Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South – Chapter 51: Setting Up

It had been a few months since everything was set in motion ever since Fas as the 'ber' months were now coming up and winter seemed to come early, it seemed that everything that had been building up since the March Southwards at the start of the year was now entering its final stages.

[A/N: The months of this world are similar to that of ours, some with the same names, but they have more days than usual]

[Additonal A/N: January, February, March, Abrile, Cay (May), Torrine, Fas, Roon (June), Runy (JULY), Augustus, Septyembre, Octobre, Novembre, December are the month names just in case y'all were wondering]  

Inside the Raven's Rock Palace. The dual monarchs were sitting inside one of the many splendid and decorated chambers along the 4th floor of the southeastern wing of the palace. They were sitting around a table that was filled with several plates that had new dishes that incorporated the ingredient of peanuts which were being grown in specialized farms across the empire which were harvested some time earlier in the year. 

"What a lovely sight, it's like an entire Peanut Gallery" Amelia remarked as she looked at the platters. 

"They really went all out for this one huh?" Ophelia said as she looked at a plate of roasted chicken presented with a special type of peanut sauce 

"Of course Your Majesties. The chefs of the palace wish to impress you all, they have done their hardest to ensure that the food was just right" Percy, their ever-present Second Head Maid said as she stood across the dual monarchs 

"Percy is right Your Majesties, the chefs had put their heart and soul into these dishes" Mercy, the ever-present First Head Maid added as she stood next to Percy 

"Right, so let's begin the testing" The raven-haired empress said as she and her beloved shifted their posture and began eating


As the dual monarchs ate the dishes before them, they were pleasantly surprised by how good the dishes tasted, their small moans of enjoyment being heard by only the two head maids before them who were hiding grins under their inexpressive faces. But as the dual monarchs were busy trying out the food, an elven maid entered the room and bowed to her superiors before handing a folder of documents over to Mercy who then thanked her and watched the elf leave that place quietly.

Turning back to the dual monarchs, the dragonkin straightened up and then let out a little cough to get the attention of her monarchs in front of her. 

"Your Majesties. Seems that there is a report here for you both" She said as she handed over the folder that Amelia took in her hands after using her water magic to cleanse her hands and then wipe it with a nearby towel. 

"Oh? I wonder who this could be from" Amelia remarked as she opened up the report and began reading

"What does it say?" Her beloved asked as she wiped her mouth with the nearby napkin, lightly patting it down on her lips 

"Seems that the Imperial Military is now ready based on this report from Marshal Belle, and it seems that Takawa's slave revolt is primed and ready to act, but needs the Dukedom's newly minted army gone if they stand a chance of succeeding. It also seems like the Houses of the Dukedom also have their own uprising planned if the expansion northward fails or if the army is now past their walls" The blonde empress answered as she kept her eyes on the report 

"Didn't we make a deal with the man known as Baron Flavius of House Fluchet? He was willing to help us in return for us sparing the people of his barony. Wanting us to wipe away their memories to ensure they can live new lives" Ophelia said as she leaned over to see the report before Amelia just placed it on the table before them after Mercy had cleared some space 

"We did. I believe he was recruited by Takawa after she saved his life in a dungeon of the Dukedom" Amelia added 

"It's quite remarkable we found someone who buys slaves to keep them in at least good conditions" The blonde empress added as she took a sip of cold water from her glass

"It is the perfect cover for someone who has a bleeding heart but can't show it" The raven-haired empress stated with a small shake of her head 

"We got really lucky didn't we?" 

"I believe we did. Now it's our turn to ensure that we hold-up our end of the bargain. As long as he can keep the place intact for us to burn it to the ground, he will be given his wish" 


Later that day, the dual monarchs teleported to Fort Rathalos which was the newest fort constructed along the new borders after the clans had finally been integrated. The fort stood at the edge of a forest that had a massive and sprawling sight of grassy fields for miles, although these fields were now filled with snow as the snowfall this year came early as it was now the 'Ber' months as they were called. 

The fort was hidden thanks to the canopy of the thick trees that had overlapping branches and leaves that sheltered the walls and buildings while leaving enough for some outlooks of the fort to remain hidden while still providing them their great range of view. The dual monarchs teleported into the main courtyard of the fort, seeing soldiers march past them in orderly columns while other soldiers of the Logistical Corp were moving around crates, barrels, and carts filled with supplies for the upcoming offensive that was to be the death knell of the Dukedom of Abernath. 

Soldiers who saw them dropped what they were doing and snapped to attention before saluting them, prompting others in the vicinity to do the same. 

"What's going on around here!?" A logistical officer shouted as he saw some of his staff stop what they were doing and turn around

He followed their gaze and once they were on the dual monarchs, he too snapped to attention and saluted. But he was not alone as one of the columns of soldiers marching out had stopped and turned around after the officer leading the column saw the gate guards snap and salute but not at them, her gaze turning to her back and then seeing the dual monarchs made her eyes go wide 

"COMPANY! ATTENTION! ABOUT FACE!" She ordered them as she began marching the column back into the courtyard, moving from a column to a row right before the dual monarchs 

"Salute!" She followed as she and her soldiers snapped a salute while in their plate armor which was standard issue 

"At ease everyone, back to what your duties" Amelia said as she nodded at them and raised her hand 

With her words, the soldiers went back to their duties and the dual monarchs shared a glance and a small smile and nod before they made their way towards the main building of the fort. It was a large three-story building made of the typical concrete and ironbark wood which was a standard in the empire, stepping onto the ground floor of the building, they were guided by staff towards the third floor where Marshal Belle was standing in, the entire interior of the room being the same one from the previous forts that had served the Marshal's HQ. 

"Marshal" Ophelia greeted as they entered the door 

"Attention! Every-" 

"It's fine Belle, we have already been greeted on the way in, plus we have much to discuss" 

"Understood Your Majesties. Still, Salute!" Belle ordered 

The former Varangian Guard and the rest of her officers then performed a snappy salute that the dual monarchs nodded to and then moved along as they approached Belle who stood next to the magi-crystal display table. 

"So, Marshal Belle. How goes the planning for the offensive?" Ophelia asked as they stood right before her 

"Splendid Your Majesty. With the increase in soldiers and supplies, the Imperial Military is ready to bash in the door and cave in that damn Dukedom after sending their army running" 

"Good, let's hear it" Amelia said as they turned to the display table 

The display table turned on and the magi-crystal came to life, showing a map of the region with the Dukedom at the far end of the map that was colored in red while the Halkare Empire's territory was colored in green. There were several stacks of blue circles that denoted the units in each army of the Halkare Empire that were stretched along the border, hiding in assembly areas and awaiting the order to push forward while there was a single stack of red circles in the Dukedom's territory that denoted the single Signatari Army at the disposal of the Dukedom of Abernath. 

"Once the Dukedoms Army comes out to play, the 1st Army under my command will confront them directly here. At the Barrah Plains. It's an open field with rolling plains on all sides along with some hills on our side. The Dukedom's forces total around 250,000 Signatari Soldiers and 25,000 Signatari Cavalry for a total of 275,000 soldiers" Belle began as she pointed at a halfway point between both territories 

"The 1st Army has around 80,000 Imperial Soldiers and they will be backed up by the 50,000 soldiers of the 1st Imperial Cavalry Corp and the 12,000 Wyverns of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Air Wings of the Imperial Air Service, we will serve as the bait for them to latch onto while the 2nd and 3rd Armies that have 40,000 soldiers each will swing around from both flanks and we will trap the army inside our pocket and annihilate them until there is either no one left alive or if they only have a handful of troops left. Whatever the outcome afterward. Either we will be sent packing or the Dukedom will no longer have a standing army" 

"That is undoubtedly bold. But how will you lure them into the trap?" Amelia asked as she looked down at the map 

"I have several thoughts on how to do that...but Your Majesty, I would like to ask you if I could direct your Divine Beast for the task" 

"Spithe? You want to order Spithe around?" The blonde empress asked with a raised eyebrow and confused expression 

"Sort of Your Majesty. I want the Divine Beast Spithe to fly over the columns of Signatari Soldiers and lure them in the direction of the Barrah Plains. I would also like for him to act as bait on the plains to lure the army in and then assist us in trapping and destroying the army in the upcoming battle" 

"But why Spithe specifically?" Ophelia chimed in with her question

"Well, besides them being a twin-headed dragon. The reports from Agent Takawa tell that the Dukedom Army has a goal that overrides all other orders, that being the extermination of the 'Twin-Headed Monster' that destroyed a good portion of Dukedom infrastructure and land, seeing Spithe soar above them would give them reason to chase them without thinking" 

"Hmmm, interesting. I think we can arrange such a thing, although. I must ask, do you believe our soldiers are ready?" Amelia asked the Marshal 

"The most common power rank of a soldier in the Imperial Army is B-Rank and the officers are of A-Rank, much better than the D and C-Rank soldiers of the average Signatari Soldier and the B-Ran officers of said army. I know we may be outnumbered but with our superior technology, training, and even strategy, we will dominate the enemy in the upcoming battle" Belle answered her monarch 

"I see. Well, seems that everything is in order for the battle" 

"Indeed Your Majesties. But, there is still something that needs both of you" The Marshal said as she looked at them 

"Oh? And that would be what Marshal?" Ophelia asked 

"I will be needing both of you to be in the battle of course. Our monarchs leading the way will be a massive boost to the morale our our armies. You can both lead the 2nd and 3rd Armies respectively" The Marshal answered 

"Oh, that will be fun. Leading people into a fight is something that we have experience with, and finally commanding our own army will be a new challenge" Amelia said with a nod 

"Do not worry Your Majesties, we have advisors assigned to both of you to ensure that there is someone to assist if you do not know what to do" 

"Thank you for the care Belle, it is much appreciated" Ophelia told her with a nod 

"Happy to serve Your Majesties. Happy to serve" The Marshal replied with a proud tone 


It was a rainy day down there in the Dukedom of Abernath. The once clear blue skies seemed to be a distant memory for the past few weeks as the snow had come rolling in earlier than expected. Duke Rals Abernath was sitting inside his office, on his comfy leather chair behind his desk, pouring over numerous reports regarding the rebuilding progress of much of the Dukedom that still had yet to recover from the dragon attack, his brow furrowed as the reports were more annoying by the page. 

"Damn thing caused more damage than I realized" He muttered with an angered tone as he put down another paper, briefly taking off his mask to wipe his face before putting it back on 


Then, there was a knock on the door which made him lift his head from the papers he was reading, his eyebrows raised under the mask that was also covering an annoyed expression underneath

"Who is it?" He asked, his voice doing its best to mask his slight frustration 

"It is me Your Grace" An elderly woman's voice replied 

"Come in" He ordered as he straightened up in his chair and placed the papers down properly 

Walking into the room under his orders was an old woman wearing a purple dress that suited the look of a commoner. Her wrinkly old face was covered by a white mask that had the pattern of a youthful person on it and the eyes visible through the eyeslits of the mask showed a pair of amber eyes with dark pupils. Her grey hair was tied up in her back in a bun that sat atop the rear of her head and her frame was a bit slimmer than one would expect. She strode with a cautious step as her old body was not what it once was and the body-strengthening magic coursing through her barely allowed her to operate in the best capacity she had left. 

She stood before Duke Abernath, her eyes looking down at him with a sort of reverence and respect that she had inside for him, the wrinkly lips curled into a smile as she bowed her head to him before she straightened back up after a short difficulty. 

"Olivier, what is the word?" Abernath asked her, looking at his spymaster with a curious gaze 

"My agents have reported some things that may be of interest to you your grace" She replied with a bit of a strain in her voice 

"Oh? And what would these things be?" Abernath asked as he relaxed into his chair 

"First, it seems there may be an even larger conspiracy regarding the houses of Malintara and Theodorus than we had anticipated. They have begun shifting a lot of slaves from the west to the east through House Fluchet's courier service" 

"How much is a lot?" 

"About three to four more shipments per week than usual" The old woman replied 

"Hmmm, interesting. I will have to look into that later, anything else?" 

"It also seems that there have been more 'special' meetings between House Fluchet and the rest of the Dukedom. It seems a storm is brewing right under our very noses" 

"Oh? 'Special' meetings are not out of the ordinary here Olivier, so what do is it you mean?" 

"I mean Your Grace, that these meetings talk about certain deals with one another regarding the success of the Northward Expedition set to go off in a week's time" 

"And what did these meetings discuss?" 

"Mostly about how they would divvy up the spoils Your Grace, but there have been a few talks regarding your....replacement"  Olivier said 

Abernath's attention was now full and he raised his eyebrows at the words spoken to him.

'Replacement? Me?! The man who had fought tooth and nail to ensure that the Dukedom was still around? Who would dare to do such a thing?' Abernath thought as his anger was rising 

"Mhmm, my agent in House Malintara's vacation estate near Scarto. Baron Tiberius and Flavius were talking about how to replace you once  things were said and done" 

"I see, do you have proof?" Abernath asked, with Olivier slowly shaking her head in embarrassment 

" don't" The fat duke said as he slowly began tapping the armrest of his chair with his fingers, his mind racing with thoughts of what to do with this information 

"Did he state it openly?" 

"No Your Grace he did not, but the implication from Tiberius was there" 

"That old bastard has always been a thorn in my side for years so I do not believe he wouldn't do that. But for Flavius to agree with him is another matter entirely. He is basically family to me as he was friends with Lucas...If you wish for me to believe your claim Olivier, I will be needing proof, understand?" Abernath ordered with a serious tone and a stern expression hidden under his face, perhaps the old bastion of nostalgia had gotten its grip on the old fat man 

"It will be done Your Grace" Olivier replied with a short bow 

"And while your at it, I want you to spy on my daughter Mako and Sir Matthews, report to me what they have been doing these past few months. I need to know what is going on with both of them" He added 

"I understand Your Grace, I will not fail you" 

"Good. Because if what you say is true, then there is something seriously dangerous in the works, and I do not like it"

A/N: Well here we go! NEW CHAPTER WOO! 

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