Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South – Interlude: Prelude To The March (Part 2)

With the winter weather now in full swing, the Halkare Empire experienced one of its first of hopefully many snowfalls. Children were out and about playing with one another while everyone else was still hard at work, even more so when the start of their march south was inching closer and closer by day. The forges of the Empire worked tirelessly, belting out sets of armor, weapons, and the like and putting them into stockpiles for reserves. The Imperial Army was on the southern border ready to move at a moment's notice as they finished up their final training courses, with the rest of the military doing the same. The economy was booming internally with the quality of life for all citizens becoming better and better, even the demonkin who were annexed only eight months prior were now happily participating in the governmental and societal system in place. All was right by the world, but despite all of this, no one forgot the upcoming storm and journey that was to be the conquering of the continent. Newspapers published by government and private media told the stories of slaves and former clan members who had fled north from the center and south of the continent, and their stories stoked the fires of righteousness inside the hearts of the people, with resounding speeches given by the Clan Leaders, Elders, and even the dual monarchs regarding these topics being met with applause the thunderous cries of "One Continent!". The empire had its cause and now its fiery voice. 

But as one would imagine, despite this burning desire to get the whole thing done with, everyone knew they still needed time. Time to get ready for the storm that was approaching, and time with one another. 

In the capital city of Olertin, the work had died down as this time across the empire, it was time to celebrate the "Winter Solstice" an annual holiday of the tribals that was basically the holiday 'Awakening Day' back in the former Hillsbrooke Empire. The streets had jolly and harmonical tunes playing throughout by musicians and street performers who entertained the masses, the cheerful and jolly mood making everyone happy and almost forgetting the trials that laid ahead. Meanwhile, in the Imperial Palace of Raven's Rock, there was the first-ever Winter Solstice Ball held and people from across the empire were invited to celebrate in the festivities. The palace was packed with people from all walks of life who enjoyed dancing with one another or drinking and talking with friends or making new ones. It was a happy time all around. 

Inside the main ballroom of the palace, Amelia and Ophelia sat and watched as everyone was enjoying their time on the dance floor, with kids, teens, and adults all dancing in pairs with one another. 

"It is a great ball Ophie" Amelia remarked as she turned her gaze towards her beloved 

"I know it is, because you are here with me" Ophelia replied with a lovely grin as she snuck in a kiss on her wife's forehead 

"You really know how to play with my feelings Ophie" The blonde empress sheepishly replied as she blushed red 

"Hehehe, truly you are intoxicatingly cute" The raven-haired empress added as she grabbed her beloved by the chin and pulled her in closer, seeing Amelia fully flush with red 

"Unfair" Amelia replied with a small pout, making her beloved laugh as they quickly locked lips and passed a kiss 

Pulling back from the kiss, Ophelia stood up and offered her hand to her beloved, a heartfelt smile on her face as she slightly bowed down 

"If you will, Your Majesty...May I have the pleasure of having a dance with you?" Ophelia stated as they locked eyes with one another 

"I accept your offer, Your Majesty. Please lead the way" Amelia replied as she took the hand of her beloved, the flushed red face returning to its original fair color

Once the dual monarchs stepped away from their thrones and walked onto the dance floor, the people dancing there had vacated the place as many of them wanted to watch them dance, even the people not dancing, who were simply chatting with each other had turned their gazes towards the dual monarchs now in the center. 

Ophelia had turned her gaze to the orchestra in the corner of the room and nodded at them, with the conductor nodding in return as he and the group turned to a set of music that their monarch had requested they play for them a few weeks before the ball. 

[A/N: The song title for the scene is called "A Black Tie Affair" by Wicked Cinema, the link is this, but if you guys have better music for the scene then comment below for all to hear hehe] 

The music began as the moment both of them were in dancing position, with Ophelia taking the male lead for the dance while Amelia took the other. The blonde empress allowed her beloved to lead the dance and as they moved around the room, the two of them locked eyes with one another and tuned out everything except one another and the music playing in the background. 

With both parties taught how to dance for both sides, the dancing performed by the dual monarchs left everyone else speechless, their eyes following the beautiful footwork and twirls the duo did as they continued on with their romantic duet. The gracefulness of each step captivated the audience watching and left them at the mercy of the beauty of it all, as for example on the sides, Mother Felice, Sister Mary, and Pope Liliana were tearing up watching their beloved daughter/niece dance so well, while on another side of the room, Percy was wiping away tears at seeing the young girl she raised all those years ago truly shining in her moment. 

As the dance continued, the dual monarchs were smiling at one another as they enjoyed every move they made. Spinning one another from time to time as the music swelled or when they separated from each other but still held onto one another's hands when the music dimmed, there was even a point in the music when Amelia leaned back into a fake fall with her beloved catching her with the arm placed on her beloved's back, with both of them staring at each other as they shared a kiss before going back into the dance. 

After nearly four to five minutes of dancing, the song was finally over and the dual monarchs bowed to one another as they finished. Smiles on their faces as they closed the gap and embraced one another, all to the thunderous applause of the people in the room, cheering for their dual monarchs and happy to have witnessed such a show of dance. 

"Thank you, thank you all" Amelia bowed with a smile as she waved at the crowd 

"Thank you all, another round of liquor for everyone! On the house!" Ophelia shouted as she manifested a pair of wine glasses and handed one to her beloved before raising hers in the air

"YEAAAAH!" The adults shouted with joy as they raised their glasses to the dual monarchs, cheers resounding all around the room and even spilling over to the outside as Ophelia's words were repeated across the place 

The dual monarchs then turned to one another and smiled as they kissed once more, before parting and drinking the alcohol in their hands and then moving back to their thrones. 

"A toast to our love Ophie" Amelia stated as she raised her glass to her beloved 

"A toast to our love Amelia" Ophelia replied with a nod and smile

"To whatever happens. We will always be together"

"Together until death. Just as we promised"

The dual monarchs then giggled before they clinked their glasses and then drank the entire contents of the thing, with both of them giggling some more when Ophelia used her magic to create another bottle and began pouring into both glasses. It was going to be a long and fun day ahead both of them knew, disregarding the terrible headache and hangover that was to occur later the next morning, Since for the two of them, the life they had shared until now, was about to get wilder, and the duo knew that both of them needed one another for the future, as they promised to be together, forever. 

A/N: Hello! So, this was originally part of the previous chapter but I scrapped it and decided to make it a separate chapter, with the proper Chapter 26 being the start of the march southwards. I apologize for any confusion and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter just like the rest and will continue to support this series going forward. I am very happy to see comments and questions and I love to answer them, school is about to start but I know that this series will continue regardless, as I am committed to this the same way I am committed to my academics. Anyways, enough rambling, as always Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day! 


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