Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South – Chapter 45: Sowing Seeds (Part 2)

With the plan to march southward being finalized, Amelia and Ophelia got a headstart on things by making a trip southward by themselves and a contingent of their Black Guard of 20 souls, as always led by Erhet who slithered behind them. They were moving in advance of the army and towards a clan that was closest to the border which they had begun trading with, the Florinian Clan which comprised mostly of elves who were unaware of this early meet up between their leaders. The clan was reported to be believers in the Goddess Histy and they knew of Harcun, but unlike most religious clans or organizations, did not openly worship them as they placed these two beings on high as legends instead of the usual act of Godly worship to an extent.

"You think they will respond kindly to our sudden appearance?" Amelia asked as she walked hand in hand with her beloved through the dirt trail leading to the clan village, following a map they had been provided by Halkare traders who had traded food and crystals with the clan for a month already 

"Well, to be honest. I am unsure, maybe, maybe not. They were kind enough to treat our traders with respect, I doubt they will attack us" Ophelia answered her beloved as she looked at her and gave a small peck on the cheek 

"If they try to harm you Your Majesties. Rest assured, we will defend you to the last" Erhet chimed in, the Lamia bodyguard had a stern and resolute expression showing as she said those words 

"Hahaha, thank you Erhet. We appreciate it" Amelia replied to her with a small giggle as she nodded at the bodyguard 

After about twenty minutes of walking, they saw the outer wall of a clan village, the typical set of large wooden stakes plunged into the grassy ground and then tied together side by side with thick ropes to form the shape of a wall that went all around the village. There was some smoke rising from the village and the moment it came into view, the group stopped as they all suddenly felt figures in the shadows from either side rushing towards them. 

"No one engage, they are most likely just tribesmen" Ophelia said as she looked at the column, seeing the Black Guard nod at her orders and stand down 


"On it" Her beloved replied as she placed some barriers around them just in case these figures wanted to start trouble 

Once the figures got closer, Ophelia looked at her beloved who gave her a nod, she took a deep breath as she eased into a state of calmness as she cleared her voice 

"Everyone stand down, we aren't here to hurt you, so you can come out from your hiding places" Ophelia said as she looked around at the shadows, her enhanced eyesight and awareness giving her the exact locations of where these elves were hiding 

Ophelia scanned the surroundings, locking eyes with every single elf she could see and she found the leader of the group who was hiding in front of them, underneath the shadow of the massive pine tree that was along the path. The elf leader was surprised to have locked eyes with Ophelia and seeing the empress nod at them made the elf leader both nervous and surprised as they believed they were well-hidden. 

"I must say, being able to see exactly where I am is a bit intimidating" A female voice came out from the shadows, followed by the elf leader stepping into the sunlight and the rest of the group doing the same, with 15 other elves surrounding the dual monarchs and their Black Guard contingent 

The dual monarchs watched as the elven leader revealed herself, she was the typical elf they had come to see across the continent, beautiful, voluptuous, curvaceous, and well-endowed with large breasts that had very generous cleavage in the white dress she was wearing while she was in the shadows. The elf woman had flowing silver hair however that paired well with the youthful appearance she had, her beauty practically unmatched if she was the first elven woman some young man saw if he came into this world. The elven leader approached the dual monarch and bowed her head as she tried to use <Appraisal> on either of them but quickly stopped once she saw that the first thing it told her was that she was to be electrocuted if she continued trying. 

"To think there would be someone so dangerous on the continent. I must say, I am impressed a hundredfold" The elven leader stated as she looked at the dual monarchs 

"Well, we are pleased to have impressed you, miss?" 

"Ah! Where are my manners, I am Vice Leader Fallon, daughter of Chief Ahinari. I am the one in charge of security of the clan and I take it you are not just the usual trader from that northern tribe who comes here once in a while for some goodies" Fallon said as she looked at the group with her silver-colored eyes 

"I am Empress Ophelia Erstad" 

"And I am Empress Amelia Erstad" 

"We are the leaders of that northern tribe who trades with you" The dual monarchs stated in unison, with Fallon's eyes going wide 

"Oh my! To think that you would show up earlier than we expected! Please, follow me inside, my father has talked about wanting to meet these 'rulers of the north' ever since the traders visited us" The female elf said as she grasped both of them by their hands and looked into their eyes with amazement 

"Oh, that is wonderful then. Please, lead the way" Amelia replied to her with a nod 

The dual monarchs and their group followed behind Fallon who led them to the village in the distance, with the group of elves who emerged from the shadows alongside her, forming a protective screen around the group as they were walking towards their home. Once they reached the gate, the dual monarchs saw the gate guards bow to Fallon as she approached and while they seemed to not have heard what they were talking about, the impressive senses of the dual monarchs were able to hear everything. 

"How is father?" She asked the closest guard 

"He is not doing well My Lady. The disease has stumped the physician from the Ourcos Clan and they believe there is nothing that can be done" The elf guard replied, causing Fallon's face to fill with despair 

"I see...At least he will get to meet some important people before he dies" Fallon replied with a saddened smile before putting that all away as she turned back to the dual monarchs 

"Right, my father is feeling a bit unwell, but I will take you to him regardless as he really does wish to meet you both, so-called 'Rulers Of The North' so please, follow me" She added with a fake smile as she directed them into the village. 

As they entered past the walls and into the village, the dual monarchs and their group were greeted by the sight of a beautiful and rustic village, with several houses located around the far end of the village. The center of the village had a large Great Hall in the center, with a blacksmith and a general store nearby, all connected by a rudimentary stone pathway that also led to a small lumber mill in the corner of the village and to the houses on the far end of the place. 

Fallon led the group into the main meeting hall and once they entered, the dual monarchs saw a sickly old man lying down on the far side of the meeting hall. He was half-dressed in some sort of brown regal outfit, with the top half missing and revealing the upper part of his body that was partially blackened on the left side, with cracks and creaks showing along the rest of his torso and neck. His silver eyes were weary as he looked at the entrance, but once he saw Fallon, the weariness disappeared and was replaced with joy that also reached his mouth as he smiled at her.  

"Ah! My darling daughter...and you brought guests....although, you do not look like the usual traders we see from time to time" Chief Ahinari said as he mustered the strength to stand, with the retainers at his side doing their best to help him up 

"I am back Father" Fallon said as she moved to her father, embracing him and holding him tightly 

"Indeed you are my beloved child" Ahinari replied as he embraced her with his one good arm 

"I have brought some people you would love to meet" Fallon added as she pulled away from her father and gestured to the dual monarchs standing behind her 

"Oh? And who are these lovely ladies?" He asked as he approached them slowly, resting on a cane that was brought to his side 

"I am Empress Ophelia Erstad" 

"And I am her wife, Empress Amelia Erstad" 

"It is a pleasure to meet you" The dual monarchs answered in unison, with Ahinari's eyes going wide as he heard their names 

"You are the 'Rulers Of The North'? I would not have expected such a thing" The old elf said with a confused tone, he tried to use <Appraisal> on them but backed out just like his daughter when he saw the electrocution message 

"It is a surprising thing to many people I assure you" Ophelia said as she looked at him 

"I do not mean any disrespect Your Majesties, but I am just shocked by your sudden appearance here. The traders did not give us much information about who you were other than that you were exceptional leaders with the backing of an entire nation. I must say, they left out how bedazzling and blinding your beauty is Your Majesties" The old elf added with a small grin on his aged face 

"We are flattered by your compliments Chief Ahinari" Amelia replied with a small nod 

"Anyways, if you do not mind us asking, what happened to you?" The blonde empress asked as she pointed at the pitch-black part of Ahinari's body 

"aH! this, is something even I do not know Your Majesty. I got it about a month ago when I was leading an expedition into those ruins a few miles away from here. We fought a cyclops that had gone insane, it landed a blow on me with a weapon made of a black crystal. Ever since then, I have been in excruciating pain just moving about, I can feel a sort of poison going through me that only disappears whenever I use my magic, but if I don't, I can feel something eating me from the inside" The old elf said before he exploded into a coughing fit, collapsing onto one of his knees as he expelled black liquid from his mouth

The dual monarchs looked at the stats and abilities of the man before them and one thing stuck out to them, the tag that read <Dying Rot> that was tucked away in the tags portion of the <Appraisal> readings. 

"Even the best physician from our compatriots in the Ourcos Clan has been unable to help me" Ahinari said as he gestured to a male orc with blue-ish grey skin and dressed in a white robe who bowed at them 

The dual monarchs looked at one another and then Amelia stepped forward, going down on one knee just like the old elf before her and then placing her hand on his forehead. Most of the room was confused as they all questioned why this young woman was doing this, all except for Ophelia and the Black Guard who showed no concern on their faces. 

"Just breathe" Amelia commanded as she began to pour out healing magic 


Suddenly, a warm golden light filled the room and was emanating from Amelia's palm upon Ahinari's head. The old elf himself felt the warmth of the light through his body and soul and felt the illness that had once been eating him up inside disappear as if it was banished by the warm light. It took a few minutes, but by the end, the light had subsided and gasps came from across the room. Even Ahinari gasped as he saw that his body had been restored to its full condition, the darkness that had consumed the entire left portion of his body was now gone and he even felt younger and stronger than before. 

"I...I feel alive" Ahinari stated in a joyous tone as he got to his feet, not feeling the pain that had plagued him for a month 


"It's ok my dear. I am ok!" The old elf stated with joy as he jumped and felt absolutely fine, his body going back to near his prime but still in its aged state 

The room watched as Ahinari did some aerobics as he jumped up, down, and around the main hall, much to the surprise of everyone who had believed that his death was imminent due to the disease that was spreading across his body. Their <Appraisal> readings no longer showed that he was on his deathbed. Rather, it showed that he was rid of the dreadful <Dying Rot> as it was called in the readings and without that tag, he was practically healthy. 

"By the truly are healthy!" Fallon shouted as she ran over and embraced him tightly, the two of them laughing 

"Excuse me, but what exactly did you do? I have tried our clan's healing techniques and healing magic yet none of them had ever worked" The orc from the Ourcos Clan asked as he approached the dual monarchs 

"I used Holy Magic and some of my Carnomancy to heal and replace the destroyed portions of his body" Amelia replied to him, making him step back in surprise 

"Holy Magic?! Is that what that blinding golden light was?! Amazing...Never have I seen such majesty in all of my years as a doctor" The orc replied in amazement 

"Have you never seen Holy Magic? Mister..."

"Baden, I am Chief Doctor of Clan Ourcos Your Majesty" Baden replied as he bowed his head once more 

"Right, Mister Baden, but have you never seen Holy Magic before?" Ophelia asked him 

"No Your Majesty. We have been told that Holy Magic is only bestowed upon those who are chosen by the Goddess to be her 'Angels' upon the world. I must tell my chief about this, everyone back home will be ecstatic to see someone chosen by the Goddess herself!" Baden stated with a joyous expression on his face

"That would be great to meet you and your clan as well Sir Baden" Amelia replied with a small nod 

"But Your Majesties...what is Carnomancy?" Ahinari asked as he and his daughter walked to them

"Ah! Ummm, Carnomancy is the magic that can manipulate and regenerate flesh, blood, and bones. It is a very useful and powerful magic only bestowed upon those the Goddess deems worthy" The blonde empress answered, much to the shock of the room 

"Amazing! To be blessed twice! The Goddess must truly favor you Your Majesty!" Fallon chimed in, with the room nodding alongside her words 

"Thank you for the kind words, but we are not blessed by just the Goddess" Amelia replied as she glanced over to her lover who looked back at her with a smile 


Without even needing a word from her lover, Ophelia summoned forth six black wings from her back with a dark halo hovering above her head that rested right above a pair of long and dark horns that sprouted from her forehead. Her teeth turned sharp and jagged and her usually purple eyes turned black. She hovered in the air for a moment as an ominous purple light emitted from the floor and bathed her in it. The room went silent and the eyes of everyone who wasn't part of the empire went wide as they felt a cold chill go down their spines as they looked upon her. 

Once Ophelia was done with this quick show of who she was, she reverted back to normal and stood by her beloved's side, their arms locked with one another. 

"You look like one of those Demonic Angels Your Majesty..." The old elf said as he looked at her 

"Well, I was blessed by both Gods after all" The raven-haired empress replied before she and her beloved showed the marks on their forearms to the room 


The people in the main hall let out gasps of amazement and reverence as they all knelt before the dual monarchs, much to their surprise. 

[Huh....not what I was expecting to be honest] Ophelia told her lover via telepathy 

{Well, it did say this clan and some others were firm believers in Histy and maybe this was bound to happen} Amelia replied a she looked at her with a small smile 

The dual monarchs then turned their heads towards the entrance of the Great Hall and so did the Black Guard, leaving the rest of the people present confused as they suddenly saw these Holy figures turn their gazes towards the door. Their confusion was answered in a few moments as an elven scout burst through the door, sweat dripping down his face and his breathing coming in shallow gasps as he walked past the visitors and kneeled before his chief. 

"Chief Ahinara! We have spotted another one of those raiding parties! There are more than 45 of them!" The elven scout said as he kept his gaze downward 

"What is the problem then? We were able to kill them all before and we will do so again!" Ahinari stated with pride as he looked down at the young scout 

"That's the problem Chief! They wiped us out! They are using different armor than last time and we can't break through it!" The elven scout shouted as he looked up at his chief, fear present in the young elf's eyes


Gasps erupted across the room as the words spoken brought fear into the hearts of those present. All except the dual monarchs who shared a glance and a nod with one another as they saw an opportunity. 

"I think we can help you with this problem" Amelia voiced as she stepped forward grabbing the attention of the room 

"How?" The elven chief asked 

"Well, let's just enjoy the show" Ophelia replied with a subtle smirk as she turned to Erhet and the Black Guard 

"Copy that Your Majesty. Prepare for a show" Erhet replied as the lamia brought out her personal halberd gifted to her by Ophelia and her helmet came down onto her face. 

"Black Guard! Move out!" She bellowed as she slithered out of the Great Hall with her force behind her

A/N: Hello! So the next few chapters are gonna be set-up chapters heheh, if you have questions and the like, leave em below for me to see and answer and as always, Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day!

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