Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

Chapter 11: The Leviathan Princess

“Hngg…ughhh, where am I?” Lance moaned as he awoke inside an unfamiliar room, laying on a comfortable bed 

“Your in the room me and Sharon booked…keep laying down, your body most likely hurt if you tried to move now” Amelia answered him as she walked over, pulling up a chair as she sat next to him, bringing out a basin of water and a damp towel from her inventory. 

Lance smiled to himself as he closed his eyes and felt Amelia wipe his forehead, slowly working her way down to his neck and unbuttoning his shirt to wipe his chest, lewd thoughts began to fill his mind as his imagination ran wild on the scenarios that could happen in this moment. 

“If you are thinking of something lewd or compromising. I will use my magic or just chuck you out the window, so don’t try anything” Amelia said as she finished wiping 

Lance could only freeze and keep silent after that as he was reminded of his place and how painful it was on the receiving end if he stepped out of line. A smile wry smile on his face as the thought crossed his mind, glancing at Amelia and seeing that she was staring dead seriously at him. 

“Something to say Lance?” 

“No no..nothing” 

“Hmm. good” Amelia said as she stood back up and dragged the chair over to Sharon, who was sleeping on the ither bed in the room.

She pulled up the chair next to her and did the same thing she did to Lance, carefully wiping the forehead before unbuttoning the shirt to wipe the chest, being careful as she did so. 

“Hnngg..what..what happened Amelia?” Sharon asked as she woke up, 

“You beat Lance, then passed out. I then brought both of you back here” 

“Huh…nice” Sharon added with a smile on her face and a raised fist, which quickly contorted thanks to the pain of moving a bit too much. 

“Slow down Sharon, your body is still recovering from overclocking itself”

“Then why can’t you just heal me with Holy Magic?” 

Amelia paused and both Sharon and Lance were giving her curious looks, making Amelia sigh as she glanced at Lancd before looking back at her best friend 

“Because I don’t want to” 

“Aww c’mon”

“I agree with Lady Sharon’s words, can you please heal us with Holy Magic” 

Amelia sighed again as she stood up and walked placing her hands on her hips, and a serious expression on her face 

“This is to help get you both used to the pain that comes with overclocking your bodies, I had to experience it when I was training and now so do you”

“That’s unfair!!” 

“I agree with Lady Sharon again on her statement, it is unfair!” 

Amelia’s right eye was twitching and an angry smile formed on her lips 

“I don’t care if you think it is unfair, if you want to learn how to handle blows that could normally incapacitate you then I suggest you get used to it fast…otherwise” she said as a sadistic smile appeared on her face that gave off an aura that could be felt by the pair on the beds

“Otherwise…what?” Sharon asked as she was visibly fidgeting 

“Otherwise…I’ll beat it into you myself” Amelia answered as she raised her shaking fist. 

“No, no I think this is fine”

“I wholeheartedly agree Lady Sharon” 

Both of them quickly replied as they realized that she was serious with her suggestion, and with one of them being on the end of a beating while the other watched, neither of them wanted to experience it again. 

“Good, now both of you take the day to rest, while I will be walking around the town to shop for some items” 



Amelia nodded as she heard their responses and did some final touches before going, trying to make sure they were both as comfortable as they could be. She simply smiled at both of them as she closed the door behind her and left the pair alone in the room. 

“Lady Sharon” Lance said aloud 

“Mmm?” Sharon replied, resting peacefully 

“You fought well, I had never fought an opponent who could think and act like you”

“Well, that means the imperial knights are lacking, if an A-Rank like me can beat an S-Rank like you” 

“Maybe so…hahaa” Lance replied, a small disappointed laugh escaping his lips 

“During training, we were always paired with knights with different weapons to prepare us for anything. But no one dual wielded a pair of halberds before, I was quite frankly unprepared for it” he added as he tried to sit up, but failed to do so 

“Well, now you have…and thank you for the opportunity” 

“You are welcome Lady Sharon” 

“And drop the “Lady” I am more than my status, just ask Amelia” 

“Right, sorry…Sharon” 

“No need to apologize, and thank you. Now let me sleep. My entire body feels like it is on fire and I want to rest, goodnight” 

“Goodnight then, Sharon” 

After their little chat, both of them fell into a deep slumber as Amelia, who was simply standing outside the room, activated an enchantment that would help both of them sleep better, she then quickly brought out a simple two-piece commoner dress which comprised of a beige skirt and a white sleeved shirt and quickly changed. A smile on her face appeared when she heard both of them soundly snoring after she finished changing and then she proceeded outside, when she exited the inn, she looked up and saw that the sun had now passed its zenith. Pulling out her pocket watch, it was exactly 2:30 in the afternoon. 

“Alright, I have an entire afternoon to shop for materials” she said to herself with a smile, 

She then proceeded to walk around the town, browsing and buying from several stores, acquiring new armor pieces, and some medical potions and bandages. As she was shopping, many passing adventurers and townsfolk all gazed at her, all of them possessed by the beauty Amelia had, her simple smile sending shockwaves into the hearts of men and women alike. And as she finished buying a new batch of piping hot meat skewers that immediately went into her item box, she pulled out her watch. 

“Hmm, it’s 3:45 now…I finished earlier than I expected” she muttered to herself as she took out a skewer and ate it 

“What should I do…ah!” 

Amelia’s mind clicked and she pulled out a large leather sack filled with monster crystals from her item box. 

“Might as well deposit these for more cash” she said to herself as she made her way towards the adventurers guild in the town. 


The town of Shander had a large and busy Adventurers Guild set in the town square, a few minutes away from the marketplace. The guild was the biggest one in the northern region of the empire, bringing much activity to the town in the form of trade and adventurers seeking glory. And it’s thanks to the activity that the staff inside the guild are busy every single day, from taking finished requests to trading monster crystals for currency. 

SIGH…I swear Amari, being this busy every day is one way to live a short life” The harpy receptionist said as she finished her shift, 

“Ha! You said it Yleta, being stationed here by the guild is a death sentence with how busy it is every day” Amari, the wolf beastkin with grey fur responded as she was getting ready for her shift. 

“Your the lucky one Amari, your shift has to deal with fewer people than what I had earlier!” Yleta remarked with a pout

“And that’s why I am the lucky one” Amari replied with a mischievous smile 

Yleta and Amari were newly stationed guild members who came from the south, both were experienced receptionists from where they came from but even, the amount of work here was overwhelming. 

Heading to the backroom to change, Yleta sighed as she took off her coat, trying to take care not to destroy her crimson feathers and damage her coat as well. It had been two weeks ever since she arrived and since then it had been nonstop work from morning to afternoon, the only reasons she was still here was because of the high pay she gets from the job and her best friend Amari whom she had met during one of her work reassignments. 

“All because of a sighting of an SS-Class in the mountains, this job sometimes makes me want to go out and kill it myself so that people stop asking me about it” Yleta said to herself as she changed back into a casual set of clothes, 

Exiting the backroom, she saw that the lobby of the building had fewer people in it than earlier, the line of people waiting to take and make requests had shrunk from stretching to the entrance doors of the place to now just half, shifting her gaze over to the cafeteria area, she saw that it was also all full. Many different people of different races filled the tables and stands, all of them either wearing some form of armor or robe that had a magical property cast on it. 

“Alright, time to head back to the inn” she muttered and began walking towards the entrance doors that also acted as an exit, she waved at Amari 




“What the-!” Yleta remarked as she jumped back from the body that crashed through the doors, 

Yleta walked over and saw that the body was that of an adventurer, he had a large scar on the right side of his face and he was bleeding from the nose, his face was bloodied and blue, with a black eye where his left eye used to be, despite his face being mostly beaten she recognized him as an A-Rank from yesterday who had come for the SS-Class elimination request. She then looked down and saw that the body was beaten, bruised, and bloodied, his heavy plate armor being cracked and shattered in several places on the torso and the limbs, he was moaning and was still clearly conscious as he locked his last good eye with Yleta and she could see fear in it. Everyone in the building stopped what they were doing and turned their attention towards the body on the floor and the twin doors that were now flung wide open

“So, had enough yet?” a female voice sounded from outside, 

“Hieee! Yes! Yes! I’m sorry!” the man said as he raised his head and locked eyes with the person outside 

Yleta also shifted her gaze outside and saw a blonde girl standing in the middle of a group of similarly beaten and bloodied adventurers, all of them were groaning in pain as they lay at the mercy of the girl who towered over them. The girl herself showed no signs of injury nor did her outfit show any signs of recent damage. She had a reddish water ball in her hand that she tossed back and forth which Yleta presumed was being used to soak up the blood. 

The girl then began walking towards them and the aura she was emitting made Yleta step away from the man and made her dash to the receptionist's desk, standing next to Amari who was confused by what was happening. 

“Yleta use your <Appraisal> skill!” Amari whispered to her 

“R-right!” Yleta answered as she did so 


Name: Amelia Rothild  

Race: Human












Quickly finishing the message she received, Yleta immediately stopped using her <Appraisal> skill, and a terrified expression filled her face, Amari turned to her and saw the expression, using her own <Appraisal> and immediately having the same expression as her friend. 

Yleta shifted her gaze and saw that many of the adventurers in the cafeteria area had the same reaction she did, all of their faces either had disbelief or outright terror on their faces as they all saw the same thing she did. A tag that was on an adventurer who had downed the SS-Class monster named “Leviathan” solo a few years prior, a monster that even the top adventurers at that time were even struggling to dent, the tag on an adventurer who was said to be ruthless when it came to fighting anyone or anything that wronged them or got in their way. The tag that many adventurers or guild staff would hope to never meet based on the stories, the tag of the LEVIATHAN PRINCESS. 


Rewinding to a few moments ago, 

Amelia made it to the town square and saw the adventurer’s guild building. It was four stories tall with lots of windows and a large wooden sign, up front and on a mantle above the entrance that said “Adventurer’s Guild. Northern Hillsbrooke Headquarters” 

She looked around and saw that the square was still busy, there were a few stalls that were selling arms and wears, while some were selling food to the adventurers to snack on as they exited the building. During her shopping earlier, she saw that many adventurers exited the guild to go on requests and only a few would come back. Thus in her mind making this the perfect time to enter without many people seeing her or noticing her, or at least that was the plan. 

“Hey there cutie! Are ya lost?” a light haughty voice called out to her, 

Amelia’s face quickly formed an irritated expression and a small wave of killing intent filled the square, spooking everyone for a moment before she quickly reeled in her emotions and gritted her teeth, 

‘Don’t stand out that much. Remember what Ophelia taught you’ she thought to herself as she put on a fake smile and looked to where she was being called from, 

She saw a party of five adventurers, all of them were guys, a pair of them were wearing leather armor and had swords and daggers holstered on their hips, another pair were wearing robes and holding staffs while the person Amelia assumed was the leader was standing front and center in full azure colored plate armor. The leader of the group was the one waving at her, he had a cocky smile on his face and she saw that the rest of the group behind him did too. 

“Umm, no I am not. I know where I am” Amelia replied

“No no I think your lost” the leader replied as he walked closer to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, playing with a strand of her hair that was hanging near her left cheek. 

“Why don’t me and my boys show you around town, you’ll have a chance to have a good time if you stick with us. I assure you” he added as a disgusting grin flashed on his face. 

“Umm, no I am fine on my own so if you would excuse me-” Amelia replied as she tried to turn around and leave, but felt the hand on her shoulder tighten 

“That wasn’t a request bitch” the man declared as Amelia looked back and saw anger in his eyes. 

“Cute women like you should know their place when guys like me have to fight monsters to keep you safe” he added as he tightened his grip  

“Please let go” Amelia calmly asked as she lowered her head, quietly erecting a barrier that isolated noise and pressure around the square. 

“Hmph, you still don’t understand, do you?! You don’t have a choice, now come with me or else you will regret it! Wait what?” the man said as he tried to pull Amelia along, but found out that she wouldn’t budge.

“Hey! What's the holdup?” one of the adventurers wearing a robe shouted

The man looked back at his group then he looked around and saw that some of the stall owners and other adventures were looking at him, a scowl appeared on his face as he looked back at his group and motioned for them to come, 

“Hey! you better listen now or-” 



Before being able to finish his sentence, he felt a hard object hitting him dead straight on the nose, sending immense amounts of pain into his skull. Grabbing his face as he staggered back into a stall. 

“What the?” said one in the group approaching Amelia, all of them stopping dead in their tracks as they were all stunned as to what happened to their comrade 

Everyone in the square turned their eyes towards the scene, some of them were getting ready to back up what seemed to be a lone maiden against a full party of adventurers, one of them stepped forward and began walking towards her, with some stall owners and adventurers following behind, but they suddenly stopped when they felt the entire square fill with killing intent that was so intense that it made several of them cough up blood. All eyes shifted to the group of men but all of them saw that they too had felt the pressure, which meant that the only person who was possibly giving it off was the maiden. 

[LEAVE. OR YOU WILL JOIN IN THEIR JUDGMENT] A voice rang in their heads which everyone immediately knew was the maiden's, some of the adventurers tried to read the status of the girl and were met with this 

Name: Amelia Rothild  

Race: Human












Some of the adventures let out a small gasp with a frightened expression as they saw the status mention the tag LEVIATHAN PRINCESS, some even instinctively backed away a few feet for their own safety, which prompted others to do the same. Everyone noticed that the group of adventurers who started all of this and their leader had no discernable reaction to hearing something in their heads, which meant that they did not receive the same thing everyone else did.  This made everyone in the square beside the group and the leader who was recovering, quickly vacate the area, causing curious looks on the said group as they saw what was happening. 

“Huh…you got me good bitch. But you're dead now…BOYS! GET HER!” the leader shouted as he got back to his feet, wiping off the blood coming down from his nose, 

Without hesitation in their eyes, all four of the adventurers answered their leader's call, the pair wearing leather armor dashing forward, unsheathing their respective daggers and rapier, while the ones wearing robes began chanting incantations and spells that caused their staves to light up. The leader himself joined in the fray, unsheathing the large buster greatsword he had holstered, anger and a cocky glint in his eye as he used the skill <Instant Dash> to close in fast. 





“Hah..hah..hah..shouldn’t have messed with us?” the leader’s haughty words ended in confusion as the ground where the girl was standing had been cracked but had no sign of her, 

‘Impossible, no one could escape my blow…unless’ quickly glancing at his group, he saw that all of them were on the ground. 

Standing above all of them, her hands bloodied and his adventurer's group beaten within inches of their lives was the maiden. The sight of his friends having bloodied and beaten faces caused anger to swell up in the man as he charged forward, his buster sword overhead as he used <Instant Dash> again to get in close, 

But as he did, the maiden disappeared in the blink of an eye, only to reappear at arms length away, her right arm cocked and ready to fire 

“You should have just left me alone” Amelia declared, her voice cold and angry




Amelia then let out a flurry of punches that smashed the armor of the man in several places, from his limb joints to the collar of the armor, and even his face. Each blow however penetrated deeper than just the armor, even sending out a few kicks that shattered the plates below the torso and his legs, pulverizing the protected bones underneath, short of making them explode with just the force she used alone, causing an unimaginable amount of pain to the adventurer. 

The man was now down on his knees, his face was bleeding from the nose and his left eye now was a massive black eye, his heavy-duty plate armor that could shrug off monster attacks was shattered in so many places that only small bits were hanging on to try and stick together. Struggling to breathe as Amelia walked closer and closer, each step causing his sense to fire off erratically, telling him to try and at least run away. He looked up and saw that the girl had a murderous aura around her, and her expression was that of disgust and contempt toward him. Grabbing him by what was left of his armored collar and hoisting him up,

“You were right, you did show me a good time, I was able to vent some of my anger” Amelia said as she looked down at the broken man, seeing him shaking and shuddering at her words. She then cocked her left arm again, infusing a small amount of magic into the tight fist she made

“W-wait no ple-”





Without even letting him finish, she unleashed her fist and stuck him dead center, cracking the armor into millions of metal shards, sending him flying and crashing through the doors of the guild, turning around and seeing the gazes of the adventures and stall owners, she shrugged them off as she used earth magic to move the group she beat up to her feet. And looking back towards the man she just blew away, 

 “So, had enough yet?”


A/N; Sorry for the late post, school works has been piling so I had to put this off for a while, but happy with how it turned out. hope you enjoy reading this and if you have any comments you can post them below. thanks for reading! 

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