Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South – Chapter 27: The March Begins (Part 2)

About an hour after the March began, just directly 5 miles south of the border, a kitsune Clan calling themselves the "Mist Walkers" for their abilities to use Ice Magic and manipulate it for their benefit were waiting outside their homes as they were watching to the north in hopes of catching a glimpse of the so-called Imperial Army marching towards them. Standing at the entrance to the clan village was the Clan Leader, a tall, alluring, and beautiful kitsune with pristine white fur and blue eyes wearing a similarly white and flowing robe that showed some cleavage and her voluptuous and curvy body. Her name was Isla and she was standing by with her Clan Elders and an Adventurers Party they were close with called "Macmahon's Explorers" led by the young human man Macmahon who was a B-Rank Adventurer, who was also a fairly handsome man with short black hair, green eyes and a built body that complemented his tall frame and chiseled looks, with a five o'clock shadow on his face that matched well with his features and fair skin. 

"Are you certain that your Imperial Army is arriving soon?" Isla asked as she crossed her arms and kept her gaze on the horizon, 

"I am certain Miss Isla, the orders we were given were recent and we all received their broadcast from earlier remember?" Macmahon answered her

"I guess...I am just a bit nervous that's all" The white kitsune replied, her eyes still kept towards the north 

Although being the strongest in her clan at B-Rank, Isla knew pretty quickly that if her people were to survive, she had to throw in her lot with this rising power to their north. After all, they had sent these so-called Adventurers to help them out when they asked for assistance after their own traders found out about these Adventurer Guilds in the towns and villages they traded with, seeing how they could take requests in return for rewards of different kinds. The Adventurers Party usually helping them were these "Macmahon Explorers" and they did a pretty good job at clearing the local dungeons that spewed out orcs and goblins that were growing too strong for Isla and her clan to even handle on their own, and seeing firsthand the way they fought, she knew that if her people had any chance of growing stronger, the chance had just revealed itself and she was not one to wait for it to pass her by. 


"There!" Isla called out as she saw silhouettes in the snow approaching 

All eyes turned to where she was facing and then the all saw what she was looking at. In the distance was a large silhouette of a lamia snaking its way towards them, and behind her was a large column of soldiers wearing jet-black jagged plate armor with crimson accents and black shawls to assist them in handling the cold despite their armor already pumping heating magic all over to keep them warm. The faces of the soldiers were concealed behind helmets that matched the aesthetic of their armor and they marched with swords and shields, halberds, lances, and standards raised high, showing off the imperial flag as it fluttered in the winter wind. Past the group of soldiers wearing the menacing armor was another long column of soldiers but this time they were wearing grey but still jagged plate armor and marched in unison behind them, flying the same flag and giving off the same intimidating aura as they approached. 

The members of the clan who were not inside their houses quickly ran up to the gate of the village and all stood beside their clan leader and the adventurers, all of them let out gasps of amazement and awe as the soldiers were closing in on them. 


Suddenly, the Adventuring Party fell on one knee as the massive lamia in front moved to the side and revealed a pair of women wearing stunning jet-black winter dresses with winter coats hanging off their shoulders and covering their backs while the dresses stretched all the way down just right above their feet. Although they were surprised to see that their well-endowed breasts were exposed but given that neither of them showed any sign of being chilly, everyone assumed they were all just fine. 


Once the pair of women accompanied by the rest of the intimidating soldiers arrived at their doorstep did Isla and the rest of the clan members fell on one knee and bowed their heads. 

"We greet you, Your Majesties" Macmahon stated as he kept his gaze down 

"Ah, Macmahon, good to see you, everyone please rise" Amelia stated as she looked down at the group before them 

"Indeed, everyone please rise and it is good to see you Macmahon" Ophelia added 

"Thank you Your Majesties" Macmahon replied as he and the rest of the group did as they were told and rose back up 

Standing back up, the gazes of the dual monarchs turned to the kitsune clan members and their leaders all looking at them with curious gazes while also showing some awe and amazement on their faces as they tried to drink in all the details of the pair of women before them. 

"Greetings. I am Empress Ophelia Erstad" 

"And I am Empress Amelia Erstad. A pleasure to meet you all" 


The smiles flashed by both women were dazzling to the crowd before them, bringing out "woahs" and "wows" from the kitsunes and even Macmahon and his adventurers, something that the dual empresses were chuckling about once they stopped smiling. 

"Ahem, sorry about that. But I am Isla Matsu, the Clan Leader of the Mist Walkers, a pleasure to meet Your Majesties in person" Isla stated as she regained her composure and bowed her head again 

"The pleasure is ours, please raise your head" Amelia told her 

"As my wife has said, the pleasure is ours, to think that we would encounter a kitsune clan not immediately wishing to fight us is quite surprising" Ophelia added

"Hahaha, we are not like those clans further south Your Majesties. In fact, we are very excited to be the first of many in what I have gathered to be a large effort to unite this continent under your banner, but I must ask first. How are you and your people able to understand our languages so well?" Isla asked with a slightly tilted head 

"Ah, well that is pretty simple as there are two ways that our people use in order to understand languages. First is to rely on a translation magic crystal that can be attached to their clothes or the more common method, eat something called a "Translation Cube" which is filled to the brim with the languages of everyone on this continent, it allows us to understand and speak in kind in order to ensure communication for all. If you are asking how we were able to achieve such an item, it is simply something provided to us by the Gods Histy and Harcun" Amelia answered her, the smile on her face betraying no other emotion than the truth 


At those words, Isla fell onto her knees and bowed deeply, startling the dual monarchs, the adventurers and her fellow clan members. 

"Excuse me for my actions, I...I am just glad that I made the right choice for my people" Isla stated as she raised her head, a few tears welling up in her eyes 

"I am glad you think that way, now please, rise" The blonde empress told her with a soft smile 

"Of course, and umm...Would you mind coming into my abode so that we can talk about what happens now?" The white kitsune asked the dual monarchs 

"Mhmm, by all means, lead the way" The raven-haired empress nodded in reply 

"Oh, and before I forget. Erhet, you and the rest of the column continue southward, we will catch up with you along the way once our business is done here" Ophelia added as she turned her gaze back to the gigantic lamia 

"Understood Your Majesty, we will be on our way in a few moments" Erhet replied with a nod 

"Good, now. Please, lead the way" 

The dual monarchs then followed behind Isla as she took them into their clan village, with many of the onlookers also following albeit at a small distance to give the group enough room to move. Meanwhile, Macmahon and the rest of his adventuring party had regrouped from their defensive posts and stood outside the village and were awaiting further orders from Erhet who was listening to a debrief from the party about the active dungeons spewing out monsters in the area and the small dirt road that continued southward. 

As the dual monarchs entered the village, they saw the primitive wooden structures built by the Mist Walker Clan and were quite impressed with how sturdy these buildings looked. They were also surprised at the rudimentary stone pathways that stretched across the village, leading to each building and there was even what looked to be a small recreational garden near the southern end of the village that led out to a vast field where there were unharvested crops of an azure blue fruit that was circular in shape and gaze off a barely noticeable glow. Continuing to follow Isla led them to a large hut in the middle of the village that was next to a unfrozen pool of water right next to it. 

"This is my abode, please, take off your boots and then make yourself at home while I prepare some refreshments" Isla stated as she turned to them as they entered her home, showing that it was one giant room on the inside 

The dual monarchs did as she told and then sat by a large table in the center of the hut that was intricately carved and decorated, looking around, the dual monarchs looked at the baskets and nets hanging from hooks from the ceiling that contained gardening tools or even some weapons like a sword, a shield and some daggers that were visible to them. They even felt that the rest of the clan members were all patiently waiting outside the hut with all ears resting on the walls as to overhear the conversation about to go down. The dual monarchs also saw that Isla was off to the side and lighting a pair of fires with some of her own magic that heated up a cast iron pot and a kettle respectively, once she finished setting up some cups for them to use later on, the kitsune clan leader came to the table and sat across from the dual monarchs. 

"Now, while we wait for our refreshments. I must ask now Your Majesties...what are the terms I need to accept in order for my clan to be part of the empire?" Isla began as she looked at both of them with a readied expression 

"Ah. Down to business already Miss Matsu, how bold of you" Amelia replied with a small smile on her face 

"Yes. I am not one to beat around the bush, I wish to talk it all now" The kitsune clan leader shot back with a determined gaze 

"Ok then, let's begin" Ophelia chimed in with an impressed smile on her face 


"To start off, you and your clan will be absorbed into the already standing kitsune clan that is already present in the empire, although your practices and cultures will be respected and treated as an entirely unique culture of the clan" Amelia began as she looked at the white kitsune 

"Ok, anything else?" 

"Yes, your Clan Elders will lose their positions as Elders and be demoted to normal citizens in the empire while you will be demoted from your position as Clan Leader to Clan Elder and be subservient to the already appointed kitsune Clan Leader representative in the Imperial Council, Clan Leader Yamato" Ophelia answered 

"I see, well I expected something like this. Is there anything else Your Majesties?" Isla asked as she nodded her head 

"Well, the basics of your clan and yourself now being subjected to Imperial Law and our societal systems, the children of your clan members are required to attend schools in the towns, villages, and cities, but you need not worry about paying for their education as our government will do it for you as education and healthcare is free" The blonde empress answered 


"Free? You're not joking are you? We can pay whatever it is that is req-" 

"No, you misinterpret what we mean. The education of all and the access to healthcare services such as hospitals run by those who are adept at using Healing Magic is all free for everyone, it has been this way ever since the Halkare Empire was born so you needn't worry about us taking pity on you" Ophelia cut off the slightly worried kitsune with a slightly raised hand and a steady gaze 

"Oh...oh that is...amazing...thank you Your Majesties. I am truly thankful" Isla stated as she bowed her head yet again 

"No problem. Also, now that you will be subject to Imperial Law and our tax system, we will have people from the Halkare Financial Bureau come cover to teach you about the new currency that your people will be using while also distributing wealth that is fitting to the status of your clan members. This means that they will all receive a gift of funds as a pleasant surprise for joining the empire, those funds can then be used by your people to start up their own businesses or use them to buy things from our merchants, or whatever they wish to do, like joining the Imperial Army or the Adventurers Guild, although I highly endorse doing the latter first before joining the army" Amelia added as she conjured up a leather pouch filled with currency and slid it over to Isla 

"I am unsure of how to express my immense gratitude for all of this Your Majesties...I don't even know how me and my people are to repay these blessings" Isla replied as she had tears in her eyes 

"You needn't pay us anything. Just your absolute loyalty to the empire and its rulers, those being me and my beloved wife" Amelia said with a warm smile 


A few moments later, the kettle began to sing while the contents of the cast iron pot began to bubble. Another few minutes went by before Isla returned with a trio of cups filled with blue liquid while the cast iron pot was filled with meat and vegetables in a thick brown broth. Setting it down in the center of the table, she gave the dual monarchs their cups with the liquid while also handing them bowls and utensils for eating. 

"This drink is a specialty of my clan, although it is hot now, once you both drink it, the liquid turns ice cold and sends shivers down your spines, it is still healthy so no need to worry about it. The drink is called "Morning Dew" and its primary ingredient is the Chachet Fruit we harvest from the fields that provide the base for most our drinks and Healing Potions" 

"Oooo, interesting" Ophelia remarked as she looked down at the azure-blue liquid in the cup 

"Please, try some for yourself" Isla added as she gestured to their cups 

The dual monarchs glanced at one another and then nodded before taking sips from their respective cups, the initial taste they got was a sweet and tangy flavor that was still slightly hot but manageable, but once the liquid went down their throats, the heat from the drink turned ice cold which caused their eyes to go wide in surprise as the feeling was both calming and exciting at the same time. This prompted the duo to take several more sips of the drink, with each sip getting better and better before they noticed they had drank all of it. Despite their clothes regulating their body temperatures, the drink was able to still deliver its surprise and this pleased both monarchs who were giggling and smiling at the end of the experience. 

When the dual monarchs both let out a sigh, their initial surprise was expanded when they saw themselves dispensing a grey cloud from their mouths that moved downward before disappearing, with their surprised and amazed expressions causing Isla to giggle a bit before flashing a smile. 

"I am happy both of you enjoyed the drink, although I must admit I did not expect you both to finish them so quickly. I will be happy to be another batch in a moment, as for now I believe it is best we enjoy the soup I have prepared for us beforehand" The white kitsune said as she gestured to the cast iron pot and bowls with utensils at the ready 

"Of course, thank you" Amelia nodded as she and her beloved followed Isla as she began pouring soup into her own bowl and began to eat 

After pouring in their food and spending a few minutes chowing down on the good food and then finishing it with a few more round of 'Morning Dew', Isla had her questions at the ready. 

"Soo. Regarding the status of my soon-to-be former Clan Elders, what will become of them and their ranks?" The white kitsune asked as she looked at her future monarchs

"Well, as stated earlier, you and one you will choose to retain their rank, will be part of the kitsune representatives in the Imperial Council, although we do have greater plans for the apparatus once the entire continent is ours. For now, as Clan Elders, your job will be to act as advisors for your Clan Leaders during meetings in the Imperial Council" Amelia asked her 

" does this Imperial Council work?" 

"It acts as a group representing the different races in the empire and the different areas we have. Included in the Imperial Council are the aforementioned Clan Leaders for each respective clan and a group of Clan Elders to advise them, then we have City/Regional Governors and Town/Village Mayors. All of these people act as voices for their respective groups and give us comments or input on agendas or actions we monarchs propose, but at the end of the day it is us who have the final say" Ophelia answered this time around 

"So it is one giant council of advisors?" 

"Put it like that then yes, it is. A council of advisors who we listen to and try our best to take their points to heart" Amelia chimed in this time around 

"Well, it seems like a reasonable apparatus, considering that your empire from what I have been able to gather over the months has painted it as a functioning tool that will get the job done, while also being caring and fair to its citizens and I would like to personally say that I am proud to soon be a part of this empire" 

"We thank you for your vote of confidence Clan Leader Isla, by the way, the Imperial Engineering Corp will arrive soon and will begin surveying the village and the surrounding area before beginning to build infrastructure up to the code of the empire. I am telling you this now to give you and your people currently listening in on us an early warning to prepare to help cooperate in the construction" Ophelia stated as she flashed a small smirk 

"I understand Your Majesty. I and the rest are thankful for the consideration and will do our best to ensure full cooperation with your people once they arrive, isn't that right everyone?" Isla asked as she glanced at the walls of the hut

"Yes!" The clan members outside shouted back before the sounds of people moving and shuffling about were heard 

"Right, if you have any further questions, speak them now or ask them to Clan Leader Yamato who will be arriving shortly with the Engineering Corp" The raven-haired empress stated as she and her beloved got to their feet followed by Isla 

"I have no more questions in need of asking Your Majesties. I am thankful for this time to get to know you both and I promise that me and my people will be fully loyal no matter what!" Isla promised with a determined gaze 

"We will hold you to that Isla. We will be heading out now to continue southward, we wish you all the best" Amelia finished as she and her beloved exited the hut, with Isla making sure they did not leave anything behind. 

After seeing the dual monarchs sprout wings and fly off leaving her stunned, Isla then returned to the entrance of the village and saw the long column of soldiers still marching southward. But after a few minutes, she saw several large wagons come into view with what looked to be engineers walking beside them, the protective covers on the wagons obscured what the contents were inside but Isla guessed it was the Engineering Corp as she saw a beautiful, alluring and older kitsune woman with black fur and dressed in a black and red kimono riding on one of the wagons, with both of them locking eyes for a brief moment.

"Right, let's get to work" She muttered as she approached the wagon train

A/N: And here we go! The start of the march and the first of the many clans the dual monarchs will be encountering. Although not as action-packed as the other chapters, I do hope this was a good chapter for you all to read and I hope you will enjoy the rest of the chapters ahead. Don't worry, there will be fighting soon enough and we get to see the Imperial Army in action! Anyways, if you got comments or questions leave em below and as always Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day!

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