Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South – Interlude: Shackles And Chains (Part 1)

Inside the slave pools of the town of Scarto on the eastern side of the Dukedom of Abernath which was run by House Malintara, H.I.S.S. Agent Takawa was busy laying out her plan to the rest of the slaves within the pool with her telepathy magic, doing her best to look like she was curled up and asleep on one side of the slave pool while the rest were just lounging about doing nothing. She had been transferred here after a month and a half of working on the western side of the dukedom as per the routine enforced by the internal slave trade of the nation. 

[The plan to reiterate, is to begin a series of uprisings across the dukedom once I give the order. I am strong enough to broadcast such a signal with my magic. If there are any lingering doubts or confusions, please speak up now using your mind] Takawa said as she spoke to the 50 or so slaves within the slave pool 

(Will this revolt coincide with what you spoke of last time? A massive attack coming from the north that is to sweep southward?) A young male orc's voice asked as he stared at the ground 

[Yes. The revolt is meant to coincide with that attack, we will come at the dukedom from outside and within. There will be no place left for them to hide] Takawa answered 

(How will we be ready when they come? We barely know what it felt like without these damn collars around our necks) An older wolf beastkin woman stated as she clawed at the magi-collar on her neck, annoyed at its resilience 

[Fear not. Once the uprising goes down, the magi-collars will all be short-circuited as it will be on the night of a full moon. The magi-collar technicians have failed to solve the problem and thus have elected to just post more guards and restrain us in shackles around our limbs when the full moon comes. That will be their downfall, none of them will be expecting a massive uprising across the entire nation, sure a few hundred they could handle, but nearly hundreds of thousands all at once? They will be overwhelmed and sent running] Takawa answered her 

(Some of us will be unfortunate enough to serve as distractions for the rest) A young kitsune teenage boy said as he repeatedly punched the wooden floor of the slave pool 

(That is something that is required my child. Us adults will do what we need for you youngins to make it out alive and live better lives that whatever this was) An older kitsune's voice chimed in 

[If everything goes as planned, that will not be the case] Takawa added 


Just then, the gate into the slave pool opened and all eyes except Takawas turned to see a group of dukedom knights wearing the scarlet capes of House Malintara and a man dressed in a fine butler suit enter the slave pool. The dukedom knights and the butler looked around at the slaves before them, their eyes inspecting them up and down with judgment-filled gazes as they were looking for certain qualities and the like. 

"Hmmm, too old, too scrawny and too weak" The butler commented out loud as he pointed at a trio of slaves before him, much to their annoyance as they had offended expressions on their faces 

"Hmm?" The butler then saw Takawa's back, seeing the kitsune slave before him not even registering his presence, something that made him slightly annoyed in the inside as he was a representative of House Malintara, so how dare such a slave show some kind of defiance against him 

"You two, get her up" The butler ordered as he pointed at Takawa who looked as if she was sleeping

Two of the dukedom knights passed him as ordered and forcefully brought Takawa up who was groaning and shouting as if she had just been roused from her slumber, she groggily looked around and the sight of such things coming from a mere slave angered the butler who slapped her across the face and then forcefully grabbed her face with his gloved hand. 

"Hmmm, yes...there could be a use for someone like you" The bullet said as he inspected her, moving her head from side to side with his gloved hand before looking down at her voluptuous, curvaceous, and well-endowed body, far too pristine for someone who has been a slave, something that made his eyebrows raise in curiosity  

"Are you a new arrival?" The butler asked as he looked at her 

"Huh?" Takawa replied

It seemed that was not the correct answer as both knights then landed punches on her abdomen that made her groan and wince as she tried to keep her gaze on the butler who still firmly held her face in his grasp

"Tch! She is beautiful but stupid...what a waste" The butler remarked as he let go of the kitsune's face and then turned around, looking at the slave pool 

"But you will have to do, bring her along" The butler ordered as he began walking out of the slave pool

The knights followed behind him and the rest of the slaves within the slave pool watched as Takawa looked confused while being carried out of the slave pool by the dukedom knights, seemingly afraid of what was happening to her and looking for help

[All part of the plan, don't forget it!] She told the slaves in the slave pool with her telepathy before she got out of range 


An hour later, Takawa found herself in the summer estate of House Malintara. It was a small estate outside of Scarto, with its back open to a large forest and its frontal lawn opening up to rolling fields of grass, it was an immaculate sight for those nobles of the esteemed house. Takawa was forced into the attire of a maid and was taught the basics by the brash and unforgiving old lady who served as the Head Maid named Edith, forcing another and much younger kitsune maid to be Takawa's trainer, teaching her everything she knew as Takawa played the bit of not understanding the dukedom language to her benefit. 

She was sent to the slave's quarters which were in actuality, a small rundown shed behind the main building where there was nothing more than a bunch of beds with a few windows and a single door. She and the young kitsune maid assigned to teach her sat across from one another and once both were sure there was no one around, the young kitsune maid bowed her head in respect. 

[What a funny coincidence I run into you here little Tatanya] Takawa said telepathically with a small hidden smile on her face as she was busy sewing some blankets 

{I know the feeling. I was sent here a month ago and they picked me out of a slave pool same as you. How have you been, Master Agent?} Tatanya asked through the same telepathy as she too was busy sewing some clothes 

[It has been rough, trying my best not to just outright kill these people takes up a lot of my time. All of them are either C-Rank or B-Rank in power...It's so hard to act restrained her] The older kitsune replied 

{I know how you feel. How goes recruiting the other slaves?} 

[It has been going well, these past few months have been fruitful. I have been able to establish a network that spans the entire dukedom by now. With how they move the slaves in the slave pool around, it was actually pretty easy once I got enough words to spread the news] 

{Have there been any incidents? Any leaks that could jeopardize the entire operation?} Tatanya asked as she stopped sewing for a moment and looked her superior in the eye

[None. The slaves have all chosen to die before they give out the information, plus, judging by how there have been no mass slave executions, I can say there has been no incident where the plot has been revealed] Takawa replied as she looked back at her 

{Hmmm....Alright. They plan to move the start of the Final March to an earlier date. Our monarchs want to draw out the entire dukedom army to a battle before they come down here} 

[I know the plan. The revolt is meant to coincide with the battle. Once the enemy army is fully engaged, the slaves will rise and we will take control of the nation, isolating Aresburg and opening the gates for our soldiers to march through]

{, let's get these clothes and blankets back to the main house before that hag Edith decides to try and punish us} Tatanya said as she placed the clothes into a basket and then held it in her hands 

[Agreed] Takawa nodded as she placed the blanket in a basket and also began to move 

When they both went inside, they saw the rest of the slaves and staff rushing out to the front, neither of them had time to ask questions before Edith took the baskets in their hands away and placed them in the laundry area before ordering them to follow her outside. Once they got outside, they lined up along with the other slaves as they all straightened their posture and kept their gaze forward as a carriage of white and red entered the estate. 

As the carriage came to a stop, the door opened, and out walked an old man wearing a crimson coat with a white suit underneath that had gold accents and gold cuffs. His spiky silver hair was standing proud and his old face was grizzled and scarred, with a large scar running down from the top of his left eye down the cheek and then ending at his neck. He had a small mask covering his eyes and he walked with an accompanying cane that had a round top on which his white-gloved hand rested upon as he moved it with each step he took. When Takawa and Tatanya secretly used their <Appraisal> skill and saw that this was Baron Tiberius Malintara, Patriarch of House Malintara and a holder of lower A-Rank in terms of power. 


Inside a carriage of green and gold that rumbled along the cobblestone road was Baron Fluchet who had been invited by Baron Tiberius Malintara to a meeting in the Malintara Summer Estate outside Scarto. Flavius has been a busy man ever since the twin-headed dragon attack on the capital. He has been going to and from the capital of Aresburg non-stop these past few weeks as he has been coordinating with Duke Abernath to relocate slaves from the capital slave pools and redistribute them across the dukedom. He had been equal in his distribution, sending out equal shipments of slaves to all Baronies of the nation to keep up his unaligned facade, but now he wondered why he was being asked to meet Malintara in the first place. 

"Something troubling you uncle?" Flavius' young nephew asked as he looked up at his uncle, he was brought along for the ride as he was the next heir to the House if something were to ever happen to Flavius 

"Nothing dear Salon, just politics that's all" Flavius replied, brushing back his brown hair and then smiling at his nephew who shared his features 

"Oh I see" Salon replied as he leaned into his chair and began reading the book in his hands regarding dukedom laws 

As the carriage came upon the gate and moved into the estate, Flavius felt a familiar chill run down his spine as he saw the lines of slaves wearing butler and maid uniforms standing at attention waiting for him to arrive. Once the carriage came to a stop between the two lines of workers and he stepped out with his nephew in tow, his gaze saw the familiar face of a kitsune who had saved his life but had also made him her spy. He walked past her without looking at her to keep their cover and as he neared the front door, Tiberius stepped out to greet him. 

"Ah! Finally. You have arrived Flavius, I was beginning to worry that you were not going to show" The old man stated as he looked down at Flavius from atop the steps leading into the main house

"It has been a tiring week Baron Tiberius, I was starting to ponder if I should have come at all" Flavius replied, making the old man chuckle at his response 

"Well, this is a summer estate so perhaps you can rest here for the time being, but for now, come inside. There is much to be discussed" Tiberius gestured as he entered the main house

"Stick close Salon, I don't want you out of my sight" Flavius said as he looked down at his nephew who was holding onto his coat 

"Ok uncle" The kid replied as he tightened his grip on the coat 

As they entered the estate, the maids and butlers followed them in and guided them to a large living room that was marble white and easy on the eyes, with a white and gold coffee table between two crimson and gold couches, with Tiberius sitting on one of them, drinking some strong whiskey in a crystal glass, his eyes hidden behind the black shades resting upon his face that followed Flavius and his nephew into the room and onto the couch opposite of him. There was also Edith and two kitsune maids inside the room. 

"Sooo, tell me Baron Flavius...whose side are you on?" The old man asked as he took another sip of his hard drink 

"I am afraid I don't get what you mean Baron Tiberius" Flavius replied, his expression firm and not betraying any hint of fear 

"Hmmm? Fine, let me rephrase it then. Will you or will you not stand in my and Baroness Theodorus' way?" Tiberius reiterated, this time his eyes were on the young Baron before him 

"I am afraid I still am lost in the question...are you implying that you are moving for some sort of full-scale rebellion of sorts?" Flavius asked as he sank into the couch he was in, his young nephew looking up at him with confusion 

" this point, I call it a changing of leadership" The old man answered as he finished his drink 

"I see...if you plan to go through with this course of action, then by all means, do it...although I doubt you will be able to succeed" The brown-haired baron replied, causing Tiberius to stop mid-drink and then place his refilled glass back down 

"What do you mean?" Tiberius asked with a raised eyebrow 

"Don't tell me you fully expect to crush the newly raised Dukedom Army? I have seen them in person Tiberius, I can properly say that whatever force you have, they stand no chance against them" 

"Are you calling our House Knight Orders weak?" 

"Indeed I am. In fact, I can confidently say that when you do plan to do this rebellion, your knights will be crushed in the first battle against them. You are definitely underestimating them if you think you can win, even with both knight orders combined and the militia you are raising" 

"How did you-"

"I know many things Tiberius. I have been approached by House Abernath and House Baro. I know I am the only piece on the board that has yet to choose a side" 

"You play a dangerous game Flavius...a man who knows too much is one that is the most dangerous to all" The old man said as he took another sip of his drink 

"I know. That's why I am busy seeing which side is the winning one. And it seems that I know which one is the losing side now" The young baron replied 

Tiberius fell silent as he stared into Flavius's eyes before him. His foot was lightly tapping on the marble floor and the old man was trying his damndest to try and see if the young man before him had any weaknesses he could exploit. His eyes shifted down to the nephew but he scratched any idea of kidnapping and blackmail as that would definitely turn Flavius against him and his partner. There was only one way forward and that was to make a deal, something he begrudgingly excepted. 

"How much do you wish to gain from siding with us?" The old man asked 

"Pardon?" Flavius asked with a raised eyebrow, hiding a small smirk at the corner of his lips 

"Don't get smart with me. How much do you want for your compliance? With what you have been saying about the new Dukedom Army, I think it would be in our best interest for you to be aligned with us to increase our chance of success" Tiberius added 

"Hmm....well, the entire of the Baro Baronny should be enough" Flavius answered 


The young baron's answer made TIberius choke on his drink and spit it out, coughing as a maid from the side brought him a napkin to wipe his face clean of the amber-colored liquid that was now dangling on his chin, 

"You want an entire barony to yourself? Outrageous!" The old man barked as he looked at the unphased Flavius 

"I only want what I think is proper consolation for betraying the other two houses don't you think so? Besides, you and Theodorus will be splitting the territories of Abernath right? They are larger than Baro anyhow" 

Tiberius growled but nodded at the assessment that Flavius responded with. He was starting to internally regret doing this but he had come so far now and he had everything to lose if he did not win over Flavius' support here and now. 

"We can discuss the rest later. I must think some things over for now. If you wish, you can wander about or rest, I will be in the study if you need me" Tiberius stated as he rose from his seat and looked at the young baron before him before turning around and walking out of the room. 

"One of our newer maids will be the one to watch over you, Your Grace. Although she does not speak, she will be accompanied by the maid I assigned to teach her" The old Head Maid named Edith said as she pointed at Takawa and Tatanya who kept their gazes down

"I see...thank you for the thought" Flavius replied with a nod as he saw Edith then leave the room, leaving only himself, his nephew and the two maids in the room

Once the door clicked shut, Flavius used a <Sleep> spell on little Salon before he locked the door and then looked at the two kitsunes who stood across the room. He heaved a sigh as he looked around out the windows and saw there was no one nearby or in sight and after spending a few more minutes to ensure that there was no one around, he sat next to Salon while the two kitsunes sat across from him who placed soundproofing barriers around the room and magic to ensure that any listening or recording magi-devices were deactivated. 

"It is a surprise to run into you here Miss..." Flavius nervously began as he removed his mask and looked at Takawa 

"I too am surprised at you being here Mr. Fluchet, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised" Takawa replied 

"Tell us, how are your preparations on your end?" Tatanya asked 

"I have been doing my best to keep a neutral stance. I have pledged to help House Abernath and House Baro already but I have yet to actually do anything to help them. I have been trying my best to get as close to Duke Abernath as well, and the slaves in the capital have been dispersed to ensure that they are able to contact the other slaves who are part of your cell. All in all, everything has been going to plan" Flavius answered her 

"Good. Now, let's get down to more pressing matters. What are you going to do with Baron Tiberius' offer?" The older kitsune asked 

"I will do the same thing I did with Mako and Sir Matthews. Agree to the proposal and then start backstabbing them. It is the only way I can ensure the survival of my house in a nation that is about to have its teeth kicked in" The young baron answered 

"Hmmm good. Our empresses have agreed to your terms. Your family will be allowed to live, as well as the people in your territories but they will have their minds wiped and memories rewritten in order for them to fall in line without problem" Takawa told him, making the young baron smile, although the smile was filled with regret and acceptance 

"I see...well, it's the best they could have gotten. Far better than dying at the hands of the people we have hurt for so long..."He remarked as he sighed 

"Indeed. They get to live their lives anew. Although if you are careful enough, you can be with them too" Tatanya stated as she looked at him 

"I will try...I will try" 

A/N: Well here we go! More hidden actions and agreements! 

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