how she did it, not even Kalin’s cooking was this good.

Liam soon finished the meat and lay back on the pile of furs. He laughed a little to himself, this house was so much like that of the early human settlers back on his homeland. The area of his homeland itself was probably around 5,000 square miles. Yet all the Amazonian tribes on their islands or their parts of the mainland carried out hundreds of raids on human villages and cities every month. He knew his part of the mainland was somewhat safe but considering their main defence force was wiped out in the battle against Kenyanire and Yantraki’s tribe, he could help but wonder how long the people of his part of the mainland could stay safe. He liked to think Katlin and his village were safe as the amazons had left some of their warriors there to guard them.

Liam laughed again, he only just noticed he kept referring to the amazons as just amazons, not even asking for their tribe’s name. Liam’s mind then moved to the topic of how he was going to entertain the amazons once he found a food source to replace the Boruma. He was thinking of the idea that the tribe could get to gather once every 2 months and hut some large somewhat dangerous animals, but then again, he would have to find such animals first. But then again being on an island with gigantic horses having other deadly animals wouldn’t be out of the question.

His thoughts were interrupted when Yantraki entered the room with a large plate of meat for herself to devour. Yantraki had a large smile on her face as she sat down in front of Liam. Her face sank slightly though as she noticed he had already finished eating, she had to admit though she was slightly impressed he had eaten such a large amount of meat so quickly. Liam noticed her face and not wanting to upset the already dismal looking amazon Liam spoke.

“The meat was amazing, you did it right?” Liam said, smiling kindly at Yantraki. Yantraki smiled nodded.

“I got up early to make it just for you,” Yantraki said, she looked a lot happier now that her pet had complimented her. She started to eat the meat on her plate as Liam studied her carefully from the safe distance of the pile of furs.

“Can I ask you a few questions?” Liam said, not knowing if what he was about to ask would be stepping over any unseen boundaries. Yantraki swallowed her mouth full of food and smiled at him.

“Go ahead,” she said as went back to eating.

“You amazons have been at war with humans for 200 years now. The reason we haven’t been able to beat you is a matter of things. Despite the softness of your skin, it is incredibly strong, and it takes about 10 or so bullets just to injure one of you. The only bullet that can kill you quickly is the appropriately named ‘’amazon killers’’, and the only people who have them currently is the main army in my state in the homeland, and they use them sparingly as many of the other much large tribes are raiding main cities and towns daily, meaning they are in control of lots of trade roots. So, my question is two things, how did you take out main control areas so quickly with such little information on them, and how did the other tribes take so many large cities so quickly?” Liam asked. Yantraki thought for a few seconds, she knew the much more successful eastern tribes had conquered large parts of the human mainland, but she wasn’t sure if she should give Liam the answer to his questions as they were military secrets. Yantraki took in a deep breath, she never liked saying no to her beloved human, but this was one of the few times. Who knows, her mother might tell him one day, but despite this Yantraki still didn’t want to risk their plans being discovered.

“Sorry, but I can’t tell you that my love,” Yantraki said, as she quickly hurried to eat her meal, wanting to be able to talk to Liam for a while longer until her mother arrived to take him away to try and negotiate with the hunters. Her mother could probably just order them to help Liam, but they would most likely probably do a very poor job of it. Meaning it was important that Liam brought them over to his side if he was to succeed in whatever plan he had concocted in his mind.

Yantraki and Liam talked for a while longer. Nothing important, just mostly Yantraki talking about rearranging when they were to have their honeymoon considering the last one was interrupted by her sister and mother’s devilish, corrupting and planning manipulative hands.

Her mother and sisters were something Yantraki was always scared of. They were all conniving, misleading liars who she feared that once they learned of Liam, and if they also feel just as if somehow more madly in love with him as she had, then to say the least she had some competition; Competition she wished to snuff out. But that time would come, for now, she just needed to win his heart, and then she could focus on keeping it.

Kenyanire slowly crept around the door. She had left them along for a few hours to talk. She understood she must have caused her daughter an immense feeling of frustration, so she thought it would be best to be late to the meeting by a few minutes just so her daughter could have an hour and a little extra time alone with Liam. She entered the room and couldn’t help but feel a sense of joy as she saw the smiling face of her daughter as she stared at her beloved human pet. Kenyanire couldn’t help but laugh slightly as she watched the distracted couple. She found it hilarious how quickly Liam went from being an incredibly serious man who acted far more mature than his age, to a week yet entertaining plaything for her daughter.

“Sorry to interrupt, but Liam and I must be leaving, we need to visit the tribe before sundown. We will then stay there for 2 days and return.” Kenyanire explained with a smile to her disgruntled and reluctant daughter. Yantraki pulled Liam into her chest and took in a long sniff of his scent.

“Sorry, five seconds,” Yantraki said as she buried her face into Liam’s hair, she wanted to get a good sniff of him before she didn’t see him for the next few days. Still not satisfied with her micro amount of time with Liam, she let him go and allowed his mother to take him away.

“Be safe and promise me you will come back. I love you ” Yantraki said as she planted a loving kiss onto his lips. Liam looked at Yantraki with a look of interest. She was crying slightly, a look of deep love in her sparkling eyes. It was so weird hearing these words from this warrior woman.

“I see…. I promise” Liam said nodding his head, he couldn’t tell if Yantraki was worried about his safety or the fact she wouldn’t be around him, or maybe both? But either way, he had a job to do. Liam walked over to the waiting Kenyanire and looked the devilish woman in the eyes.

“Let’s do this and get it over with,” Liam said, shoving his hands in his pockets as he walked past her. Kenyanire smiled as she followed after him, finding his attitude entertaining. As they walked out of the house and down the winding path that led away from the house, Yantraki couldn’t help but want to charge after them and demand she wanted to go with Liam, but she knew the reason she wasn’t allowed to go was that her mother didn’t want her to try to toughen Liam up if he was to survive on their island. Just like that, with a heavy heart, she allowed Liam to go headfirst into the territory of one of the most savage tribes on their island, even by Amazonian standards.

The jungle was silent, well besides the crashing of racing feet through the jungle floor. A young girl, she was probably around 18 or 19. She had long black hair and brown eyes. Her body was smeared from head to toe in red paint, and she wore no clothes, as was tradition for the ritual hunt. The panicked girl kept glancing behind herself as she attempted to sprint through the jungle. The girl was stopped in her tracks though as a long 6ft spear cut into the tree next to her. She turned to move in another direction, just for another spear to land In her side, cutting her in half.

A tall, 8ft Amazonian woman dressed in a dark green grass top, a green animal skin skirt, and a mixture of mud and paint that covered her face and skin approached the body of the woman. She looked down into the dying eyes of the girl and smiled. The sacrifice to the goddess of the hunt and fertility was going perfect, and soon they were to feat on the corps of their first sacrificial Boruma.

“Pity, I wanted to eat her alive.” That was all the warrior, said as she plunged her spear into the girls’ brains. Killing her instantly.

“Head hunter,” A girl dressed similarly to the 8ft Amazonian said as she burst out from the trees.

“What is it daughter?” the 8ft woman said as she turned to her.

“War chief Kenyanire and the human she spoke of have been seen entering the jungle.” The amazon informed her master. The Head hunter smiled, a new playing had just arrived.



hey there, hope you enjoyed the story. If you did always feel free to check it out on Royal Road for more chapters. But most importantly I hope you enjoyed it! 

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