Amazonian and her captive

Chapter 25 – A knifes edge

How long had it been now? Five, six days since Liam and Kenyanire had created the fighting arena and the village management hut as they were now calling it. Now Liam sat in a large square hole. Kukuna metal shovel in hand as dirt covered his white shirt and black trousers. For the past six days, the day had always started like this. Kenyanire sat along the side of the ditch. Watching at Liam struggled to catch his breath.

After he had done other hours of this, he was to go down to the beach where the tribe’s blacksmith had prepared the pots he ordered. Once that was done, he was to go and try to figure out a little bit more about how to up the production of the Chillcali farm. He knew how to increase production, it was easy. Simply he had to add more of the aphrodisiac to the field so the birds would mate more. But then again, he didn’t know how much of the drug the amazons had, let alone did he know how the drug was made. Still, he would need to find a way to keep the consistency of the meat output so that there wouldn’t be a shortage. Then there was the training. Then there was the problem with the older amazons believing he was trying to destroy their culture. Then there were all the people who still hadn’t awoken from their comas that they were placed in during the battle. Including Yantraki.

Looking down Liam felt an unfamiliar sense of… what was it? It felt like remorse or sadness, maybe even worry? What was he thinking? He couldn’t be that worried about Yantraki. She was just a political piece he needed to survive here on the island. At most he cared for her on the level of a slight friend with benefits. Something from behind Liam prodded him. Putting him a little off balance but snapping him out of his spiral of despair. Turning around, Liam was greeted by the friendly smile of Kenyanire as she continued to prod his back with her foot.

“You alright down there little one?” She questioned as she gave him another little prod with her foot.

“It would be nice if I had some help,” Liam moaned as he dragged himself back to his feet. It was probably best he got this work down so he could move on to the next job of the day.

“Hey, cheer up. You will start training with the head of guard and Smoesoybre today,” Kenyanire chirped, causing Liam to give out a long sigh of annoyance. For the past few days, he had spent at least 6 hours a day getting the life beaten out of him by Thormoenia. Looking down at his cut and scaped arms. Liam knew he was defiantly stronger than when he first started. Really nowhere near being as strong as an amazon. But he was definitely getting some muscle from Thormoenia’s ‘training’. He couldn’t help but wonder though what the training of the head of guard and Smoesoybre was going to be like.

Smoesoybre seemed to be a little bit of an airhead. So, Liam didn’t really have that high of a hope of getting too much from her. Yeah, she was a good fighter, but that didn’t apply to teaching. Then there was the Head of Guard, the silver-haired amazon. Liam hadn’t met her much, but from what little interaction he had with her he could tell she was defiantly stern. She might be a little more relaxed with him since, from what he could remember from their last meeting, she liked his silver hair. From observing the amazons, Liam knew they tended to like people for small details such as hair colour. So maybe having that in common with her would make her go a little easy on him. After all, how the fuck was he meant to do archery? The amazons used bows that were about the height of him, Mabey even a little taller than him. Now how in hell were they expecting him to fire a 6ft tall bow and those giant 5ft arrows.

Liam pushed the thought aside as he went to work, continuing to try to dig the hole where he planned to place some stone slabs that would line both the bottom and sides of the pit. Once this was done, he wanted to try and place a wood burner beneath the pit. The idea was that they could burn wood in the pit, that would then heat the stone above it. The stone would then heat a pool of clean water that had been filtered by the pots that the blacksmith had made for him. After that, they would use a little, primitive, ventilation system to allow the smoke outside so it didn’t kill everyone inside the bathing house. After all that, they would then just wash in some of the clean water before getting into the bath. Some amazons or more likely Boruma would be in charge of replacing the water, keeping the fire going, and cleaning the house. Liam planned to get them to do this by bribing them with the offer of more Chillcali or even better some Tatnak meat caught by the huntresses from their preserve. Who knows he may even set up a stand next to the bathing hut where he could cook and sell meat to the amazon. Mabey he could even use one of Yantraki’s recipes.

Yantraki. Liam grunted as he started to dig faster. He needed to do at least another foot or two until the hole was deep enough. He couldn’t be focusing on her now. It would simply only delay his work. But then again, he kind of did miss her cooking. Yeah, she was a little hand on to say the last, and maybe, just a little perverted, but she was still kind at heart. Well towards him at least. There was a good nighty per cent chance that if it wasn’t for Liam, she probably would have skinned the Boruma by now.

Yet again pushing the thought of Yantraki out of his mind. Liam continued to dig. He continued for a while. Doing his best to focus solely on digging the hole. Kenyanire watched with intrigue as Liam dug the hole. A long, look of despair spread across his face. Mabey she should help him. But then again it was his punishment. Yet again she was curious to see what a bathhouse was like. She wondered how different it would be to bathing in the warm or cold water of the different small lakes on the island that usually varied from quite milled, to freezing, to incredibly hot. So having a relaxing, warm bath was something she very much wanted to have.

Okay, she was going to help Liam. This would be his gift to her for calling her weak. Shivers ran down Liam’s spine as he felt the sharp eyes of Kenyanire as she watched him work. He had been at this for a good two hours. Only one more, then he planned to call it a day for now and move on to one of his many other tasks.

About another 20 minutes later.

A strong scent smacked into Liam’s face. Causing him to stop yet again. It wasn’t just him, right? Turning, Liam looked to Kenyanire. He watched as her eyes darted around, also looking for the scent. Snapping to the left. Liam could tell she had found the source of the smell. Liam stood up. Looking to where Kenyanire’s eyes were fixed.

“What is it?” Liam said as he climbed out of the hole. Now having a better view of the direction Kenyanire was staring at. Again, Liam was impressed by the scent and vision of an amazon. All he could see were the trees that separated the trees and themselves. Even then the trees were a good hundred meters away.

“You smell it as well, right?” Kenyanire said, sniffing the weird mix of both sweet and sour that hung in the air.

It wasn’t a bad smell. Nor was it that putrid. It was simply just alluring. Liam looked back to Kenyanire. Wanting to see what she was doing. If she knew what was happening, then it would definitely help calm his nerves.

“What is it,” Liam said, keeping his gaze on Kenyanire.

“I think it may be amazons preparing for a festival that takes place before the mating season,” Kenyanire said in confidence. Yet it still didn’t calm his nerves as he could see a slight glimpse of what he deemed to be a mixture of annoyance and concern in her eyes.

“Is this a bad thing?” Liam pushed, wanting to continue to try to calm his nerves. His nerves though weren't helped by how long it took for Kenyanire to weigh up how severe the situation this was.

“Depends. I think though that they may have used too much of the perfumes. So, it might be a good idea for you to steer clear of there for now. Wait, no, now I think of it that is where Thormoenia said she was going to be training the Boruma. I am also quite sure that Thorn and Smoesoybre were meant to be,” Kenyanire said, a sigh of annoyance following.

“You say this like it’s a bad thing?” Liam added.

“Yes, the perfumes are like a gas version of the aphrodisiac we use in sacrifices. So, in other words, they aren’t going to be doing much for a while. I’ll go check, but honestly, I don’t think you will be training with them much today. Rather I think you will just have to train with the head of guards,” Kenyanire explained as she got to her feet and began to walk in the direction of the perfume.

Now left alone, Liam decided to try to take a break. He had learnt from his about two maybe three months now of being on the island that the reason he was always so tired at the end of the day was that he didn’t try to conserve energy. So, he decided he would experiment with different ways to conserve energy.

Pulling himself onto the grass near the pit. Liam lay back. Staring up at the sky he tried his best to keep his mind blank. But almost as if the idea of him being able to have peace for more than five seconds was some kind of forbidden fate. A shadow fell over Liam. Reluctantly, he changed his gaze from the clouds to the wielder of the shadow.

White feathered headdress. Golden armbands, green grass tip, green snakeskin skirt and lastly the biggest signifier of who she was. Her long, dark, silver hair and a brown leather pouch hung across the back of her waist. The head of guards. What was her name again? Aosliope, or something like that. Liam sat up, realising he wasn’t going to be able to get much relaxation that day. Begrudgingly he turned to face her. Blank faced; the head of guards stared into his eyes. Shuffling a little in his seat, Liam gave her a, if not a little awkward, smile. Her sharp blue eyes were much like his. This was something that high unsettled him. It was as almost if she could stare right through his soul and back again.

Looking up to the clouds. She gently spoke a few words in Amazonian before pointing to the clouds, then back down to Liam. Quite obviously Liam didn’t understand what she was saying and only smiled and nodded in response. Aosliope repeated the action of pointing to the clouds to him several times before deciding he really couldn’t understand what she was trying to communicate. Grabbing his shoulders, Aosliope lay him on the ground. Liam tried to sit back up, but her stern hands simply forced him back down. Seemingly happy that Liam was now laying on the ground. Aosliope turned around before lying down on the grass herself.

Liam looked to Aosliope. Her eyes were fixed on the clouds as she lay next to him. What was she doing? Was she trying to befriend him? Mabey she thought Liam was looking at something in the sky when he was on his back and now, she was trying to discover what he was looking at. Smirking, Liam decided to play along with her. He could probably get some time to relax and conserve energy with the safety of the Aosliope, the head of guards, next to him. It also meant that he would have to try to find her later. Again, saving time and energy. Perfect.

Aosliope muttered a few words in Amazonian to Liam. Still not understanding what she was saying Liam only nodded.

“Yeah cool,” he said as he continued to watch the clouds as they drifted over him. Aosliope again said something to Liam in her native tongue. Still, though he didn’t understand it. Instead of responding like before, he decided to sit back and continue to cloud gaze. Like always, his momentary peace was interrupted as a shadow fell over him. Aosliope sat up, lowering her head out of honour. From this simple action, Liam already knew who this had to be.

Looking up, Liam saw Kenyanire. Something quite obviously was wrong though. A long, thick piece of the vine was covering the mouth and nose of Kenyanire.

“So, err... new look?” Liam said jokingly. Not understanding the severity of the situation. Kenyanire crouched in front of him. Placing a hand onto his head, she pulled him closer as she began to speak.

“Listen closely. I looked at the area and it turns out the Boruma thought it would be funny to put some of this weird purple liquid into the cups of the Amazons," Liam smirked as he realised this had to be some of the poison from the plant he saw them try to eat the other day. They must have stored some of it somehow so that they could try and find a use for it. Turns out that they were using it to play pranks on the Amazons.

“Because of their little game, they got into a fight with the Amazons and ended up knocking over large amounts of the gas form of the aphrodisiac,” Liam tried again to hide his smirk as she carried on. She made it sound as if it was some kind of gas leak at a weapons factory.

“Now they are all… having sex a little rough," Kenyanire said, taking her makeshift vine mask off.

“I think it is best you steer clear of that area otherwise I highly doubt you will get out of there alive,” Kenyanire finished as she looked to a very patiently awaiting Aosliope. They exchanged a few words in Amazonian before Aosliope jumped to her feet. Putting out a hand she somewhat forcibly ‘helped’ Liam to his feet. It was more of a yank rather than an assist, but anyway it worked, and Liam now stood beside her.

“I think you should go with Aosliope to start some training today. I’ll go and try to quarantine the area. It will probably take a day or two, but if any amazons are available which I am sure a few hundred probably are, then it may only take an hour or two.” Kenyanire said before waving a hand as she started back in the direction of the gas leak. Gas leak. It sounded far more serious than it actually was.

After all, they were in a very good position right now. They had the Sun Sisters on the back foot. The Borumas were being trained by both Thorn and Thormoenia into becoming deadly infantry and even better, yet Liam was starting to get a little bit of muscle for his past few days of training with Thormoenia. He hadn’t done much in terms of training with Smoesoybre. This was mostly due thought to how she was having to constantly monitor the arena to stop the warriors in the bleachers from fighting each other when the warrior they supported lost.

Thorn had been with Thormoenia training the Boruma and amazons while the head of guards was busy patrolling the borders. Kenyanire had also been taking in many complaints and suggestions in the new town hall (well more like a town tent considering its size but still it got the job done). As Kenyanire and Thorn had predicted. Many of the requests were that they sacrificed some of the Sun Sisters Aosliope’s patrols had captured. Regrettably, Liam knew that several of these sacrifices were happening today. He despised the fact they were having to do this. But these Macabre rituals kept the tribes in line as well as raised both loyalty, morals, and scene of cultural identity amongst the amazons. Sadly, Liam had to admit that the savage, blood rituals were indeed having a positive effect on the tribe. He even started to notice fewer stares of hatred of bloodlust coming from the older amazons. God, he even could feel some looks of what felt to be warmth coming from a handful.

“Fucking bastards,” Liam muttered under his breath as he flowed Aosliope towards the jungle. He assumed she probably knew some long way around the jungle. Or at least he hopped as the part they were heading towards a part he had never ventured into before now.

As they approached the seemingly unpartable jungle, Liam could feel a sense of dread coming over him. No matter how many months or years he spent on this island where each day he explored the green hell that was the island’s jungles, he still couldn’t bring himself to not feel petrified at the thoughts of what lurked in the depths of the jungle floor. Worse yet he dreaded that some kind of snake or amazon snake hybrid would be lurking in the trees above him. Ready to strike at any moment. Dragging him up into the canopy where he would be swallowed alive.

A hand caressed Liam’s back. Forcing him to jump out of his pessimistic mindset and back to the task at hand. Looking to his right he saw the warm smile of Aosliope. No matter how brutal or desensitised to emotions the amazons seemed, he was always thankful that they could easily understand human emotion. Better yet he was thankful for how they always managed to use small gestures to calm his nerves. Still, though he liked to keep in mind that the amazons were like some tropical flowers of the island. They were incredibly beautiful, but they wielded many thorns and poisons.

Giving Liam a little budge forward. Aosliope signalled for Liam to move. Pushing aside all reason and thought, Liam, marched onward after Aosliope. Reaching behind herself, she undid the leather pouch that hung across the back of her waist. After a little bit of fumbling around. She pulled out a long blue Kukuna blade. It was almost like a machete. For a few seconds, she studied the foliage. Raising the machete high into the air she confirmed her calculations. With one quick swoop, she cut away at the wall of green.

Moving forward with ease. Aosliope cut and slashed through the jungle. It was obvious to Liam that she was cutting the path for him as he could tell she could probably move through the jungle with little difficulty if she was on her own. When had saw Kenyanire again he was going to have to have her translate his thanks over to Aosliope for going through the trouble for him.

The grass under Liam’s feet started to rise in height as they got deeper and deeper into the jungle. Despite the thickness of the vines, Liam was amazed by how quickly Aosliope carved a path through the jungle. Darkness started to fall over Liam as the army of branches above snuffed out any light that could possibly make its way down onto the jungle floor. Despite now not being able to see much, Liam kept close to Aosliope’s side as they ventured deeper into the jungle. Ignoring the darkness around them, they kept at a steady pace. Even though there were vines about as thick as Liam was tall, with only a few slashes Aosliope cut down the obstacles.

Looking behind himself. Liam looked to the opening made by Aosliope. The little light that it provided grew dimer and dimer with every step he took. If he thought, it was dark before. Well, now it was as if he blind.

Stumbling over vines. Liam had to keep relying on the steady hands of Aosliope to keep swooping in to save him.

“Fuck!” Liam said as his legs thumped into a log. His legs buckled as he fell over the piece of wood. A hand lodged itself onto the side of his head. Blocking his head just before it hit the ground.

A small ray of light peered through the jungle canopy. Revealing to Liam the hand of Aosliope, and the rock she had shielded him from smacking his head-on. Polka dots of red slightly covered the rock. Liam then looked to the deep cut along the back of Aosliope’s hand.

“Shit your bleeding,” he said as he quickly went to take off his jacket. Shit, he forgot his jacket. Unbuttoning his shirt Liam quickly went to wrap it around her hand. Aosliope said something in Amazonian as she put a hand onto his chest. Stopping Liam in his advance. Placing her good hand over the injured. A few rays of green light leaked out from her fingers before she then pulled her good hand away. Revealing her hand to be healed.

“Sorry, um, forgot you could do that,” Liam said, a little embarrassed at how he forgot that a magical species like amazons could use magic. Regaining his composure. He pulled his shirt back on as Aosliope got to her feet. She went to carry on her walk but soon stopped as she noticed Liam wasn’t following. Frowning she looked to him as he was looking around one of the bushed.

His hands dug through the thick brambles. Recoiling when he was either slightly scratched or nicked by a sharp piece of wood. Pulling the bushes apart. Liam moved into the bushes a little more. He didn’t want to repeat the embarrassing act that he had just committed. So, wanting to make sure he didn’t fall over again he had decided to try and find some long stick he could use as a kind of minesweeper to check for traps.

Hands firmly grabbed his shoulders. Yanking him back. Liam looked up to see Aosliope staring down at him. A wide frown on her face. As if to say ‘are you an idiot? You almost got hurt now you are doing this?’. Not discouraged by amazon’s face. Liam dove back into the bush. After fumbling around like a drunk man for a little while longer. He soon emerged. Covered in mud and scars. But holding a stick of the desired length. Holding the tick up into the sky. Triumphantly adhering it in the slight ray of sunshine that broke through the trees. A quick hit on the head from Aosliope was enough to snap him out of his ego-driven daze and back into action.

Together they carried on. Aosliope carried on caving them a path as Liam now sheepishly followed behind her. More scared of falling over again than the amazons wielding a sharp weapon. Liam squinted as a flash of light flooded his vision. After a few blinks later and still squinting, he emerged out of the jungle from behind Aosliope. Soon Liam realised where he was. Just over a few more trees, he could see the top of the temple where he was “married” to Yantraki. He didn’t know the outlay of the village very well, but he knew that the temple was in the village square. Meaning they were probably just on the outskirts of the village.

Aosliope didn’t wait long for Liam as she already started to walk down to the dirt path that led towards the main village. Not wanting to be left behind, Liam quickly jogged after her. Once he reached her side, Liam slowed down his jog. Now walking alongside Aosliope, Liam looked to the sky. It was about mid-day. This meant the Amazons were probably going to be sacrificing a couple of the Sun Sisters captured by Aosliope. Given the time and the time the event was meant to take place. Meant that it probably meant that by the time they reached the village the sacrifices would be underway.

Small amounts of sick filled Liam’s mouth. But he managed to push them back down. He knew what he was going to see was something he found evil down to the core, but it was a necessary evil. As they got closer to the village. The faint sounds of cheering amazons filled Liam’s ears. The sacrifice was probably underway. Hardening his resolve, Liam marched after Aosliope into the village. The thick smell of blood assaulted Liam’s scenes as they walked into the village. Taking in a few deep breaths, Liam didn’t falter.

Entering the village square. Liam automatically looked to the top of the temple. Blood already tricked down the steps, and the scent of cooking meat filled the air. It seemed they were already planning to eat some of the sacrificed amazons.

This was something else Liam wanted to put an end to if he could. They only had about 30 breeding pairs of Chillcali. One Chillcali would usually give birth to about 7 – 10 eggs. Out of these only about 3 would usually survive. But now they were being cared for by Borumas, which was expected to rise to at least 6. At the moment the among to Chillcali that the farm produced was only enough to feed a couple hundred people. The rest…

Liam was cut off as the drums pounded louder and louder. The blood-stained high priestess raised her arms high into the air as the crowd and priestesses cheered and danced in celebration. A Sun Sister was led out from inside the hut that sat at the top of the temple. She was practically nude except the ceremonial red paid that covered her skin in all sorts of patterns and swirls.

Swiftly she was placed onto the alter. The priestesses held her spread eagle as the high priestesses raised the Kukuna knife into the air. With a devastating thwack, the knife penetrated the woman’s chest. Liam shuddered. His eyes immediately clamped shut. The ripping of flesh filled his ears as the high priestess removed the sacrifice’s heart. The now-former Sun Sister was thrown down to the eager crowd below. This was the first bit of meat they had in a while since they had mostly eaten plants or the odd bit of Chillcali meat.

Aosliope glanced behind herself. Noticing Liam had stopped she turned to go and retrieve him. Yells of violence stopped her though. Looking to about ten steps from the side of Liam, several amazons were fighting. Being the head of guards, she instinctively went over to stop them.

Tatnak meat was also an option as the children were already a good 9ft long. Considering they had also cornered them in the mountain, Liam wanted to try farming them as well for food. He heard from Kenyanire that the females gave birth to about 100 eggs. Only about 10 would survive as the first ones born would eat the other eggs. But if they were to take at least 20 of those eggs. Hatch them and kill the newborn. Then they would probably have enough meat to last at least half of the tribe. Then maybe the Amazon would stop eating other amazons. After all, Tatnak meat was good, Liam found that it even rivalled Chillcali. So, if 20, 9ft long Tatnak could feed half the tribe then what would that be? There were about 17,400 people now that Thorn had joined them.

As Liam did the math for how long it would be to use the aphrodisiac to breed the Tatnak as well as the Chillcali, he took no notice of the increase in intensity fight going on next to him. Yells went up as one of the amazons bit Aosliope on the neck as she tried to stop the fight. The eyes of the amazon locked on Liam. Drawing a knife, she made her move. Aosliope saw the amazon as she sprinted towards Liam. Leaping forward, Aosliope grabbed the ankle of the amazon. Tripping her after only a few steps. It wasn’t enough though.

“Hu?” Liam muttered as he looked down to his side. A thick red liquid was coming from his side. His hands started to shake as the realisation that a knife was sticking in his side reached his brain. The pain finally registered as he tried to scream. Only splutters of blood left his lips as he felt his body topple to the ground. Screams went up from the crowd as several guards secured the attacker before she could inflict any more damage.

His vision darkened as he watched Huchoece drop her sacrificial knife and bolt down the temple steps to his side. Fuck, and here he was thinking he was going to die getting fucked by an amazon. His last concourse thoughts were of hands covering his wound to stop blood loss. He couldn’t help but think of three things as his mind came to a stop. Home, for some reason Yantraki, and finally, would he live? The last of his vision faded as the high priestess reached his side. Already casting healing magic. A little trickle of a fine green liquid came from his wound, poison.

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