Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South –Interlude: House Of Cards

After about a day of not hearing back from Grand Captain Garn and his column of 5,000 Signatari Soldiers, Commander Sullivan was getting understandably worried for his fellow soldiers. He had sent out several patrols yesterday and today to find and report back what happened but they too had not returned. The evening darkness paired well with the growing fear and nervousness building up inside him as 5,000 well-trained Signatari soldiers just went missing months before the big push northward. Something he undoubtedly knew would earn him the ire of Sir Matthews who had put him in the position he was in now. 

"Sir, the 7th patrol has failed to report back. What shall we do now?" An initiate asked as he entered the command tent 

" off all the patrols, I do not want anyone else to get lost in that damnable place" Sullivan told the initiate as he sighed and removed his mask, revealing a handsome man in his late 40s, with brown well-kept facial hair and green eyes while also having a buzz cut for the hair atop his head 

Once the initiate left the tent, Sullivan leaned into his chair and looked up at the ceiling. He felt a multitude of emotions and feelings and none of them were really helping him at the moment. Anger was the primary emotion, anger at the entire fucking situation he now found himself in, disbelief was another as he could not believe that 5,000 soldiers just disappeared in a day, fear for his life and his job and position was another as he believed that if he told Sir Matthew what the hell was happening now, he would surely be demoted then removed or even worse, just outright killed for his failures as the heir to the Baro Barony had a tendency to do such a thing. 

"What the fuck do I do???!!!" He wailed as he clutched his head and an expression of despair washed over him 


Then, he had a revelation. He suddenly looked over at the reports of the area and scoured through each paper trying to find a certain set of words he had read before. Once he found it, a relieved smile appeared on his face as he then took the reports that he had prepared earlier about the situation, burning them and then remaking them with some new changes thanks to the information he read up earlier. 

"Initiate!" Sullivan called out, with an initiate entering his command tent shortly afterwards 

"Yes Commander!" The initiate replied with a snappy salute 

"Take these reports to Sir Matthews in the city of  Oberland. Tell him that a monster attack from a dungeon that we believed had been neutralized spewed for monsters that attacked Captain Garn and his column, but before you do, take this requisition form to Camp Borni in the south, for the Fort Commander Ilse's eyes only. Understood?" The Commander asked 

"Understood Commander! It will be done" The initiate replied with another salute before exiting the tent 

"Hahaha...I truly am brilliant" Sullivan muttered to himself as he placed his mask back on his face 


In Camp Borni, the main training camp near the main assembly point of the Dukedom Army, the initiate dispatch runner had arrived late in the evening on horseback. There was rain pouring down and the initiate was slightly soaked but the papers he was carrying were safe and sound. 

"State your purpose here initiate?" The guard at the front asked 

"I have a requisition form for Fort Commander Ilse, its directly from Commander Sullivan" The initiate answered as he showed him the bag carrying the report 

"Alright, the Fort Commander is in the main staff building. I suggest you move fast before he goes to sleep for the day" The guard replied as he let him through 

"Thank you" The initiate replied as he galloped into the fort 

Once inside the wooden walls of the fort, the initiate made his way towards the building next to the main barracks of the fort, hopping off his horse and then entering the building through the main entrance, passing a pair of guards. As he entered the staff building and made his way towards the main command room, he saw a group of officers with their ranks denoted by the color of the sash tied around their waists. The fort commander was wearing a green sash and once they made eye contact, the fort commander turned to him with a curious gaze 

"Something we can help you with soldier?" An elderly voice asked, the mask covering the face of the fort commander 

"I have a requisition report sir, from Commander Sullivan, your eyes only" The young initiate answered  

Fort Commander Isle looked at the other soldiers in the room and nodded his head, they then cleared out in quick form and left only him and the initiate along. inside the room, both of them across from one another by the table in the center of the room. The young initiate handed Isle the bag containing the report and he then opened it and read the requisition form inside. 

"The fuck is this? He wants another 10,000 soldiers by the end of the month? We just sent him 5,000 with Captain Garn...the fuck is he on about?" Isle remarked as he read the requisition form 

"Do you know why this is soldier?" The fort commander asked as he looked up at the initiate across from him 

"I do not know sir, I was only told to bring this to you" The initiate answered 

"Fuck....well, it is doable. But I think the quality of those soldiers will be far less than what he would want" Isle added as he placed the form aside 

"When you get back to Sullivan, tell that idiot that he will get his men, but to not expect them to be the cream of the crop like the rest he has gotten so far" The old commander told him

"I understand sir" 

"Good. Now, we have lodgings here if you wish to spend the night and-" 

"Actually sir, I have a report that is also to be urgently delivered to Sir Matthews in Oberland City, I must be going" The initiate cut him off with a rather regretful tone 

"I see, go on then. Stay safe, the rain is hard tonight and keep to the roads, you may never know what fucking monsters lurk in the dark, the dungeons may be clear but regardless, keep your eyes open" 

"Understood. Thank you sir" The initiate replied before giving a salute and then moving out 


In the opulent ballroom of Garnet Estate which belonged to House Fluchet, one of the major houses in the Dukedom Of Abernath. Sir Matthew and his beloved Dukedom Princess Mako were here on business to persuade House Fluchet to join them in their cause of centralizing the dukedom under their authority. 

Standing near one of the doors that led to a side room was Sir Matthew himself, wearing the same black mask that covered the upper portion of his face and clad in a white uniform that had an accompanying white coat with his sword holstered to his side. His taller-than-average stature made him stand out from the crowd dancing in the center of the ballroom and his chestnut brown eyes were focused on his beloved on the other side of the room talking to someone they needed. Mako was clad in a fluffy blue dress that paired well with her fair skin and the flowing blonde hair cascading down her back. Her rose-colored mask that obscured her face hid the beautiful face that was underneath, much to Matthews' liking and those blue eyes she had were currently working their stuff on her target. 

That target was Baron Flavius Fluchet. The man dressed in a green suit and coat with his own sword holstered to his side. His short and slicked-back brown hair complemented his light brown skin and half of his face was obscured by a beige-colored mask that covered the right side of his face. Revealing half of the handlebar mustache that rested on his face. 

"That is why you should throw your lot in with us Baron Fluchet, it will be the best for all if you do" Mako told him, her blue eyes piercing into the soul of the Baron before her. 

"I must say Your Grace, the proposal you have given me is something that does seem to be in my best interests, why don't we take this somewhere more private? You and your beloved should follow me" Baron Flavius added as he looked up at Matthews from across the room and gestured to him with his head to follow along

The trio entered a side room on the northern corner of the ballroom and once the door was shut behind them, the trio sat down on a pair of couches across from one another, with the couple sitting together like usual. Both sides looked at one another and for Baron Flavius, the proposal to join them in their power balance was an option that was very enticing but also a bit tricky considering that a double-headed dragon had appeared a month prior and leveled portions of the capital and had killed a good amount of people, but surprisingly did not inflict any casualties among the slaves who were inside the slave pools at the time. This one fact was used by the Houses of Malintara and Theodorus to shame and slander House Abernath while House Baro did their best to defend House Abernath from these attacks, all the while House Fluchet watched from the sidelines. 

Although he had no intention of getting his house caught up with the petty squabbles of the other houses in the Dukedom, Flavius did not like House Theodorus and House Malintara due to some past grievances with them. And while he was wary of House Baro, he pushed those thoughts aside as he was approached by Mako, and considering that Flavius was Lucas Abernath's closest friend before he went missing, he had a sort of obligation to hear her out for old times sake and past loyalties. 

"So you wish for my house and my resources to join with your little centralization project?" Baron Flavius asked as he leaned into his couch and crossed his arms 

"Yes, with the backing of House Fluchet, we will have three of the five houses united, leaving Theodorus and Malintara isolated and unable to oppose us. You have heard their talk against my father yes?" Mako asked him 

"Of course, I have heard the rather unpleasant things they have been saying against Uncle Rals and while I must say that the proposal to join your little centralization is enticing, I wish to know what my house will be getting for their loyalty" 

"Well, for one, your house will be forgiven for any infraction whether they be public or private made against the House of Abernath. Then, your house will also be rewarded with more land to govern, more resources to access and even a portion of the profits made by the national economy once the entire thing is over" The Dukedom Princess answered him 

"Oh? And all of this for the loyalty of my house?" Baron Flavius asked with a raised eyebrow 

"Well, that and fresh bodies to join the newly constructed Dukedom Army. Which I might add, will be used to not only expand northward but also wipe out whatever Malintara and Theodorus are planning" Mako added 

"You say it as if they are planning something that sounds a lot like a rebellion" 

"It's not that far from the truth. My spies within their houses have been giving us some rather unfortunate news...expanding their own personal knight orders, constructing forts along their territories, and even raising militias by conscripting slaves...don't tell me that does not look like open rebellion right there" Sir Matthews spoke as he looked down at the Baron before him, his brown eyes piercing the very soul of the man he was looking at 

"I call that circumstantial considering that a massive fuck-off dragon just attacked the place and who knows, the dungeons across in their corner of the nation might have been getting stronger as well and thus necessitate the newly created militia, we can't tell for certain" Baron Flavius replied, looking up at Sir Matthews 

"Call it what you want Flavius. The fact of the matter is, they have a standing force that they can use to oppose us and if they rebel against us, who's to say they won't come after your territory to further secure their own? So I ask again, will you join us?" Mako pressed as she and her beloved leaned slightly forward, their eyes boring into Flavius' own 

"Before I answer, does the Duke know of this little proposal of yours?" 

"Of course! Father does know, he was the one who gave us permission to enact it"

"And Baroness Baro?" 

"Mother was the one who helped think up the proposal" 

"So tell us your answer Flavius, what will it be?" 

The Baron of House Fluchet sighed as he removed his mask and placed it on the table, he looked at the couple before him and he could sense that there was more than meets the eye with the proposal they were giving him. He felt that if he were not to join now, that information would forever be lost to him or at least not be available until something favorable for him had passed. Plus, there was the issue of something else on his mind but Flavius brushed it aside. 


As they saw the Baron of House Fluchet busy with his thoughts, the couple before him noticed a very hard to notice cluster of blackened veins that appeared on the lower right corner of his neck that stretched down into his body hidden by clothes. 

"Say Flavius, what is that?" Mako asked as she pointed at the blackened veins 

"Oh this, I was careless during a routine dungeon clearing. I dropped my guard due to some slave dying behind me and a goblin with a claw strapped to his hand gets the drop on me. My physicians have told me that this mark will clear away soon after I keep taking the medicine they have prescribed for me for the next week" Flavius answered with a slightly embarrassed tone as he touched the veins with his hand 

"Oh, that is unfortunate. To think that even you can become easy prey for some lowly monster" Sir Matthews remarked, his voice hiding the mocking tone beneath his words 

"Thank you for the concern Sir Matthews" Flavius replied, holding back every fiber of his being to shoot back for that hidden mockery 

After a few more minutes, the couple were getting a bit impatient at Flavius' indecision and made it clear by the loud coughing they gave him and the atmosphere around the room became a bit more claustrophobic from the aura both of them were giving him. 

"Have you come to a decision Flavius?" Mako asked, her tone annoyed and her arms crossed as she leaned into her couch 

"You can't rush decisions like this Mako...but considering everything, I don't think I have a choice now do I?" The Baron replied 

"Does that mean?" 

"Yes. I will join your centralization project and join you in whatever the fuck this is" Flavius told her with a defeated look in his eyes 

"Good. Expect some more news to come your way in the coming days and do begin to send men and equipment for the army to the assembly point later on" Mako told him with a smile hidden under her mask as she was pleased with his answer 


"Now if you will excuse us Flavius. Me and my beloved will be enjoying your party, good night" Sir Matthews added as he and Mako stood up and then left the room, leaving Flavius alone to soak in his decision


After spending a few hours dancing together in pure bliss, Sir Matthews left his beloved after a knight from the outside of the estate had told him that there was someone outside waiting for him at the gate house of the estate. Although he was very annoyed with this interruption of his pleasure time with his beloved, that annoyance disappeared once he saw that it was a Signatari Initiate waiting for him, his robes were soaked by riding out in the storm that was slowly making its way here. 

"Something for me initiate?" Sir Matthews asked as he stood before him 

"Yes sir, this was directly from Commander Sullivan himself, said it was of the highest priority that I bring this to you immediately" The initiate answered him as he gave him a leather satchel with a report inside 


Opening the bag and reading the report, Sir Matthews' eyes went wide as he reread the damn report several times, each time his disbelief becoming deeper and the annoyance from earlier resurfacing like a tidal wave heading to shore. 

"A fucking monster attack!?" He bellowed as he looked at the initiate 

"I do not know the specifics sir, but Commander Sullivan told me that there was a dungeon which had been thought to be neutralized and-" 

"I know! I read the damn report! But to think that not even 5,000 of the freshly trained Dukedom Army could not handle even that is unbelievable!" 

"Well sir...maybe it was a goblin horde or worse, an orge horde" The initiate replied, making the commander before him simmer down as he thought that could be the case

"Haaa...FUCK! I cannot deal with this right now. Take this back to Sullivan and tell him I want a full explanation tomorrow when I get there. Understood?!" 

"Understood sir" The initiate replied as he gave a smart salute and then hopped on his horse and galloped away into the night once more, leaving behind a very annoyed Sir Matthews in his wake who then stomped back into the estate 


Hours after the party had finished and all of the guests left, Baron Flavius was standing in a dark corner of the Garnet Estate. He was still dressed in the same garb he had earlier and he stood next to a door that led out into a balcony. It began to rain hard outside and he could see lightning in the distance before the accompanying thunder filled his empty halls. His eyes were turned outward but he suddenly felt the presence of someone in the shadows behind him, making him unconsciously touch the blackened veins at the corner of his neck 

"So? Report." The shadow's voice asked, it was a feminine voice that filled the air that was already filled with the sound of the rain pouring down outside 

"You were right. There was something going on with House Baro and House Abernath and it seems that House Malintara and House Theodorus are about to try and start a civil war despite the rest of the Dukedom still reeling from that dragon attack more than a month ago" Flavius answered, daring not to turn behind him and look at the person in the shadows 

"Hmmm...Will you still be able to keep both sides from imploding this nation before THEY come to do it for them?" The voice asked 

"I will do my best. But may I ask, is my end of the deal still acceptable?" Flavius asked as he turned to face the darkness, seeing nothing as he turned around 

"I still have to report it to my monarchs. But I think they will accept it. Although be warned Flavius, if you were to cross them like you are crossing your fellow countrymen now. I will be the one to personally come for you" The voice answered him 

Flavius nodded his head as he turned around and looked back out at the storm raging outside. His internal feelings conflicted as he felt corned and out of options. 

"I understand. There will be no such thing from me I assure you...Glory to the Empire. Glory to Her Majesties" He muttered as lightning struck near the manor

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this interlude and there will be some more after this one, including an interlude with the slaves under Takawa and even one with Mother Felice and Sister Mary! After that, then the next arc!

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