Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South – Chapter 25: The Decision

After securing Nas and ensuring the loyalty of the demonkin there, the dual monarchs, Toria and Harcun, and some Royal Guards and Black Guards went island-hopping to secure the rest. They arrived at each island starting from Pattu to the south and began their way around the island chain. The corpses of the sailors and soldiers who were killed in each engagement were brought before crowds of still loyal soldiers and rioting civilians and then brought back to life with Amelia's <Resurrection> spell and Harcun's own godly abilities for those who had no more physical remnants of their bodies left. After this, Toria would repeat the speech she made on Nas again and again, island after island, with each end of the speech being followed by Harcun accepting their oaths and binding them to their words. It took a total of 4 hours for the whole thing and by the end of the day, Amelia was dead tired as the <Resurrection> spell was one that took large bites out of her magic pool and her reserves due to it scaling to the power rankings of the people she revived, and since every demonkin was low to mid-range S-Rank in power and that there were nearly hundreds of thousands that needed reviving, with the strain needing her beloved Ophie to link and share with her her magic pool act as a sort of battery to make up for the lack of magical energy she had by the end. Amelia then collapsed into her beloved's arms after they had boarded the ship back home. 

Following a week of consolidating her position as Governor and quickly arranging things, Toria was able to get to work immediately. She began stripping her noble supporters of their titles, lands and wealth and began her approved redistribution plan, a plan that had no resistance partly due to the fact that a lot of the more stubborn nobles were scared of getting on Toria's bad side as they saw her as someone like the monarchs with full support of Harcun and if she wanted to, could ask their creator to "remove" them as problems. With the redistributed land and a lot of wealth, she was able to begin greenlighting terraforming projects on the islands to make new domestic farms with the help of mainland farmers, the construction of new military and civilian facilities, and even began funding schooling projects. 

And then, six months passed.

Six months of building and repairing the island chain, revitalizing the destroyed dungeons by placing specially harvested SS-Class Magic Monster Crystals processed by the Halkare Research Department inside the dungeons to revitalize them. New research stations were established with teams assigned to them, new dockyards were built to replace the ones that were deemed too damaged to refurbish and repair. Schools were built on every island and so were new infrastructure and housing projects with their specifications consistent with the housing projects back on the mainland, new roads were made to ease the burden of travel and to connect the people inside the island with one another. Even an old and incomplete floating fortress known as "The Redoubt" was converted and turned into a new massive trading port affectionately renamed to be known as "Toria's Pride" was built within the center of the island chain and shaped to be a massive circle with several ports linking to the center. With a central shaft leading down to the largest underwater city built during those six months, the largest concentration of sirens in the empire called "Siren City"  


A/N: For reference. 

But it was not only the island chain that was experiencing growth as on the mainland, the empire was still building up everything, new towns for an influx of demonkin wishing to migrate, bigger and better trade centers, even floating trading ports were built but not to the same size and scope as "Toria's Pride". With the economy still going up and the coffers still filled, the dual monarchs and their advisors greenlit a massive expansion projects in the outer reaches of the empire, constructing small towns and military outposts with new roads to link them to the ever expanding well-paved highway that was in its final stages of being built. Even the aqueducts were reaching the farthest reaches of the empire, and on the current border, several forts were built to keep watch on any slaver train foolish enough to enter their land. 

Then there were the waves of workers from the mainland sent to begin teaching demonkin workers who signed up in droves while demonkin soldiers, working with the elite of the Black Guard were sent to the mainland to begin more extensive training for their forces. All around, it was a very fruitful six months, and thanks to the quickness of the reconstruction and recovery, the dual monarchs were able to call a new Imperial Council Meeting to begin discussing the future actions the nation was about to undertake. 

Inside the Imperial Council chamber, there were new faces among them, the first level had almost all of the new arrivals with all of them demonkin mayors who had been elected to represent the towns and villages of the Amma island chain, and then in the second level, there was one new face accompanied by her advisors, that being the newly titled Clan Leader Toria and her party of Clan Elders who used to be nobles for Amma but were now nobles under her and acted as her Clan Elders. While technically being the only Governor in the region of Amma, Toria was also the one running the place and was the one who helped build the island chain to what it is now. 

"Ok, now that we are all here. The main issue on today shall be brought forward by Irly" Ophelia stated as she looked at the room before shifting her gaze towards her elven advisor who was standing at the ready, with the room becoming silent at her words 

"Ahem, now that we have had time to further expand and build up ur forces, and thanks to the situation in the north being dealt with, there is now a new task on our hands. The unification of the continent" Irly began as she looked around the chamber 

Irly then brought out a map and placed it on a stand prepared behind her, showing this 


"To start with, the continent we are currently on is called "Atrune" which was a name given to us by both Goddess Histy and God Harcun. The center portion of the continent is inhabited by a large amount of tribes, all of them of different races and by the reports of our H.I.S.S. agents sent into the region posing as other tribals, they have a bad habit of getting into contact disputes with one another and fighting over the most petty of things. This can serve as a boon or a hindrance for our future operations once we assimilate them into our territory, but that is far from the biggest concern we have here" She added, with several faces in the 1st and 2nd level showing confusion at her ending words 

"Although the fighting between tribals can be seen as problematic for us, for the nation on the southern end of the continent, the Dukedom Of Abernath, sees it as a pure boon as they are the main culprit responsible in the thousands of slaver missions into the continent. Our H.I.S.S agents have identified the nation to be a massive slaver state, with many of our kind, used as slaves. Not humans, but beastkin, elves, sirens you name it, except for demonkin" 

The chamber erupted into cries of disgust and shock at the statement made, with some of them calling for all-out war with the Dukedom now to destroy them and their practice. 

"Silence please" Amelia asked as she looked at them, the chamber following her words 

"We understand your rage and anger as we share the same feelings as you all. The existence of the Dukedom is an affront to us all, and it is something we plan to take care of in the future" Ophelia added 

"Why can't we just ask the gods to handle it for us?!" One of the mayors from the 1st level shouted 

"Because, the Gods of the world are already busy trying to do their duties, duties that are beyond our comprehension, and as mortals, despite us worshiping them and praying to them for strength, we cannot expect our Gods to do all the work" The raven-haired empress answered 

"Continue please Irly" Amelia ordered, with the elven minister nodding her head 

"Despite all of this grim news, we have one advantage. By the intelligence gathered, our nation is stronger than the Dukedom and the tribes combined, the armies of the Dukedom are mostly untrained slavers and low-quality knights while the tribes rely on small raiding parties, just like we did when we were still a small kingdom. But now, with our massive uniform professional army and navy, we can secure any battle we face them in. Plus, we have the Adventurer's Guild, they are one of the tools we will be using to win favor with the tribes to bring good relations and help assimilate them faster, as showing them that there is an entity willing to protect them for the small price of joining their ranks, it will no doubt help us further and further on the march south. But for those proper military matters, I turn to our Minister of Defense, Iris" Irly finished as she gestured towards her dragonkin friend 

"Ahem, thank you Irly. She is right in the fact that our army as it currently stands, is one that can beat any foe they come across. Our soldiers have been drilled harder than before, and thanks to the Adventurer's Guild and our demonkin instructors, all of the soldiers in the military are high-end A or B-Rank in power. Definitely much stronger than the C and D-Rank tribals and lower B-Rank slavers...The plan we had proposed to our Majesties, is a simple one, we will march down at least 10 to 20 miles to the south each week until we get to a line here we have dubbed the "The Crossing" Irly stated as he pointed at a line on a map he brought out 


"We will then spend a month or two building up infrastructure in the lands we have occupied and then proceed into the center of the continent proper, we will then continue forward until we reach this line here called the "Rampart Line" and then we repeated the process of waiting a few months to build up the area and get ready once more to march towards this second to the last line here called the "Revenant Line" where its rinse and repeat. Once all of that is done, and we secure the islands we have dubbed the "Udaria Islands" we will begin the march towards the border of the Dukedom of Abernath and spend a few more months building up our forces and infrastructure. After all of this, we will begin the final march south and erase the dukedom from existence. All the while we assimilate territory and tribals and consolidate them all under our banner" Irly finished with a small nod 

"But what if the slavers try to annex the continent first?" Yamato, the Kitsune Clan Leader asked with a cautious tone 

"That has also been our fear, but so far, they have no interest in pushing northward based on our intelligence gathered. From what we have been told, the dukedom likes to send out small slaver raiding parties to capture more slaves for their nation, they do not risk to poke the hornet nest and having a full continent united against them, but that is what we are going to do. But even if they try, we have Spithe, our Divine Beast who can terrorize the Dukedom and keep them pinned as we continue our march southwards" Ophelia answered her with a nod 

"I see, I believe I speak for everyone gathered here, even our new demonkin brothers and sisters in asking, When do we start?" The Kitsune Clan Leader asked as she stood up and looked at her monarchs with a smile on her face 

"We start next year which is in two months, the winter season has already started so expect it to be a bit snowy when we march down south for the first few months so be prepared for that" Amelia chimed in with an answer 


"Right, now onto the rest of the agenda for today, the Imperial Economy"


A few hours had passed and it was now just past midday at 1:00 PM. The dual monarchs were standing on a hill overlooking the bustling city of Olertin and were embracing with hand in hand as they watched people go about their daily lives. The cool winter air was blowing around them and soon it would start to snow. 


"This is a beautiful view" Amelia remarked as she tightened her grip on the hand of her beloved 

"I know it is's even more so when I am with you" Ophelia stated as she lifted up her beloved's hand and kissed it

"You really know how to play with a girl's feelings Ophie" the blonde-haired empress said as she turned to her wife 

"Hehehe, of course. When it comes to knowing you my dear little Amelia, I will always stay on top" The raven-haired empress replied as she pulled Amelia in close and wrapped her lips around hers

For several uninterrupted minutes, the world beyond them vanished and time stopped. The two of them were locked in a passionate and very deep kiss like usual. Their tongues twisted and twirled with one another as they smooched and ran their hands down each other's body, when Ophelia tried to pull away, Amelia caught her by the tongue and sucked her back into the kiss, leading to a much more intense kiss that left the duo breathless and red when they finally pulled away. 

"Aww, my little Ophie, feeling a bit hot today?" Amelia mused as she used her right pointed finger to trace the left side of her beloved's face 

"You really are a vixen my love" Ophelia replied as she looked at her beloved with hungry eyes 

Raising her hands, Ophelia placed down several barriers to ensure that there would be no one that could interrupt this moment, not when she was feeling hungry for some proper food. 

Ophelia then pushed her beloved down onto the soft and cushiony grass and began to strip her slowly and seductively. Starting with her white blouse, Ophelia unbuttoned the buttons with her mouth, and with every button undone, she would leave hickeys on the skin that was exposed by the now undone button, making Amelia moan and squeal in ecstasy as her beloved continued downward. Once the blouse was unbuttoned, Ophelia slowly and calmly removed it from her beloved's body and exposed Amelia's large, soft, and round boobs with nipples perked up just for her. A look of carnal desire filled Ophelia's face as she lowered herself down onto her wife and held herself back waiting for permission to unleash herself 

"I am all yours Ophie, do as you wish" Amelia seductively whispered in her already red ear

The seductive tone broke Ophelia as she quickly descended on her like a cat to a mouse, latching her mouth on the left boob while clutching the right, sucking from the nipple and making her beloved moan in pleasure as they grinded one another all the while. When milk started to come out of Amelia's nipples, Ophelia lost it as she began sucking down even harder which sent shockwaves of pleasure through her wife who came at that exact moment, her panties and black slacks soaked in her love liquids. 


At that moment, Amelia swung the pendulum and pushed Ophelia onto the grass, with her tits hanging right above her face. A smile on Amelia's face formed as she lowered her large boobs down and covered her wife's face, giggling all the while as Ophelia was having the time of her life. Ophelia's hands ran down the sides of her beloved and then clenched her fine ass with a grip that made Amelia moan softly at its sudden strength, her body shivering in ecstasy soon after as Ophelia began sucking once again after she traced her tits with her tongue. This sudden attack of ecstasy was too much for the blonde monarch as she came once again and collapsed onto the ground, with Ophelia straddling her and fondling her breasts with firm but soft hands.

"Are you satisfied my dear Ophie?" Amelia asked her beloved as she looked up at her 

"Yes" Ophelia replied weakly as she felt her strength waiting from enjoying herself too much 

"Hehehe, I am glad you did" Amelia replied as she sat up and pulled her lover into a deep kiss 


This time, it was Amelia who pushed her beloved to the ground. She did the same thing Ophie did to her, unbuttoning her blouse and then stripping it off, revealing Ophelia's massive breasts and erect nipples. The same carnal smile appeared on her face as she quickly began devouring her beloved, latching onto her tits while also groping and fingering her beloved in her clitoris, causing Ophelia to moan and cry out affectionately "Amelia!" as she launched her attack. And after a good few minutes of grinding, Ophelia came with a large gush that wet her panties and her maroon skirt 

"Ophie, you make the cutest face when you come for me" Amelia said with a seductive tone and expression as she began licking some of the clear and sticky fluids from down under, seeing Ophie's face go a deeper shade of red followed by her moans of joy 

This continued for the next hour or so, and by the time the two had finished, both were extremely exhausted but immensely happy. The dual monarchs were lying down on the grass side by side with one another, only wearing their blouses while they threw their lower garments aside, cuddling in each other's embrace and enjoying the day as it was passing by. 

"I still feel a bit nervous about the whole thing Amelia" Ophelia remarked as she looked down at her beloved 

"You don't have to be Ophie, I am here for you" Amelia replied as she placed her hand on her face 

"Thank you, and I know...I am just worried that things may not go our way" 

"And what if they don't? You and I are here together despite everything right?" 

"Yeah, we are...I guess I am just scared of nothing right?" 

"Mhmm! And even if we do face a hurdle, it is one we will face together, because nothing will stand in our way right?" 

"Yeah, I guess Your right...I love you Amelia" 

"And I love you too Ophie" 

A/N: Boom, next chapter uploaded for double chap this week. I will be heading back to school as it is starting again so it will take some time for new chapters, anyways. I hope you enjoyed this one and if you have questions or reactions, let me see them in the comments down below. And as always Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day!

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