Amazonian and her captive

Chapter 12 – The bloody Hunt

Liam sat awkwardly at the centre of the circle of excited Amazonian warriors. They had just sent a message to Yantraki for permission to take Liam hunting. She allowed them to do so. The reason for asking Yantraki for permission to take him? Well, the Amazons have a strong spiritual belief, a belief in gods and goddesses. As such hunting was an incredibly sacred thing, hence Liam’s current situation.

Liam sat nude at the centre of the Amazonian huntresses. The women held a bowl of green paint which they used the paint his body in different patterns. Liam could feel a shiver of fear run down his spine every time an Amazon’s hands go too close to his privates. Despite Yantraki permitting them for this, he could still feel like she was about to activate the slave seal at any moment out of anger.

“Sorry Mr human? Can I ask a question?” a huntress with long bright green hair asked. Liam jumped a little as the girl’s hand gently caressed his ass. Even without the slave seal activating Liam automatically slapped her hand away.

“What,” Liam said, now annoyed.

“Is it tur humans can breathe fire?” She asked. Liam laughed a little thinking she was joking, but when he heard no laughed from anyone else, we noticed the serious look on the girl’s face. Liam coughed and looked the Amazon straight in the eyes, still trying to hold back copious amounts of laughter.

“No, we can’t,” Liam said, stopping himself down from laughing too much. The Amazons all started to mutter to another in their relaxing yet crude language as they continued to paint his body. Thormoenia knocked the girl that had asked the question on the head.

“Stop talking to the human, it slows you all as well as me down,” Thormoenia said as she went back to preparing Liam’s clothes that she had now smeared with mud and special markings. Liam smiled a little to himself, he didn’t find being naked around Amazons as weird as he once did, it did seem like he was changing.

Liam couldn’t help but find himself staring at Thormoenia. She looked remarkably like his mother. Well before the breakdown…

Liam shook the thought out of his mind as the Amazons applied the last bits of paint to him. Thormoenia noticed Liam’s gaze but didn’t say anything. He was a weird human, and for whatever reason, she could see a hatred in his eyes that formed whenever he looked at her.

A while later of awkward silence as the Amazons stared at Liam, waiting for the paint on him to dry, they then dressed him in his now ceremonially prepared clothes. Liam sighed as he looked at the mud and paint-stained shirt and trousers. They were going to be a pain to clean. Especially his pants that they had also painted, he could swear they only did this out of spite.

“Come human, we now hunt,” Thormoenia said as Liam now stood ready and dressed for hunting. Liam nodded, a little shaken as he followed Thormoenia out of the hut. Outside some warriors were already waiting. Thormoenia greeted them as she pulled Liam forward. The warriors surrounded Liam and started to prod and poke at him with their knife-like fingers. Thormoenia laughed at the sour expression on Liam’s face, she could tell he wasn't enjoying this large amount of attention from so many curious people at once.

Thormoenia ordered something in their native language and Liam was handed a miniature version of one of the large Amazonian war bows. Confused like a small child Liam fondled around with the bow and handful of smaller yet still as dangerous arrows.

Liam took notice of Thormoenia as she wrapped a handful of arrows with a thick soft cloth around so arrowheads before placing them into a padded quiver.

Once the Amazons deemed him ready and now prepared with his miniature bow which was still almost as tall as him as well as his arrows, they let him into the jungle on their hunting expedition.

Birds sang loudly and the wind whispers through the trees, these sounds all kept Liam on edge. He could barely concentrate as whenever he could relax for even a second that would be the cracking of large tree trunks above him, and he would see the silhouette of some monstrous creature lurking above them.

It was obvious to the Amazons that Liam was incredibly wary of their surroundings. Many of the Amazons decided to play tricks on him by throwing a large stone or twig into a Bushes next to him. The projectile would always hit a nesting bird or some other critter which would then jump outfly or runaway, and every time Liam would jump out his skin. The huntresses would then laugh, and the cycle would repeat.

Thormoenia abruptly raised one of her hands and singled for the Amazons to get down. Liam was confused as he wasn’t sure what was happening, but he quickly understood as one of the Amazons pulled him down to the ground. Dead silence they all started to crawl forward dragging their bodies over the sharp rocks and stones, yet Liam being the only one that was fully clothed was the only one to sustain any injuries.

The company crawled for what felt like hours until they reached a large overlook, that gave them a good sight of a gigantic area of open grassland below them that was only just surrounded by thick unforgiving jungle. Thormoenia pointed to Liam and waved for him to go to her side. Liam obliged and with the assistance of the Amazons soon found himself lying by her side. Grabbing him from behind she dragged him over to a nearby tree. Now kneeling, her body leaning against the tree, Thormoenia helped Liam into the same position. Grabbing his hands, she helped him aim his bow and load an arrow.

“You see that down there,” she said pointed down to a large bird-like creature.

“Kill it and we won’t be sacrificing anyone tonight. No pressure” Thormoenia said, helping Liam to aim the bow at the creature below.

“No pressure she says,” Liam said, taking in a deep breath. He had never fired a bow before. The bow was difficult to use. Maybe because of the pressure that if he didn’t do this someone would die, maybe because the bow was as tall as him. The arrow twanged as Liam let go of the bowstring. The arrow screamed through the air and into the creature’s leg. Screaming, the creature charged off into the jungle.

“Fuck!” Liam yelled. Without think, he leapt down and charged after the creature. Thormoenia went to grab Liam to stop him from falling over the edge, but it was too late. Liam slipped and fell down the hill into the grassland. The drop wasn’t dangerous for Amazons but for Liam, a fragile human, for all she knew it could be fatal.

Liam tumbled down the 16ft drop onto the grass below. Despite the drop, determined, he dragged himself to his feet and started to limp after the creature. Thormoenia dropped down behind him and wrapped him in her arms, happy he was alive. She could only imagine what Kenyanire would do if they were to allow Liam to be hurt.

“The Chillcali’s gone, lets return home, as I said, you only had one chance,” Thormoenia said as she tried to pick Liam up into her arms. Liam shoved Thormoenia away from him and looked her in the eyes.

“No, I hit it, it will probably bleed out soon and we can catch it. All we will need is a few more and then we can feed your tribe for the night.” Liam begged. Thormoenia sighed and went to grab him, but Liam dodged and stumbled back, his left leg visibly injured to the point that he would struggle to even walk in a straight line without assistance. She was amazed he was even still standing. Thormoenia went to grab him, but again he moved.

“Stop being an idiot, you almost killed yourself because you didn’t think and just jumped without even checking to see how high up, we were. Now you are refusing help!” Thormoenia yelled at the defiant Liam, she couldn’t understand how one creature could be so stubborn.

“You” Thormoenia went to speak but was interrupted by a mountain shaking quake running under their feet.

Thormoenia’s eyes widened as the Chillcali Liam had shot came limping out of the jungle.

“We need to go now!” Thormoenia yelled to her warrior’s as she swept Liam up in her arms. Loud thuds shook the ground, the intensity of each deafening quake increasing as the wielder of this ground-shaking power moved closer and closer. Liam could feel his heart in his throat as he could hear the hundreds of feet tall trees falling as whatever chased the Chillcali back out of the jungle started its march towards them.

A long crocodile-like bill came out of the tree line, casting a shadow over Thormoenia and Liam. Despite the creature being a good 50 meters away, Liam could still make out its giant golden eyes. The monster had to be at least a few hundred feet long.

The Amazons started to fire their arrows towards the eyes of the creature as it turned its attention towards them. Thormoenia swept Liam in her arms as they all began to sprint away. The creature roared, shaking the jungle even more than its steps. The monster then charged after them, its large scaly legs slamming down next to them, causing craters that looked like areas that had just been bombed by high calibre artillery shells.

Liam had to blink a few times to come to terms with what had just happened. The creature had leapt. Now standing in front of them the creature turned around, its snake-like tail smashing the ground, making every Amazon flying through the air. Liam immediately looked to Thormoenia who now knelt injured next to him. Her dark eyes narrowing, her sharp teeth bearing like a wild animal as she stared at the monster. Trying to stand, she gripped her war bow tightly.

As one of the creatures' spider-like claws headed towards her, Liam charged at her with all his strength, not even realizing what he was doing. Despite the size of the Amazon, using the built-up momentum he had gotten, Liam slammed into the side of Thormoenia. Her jaw dropped as she looked to her side to see the bloodied and battered face of Liam stabbing into her side. Liam sent her back a good 4 meters. It wasn’t far, but it was enough.

Horrifying sounds of cracking sounded as the claw collided with the earth just in front of Liam. Dirt, Shantel of stone splintered up from the jungle floor and into Liam. Thormoenia snapped out of her daze, grabbing her war bow and a singular arrow. Taking in a deep breath to steady herself, Thormoenia made her shot and fired the arrow into the creature’s eye. She then dove to Liam, picking him up. Sprinting to the side she hid him behind a tall tree that luckily was still standing.

By now her huntresses were firing upon the monster. Before anyone knew it, they had taken out its eyes and soon warriors were climbing onto the creature, stabbing it in the head. Having to dodge the creature’s sharp tail was a task of itself but with the assistance of Thormoenia muttering spells and firing arrows she had infused with magic at the creature, the task became vastly less difficult.

The arrows she was using were one’s the priestesses from the main village. On impact the arrows would sprout vines out of the arrow tip, cutting through the target. Thormoenia looked to the injured Liam, who was now sitting up against the tree, watching the battle.

The ground shook as the creature fell to the ground, dead, such a dangerous creature killed in such a bland, un-ceremonial way. The warriors celebrated, many running over to tell Thormoenia how amazing her bow skills were. Liam couldn’t understand what was happening, but he couldn’t help but smile as he stared at the happy Amazons. Despite their devilish appearance, they were no different from the ones back in the village.

Silence took over the crowd. Liam sat up as he noticed one of the Amazons lying dead on the ground, an arrow through her neck. An Amazon now laid dead on the ground. Quickly, the warriors scattered to the safety of the trees as roars of Amazons could be heard, this was an attack. Hundreds of Amazons, dressed in white and gold paints charged down upon the small group of huntresses.

The huntresses fired back, killing a handful of the enemy warriors. Thormoenia had taken at least seven or eight out using her magic-infused arrows, these were the ones she had placed into the padded quiver to prevent them from exploding and vines going all over the place, killing everyone. But well, the fighting was to no avail as the warriors quickly overwhelmed them.

“Run!” Thormoenia yelled, turning to where Liam was sitting, just to see he was already gone. 6 of the strongest warriors in the group charged at her. Thormoenia went to grab her knife, just to realise it was gone, she must have dropped it in battle.

The warriors rounded up the huntresses and placed them onto their knees. Thormoenia threw one of the warriors against a tree, breaking her spine on impact. Grabbing another, she sank her teeth into the side of the woman’s neck. But it was the third warrior that managed to smack her over the head with a mace, sending her to her knees. The woman that looked to be the head warrior gracefully jumped off her horse and ran over to the side of Thormoenia.

“MY, so you are the Head-huntresses? I was excepting more~” the Amazon said miserably.

“IF you fought us on equal terms, you whore then yes, I would have done far more.” Thormoenia hissed at the woman.

“Where was the little man I saw playing with the Tatnak we sent in to fight you first?” the head warrior said, standing up and looking around, her index finger on her bottom lip.

“Oh well, we will find him soon. The Tatnak was meant to attack your village and we would then clean up what was less, but who would have guessed that such important targets found us first!” she said, waving her hand to her warriors. The warriors lined up the huntresses in a line, placing them on display as the head warrior was handed a knife.

“Now who do we kill first!” The leader said excitedly as she danced around the captives. Moving excitedly, she placed the knife against the throat of one of the kneeling, yet still defiant huntresses.

“You smell nice, I want to taste your blood!” The leader said enthusiastically with a childlike glee in her eyes as she raised the knife into the air.

“For the leader of the daughters of the Sun!” the warrior screamed as she went to cut the woman’s throat. She stopped mid-way as a strong intoxicating scent hit her nose. The smell of human blood.

“Oi, goat fucker!” Liam screamed from the tree line, a smug smile on his face. Thormoenia’s eyes widened, she had hoped he had the comm sense to get away, it seemed she was wrong.

“A toy!” The leader said excitedly as she skipped over to Liam. Liam looked to Thormoenia and smiled, she could tell from his expression, he had a plan. A stupid plan at that, but a plan nonetheless.

“What is your name little one?” The leader asked, leaning down to look him in the eyes.

Suddenly flicking his wrist, he reviled Thormoenia’s knife. Without missing a heartbeat he stabbed it into the leader’s neck, her blood splattering over his face. Now pissed the leader went to grab him, only for Liam to just dodge her and grab one of the magic-infused arrows he had taken and hidden behind the tree. From a safe place behind the tree, he had seen how the arrow worked and now wanted to use it himself. With what strength he had left Liam stabbed the arrow into the leader, setting the arrow off. The arrow exploded and the vines cut like knives through the woman until they came out of her back, like a blossoming bloody flower.

The Leader’s body slugged to the side as Liam tried his best to stand, pushing all thought of his sprained leg out of his mind. There was a moment of silence as all watched on in shock. A small, weak, inferior human had just killed an Amazon warrior. The silence was only broken when arrows started to rain down upon the attackers, and the huntresses started to fight back. Liam looked up to a small lover look where the arrows were coming from, the attack was being led by Yantraki and her mother. It seemed the slave seal came in handy for once.

It took only a few seconds for Yantraki to see Liam then be by his side. She wrapped him in her arms as she started to look over his collection of injuries.

“My love.” She sobbed as she swept him into her chest, holding him tightly. Liam kicked and struggled as the Amazonian was slowly choking him to death with her affection. Yantraki realised her mistake and released him, allowing him to take in a few breaths before she swept him up into her arms again.

“Let’s get you washed and healed, then we can talk about this” Yantraki said as she sprinted off with the exhausted Liam tightly wound in her arms.

Kenyanire watched as her daughter ran off and the warriors she had brought as well as the huntresses that came as reinforcements gathered up the remaining enemy warriors. Thormoenia pulled herself to her feet and walked over to Kenyanire.

“You were watching the entire thing, weren’t you? I noticed when one of your vines came out the ground and stopped the Tatnak in its tracks.” Thormoenia said, giving Kenyanire a friendly punch to the arm.

“I had to leave after though has I noticed the enemies and wanted to try to see if there were any more coming, well there were but I managed to scare them off. I didn’t bother fighting the ones attacking you as I knew due to the slave seal Yantraki was already on her way with reinforcements.” Kenyanire explained, returning the friendly punch.

“The boy did better than I expected, and with a sprained leg no less, that thing was turning purple I could swear it,” Thormoenia said jokingly, but a subtle undertone of gratitude in her voice.

“See what I told you? He isn’t special, but he could become it, with enough help~” Kenyanire teased, prodding her friend in the side with one of her sharp fingers.

“So, what do you say? Does the boy deserve the held of the Huntress Guild?” Kenyanire said, already knowing Thormoenia saw the flame inside him as well.

“I hate you,” Thormoenia said as she started to walk back towards her warriors who were either collecting the dead or securing captives. Kenyanire smiled as she started to help secure the captives with her vines.

Drudging down the long path back to the village, a paranoid Yantraki held Liam closely to her chest. Her eyes darted from side to side, constantly examining the area for enemies of other threats that may hurt Liam. Laughing Liam stared at the understandably cautious Yantraki. Biting her bottom lip out of annoyance she looked down to Liam.

“Why are you laughing? Did you hit your head… if so…” Yantraki said, a grin coming over her face.

“Who am I?” Yantraki said, bring Liam’s face closer to hers. Understanding what she was trying to do he decided to have some fun with her. Finally, get back a little at the Amazon for tormenting him for so long.

“The monster who attacked me!” Liam said as he started to struggle in her arms. He stopped though as he noticed the annoyed face of Yantraki.

“You’re being mean,” Yantraki said, knowing Liam was just trying to trick her.

“I’m not that good at acting, am I?” Liam said, slightly embarrassed. Yantraki puffed out her cheeks, she looked like a pouting child.

“YOU…you almost died,” Yantraki said, running her fingers through his hair. She brought him up to her and pushed her face into his neck.

“I won’t let you leave me from now on… I’ll follow you anywhere” Yantraki said looking him in the eyes.

“Fuck…Just let me down I can walk on my own” Liam said, turning away from the Amazon. He wanted to hate her, but it was impossibly hard to do so. Yantraki giggled.

“You think you can walk with that leg?” Yantraki said as she started to run back towards their home.

“FUCK! Slow down!” Liam yelled as Yantraki darted through the jungle. A while longer of protesting, Liam gave up and allowed Amazon to do what she wanted. Knowing he didn’t have the energy nor the power to stop her, Liam decided to cuddle into her chest and allow her to lead the way.

Sruna and Takire were waiting anxiously outside of Yantraki’s home, waiting for their master’s return.

“What do you think happened?” Sruna said, twiddling her thumbs.

“Yantraki left in such a rush, she didn’t even say anything. I heard from some villagers she just went straight to Aosliope and asked for warriors.” Sruna continued as she started to bite her thumb. Takire swore under her breath.

“She still treats us like children!” Takire said angrily, wanting to have joined in with whatever fight was probably taking place.

“Do you think it has something to do with Liam?” Sruna asked shyly, hoping Liam was alright.

“Who else would make her jump into action that quickly?” Takire scoffed. Her eyes looked down to the ground, also hoping the strange human was alive. Ever since the human name Liam came into the life of their master Yantraki, it was as if she was a completely different person. Before even Amazons were scared of slipping up around her, or she may have had them sacrificed or eaten, but now she was more relaxed and kinder to her people. Humans were a weird thing, or better yet he was something else altogether.

A tall woman carrying a just small creature in her arms appeared at the bottom of the path leading to the house. A grin came over Takire’s face as slapped the sobbing Sruna on the head.

“Idiot” Takire said, wiping the beginnings of a tear from her eyes and acting as if she wasn’t on the brink of crying herself. Sruna’s eyes brightened as she saw Yantraki walking up the path, with a battered but smiling Liam in her arms.

Sruna charged headfirst at the couple, latching onto Yantraki’s leg. Yantraki snarled down at the crying with joy Sruna. She wanted to hit her off but seeing she was making Liam laugh she let it slide and instead she tried to ignore her and carry on walking up the path.

Takire’s eyes were slightly watery as she saw that her master and her pet were safe as the couple walked into the house. Sruna still bawling her eyes out as she held onto Yantraki’s leg.

“Get off me, idiot! I need to clean my husband!” Yantraki said, shaking Sruna off her leg.

“I only came here to get some more clothes for him and some of my stuff before returning with him to the huntresses,” Yantraki said, quickly entering the house and running up the stairs. Liam grinned, he didn't understand what she was saying fur to it all being in Amazonian but he felt as if she was having a little fun. Takire smiled at the sight of the frowning Yantraki and giggling Liam. She didn’t know what happened in the jungle, but this was the happiest she had ever seen him.

Yantraki came out of the house again and placed Liam next to Takire.

“He is dirty, keep him here,” Yantraki said, not wanting to drag dirt through the house. Knowing he was in safe hands, she retreated into the house to gather their things.

“You look, happy human,” Takire said, gently prodding him with the blunt end of her spear. Liam frowned slightly, he couldn’t believe it, he was happy. Mabey it was because he had finally stood up to an Amazon, maybe because he saved people. But whatever had caused the smile that now smeared across his face, it made him happy.

Deeper into the jungle, Thormoenia stood on the edge of a small hill, staring down towards a wall of Amazons armed with spears down by the coast. This coast was the crossing area between the Sun Tribe’s part of the island and theirs, the Kali Kanacka Tribe. Thormoenia counted the warriors. There were only 12, meaning this was probably only a scouting party that came to see why the wat party haven’t returned yet.

Thormoenia licked her lips and stared down at the group. She wanted to have some fun with them before the Revival ritual that night when they planned to sacrifice the captives to get more crystals so they could gain more magic power. Thormoenia twirled her war spear, licking her blood-stained lips. She was about to show this scum what it was like to fight the head-huntress on equal grounds.

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