Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

Chapter 16: A Stormy Night


As Amelia, Sharon, and her siblings along with the adventurers entered the adventurers guild in Shander after her training session, with all of them no longer wearing any armor but instead plain clothing, the cloudy skies above the town further darkened and began pouring down rain, the rain was so hard that a mist had covered the streets, with people unable to see more than two feet in front of them. The torrent forced all of the stalls on the streets to close up and people walking about the town were more cautious as they could bump into other people. 

Inside the adventurers guild. Many adventurers and townsfolk were relaxing on the seats and couches that were scattered about the lobby and the cafeteria. Amelia turned to the adventurers  who had accompanied them and took out several leather pouches filled with money, 

“Here. thanks for helping us out, there’s about three thousand in silver coins split between the eight of you. I hope you enjoy them” She told them as she handed each of them a pouch

“Thank you very much, until next time” The lizardman adventurer told her as he and the rest of the eight adventurers bowed their heads, turning to the door and bringing out several raincoats, before putting them on and disappearing into the torrent outside. 

“So, what will we do now?” Sharon asked as she turned to Amelia 

“Well, considering it is now 5:30 in the afternoon, we will be getting a move on” Amelia answered as she pulled out a pocket watch 

“How are we going to get there in thirty minutes though? I know you can’t use any type of teleportation magic” Sharon asked as the four of them sat in a corner of the guild’s lobby. 

“Big Sis, carry me please?” Yulen asked his big sister, stretching his arms up

“Unn me too”  Yulan added, doing the same action as her twin

A smile graced Sharon’s lips as she picked up both of her younger siblings and placed them on her lap as they all sat down, the twins leaning back and resting on their big sister's chest. Smiles on their faces as they looked up at her and saw her smiling down on them. 

“Well, you are right. I can’t use any teleportation magic, not yet at least” 


“What do you mean not yet at least” Sharon asked as shifted her gaze to her best friend

“Well, I do know how to use teleportation magic” Amelia let out a wry smile 

“What!” Sharon’s eyes widened 

“But, but I can’t use it…not yet” 

“What do you mean not yet!? Are you telling me that-” But before Sharon could finish her words, realization dawned on her, her anger subsiding and replaced with understanding 

“It’s because of them isn’t it?” She asked as she shifted her gaze back to her siblings and stroked their heads 

“Yes. if they know I can use teleportation magic it is going to complicate things. But I do have a way for us to get to your estate, the man running this guild is an acquaintance of mine. And he has a skill that allows him to teleport objects or people without magic to certain places, as long as he was there before or if you give him a clear picture of where you want to go” Amelia answered her as she interlocked her hands, 

“I see, well. Let’s go meet him then” Sharon told her as she looked back at her, with Amelia nodding in response

“Alright, just wait here”

Walking up to the front desk of the guild, Amelia saw the same two receptionists from last time, a harpy and a wolf beastkin 

“Hi there! Is Guild Master Killian in?” She asked the pair as she leaned forward 

“Yes, he is, are you here to schedule an appointment?” Yleta the harpy receptionist asked as she brought up a book and pen 

“Oh, no we are not. Just tell him that the Leviathan Princess is here to cash in one of her favors” Amelia answered her with a smile 

“Alright…would you like that in writing? I cannot enter his office at the moment since he is meeting with some of the other higher-ups” Yleta replied

“Writing is all right, I know that guilds have a tube system that delivers letters all over the place” 

“Alright. Thank you, would you mind putting your signature here to confirm the letter” Yleta told her as she finished scribbling down the note and putting it forward, handing over her pen 

“Right. Will do” Amelia answered as she did what was asked, scribbling on her signature and then handing back the paper  

“Thank you” Yleta nodded as she looked down at the receptionist's desk and opened up a tube and placed the letter inside it. 


The letter then shot up and went through the tube system in the walls, making its way into Killian's office with the entire journey lasting only a few seconds 

“And now we wait. Thank you” Amelia told Yleta as she sat back down with Sharon and her siblings

“Anytime” Yleta nodded as she went about with the rest of her duties


A few minutes before the tube arrived inside his office, Killian was in the middle of an argument with a man and a lamia who had come down from the main guild office in the capital. 

“As I said, I know nothing of what is happening to the resources of the guild! If I did I would have been the first to know! So go back to the capital Malfas you are nothing but a snobby, stuck-up, child who got his position thanks to Daddy dearest in the wizard tower! You fucking golden spoonfed child!” Killian shouted as he rose from his seat 

“Fuck you Killian! A lot of my agents are telling me that you have something to do with a lot of our funding and resources disappearing! Hell! They can’t even find out where they have gone! And I’ll have you know I obtained my position through my skills! My father and my family's achievements have nothing to do with it!” the man named Malfas responded his face red and his voice on the lighter side of masculinity.  

He was dressed in a dark beige suit and slacks, his build was quite fit and he had a pair of glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. Said nose was part of a very well-defined face that could make most women swoon after a wink, with a splendid jawline and short but well kept spiky brown hair and a pair of brown eyes that finished off his looks. He had a pair of white gloves and an ornate golden watch that had been imbued with magic, his brown loafers finishing off the set of clothes he wore. 

“Bullshit! Unlike the rest of the members of the guild board, you were lucky enough to gain the position after your dad gave guild elder Mishal enough money to “retire” after you and your family forced him to!” Killian added as he walked over to Malfas and looked him dead in the eyes. 

“You have no proof of that accusation!” Malfas retorted as he looked down on the guild master of Shander 

“And don’t tell me that “your agents” say it's related to me somehow, I know for a fucking fact you pulled this shit on the rest of the guild elders, and they all told me the same thing. We believe it is you who has something to do with the missing resources and cash!” Killian fired back as he aggressively poked Malfas in his chest. 

“Guild Master Killian, Master Malfas,  I must ask both of you to calm down and sit. Don’t you both forget I am here to” The lamia finally spoke up and slithered between the two men, her black and brown scale pattern highlighted by the black and white suit she was wearing. Her glasses rested on her beautiful face which had long and elegant black hair.

“Ahem..right. Right, of course. My apologies Master Linora” Killian replied as he heaved a sigh and walked back to his seat. 

“Yes, Miss Linora” Malfas replied through gritted teeth as he sat down as well

“Excuse me what was that Malfas?” Linora asked with a raised eyebrow, looking down at the disgruntled man

“Sorry, I meant, Master Linora” 


“Now, Guild Master Killian, while the Imperial Investigation Bureau has no concrete evidence. We have been noticing a lot of traffic that has been recorded between the guilds and several businesses tied to the Duchy of Erstad. Which I recall is now a zone that is self-autonomous if I am not mistaken” Linora spoke as she slithered forward, resting her hands on Killian’s desk, her eyes staring him down

“Right. About that, recently, Emperor Gaius gave personally visited us a few months ago. He gave us an imperial edict stating that we are to help the government by sending funds and resources to the people who are currently living there until His Majesty can elect a noble to govern the area” 

“Bullshit, why wasn’t I told about this edict” Malfas said as he rolled his eyes, not trusting anything said. 

“If what you are saying is true Guild Master Killian, I would love to see proof of this edict since I do not recall the bureau being informed of such a thing. Otherwise what Master Malfas said is true, that it’s nothing but bullshit” Linora proceeded 

“I understand that, and I do have a written verification of the verdict, but why His Majesty failed to inform the bureau is beyond me, also, Malfas. you would keep complaining about it and we would get nowhere.” Killian responded as he opened one of his desk drawers, picking through the amalgamation of papers and folders, finally latching onto a golden-colored folder tied with a red ribbon and stamped with the Emperor's seal stamped on. 

“Here you go, proof” Killian added as he handed it over to Linora 

“Thank you, I will just check this over-”

“You can’t seriously believe this” Malfas interrupted them 

“Are you telling me how to do my job Master Malfas” Linora replied as she looked back at the disgruntled man, her gaze piercing into his soul and sending a shiver down his spine

Malfas quickly shook his head and turned away. Linora then slithered back to her suitcase which was on the couch and opened it, taking out a large crystal and a red ledger, opening the ledger she looked at the seal that was stamped on the document, checking if it matched known versions in use by Emperor Gaius, then scanning the seal through the crystal, with the crystal flashing green. Confirming its authenticity. 

“Hmm. seems like it truly is something His Majesty had issued this” Linora answered as she handed the paper back to Killian

“The other guild elders, aside from Malfas have this Master Linora” Killian told her

“Why!? Why wasn’t I given one?!” Malfas asked as he stood back up

“Indeed, if all of the other elders received one, why not Mister Malfas” 

“Because I and the rest of the elders believed that telling him would lead to him protesting about something like this, given his track record of relentlessly pushing those under him to overexertion, and the fact that the last time he had handled the transferring and supplying of funds and resources, he was caught giving them to nobles who had been paying him top dollar” 

“Then why haven’t you fired him?” 

“That is something I myself do not know, but I have several speculations since to fire an elder means to have more than four members voting yes, and every time we only have me to vote him out, which really beckons the question of why do the rest of my peers insist on your stay unless of course you threatened them but I will not let loose my speculations here.” Killian answered her as he glanced at Malfas who was by this point fuming so hard that Killian believes a bit more insulting and he would be letting out steam. 



At that moment, the tube inside Killian's office sounded as a paper arrived in the tube system. 

“What is that?” Linora asked as she looked at the tube 

“Something from the front desk. If they sent it up there, it must be urgent” Killian answered her as he walked over and opened it. Briefly reading the content inside it. 

“Hmm. I see, Seems that something important has propped up in the lobby. If you would, please wait here as I go deal with it” Killian told them as he faced back towards the two individuals. 

Malfas was about to yell something out but Linora shot him a look before returning her gaze to Killian,

“Of course, if it is urgent. Then I am quite capable of waiting” Linora answered back

“Make it quick Killian, you are wasting my precious time here” Malfas bit back as he shooed him away. 

“Right. Excuse me then” 


Rushing down the stairs as he exited his office, Killian scanned the guild, looking frantically past the sea of people standing and sitting on the sides, finally seeing his target as he rapidly approached the four people sitting on a couch. 

“Amelia!” Killian shouted as he walked past other busy and conversing adventurers

“Ah! You're finally here Guild Master Killian” Amelia replied as she gestured the other three to stand up, 

“What is it that you need? And make it quick, Malfas and a lamia from the Imperial Investigation Bureau are currently grilling me and trying to find out what’s been happening to the resources and funding we have been sending to your home” 

“Oh? I see, will follow up on that later. For now, I need you to teleport us back to the Halfriva Duchy” 

“The Halfriva Duchy? Why?” Killian asked with his arms crossed

“It’s a personal matter that involves someone helping my plan” Amelia answered him

“I see” he then glanced at Sharon who was looking directly at him and was carrying her two siblings in each arm. 

“I understand. At least I believe I do. But I can only send you to the Adventurers guild in the duchy, if you plan on going anywhere else there. It is your problem then” he told Amelia 

“I understand. And don’t worry, I have a plan” 

“Please, just get us as close as you can Guild Master” Sharon told Killian, a look of desperation in her eyes

“Alright. Stand still all of you, wait. Let's move to a backroom” 

Following Killian to the rooms behind the reception area, the five of them were now standing inside a storage room 

“Alright. Everyone, stand still and stay calm” Killian told them as he closed his eyes and envisioned the adventurers guild inside the Halfriva Duchy, picturing the empty resting space near the guild building. 

“Alright. If there is anyone there in the guild who questions why you are there, that is entirely your problem” he repeated as he held out his hands. 

“Thanks again Killian, that’s one less favor” 

“It better be” 



In a brief and bright flash of light, the four of them disappeared from the room, leaving Killian alone,

“Good luck to you four” he muttered as he then quickly made his way back upstairs, leaving the room behind. 


Back in the Halfriva family estate, the rain was also coming down hard. But Kier did not mind as he simply used his wings to provide him shelter, spending his time just reading a book from his village and lounging on a chair that he propped up inside the destroyed garden, a garden he destroyed in his free time in the earlier hours. The fire from the house earlier had now subsided as the pouring rain smothered the flames. As he was lounging about, someone was watching him from the shadows at the far corner of the garden, hidden in the mist and the darkness of the night was Gilly, the assassin that had previously tried to kill Sharon and her mother, now their loyal servant after they had rescued her family. 

Gilly watched from the shadows as Kier simply continued to sit and wait, not showing a care in the world, 

“Weird, he has been like that for a while now. Maybe he got bored?” Gilly muttered to herself as she snuck away and out of the garden, making her way back to the stables. 

At the stables, the remaining staff who chose to stay were still being tended to. Pyotr and Ilena, having been patched up and bandaged, were gathered around a lamp with the others as the torrential rain had forced all of them to stay inside. A few of the knights however were patrolling the grounds near the stables, not venturing near the manor however, as they were ordered to so that they could keep their lives. 

Gilly soon arrived back in the stables, removing the cloths covering her face and lowering her hood. 

“So what’s new?” Ilena asked as she rose to her feet 

“No new movement yet. He is just sitting there in the rain, using his wings to cover him” 

“Really? Then that is good news for us” Pyotr remarked as he looked up at Gilly 

“Any news about our children and Amelia?” Ilena asked as she turned to Brutus who was half covered in bandages for his burns and wounds. 

“Nothing yet my lady. But-”



But before Brutus could say anything else, the sounds of a horse galloping towards them and stopping outside, filled the air. The sounds made everyone inside look out and to Ilena and Pyotr’s delight it was two horses with a pair riding on each. 

Stepping off the horses, with each of them wearing a raincoat were Amelia, Sharon, and her two siblings. The sight of their children returning safe and sound filled Ilena and Pyotr with glee as they rushed outside into the pouring rain, 

“Mother! Father!” Sharon cried as she hugged her parents 

“Mama! Papa!” The twins also cried out as they too hugged their parents. 

The five of them were now in one giant hug, despite the rain coming down, Pyotr and Ilena did not mind, as to them, their most important reason to continue on in this life has returned to them safe and sound, and they were damned if they were going to let a little rain get in the way of them. 

“So where is he?” Sharon asked as she pulled away from the hug, looking at her parents with a serious expression

“He is still in the manor, in the garden specifically” Pyotr answered her

“Good. Good” Sharon remarked as she removed her coat. Bringing out her halberds from her item box. 

“Are you sure you’re ready?” Ilena asked her as she took the twins into her arms, 

“Yes. yes, I am” Sharon answered with an unwavering sense of confidence and a straightforward gaze. 

“Then give him hell Sharon. Show no mercy” Pyotr added as he placed his hands on her shoulders.

“I will. see you all in a bit”

"Show him your power Big Sis!" Yulen cried 

"Yeah! show him!" Yulan added

"I will"


“Aghhh! This is so boring! Where the hell is she!?” Kier growled as he rolled his eyes and unfurled his wings, the rain had stopped for some time. 

“Right here you overgrown lizard” Sharon’s voice answered him


‘What the…how did I fail to notice her??’

‘No matter. I will finally avenge my humiliation’ he thought as he rose from his seat

“Well, well, well. Sharon “the Bitch” Halfriva, you have finally come” he remarked as he turned to face her, sky clearing off the clouds and allowing a bright full moon to enlighten the entire area. 

“To think you would be so petty about me beating you in the academy that you would hold a grudge like this. You will pay for what you did to my family you petty little shit” Sharon told him as she entered a ready stance 

“You reap what you sow whore, also, where’s Amelia?” Kier asked as he hardened his limbs by activating their dragon scales 

“I’ll answer that question when you pry it from my last dying breath” Sharon answered him

“Tsk, shame really, I was hoping she was here that way I can propose my love to her after I rip your heart out and show her your weakness!” 

“Just try it, you pompous piece of dragon shit” 







As the last insult registered, Kier angrily let out a growl as he dashed forward, a smile on his face as he unleashed his two claw strikes, but instead of landing squarely on Sharon, his eyes widened and expression twisted as he saw that his attack had struck a now visible spherical barrier that encompassed Sharon as a whole, and whose inhabitant was smirking at him.

“What?!” He cried in confusion as he tried to retract his claws from the barrier

“Heh. You will have to try better than that, HUP!” 






With one clean and fast swing of her halberds, Sharon struck down his two horns, both of them falling to the ground and allowing blood to drip down Kier’s face. After a few seconds, the pain registered and he staggered back and clutched his horns as the pain was shooting throughout his body. 

“You bitch! You’ll pay for that!” he roared as he recomposed himself, wincing a bit

“Then show me what you got” Sharon replied as her helmet and neck guard activated, flourishing her halberds









As both of them charged at one another, Kier tried again and again to claw at her, even hardening the claws to the max, he even used his tail as he tried to pierce the barrier to no avail, each attempt was foiled again, and again, and again and again. Sharon replied with a flurry of swings as she landed hit after hit upon Kier’s hardened scales after each of his failed attacks, the halberd’s blades taking massive chunks of the scales out with each swipe, and with each chunk removed Kier roared in pain. She then followed up with a shoulder bash that sent Kier tumbling to the ground, and as he looked up, he saw a glint emanating from Sharon’s closed helmet. And as he looked at the glint, he could only feel one emotion in the back of his mind that came from the glint; Anger. 

“You made a mistake coming here Kier” Sharon stated as she flourished her halberds again, wiping off scales and blood that stuck to them

“What do you mean by that gghh” Kier replied as he slowly regenerated from his wounds, standing back up with a cocky smirk, but wincing at the pain 

“You messed with family, killed the people who were under us, and burnt my house down. And for that, you will pay” Sharon continued 

“Oh yeah? And what will I pay it with?” Kier asked as he readied himself again

“Your life” Sharon coldly replied as she dashed head-on at him.


A/N: Hello! and here we go! Kier vs Sharon, the Paladin vs the Dragonkin, the petty guy who has a crush on the girl who does not reciprocate vs her best friend! who do you think wins? also, just a small spoiler, its not a one sided least for a while, anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter, had fun making it and oh me oh my, is that Killian back again to help? what does the Imperial Investigation Bureau want with him?? is that lamia Linora helping Malfas?? all that and more, somewhere down the line! thanks for reading and I hope you stay safe and thanks for enjoying! 

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