Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South – Extra Story: The Divine Beast and The Empresses

Rewinding time to about a week or so before the wedding, Ophelia had a special surprise for her beloved. They both walked outside of Olertin City and made their way up a certain mountain to the west. As they reached the plateau with a cave on top, the duo looked around and enjoyed the amazing view it provided of the city and the surrounding towns and villages.


"Is this what you wanted to show me Ophie?" Amelia asked as she turned to her beloved 

"No not really. I expected them to be here" Ophelia answered as she scratched her head and looked at the cave 

"Oh? Who?" Amelia asked 

"SPIIIIITHE?!!" Ophelia shouted as she looked at the darkened cave 

"Hmm? Who is that?" Amelia added as she was growing more and more curious 

"Just wait a moment my love and you will see...SPIIIITHE!" Ophelia answered her before shouting out the name again 

Suddenly, the sound of large flapping winds filled the air. The duo looked up and saw a massive shape descend from the clouds rapidly and then quickly land before them, with Amelia's mouth agape in shock while Ophelia just had an annoyed expression resting on her face. The former took a minute to try and comprehend what had just landed before them as she had neer seen anything like it.

It was a dragon that much was certain but said dragon had two heads and was pitch black in both scales and skin, it had two pairs of crimson red eyes that stared them down and a set of four limbs and two massive wings, the jaws of both heads periodically switched from golden to pitch black which confused her and as she continued to stare the thing down, she felt Ophelia's reassuring touch on her head, looking up to see her beloved smiling at her. 


"Spithe you glorified chicken! Where the hell were you?!" Ophelia shouted as she looked up at the Divine Beast 

{Master we were simply making our patrol rounds as instructed}

{Yes Master, we were fulfilling our duties} Both of Spithe's heads answered as they looked at her 

"Spithe you idiot! I said cancel that for today! I told you there was someone I was bringing along with me to meet you!" Ophelia shouted in reply as she placed her hands on her hips and had a cross expression on her face 

Both of Spithe's eyes then widened and then both heads looked at one another with "Oh shit!" and "That was today!" kinds of expressions despite their draconic appearance. 

{Forgive us Master as we have completely forgotten about it!} The left head shouted as it lowered its head to Ophelia's height 

{Indeed! Forgive us for our forgetfulness!} The other head added as it too joined in lowering itself to their master's height. 

"I swear sometimes. How are you a Divine Beast?" Ophelia mumbled under her breath as she shook her head and pinched her forehead 

"Divine Beast Ophie?" Amelia asked with a shocked expression as she heard her lover's words 

"Yes, a Divine Beast...let me introduce them properly then, ahem" Ophelia answered as she looked at her and then stood by her side, allowing Amelia to get a good front-and-center look at the dragon before them 

"Amelia, this is Spithe. The strongest of the Divine Beasts and the first among them. Spithe, this is Amelia, my future wife and your second master" Ophelia stated as she gestured between both of them 

"Divine Beast?" Amelia repeated as she looked upon the dragon up and down 

{A Second Master...OH! Oh! So you are the one Master talked about!} 

{We are pleased to be finally meeting you, Second Master! You even have the former scent of Holy Magic about you!} Both of Spithe's heads shouted with glee as they smiled at her from their position 

" did you get a Divine Beast?"Amelia asked as she was still clearly in shock and confusion, her mind failing to comprehend what the hell she had been hearing 

"Well...when I came here there was a test. That test involved me beating Spithe in order for me to be crowned Empress and get the ball rolling for your arrival....basically" Ophelia said as she gave her beloved a short and general version of those events 

"Oh....oh..."Amelia muttered as she constantly shifted her gaze back and forth from the dragon and her wife-to-be 

"It seems like you don't believe me" Ophelia remarked 

"Oh I do! I am just trying to picture the fight and wonder how the continent did not break under your full might, or Spithe's" Amelia replied quickly as she realized what she had done 

{She speaks the truth Second Master} 

{Inded, we were truly bested by her and it was not even a fair fight...we are lucky to be alive} Spithe chimed in with what could only be assumed was a wry smile 

"Amelia and Ophelia are fine, you don't need to call me or her Master. It's easier as well" Ophelia stated as she looked at the Divine Beast 

{Understood. Master Ophelia} 

{We also greet thee, Master Amelia} Spithe said as it got back up and then bowed both of its heads and body down in a respectful gesture 

Amelia and Ophelia looked at one another and Amelia nodded, Ophelia nodded in return and the duo also bowed back to the Divine Beast to show the same respect that Amelia believed was due to a creature of their caliber. 

"Right, now that we have got all of that out of the way. Let's go for a small trip, Spithe, heads please" Ophelia commanded as she looked at Spithe 

{{At once Master Ophelia} }

At her orders, Spithe lowered both heads down, one for each monarch respectively. Amelia looked confused but with a small smile from her Ophie, she understood what was about to happen. A small smile crept onto her lips as she always wanted to try something like this. She quickly hopped onto the top of the left head and saw a seat plus some horns for holding onto form which caught her off guard. 

{{Please take a seat Master Amelia, it is best for first timers}} Spithe said with both heads before lifting them off the ground. 

"Remember to hold on tight Amelia. Spithe likes to go fast" Ophelia said as she hopped onto the head where Amelia was sitting

"What about you?" Amelia asked as she looked up at her, watching Ophie turn her right arm into a mess of tendrils that wrapped around the horns of the Divine Beast

"I will be right next to you of course, so hang tight!" Ophelia replied with a smile as she kissed her on the forehead 

"Spithe! Up and away! Take us around the Empire!" Ophelia commanded 

{{By your word!}} Spithe replied as it began to flap its wings and then lift off the ground rapidly. 

Amelia held onto the small horns in front of her tightly as she was not expecting it to be like this, her expression being that of surprise and nervousness, Ophelia however was simply smiling as she saw what was going on with Amelia, letting out a small chuckle as they lifted off and began to soar into the sky. 

Spithe hovered in the air for a few moments before flying off towards the west, each flap of the wings moving the massive Divine Beast booming in the air. Spithe tilted the head the duo were staying on to the side to give them a look at the scenery below them as they passed from above. Ophelia had seen it many times before but was smiling as Amelia let out gasps of surprise and awe as she stared at the ground below. She saw the many winding roads that connected the various clan towns and villages that blended in well with their surroundings, she even saw many towns and villages in the process of construction and roads still being made. Ophelia smiled as she also looked at the scenery, recalling times she simply flew on Spithe just like this with Udaria and the clan leaders to help plot out more territory and locations for them to settle. It was a fun process but it was nothing compared to what she was doing now. 

"Look at it all Amelia, this is the empire that we are making. I have laid the groundwork but you my dear, you will be its heart. You have something that I don't. And that is the ability to win over anyone with your charm, you are a kindhearted and delightful person who can make even your staunchest enemies soften. You are the voice of reason that restricts me when you know I am going too are my life and you are my everything....I love you" Ophelia suddenly stated, catching Amelia off guard. 

"Ophie..." Amelia muttered as she smiled at the kind words, her heart beating fast and her face slowly turning red 

"I love you too Ophie, and I promise to do my best as well for the trust you have placed in me" She replied as she got up from the seat and then latched onto her beloved, with Ophelia smiling at the gesture 

"I wouldn't have it any other way, and I know you will do great" Ophelia replied as she kissed her deeply, 

The two continued to kiss as the world around them marched on, Spithe stabilized itself as it kept its course. Both heads knew that it was not time to speak and to let the lovebirds be, continuing to just fly and provide them the spectacle of a background as they shared their love. 

{Truly a wonderful thing love is} One of the heads said to the other via internal thought 

{Indeed, it is great to have two masters who love each other} The other head replied 

The rest of the hour was spent flying across the entire northern expanse of the continent, Amelia laid her eyes on so many towns and villages and was inherently shocked at the number of clans that had joined the empire's banner. Ophelia had told her before but she never imagined it would be on this scale despite only being a small piece of the continent. They did not land to greet any however as Ophelia wanted it to be held on a different day after the wedding, and so after flying to both ends of the northern expanse, they were now heading back for Olertin City. 

"Hey Spithe, you look different from the figure they chose of you depicted on the flag of the nation, why is that?" Amelia asked as they were flying back. 

{Ahhh, that is quite simple really Master Amelia. As a Divine Beast, we can shapeshift} 

{It is one of our inherent abilities} Spithe answered her 

"Oh? That is amazing" Amelia commented with wide eyes 

{{Thank you for the compliment Master Amelia}} Spithe replied with a happy tone 

"By the way, how did you become Ophelia'" She added with curiosity 

{Uhhh...let's just say} 

"I nearly killed them during the fight I had with them" Ophelia suddenly chimed in 


"What?! You said you beat them though?" Amelia quickly replied 

"Yes my darling, I meant that in the sense of me almost killing them, what did you assume?" Ophelia quickly added 

"I thought along the lines of just besting them in one even bout but...But Spithe is so good though" 

"They were not when I first showed up" Ophelia added with an annoyed expression 

{She is right Master Amelia} 

{We were...problematic to say the least} Spithe said as it too began to chime in 

"Problematic is an understatement" Ophelia remarked 

"Ok ok, I think I understand it now. But we are all ok right?" Amelia asked as she looked at the other head and Ophelia 

"Well yeah. Spithe has been a good pet ever since" 

{{And we are eternally grateful for this second chance of life and a purpose to fulfill again}} Spithe replied with a grateful tone 

"Then that's it, let's just enjoy the ride home" Amelia finished as she embraced Ophelia by the waist and continued to watch the ground below 

"Heh, of course" Ophelia said as she kissed her beloved on the head and also watched the ground below

Soon, they reached the plateau they had left at the start and got off the Divine Beast. Before they made their way back to the city, Amelia turned to Spithe and beckoned the two heads to near her, which they did. 

"Thank you for the pleasant ride Spithe, let's do it again sometime" She said as she patted the nose of each head 

{It is of no problem Master Amelia, anytime you need us, we will be there} 

{Indeed. We will serve you and Master Ophelia to the best of our abilities, no matter what} Spithe answered with a happy purr 

"You know Ophelia values you and cares for you right? She just doesn't really show it" Amelia added as she petted them 


"Mhmm, she just has her own way of showing it. But she does really care about you, I can tell, you can trust me on that" Amelia stated as she stopped the petting 

{{We shall keep that in mind Master Amelia. Thank you}} Spithe said with a thankful tone 

"Until next time then" Amelia finished as she turned away and began walking 

Amelia smiled as she gave a small bow to the Divine Beast and then exited the plateau with her beloved, and as they disappeared past the corner of the plateau, Spithe smiled to itself as both heads looked at each other, 

{She truly can capture hearts} 

{Indeed. I am excited to see what our Master does next} 

A/N: And here we go, another extra story done and another chapter sent! I had to really think for this one for the most part hehe and I am glad with how it turned out. I am thankful for all your support and donations (That came as a surprise actually, but I am still very much thankful and I use it as another set of motivation hehe) Anyways, if you have comments or reactions, leave em down below for me to read! And as always, Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day! 

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