Amazonian and her captive

Chapter 17 – the calm before the storm.

Two weeks since the war meeting Liam sat under a tree that looked over the Chillcali field. Not much happened within those two weeks as the Amazon's we can't bring that many people together he starts working on the plan of defence. Liam wanted to get his planning to work there first wanted to dedicate those two weeks to farming and breeding the Chillcali. They had sprayed large amounts of the aphrodisiac drug across the grass to encourage bleeding amongst the birds, I'm much to his luck it was working in the birds or now rapidly multiplying, meaning the tribe had a good amount of food to feed everyone. They have sprayed the aphrodisiac across the field by having Kenyanire use her vines to make makeshift watering cans that would then give him to the Boruma who filled them with the aphrodisiac and watered the parts of the field that the birds were not in.

Now he was sitting over the field, happy with what he had done. Now that's the food problem was fixed for the time being he had decided that he wanted to get his ideas for the defence plans away. Dragging himself onto his feet he started to walk down the world trodden path back towards the huntresses’ village. As he walked, he started to do the calculations for how long he thought his plan was going to take. To keep the warriors supplied he wanted to have another week of farming just to give them a little extra food. He also wanted to talk to the blacksmiths about using the Kukuna material to make long pikes with 3 hooked blades along the end. But then again, they were also in the middle of making the large cooking pots for him so he could start having the village produce salt as well as freshwater. And then the second problem was to make the weapons he need to make more of the material, which he would need the high priestess and her priestesses for.

Rubbing his eyes, he gave himself a few slaps on the cheek to keep himself awake. Yantraki and the other amazons kept him wide awake for the past two weeks with their relentless partying each night. They would take a Chillcali and sacrificed them in the same beautiful way they did at the feast where he learns fault the incoming invasion. Each feast would end the same. With Yantraki jealous over Liam looking at either Andreaka or Icaria in a scantily clad dancing outfit. She would then proceed to get incredibly drunk, which I should add was incredibly hard for amazons as they could probably down a bottle of pure alcohol as if it was water, so just emphasise the fact when she got drunk, she got DRUNK.

Because of this predicament, she would usually drag Liam off to her bed where she would use a body pillow until the morning came. The day then would then be pretty relaxed with him checking up on the Chillcali fields and the Boruma and their progress, before night fell again, and the amazons sacrificed a Chillcali, and the events of the previous nights would repeat themselves.

Rubbing his forehead Liam came to the conclusion he would probably have to find a way to excuse himself from that night feast if he had any chance of surviving to get his plan to action before the coming war. Despite not having any way to tell that I'm there on the island he had a good feeling he probably only got about five hours of sleep each night which would usually be fine if those five hours weren’t interrupted by the two Boruma or Kenyanire making themselves at home in the bed halfway through the night.

He soon reached the huntresses village. Seeing Yantraki storming around asking questions about his whereabouts, he decided to slip through the jungle that day to arrive back at the main village. But there was no use hiding from her as soon as she caught his scent on the wind, she was already behind him her arms tightly wrapped around his waist as she nestled her face into his neck.

“Where were you?” she asked in a pouty tone.

“I was just doing my daily check-up routines on the farming progress,” Liam said, trying to pull away from her. Yantraki growled slightly and tightened her hold around him.

“You should have said something!” She said angrily as she started to bite his neck. The biting wasn't enough to hurt him, but it was just enough to leave a small mark and gave him a little jolt of pain to remind him of his insolence.

“Well, I thought you would have known with the slave seal!” He retorted, still trying to struggle away from her.

“Well… Mabey… Okay, I knew where you were, but I wanted to see if anyone else did because I wanted to see if you had told them… I want you to tell me about where you are going, and I want you to tell others. For safety reasons” Yantraki argued, her tone like that of a stropping child.

Liam stopped his struggling gets the Amazon and gently ran his fingers through her hair. She gave out a small moan of satisfaction and let him go, he knew sales one thing she liked it was getting somewhat physical attention from him. Even if it was something small like patting on the head or running his fingers through her hair.

“Want to come with me to meet the blacksmiths so I can ask them to start making some weapons for me?” Liam smiled up to the amazon. Without missing a heartbeat, the Amazon plans to be kissing his cheek and go allowed him to leave her arms so you can lead the way. Together they walked through the jungle where the body is off slaughtered Amazonian enemies hung like trophies from the tree branches. Liam kept his eyes on the ground to avoid looking at the gruesome sight. He what have I asked for them to take them down but then again, he knew this is probably a religious thing as well as prideful display for the huntresses so asking them to take it down probably be a grave insult.

Together the two walked through the jungle until they reached the main village. It was still early in the morning so the majority of the Borumas were still sleeping and the first of the amazons were just starting to rise from their huts. Not wanting to get caught by the crowds of Boruma that will probably be only an hour or so away from appearing and swarming them to follow them on their journey, Yantraki and Liam started to walk drastically faster in the direction of the path that led to the home of the blacksmiths.

After about 30 minutes of dodging through the buildings in the village, the two soon reached the path that led to the blacksmiths’ home. Shadows fell over the two as they entered the forest. Birds glided over their heads, their calls cheering on the leaves dancing on the branches of the leaves. Yantraki kept Liam close to her side as she usually did as together, they walked under the small golden rays of light that burst through the leaves above them.

Not long after they began their walk they soon came onto the beach where the large blacksmiths building lay. Liam looked at the large stone brick building. He hadn’t been there for what felt like forever as the last time he was there was when he visited with Kenyanire. Yantraki could see the nervousness in Liam's eyes as his hands fidgeted at his sides. Even when he was trying to be brave in the face of impending war like he was currently for the past few weeks, this mask sometimes broke at moments like this. Yantraki placed a kiss onto Liam’s neck before taking his hand and escorting him towards the building.

“I am sure they will be more than pleased to make the weapons you require for testing your idea,” Yantraki said as she dragged the nervous Liam towards the ragged and worn looking wooden door of the blacksmiths.

Yantraki knocked a few times on the door. Nothing sounded from inside. Yantraki knocked again, this time a bit louder. There was the sound of fumbling and someone tripping over objects as they slowly but surely made progress towards the door. Liam took notice that he could hear several words in Amazonian tongue which despite him not understand them he could get the quick just that she was cursing them for having to interrupt their work. The door swung wide open, making the couple jump slightly as the wooden door banged against the stone wall from how furiously she had opened the door.

Liam looked at the soot-stained amazon that now stood before him. smiling he walked past Yantraki and offered the woman his hand. To describe the hair of the Amazonian blacksmith as bird nest-like would have been an understatement. Her clothes were ragged bits of bone, cloth and a strange crude-looking leather. Her weary glance dragged itself from Yantraki then to Liam. She uttered something in Amazonian, which Yantraki quickly responded to.

“She says she got the rough sketches you made on the leaves, she said one of the Boruma had dropped it off.” Yantraki translated a slight look of anger in her eyes.

“Umm, do you mind asking her if she can start work on them soon so I can start training the Boruma for the test for everyone to see how my plan will work,” Liam asked, his voice a little strained as he coughed. He hadn’t had anything to drink that morning.

Yantraki translated his words and the amazon nodded. Swiftly the blacksmith turned and went back into the hut. Clanging and clunking of metal and other materials rattled from inside the hut for a while, but soon the amazon emerged. A wide smiled formed over Liam’s face as she emerged from the hut, a large rectangular spiked shield made out of the Kukuna metal. Next was a tall pike with three large hooks and a large spike for stabbing out of the centre. The three hooks were designed for ripping flesh and the spike was for stabbing. The hook and spike were both constructed out of the dark, shining blue colour of the Kukuna metal.

The blacksmith smirked as she handed the shield to Yantraki and the pike to Liam. Liam’s eyes dazzled at the look of the impressively well-crafted spear that stood about just a few inches taller than Liam.

“Amazing… they did it so quickly.” Seeing the sparkling look in Liam’s eyes the blacksmith’s grin grew even larger. Seizing the opportunity to stroke her own ego, she quickly moved to brag about her and her comrade’s accomplishments. Placing her hands on her hips and puffing out her chest she quickly preached to Yantraki in Amazonian. Yantraki’s eyes widened for a few seconds as a smile came over her face. Turning her attention from the spiked shield to Liam she translated the blacksmith's words.

“She says that they have already made 300 of the long spears and 600 of the shields.” Liam’s face lit up as he heard out the amazing progress all the blacksmiths had all made together. Chuckling, Liam found himself dumbfounded for words as he examined the quality of both the pike and shield.

“Can I have some of your people help us carry the Pikes and shields off to the training ground? I just need to do this quickly as I should also probably gather the Boruma so I can’t start training them on the different formations and battle tactics.” Liam quickly spurted out, excitement buzzing in his tone. Yantraki did her best to translate what parts she could understand from how quickly he spoke. The blacksmith smiled and called back into her workshop in Amazonian. Serval amazons, all looking to be in the same dishevelled state as the first, emerged from the Hut carrying large wooden boxes which Liam automatically assumed had to contain the shields and pikes.

“They say they won’t be able to accompany us as they still have much work to do, but I think I will be able to get some other amazons to assist us,” Yantraki said as she picked two of the ten large boxes up. Sling the boxes underneath her arms she started to March back towards the village with Liam in tow. He quickly offered a few waves and words of thanks to the amazons as he disappeared off behind Yantraki.

“So, what are you planning?” Yantraki asked as they slowly made progress towards the village.

“Which plan, the one with the Boruma or one of the others that are buzzing around my brain?” Liam asked.

“The one where you want to make the Boruma into… err…. warriors,” Yantraki said, muttering the last part in a strained voice. Liam knew there was probably going to be a bit of backlash against using the people that many amazons still saw as inferior and now turning them into warriors.

“You should place more faith in the Boruma. After all, I do, and you trust me, right?” Liam said a long smug grin on his face as he looked up to the twitching face of Yantraki.

“Fucking animals….” She muttered quietly as the thought of Boruma being able to be anything rather than cannon fodder.

“Yantraki,” Liam said sternly as he prodded the amazon in the side. Yantraki rolled her eyes and scoffed.

“I really never understand your liking for those creatures.”

“They are no more or less amazon than you.” Liam retorted causing Yantraki to physically gag at the idea of being even remotely like the Boruma. Giggling, Liam quickly reminded Yantraki of some of the similarities she shared with Andreaka.

“For example, you both are very close to me…literally.” He said as he glanced up into the trees to see Andreaka diving through the branches above, only stopping every now and then to watch him. Despite the stalker above him, he kept his eyes forward. As he knew the second, he directly acknowledged her presence then she would dive down onto him, and God knows what she would try after that.

“Secondly you are both just as important to me. Well in your own ways.” Liam said, wanting to explain he valued them both as his… friends? Allies? Maybe just friends. Yeah, that sounded right to him. Two walked for a while longer until they reached the village where Yantraki wasted no time in gathering together some amazons and sending them back to the blacksmiths to receive the rest of the packages and meet them on the training field.

Together Yantraki and Liam made started to make their way to the training field. Now being out in the open and not wanting to climb on the roofs to continue to spy on them. Andreaka, Icaria, and the other Boruma that had been following all decided to simply follow them out in the open. Liam glanced behind himself to see the giant group of about 20 Boruma all peeking out from behind a building at him.

“They are idiots, aren’t they?” Liam sighed as he continued to walk. Yantraki laughed a little.

“Yes, from a young age women of the tribe would observe us children and our behaviour to decide who would make a good amazon, and which will probably fail the future trials of adulthood and become Boruma. After they made these decisions around the ages of 5 or 6, the women of the tribe would let the Boruma do what they wanted all day as they were seen to just be future livestock, and the rest of us would be educated in Amazonian culture, war, love and anything else.” Yantraki explained her eyes staring off into the distance as if dwelling on an old memory.

“One of your sisters died at the trials, right?” Liam asked, remembering he had this conversation before with Kenyanire. Or maybe someone else, he couldn’t remember, all he currently cared about was trying to understand how Yantraki felt.

“I am sorry for your loss.” He said, placing a hand onto her lower back.

“It is alright. I and my sister were always the weakest out of the nine. For Goddesses sake, my other sisters did the trials at 16 and I only did them at 20. My sisters even came back after they had done their trials and conquered their own tribes to do the trials again to rub it in our faces. And Rhexdice…” Yantraki said, her voice going into a growl as she mentioned her sister’s name.

“Sorry…” Yantraki muttered as she saw the sunken look on Liam’s face.

“It’s nothing, you don’t need to talk about anything if you don’t want to,” Liam said, summoning the best smile he could. Yantraki smiled down at him. She could tell he was just curious and trying to help. But she knew her family was probably something that even Liam could never fix.

The two walked through the village, the stalking group of Boruma doing their best to be subtle. Liam kept a wide smile on his face as he kept intentionally glancing behind himself to the group, causing them to scatter and do their best to act natural. He didn’t know why they chose to stalk them rather than just come up to them and follow along like they usually did. After all, they were meant to meet him on the training field anyway. Laughing quietly to himself, Liam came to the conclusion that the Boruma were indeed an interesting thing.

It didn’t take long to get to the Amazonian training field as waring, battling, and just fighting, in general, was a large part of the Amazonian culture. A large crowd of amazons had gathered to watch the training of the Boruma. Liam took in a deep breath to steady himself mentally. He was expecting a crowd, but it looked as if half the tribe were in attendance.

Silencing his nerves Liam walked forward. The amazons noticed him and quickly allowed him alongside the group of Boruma behind him to walk through. Sharp gazes stabbed into the back of Liam as he walked hurriedly through the crowd, not daring to look any of the warrior women in the eyes. Liam alongside Yantraki and the group of Boruma walked out into the large circular centre of the training area. Wooden bleachers were placed around the circle, like a makeshift gladiatorial arena.

Andreaka, Icaria and their little horde of friends charged past Liam. They quickly gathered their friends and had them all stand in rows as they waited for Liam’s instructions. Smiling, Liam stepped forward and had Yantraki lay the boxes of weapons onto the ground. Yantraki cracked open the boxes, revealing the weapons to the crowd. Liam lifted out one of the pikes. The blue hooks and spearhead shining in the sunlight.

Mutters arose from the crowd as the amazons wondered how the weapons were to work. Liam called forward Andreaka, Icaria and another Boruma. He handed the pike to Andreaka, one of the spiked shields to Icaria and another to the other Boruma girl.

“Yantraki, you mind translating again?” Liam said as he grabbed another one of the shields from the box storing the shields. Yantraki nodded as she cleared her throat with a cough.

“Okay then, to begin with, this hear is a shield!” Liam said holding up the spiked shield.

“I assume most of you already know what this is. But this shield here is designed to inflict damage onto anyone who tries to charge at it.” Liam said as he walked over to the Boruma holding the shield. He stood next to her. Placing his hands onto her shoulders he quickly positioned her so that she was in a sturdy defensive position with one leg slightly further back than the other and the shield raised so that it was covering her body and face. Liam then took the same position next to her. Placing himself into the same position as the other girl he clamped the side of his shield against hers, forming a small two-person shield wall.

“We will have a line of Boruma standing like this as the first layer of defence. This will stop any attacks from coming from the front.” Liam moved back and had several Boruma come forward. He armed them with shields and positioned them into a shield wall. Happy with the wall of spiked shields he then moved over to Andreaka. Taking a few more amazons he had them armed with the pikes. He then placed them behind the shield wall. Taking some more shields he armed more of the Boruma. He had these Boruma stand between the wall of pike wielding Boruma and shield Boruma. The second line of shields then placed their shields over both the heads of the Boruma in Infront of them as well as themselves. Pleased with the formation Liam walked around to the front of the wall.

“The second Line of shields is to protect from arrows. The shields are made from two wooden slabs on either side of a sheet made from the Kukuna metal. This will even stop Kukuna arrowheads.” Liam explained. More mutters arose from the crowd. Liam even noticed the high priestess watching on from a nearby tree, a large smug grin on her face. He soon realised what caused her to forge such a wicked grin as several amazons reluctantly handed her bags of what looked to be different materials. Some looked to be silk, others as simple as items of clothing. Liam chuckled a little, she must have been gambling on the success of his plan. This would have been reassuring if it wasn’t for the fact, he wasn’t sure whether or not she was betting for or against his success.

Snapping out of his thoughts Liam quickly hurried to carry on his display/training. The shield wall was now fully formed, and the pikes stood behind them.

“The idea here is that the shields will hold the wall, and when the enemy approach they quickly pull back for the pikes to stab them before quickly closing again.” The crowd watched on as he positioned the Boruma on how to do this formation. Watching intently, the crowd watched on a the Boruma practised this formation and battle style.

For a while longer they trained. Quickly running into a shield wall and memorising the correct positions. They would then retreat and try again until the wall was perfect. Once the wall was almost perfect, Liam had them then add the pikes into the mix. Shields clad together, just to be pulled back for the pikes to stab through the gaps. Liam ordered for the Boruma to turn their pikes around, so the blunt bottom of the spear was now the part they were wielding and the spike itself was pointing to the ground. He did this as he didn’t want anyone to be injured for the next part.

“Ok then! I hear a lot of you muttering, but I would now like to ask if any of you would like to come forward to test out the wall.” Liam said confidently as Yantraki translated what he said. There was a moment of silence before a challenger stepped forward. Her silver hair gleamed as she stepped forward in front of the shield wall. The head of guards was stepping up to the plate. Smirking Liam walked forward and placed his hand onto the back of one of the Boruma. The girl chirped out of surprise and turned to look at him. Turning to see what was wrong the other Boruma all looked at the smiling face of Liam.

“You lot can do this, I trust you,” Liam said. Even though they didn’t understand his words, his warm smile was enough to keep them motivated and reassured.

“We can do this, just form the wall then hit on my command,” Liam said, Yantraki quickly translating to the girls. Once the wall was clamped together, Liam nodded to Yantraki.

“Tell her we are ready,” Liam said, standing behind the Boruma to help keep them in line. Yantraki barked to the head of the guards in Amazonian. Without wasting a second, she leapt forward. Liam watched as she ran towards them, waiting for the right moment to strike. Just as she jumped in the air to try and deliver a devastating blow onto the top of the shield wall just between wear this to spike Shields met, Liam gave his command.

“NOW!” he screamed and the Boruma got the message. They quickly pulled back the Shields and three of the wooden Pikes came up in defence. The sounds of muttering filled the crowd as the air wrenching sounds of wood hitting flesh sounded, followed by a large thud.

Gasping for air, the head of guards knelt on the floor. Her eyes darted around wildly, trying to come to terms with what had just happened. Jumping slightly, she looked to her side to see the Boruma will pointing their Staffs down at her. She tried to move, but her muscles from where the staff had hit ached. It couldn’t be? These small helpless slaves had winded her. Liam smirked as the realisation of loss came over the amazon’s face. Crouching down in front of the shocked amazon, Liam put a hand out to her.

“Now then, let’s imagine it was the pike heads she had been stabbed by! Currently, she would be dead. And the best part is because we used the non-spiked ends of the pikes, we had to use all of us holding pikes to take her down. Usually, it would only take one or two if we were using the spiked end. With that out of the way, I would also like you who still feel cocky here to remember that there will also be archers peppering the enemies with arrows before they even reach the wall. This all means they will already be scared or exhausted before they even reach the fight.” Liam proclaimed to the crowd. Helping the still confused head of guards to her feet, Yantraki translated his words.

Happy with the display many amazons started to trickle off. The only ones that now remained were the ones curious enough to want to learn more about the formation and battle tactics.

The next few hours of the day were spent reforming and training the about 7000 Boruma in the battle formation and tactics. Liam even realised that he had a good surplus of warriors who could probably act as a bone to the shield wall. This meant that if any enemies were to get around amazons armed with knives could easily fend them off. They only stop training once Liam noticed how exhausted the warriors were getting and how his own level of fatigue was slowly rising.

By the time they had finished the sun was slowly setting over the horizon and the Boruma was slowly packing away their weapons as they trailed off back to the forest of huntresses to join in with the large celebratory feast that was going to be held.

Lying on the cold, damp grass Liam stared up into the ever-darkening sky. The next few days were going to be gruelling, constant training and mock battling to prepare for the coming invasion. Yantraki walked over to his side and swooped him up in her arms.

“Come, let's just get you something to eat my little soldier.” Yantraki teased as she started to carry him back towards the forest of huntresses.

“Do you think it will work?” Liam ass burying his face into Yantraki’s arm.

“Well, it is better than nothing,” she said, not wanting to lie to her beloved.

“The Goddesses watch over us Liam, and I like to think they are smiling down on us.” Yantraki giggled.

“Goddesses huh?” Liam smirked. He wasn't a religious man, he had to admit he hoped there was some kind of divine being watching over them, guiding them towards a victory.

They walked for a while until they soon reached the village where the party was already in full swing. Boruma and amazons danced their erotic dances. They really were celebrating what they believe to be in New Hope as they sang and drank the night away. Sighingly and was happy to now be able to get some good food and drink as they walked towards the table where Kenyanire, Huchoece and the others were already waiting for them. Something was right though. Yantraki’s eyes were not focused on the table nor was she any longer walking towards it. Instead, she was now walking towards a long stone table that had many sheets of furs thrown over it.

“Hey umm… What’s going on?” Liam questioned as Yantraki lay him down on the fur-covered, stone slab.

“If we are to die a few weeks from now…I at least want to have a few more special moments like this with you. Who knows, maybe this can classify as our honeymoon.” Yantraki said as she slowly slipped over her grass top. Two priestesses moved to the side of Liam, placing their hands onto his arms as Yantraki stripped him.

“I do not intend to go easy on you tonight, so the priestesses are here to make sure you don’t die~” Yantraki teased as she started to pull down Liam’s pants.

“I love you,” Yantraki said, placing a kiss on his inner thigh.

“God, we are about to die and all you can think about is having sex a few more times!” Liam laughed.

“You really are a weird person Yantraki.” He said, gently running his fingers through her soft hair, causing her to giggle slightly. Liam laid his head back onto the soft furs. He would have usually tried to fight back, but he thought it could make a good morale boost for the Amazons. Smiling Liam chose to just enjoy that night and anything that was to go along with it.

After this night of “passion”, Liam woke and was bedridden for two days due to Yantraki almost breaking his pelvis. After this, the next 3 weeks of training began. And then after each day of training, they would party the night away as if it was their last. Yet again Yantraki would have sex with Liam, again causing him to take a day off for the priestesses to heal the wounds that Yantraki had inflicted on him. He had to find it funny though on how his bones seemed to be getting slowly stronger each time they were broken and healed again by the high priestesses.

For whatever weird reason he hoped his life could have stayed like those few weeks forever.

But soon the call of the coming war started once again. 6 weeks had now past and alongside the help of the amazons they had come up with a battle plan.

The plan was to split their armies into two. Kenyanire, Thormoenia and the huntresses were to hold the smaller beachhead as they were the strongest armies. Liam, the head of the guard and the rest of the amazons and the Boruma were to hold the larger beachhead. They only needed to defend these two beachheads as they were the only way that Rhexdice and Thorn’s armies could get to them without having to trespass in any of the other surrounding tribes. Such as the moon sisters or Skull takers. The only way they got to invade last time was because they left the beachhead open. They were heavily outnumbered meaning if they were to survive, they were going to need to make choke points along the beachheads. Thus explaining, why they split their forces into two.

Kenyanire would use her vines to try and get the attention of the enemy warriors. They knew her daughters would probably want to eradicate her, so they would send a good amount of their army to attack her first. Kenyanire, Thormoenia, and the huntresses would then hold the smaller beachhead as a choke point.

While this was happening Liam and the Boruma would form the shield wall along with the chokepoint of the much longer and easier to access larger beachhead. The high priestess Huchoece would have the 11,000 amazons as archers in the back. The high priestess had the amazons gather and make as many stone arrows as possible. Then during the battle, her priestess beaning around 300 would enchant the arrows using magic and turn them into the Kukuna Amazonian killing metal arrows. This alongside the arrows they had been stockpiling and forging, as well as the weapons the blacksmiths had made to arm the 7,000 Boruma was more than they needed to fight. The arches lead by the head of guards would fire arrows down onto the enemy amazons as they got onto the beach. Once they reached the shield wall, then that is where the bloody battle was really about to begin.

Yet another three weeks of training began, but before they knew it, the enemy boats were already seen off their shore by scouts. And thus, the battle began.

Liam walked onto the wooden stage that overlooked the crowd of 18,900 warriors. Sruna. Takire, Kenyanire, the High Priestess, Yantraki, Aosliope, Thormoenia, Andreaka and Icaria, all stood ready for him to give his speech. Liam’s footsteps seemed to echo in his ears as he walked out onto the centre of the stage. Placing his hands behind his back and putting his legs to the side at attention. He looked over the two tribes. Yantraki placed her hand onto his shoulder and quickly placed a kiss on his cheek.

“I believe in you.” She giggled at him. Liam smiled; he knew now what he wanted to say.

“I understand many of you may be scared. I am too.” Liam said pointing back to the main village. Yantraki translating every one of his words.

“But if we fail here then every Idea, I have given to you will die. The world we are building back there using my ideas was built by your hands. Meaning everything back there was built by you, I only gave you the idea.” Liam looked down at the warriors seeing their eyes all locked onto him. Taking in a deep breath he continued his speech.

“Now, to those Boruma who don’t have a name, today may you create one of your own! Through blood and tears!” Liam screamed down to the warriors, his deep voice echoing in their ears. He wasn’t good at giving speeches, but he knew he had to at least tell them something to rile them up as much as possible.

“Knowing what lies behind us will become nothing more than a burning wreck if we fail to allow me to say what will come next. Look to the person next to you.” The amazons did as he said.

“Remember, these people here do not have your courage. These monsters are mindless, gutless wrenches that are fuelled by only their blood lust! We have more, we have what we have built, what you have built. Your families, friends and loved ones are those you look at around you now.”

“If you fail here that person next to you will be dead, this family of yours will be dead. And if we win, they may even still be dead. But know one thing, if they die here today, do not let that sacrifice be in vine, as their sacrifice it was for you and those around you! I ask of you all if you are to die here today! Shall you forever be remembered, or shall your name be forgotten, forever lost and your life has been taken in vain!” Liam yelled to the warriors.

“Now then! Who stands here! Who stands with their people, who stand with me!” Liam yelled to the cheers of the tribe. Roaring, shaking the earth with their stamping feet, they gave their response without even having to use a single word.

“Fine then, stand by my side and let’s change the world!” roars of the battle-ready Boruma, huntresses and amazons shook the air.

Kenyanire and Thormoenia walked past him to go and direct the huntresses to the beachhead they were entrusted to protect. Both amazons patted his shoulders as they passed him, peering over their shoulders with an approving smile on their faces.

Aosliope and the high priestess took the 11,000 remaining amazons and moved them to the larger beachhead for them and the Boruma to hold. The two beachheads were about 400 meters apart. With their combined strength Kenyanire and Thormoenia alongside the huntresses were to hold the smaller beachhead.

The high priestess and her priestess were to hide in the jungle alongside Aosliope and the Amazonian archers. They would provide support to the Boruma spear and shield war. Liam alongside the Boruma and the rest of the amazons formed the shield wall, the spiked shields forming into a long, tight, sturdy, wall of iron and wood. Liam looked out to about 30 enemy ships. Together those ships held around 50,000 of the combined army of Rhexdice and Thorn's warriors.

“Ok then, let us show these people why they should fear the Kali Kanacka Tribe,” Liam said, his eyes narrowed at the approaching boats. Yantraki smirked and pulled him down to the warriors as they formed their shield wall.

“This is going to be fun!” Yantraki cheered.






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