Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South – Chapter 40: A United Purpose

With the armies of the Halkare Empire well-rested and ready to resume their march southward after some weeks of proper rest, with half of the entire continent under their control, and with that half being currently worked on with infrastructure projects and resettlement building for those who had been resurrected, the Imperial Council met once more in Olertin City to discuss the plan going forward. 


[A/N: Map for reference] 

The Imperial Council had grown in size these past few months as new mayors were elected by popular vote in the reestablished clan towns and villages had filled the seats of the council chamber. They were different officials from the Clan Leaders who were now demoted to Clan Elders and acted as advisors to the current Clan Leader who sat at the table before the dual monarchs. The way the empire's government was structured and the massive influx of new officials made the meetings a bit crowded but after some reorganizing and redecorating, the chamber was able to fit everyone and provide a seat for everyone for the meeting today, but the need for a better reorganization of the government was not lost on the dual monarchs and their advisors. 

"Right. Welcome to the 18th Council Session everyone. I hope you all had time to go over the reports prepared for today because we have a lot to discuss" Ophelia stated as she and her beloved rose from their seats and looked at the chamber who all stood up and bowed to them respectfully before everyone sat back down 

"Now, Iris. Please take it away" Amelia said as she turned to the Minister of Defense 

Iris nodded as he moved in front of the dual monarchs' stands and brought out his report that everyone in the room had red, he looked through it for a few moments to refresh his mind before closing it and then looking at the rest of the chamber. 

"So, it is a known fact by now that the Dukedom of Abernath is our final hurdle in unifying the continent. We have received reports from H.I.S.S that the Dukedom is expanding its military and it looks as if they are planning to march northward, to do what is up in the air but it is reasonable to assume that they wish to expand their territory and subjugate the still independent clans south of the border into their ranks" Iris began as he brought out a map of the situation on the continent. 

"This presents an opportunity for us, the independent tribes south of us, according to reports from our field agents, mostly tolerant of one another. Unlike the tribes that used to reside in the central portion of the continent and waged petty wars against one another, the southern tribes are mostly aligned in their disdain and hatred against the Dukedom" He added, with the comment on the central tribes earning a few regretful expressions and embarrassed ones coming from several Clan Elders 

"So what do you suggest the empire to do Sir Iris?" A voice called from the seats with Governors occupying them, with that question turning all eyes on him 

"Well...the empire has several options, but I believe I am not the one you should be asking that question, rather to our monarchs who are here today" Iris stated as he looked back and up at his monarchs who nodded at him 

"Thank you for that run down Iris, and for that question that was proposed for him, we will personally answer it" Ophelia stated as she and her beloved looked out at the chamber 

"Now, before we answer. It is good to understand that the mission of this entire conquest to unify the nation is to unite the various tribes and peoples into one nation that can stand on its own, the two of us, who came from another continent ourselves, know exactly how bad nations can be when they want to expand their territory. We know that many nations just like the Dukedom of Abernath or even the Hinterlands Confederation, expand their territories for personal gain, for resources, or even just to wipe out out people off the map. The Halkare Empire is not like them. No, the empire that you stand on now, has personally been blessed by the Gods of this world to serve as a catalyst for a new age. You can't even say that statement is a lie as it was broadcasted across the nation before we began our march that the Goddess Histy and the God Harcun themselves endorsed our nation to act as their righteous fist and bring about divine wrath to unify this continent" Ophelia added, her voice booming and reaching into the minds of the people in the chamber   

"This empire is made to ensure that the people living on this continent can live in peace and in a quality of life that has never been experienced before. We have always done actions of aggression with a just cause, like when we annihilated the Hinterlands Confederation after we had seen what they were doing to all of you tribes in the central region of the continent. So it will be the same with tribes south of the border, we will act aggressively, but not to them. the Dukedom of Abernath has long needed to be burnt down and I believe the empire is strong enough to do so, but to win the hearts of those southern tribes, we have to not only establish a connection to them but to also show them that we are not like any warmongering conquerors" Amelia chimed in, her voice soothing and entering the hearts of the people in the chamber 

"It is with these points in mind, that we will continue what we had done before we reached the Great River earlier in the year. The Imperial Army shall march southward, all the while we lead these columns of soldiers and interact with the tribes we find along the way. We will form a connection with these people and we will show them that we have their backs. Once they see that, and once we show the people the standard of living they can have once they are integrated into the empire, I don't think there will be any resistance coming from these people as if the clan leaders no longer have control over their own people, then they no longer represent the clan" The raven-haired empress added 

"With these objectives in mind, the united purpose of the empire is clear don't you think? A purpose to bring unity and peace to a continent inhabited by evils and a duty to destroy those evils. With this unified purpose in our hearts, I do not think for a second that we will lose. For if the world wanted us to fail...then the Gods themselves wouldn't have personally endorsed us" The blonde empress stated 

There was a small silence that filled the chamber after the dual monarchs gave their answer, with the mayors and governors talking amongst themselves while the Clan Leaders and their Cland Elders as well began muttering with one another, although they were talking in hushed tones, the dual monarchs could hear everything thanks to their superior hearing. 

{You think they will think otherwise Ophie?} Amelia asked her beloved through their telepathic link 

[Honestly. I am not sure, but I do not doubt that they will accept what we have told them, grumble or argue as they might, they cannot claim that our empire has done things that haven't been out of the good of our hearts. Resurrecting a lot of them has killed that notion] Ophelia answered her 

{True...but, I will ask Ophie, why can't you just use one of your spells to y'know...manipulate everyone's minds?} The blonde empress asked 

[Ah...that...honestly, I think the Gods have reworked what my magical abilities mental manipulation magic has some problems functioning ever since we fought that monster who used to be the High Chief of the Hinterlands Confederacy] The raven-haired empress replied


{Really? But none of my magic has stopped working though} 

[That's why I am asking Vaeron to study the damn thing. Whatever it was, it locked out some of the spells I could do, such as time travel] 

{Oh my...} 

[Oh my indeed] 

After another few minutes, the room once more fell silent as all eyes were on the dual monarchs

"Right, now that you all had time to chat amongst yourselves about what we have talked about....does anyone have any questions? Objections or recommendations?" Ophelia asked as she and her beloved rose from their seats 

The chamber was silent except for the sounds of clothes and seats shifting as everyone looked around to see if anyone had anything to say about what had been stated earlier, with the dual monarchs sharing a glance and shrugging as it seemed that there was none. 

"I may not be speaking for everyone" A voice then called out from one of the seats on the right side of the chamber, with all eyes on a dwarven mayor getting to his feet 

"But I will say Your Majesties. I believe that your vision of a united, continent-spanning empire is not only achievable but the best thing that can happen for all of us" The dwarven mayor stated 

"Ah...Chief Kuratin was it?" Amelia asked as she scanned her mind for the name of the dwarf speaking 

"Yes Your Majesty. I was one of the people you graciously resurrected" Kuratin said as he bowed his head slightly 

"Go on Mayor Kuratin" Ophelia told him 

"I speak for the people of my town that the vision and actions for the future are not only necessary but are the best thing to have happened to many of us. I do not know about the rest of my central region compatriots but I say this with all my heart, were it not for the empire, we all would have just been corpses in an unmarked graved with our traditions and names forgotten to time. It is thanks to the empire and to both of you Your Majesties that I and so many others are able to walk this world again, to ensure the survival of our cultures and identities inside a nation that not only respects them but endorses them...that is something I have always found to be beautiful after spending some time here and seeing what the empire has in store" Kuratin added as he was visibly tearing up through his speech, wiping away some tears before continuing on to finish it 

"I believe that as your loyal subjects, it is only right for us who have been granted a new lease on life to not only support the decision to continue the march southwards but to actively participate in it to show our southern neighbors that there can be unity amongst a nation of different races. It is in the interest of the nation, in the interest of imperial pride and retribution that we go forth as a united front to bring our southern brethren into the fold to protect them and smash the bastards who allowed the Hinterlands Confederation to murder so many of us. I say this for the glory of the empire and for the glory of Your Majesties! Glory to Halkare! Glory to Your Majesties!" Kuratin finished as he raised his fist in the air once he said those last two words 

"Glory to Halkare! Glory to Your Majesties!" Others shouted as they joined in the chant, swept up by the electrical charge of fervor in the air left by Mayor Kuratin's speech 

The chanting only continued to grown and grow until everyone in the chamber stood up and looked at the dual monarchs, raising their fists in the air as they chanted "Glory to Halkare! Glory To Your Majesties!" The dual monarchs nodded and gave a slight bow to them before they glanced at one another 

[Seems that we have their support] Ophelia telepathically said with a smirk visible on her face 


After calming everyone down, the meeting proceeded with the rest of the agendas for the day. The Imperial Military was expanded as orders for a new field army of 8 Divisions were to be created and sent to the front as soon as possible. Orders were also given to expand the size of each Imperial Division from 3,400 soldiers to 5,000 soldiers. Then there were orders for the creation of a few new Wyvern air squadrons to supplement the Imperial Air Force. After the military subject, there was a lot of talk about the infrastructure projects for the numerous newly rebuilt clan villages and towns that dotted the central region, as well as rebuilding and settling in new people in what used to be the villages and towns of the Hinterlands Confederation. 

"I want those who do not wish to serve the army to sign up for the Halkare Construction Corp, use the tools and materials we have on hand to begin constructing and finishing the many roads that had been in place after we marched through those areas. We have been stockpiling them for this situation" Ophelia instructed the council as she looked over a report 

"At once Your Majesty" Udaria, the Minister of Construction nodded as she wrote down the orders in her book 

The rest of the meeting was also spent discussing the cultural autonomy laws that were about to be implemented across the empire, although there were once again questions from everyone despite being told multiple times of what the laws were about.

"Yes, as we have said before, the Cultural Autonomy Law means that you get to keep your traditions and beliefs alive, we will not force you all to conform to the religion of the Church of Life run by Pope Liliana. We all worship the same Goddess and God so it does not need to happen. Likewise, we expect everyone to respect the different cultures that we all have, failure to do such a thing will be met with harsh consequences" Amelia told the chamber as she addressed the questions 

There were also talks about the current financial status of the empire, as with the influx of new citizens who once had totally different currency systems, they were obviously inquiring about the currency that they had agreed to adopt once they were in the empire. Some of the older governors had raised concerns about the empire's currency inflating but the dual monarchs turned to Simonse, the Minister of Finance who looked at the chamber with a confident smile 

"I assure everyone that the currency will not inflate with the new citizens. The exchange rates and prices will stay the same, we have been stockpiling more currency just for this matter, we will be distributing them in packages to new citizens to get them started on their lives here, everything is fin" Simonse stated as he bowed his head to the chamber, looking at the dual monarchs and seeing their smile made him smile in return 

By the end of the day, the 18th Imperial Council meeting had finished will all the topics tackled and everyone was satisfied with the results. The new orders and laws were drafted, the comments and reactions taken into account, and then published the same day. All in all, it was a very productive session and one that left the dual monarchs sort of mentally exhausted as they returned to their home in the Raven's Rock Imperial Palace. 

[A/N: Spicy Segment, you have been warned if u are not of legal age] 

"Wuf....that was a tiring session" Amelia stated as she stripped down to her undergarments in their bedroom and collapsed onto the soft and comfy bed 

"You said it...Gods I am tired" Ophelia joined her as she too stripped down to nothing by her undergarments and laid beside her, with their hands holding one another as Ophelia stared up at the ceiling while Amelia was face down on the mattress 

Silence filled the air as both of them relaxed and took in deep breaths, Ophelia shifted slightly and carefully lifted up her beloved and placed her on her chest, letting Amelia rest on her large well-endowed breasts as a pillow, something the blonde empress enjoyed doing from time to time. 

"The end is in sight Ophie...I can feel it" Amelia stated as she broke the silence 

"I know Amelia...if you don't count that pirate island on the east coast, then yeah...we are almost done" Ophelia replied as she lovingly brushed her beloved's hair 

"Yeah....I forget they exist....they aren't doing much...To'rth and the other leviathans have been sinking their ships that leave the island" Amelia said as she looked up at her beloved 

"Hehehe...I bet they are scared shitless to leave now" Ophelia said with a small smile while she placed hands on Amelia's face and pulled her even closer to her own face 

The two of them then locked eyes before locking lips, their tongues intertwining with one another as they continued to try and make the kiss deeper. Once they pulled out from the kiss, both of them were blushing and Amelia was the first to act as she cupped her hands on Ophelia's large breasts, giving a slight squeeze that made the raven-haired empress moan that only enticed her beloved to increase her actions. Amelia then squeezed a bit harder which made Ophelia's moans even louder, the sound of which activated something in Amelia's brain as she then initiated another kiss that caught her beloved off-guard. 

Ophelia then embraced her beloved and the two of them began to remove the undergarments of the other and soon they were bare and exploring each other's bodies. The moans and groans of the dual monarchs filled the room as they were engrossed in their pleasure, with Ophelia suckling on Amelia's large, round, soft but firm breasts while Amelia herself was busy exploring her beloved's nether regions with her fingers. Making the raven-haired empress shudder as she came. 

By the next morning, the dual monarchs were in a deep sleep while they were bare and embracing one another. Their minds only thought about the lovely life they were soon to experience once peace came. 

A/N: And here we go! A little fun chapter for everyone to regroup and recuperate. Hope you all enjoyed the chapter and if you have questions or comments leave em below! As always, Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day! 

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